词条 | esec |
释义 | § 概述 ESEC=educational services exchange with China ★美中教育服务机构(简称ESEC) 于1981年由一些心系祖国的华侨和海外学子,本着基督教的博爱理念和基督教精神,在南加州成立了由余国良博士为总裁的美中教育服务机构。在余国良博士的大力倡导下,ESEC得到长足发展,由发展之初的2个项目发展到目前的40多个项目。 Educational Services Exchange With China, Inc. (ESEC) was organized in 1981 in Southern California by a group of Chinese-Americans with a commitment to international development based on Christian humanitarian principles. Under the leadership of Dr. Danny Yu, the founding president of ESEC, the organization has grown from two programs in 1981 to more than forty programs. § 简介 ★ESEC的理念与特色 二十年以前,一群生活在美国南加州而心系祖国的华侨和海外学子,出于对祖国教育事业的深切关心,也为祖国改革开放的远景所鼓舞,由余国良博士和彭永宁博士首先倡导,在美国洛杉矶创办了一家专门从事中美民间教育交流与服务的非盈利性机构,这就是美中教育服务机构(ESEC)。 美中教育服务机构(ESEC)从创办之初起就得到了多方面人士的关心和支持。在美国方面有许多关心中国发展的友人鼓励和支持机构的事业,在人力、经济、资料等各个方面提供宝贵的资助。在中国方面,我们一直得到中国政府和很多大学机构的关心和帮助,大量国内单位的合作和参与使我们的服务得以不断地扩展和延伸。迄今为止我们已经和国内近两百所单位共同在英语培训、医疗教育、高等教育评估、残疾人服务和特殊教育等领域成功举办过合作项目。 美中教育服务机构(ESEC)工作的二十年,是我们见证中国改革开放和社会进步的二十年,也是中美两国人民间友好交往不断发展,并且结出硕果的二十年。机构的全体同仁为能够投入这一伟大的历史洪流作一些微小贡献感到欣慰,也感谢国内外所有关心我们工作的人士多年以来的支持和鼓励。美中教育服务机构(ESEC)将服务中国社会,增进中美两国人民友谊作为自己的最根本的宗旨。由这一宗旨出发,美中教育服务机构(ESEC)始终保有,并不断发展着下面五方面的特点: 首先,机构始终都是由一些乐意看到中国现代化,关心中美两国人民友谊的美籍人士(很多是美籍华人)所热心支持的。我们的支持者普遍有着对中国友好,希望中国健康发展的美好心态。在以往的二十年中,这些朋友一直在为机构的工作提供必须的经济和舆论支持。 其次,我们以互相尊重为机构在中国开展活动的基本原则。美中教育服务机构(ESEC)本着基督教的博爱理念和“非以役人,乃役于人”的基督教精神开展工作。我们始终提醒自己美中教育服务机构(ESEC)工作的宗旨是合作与服务。在与国内机构合作的过程中,我们愿意以“服务者”的形象出现,并注意对国内合作单位的习惯、兴趣和思维方式予以充分尊重。合作关系总是平等的。我们努力在彼此尊重的基础上与国内单位建立互相信任的工作伙伴关系。 再次,我们为国内合作项目派遣美方工作人员时非常注意团队精神,力图派出最佳组合的团队以提供优质的服务。我们认识到工作效果是否理想更多地取决于参与工作的人员是否能很好地彼此协调,以及与其他人合作。单独的个人无论本身多么优秀,所能做的总是有限的。所以我们在选派人员来中国服务时基本上不派遣个人,也不一定考虑所派人员本身是否一定最佳,但一定会送来最好的团队,他们必须能够和国内单位很好地合作。我们在选派人员来中国以前为他们举办强化培训,提供跨文化训练,实现队伍配套。由于美中教育服务机构(ESEC)一直强调团队的理念,我们选派的人员一般总能不负众望地达到预期目标。 另外,我们在中国推广了融会中西文化特点的教学方法。单单以语言教学为例,我们不但积极引进国外先进的外语教学法,同时也努力结合中国课堂教学的习惯和特点,反复探索能够针对中国学生产生较好效果的实用方法。我们对教育中的“跨文化”方面始终保持着适当的敏感,较多地考虑文化差异的因素对教学效果的影响,并努力从此出发对我们的教学项目作出改进。这样也帮助人们与合作单位保持良好的关系。 最后,我们在举办项目时惯用发展模式在先,规模推广在后的系统化和“规模复制”的方法,大大地提高了利用资源的效率,取得了事半功倍的效果。说得更具体些,就是在开始每一新项目时投入较多的资源发展出一套可行和经济的模式,然后以此为模本大规模地推广,将它运用到好几个,十几个,甚至几十个相似的项目中去,并且在推广的过程中也参考实践经验改进模式,使之更有效地发挥效用。二十年的实践证明了这套方法是“低成本,高产出”的好方法,能较好地适合中国的需要,也有效地利用了我们有限的资源。 ESEC Philosophy and Characteristics 【from ESEC's 20th Anniversary book】 Just as China opened her doors to the world, a group of Chinese-Americans living in Los Angeles founded Educational Services Exchange with China (ESEC) under the leadership of Dr. Danny Yu and Dr. Wing Pang. Serving the people of China through education and exchange was the calling of ESEC. They established a nonprofit organization and began operations as a non-government educational service in 1981. ESEC gathered attention and support from people in many walks of life. These people gave selflessly of their time, money, and services. In China, ESEC was welcomed by the government and the institutes of higher education. A mutual commitment of cooperation has allowed ESEC to expand its programs; ESEC offers English language learning programs, contemporary teaching methodology, international trade and commerce, medical education, higher education evaluation, service to the disabled, and special education. To date, this effort has involved more than 200 Chinese institutions. The 20 years that ESEC has served in China marks two historical decades of rapid progress and reform for Chinese society. It is in this setting that ESEC discovered its purpose and defined the incumbent challenges ahead. ESEC appreciates the opportunity to be a participant in the metamorphosis of Chinese society, and is especially grateful for the many friends who have joined us in this pilgrimage. The fundamental philosophy of ESEC is to promote genuine friendship between the people of China and the people of the United States. In this philosophy, ESEC has embodied five distinct characteristics that set it's work apart. 1. ESEC was founded by Chinese-Americans who are interested in fostering a healthy relationship between the USA and China. An ever-expanding community has sustained ESEC and its work by providing economic and moral support. 2. The guiding tenet of ESEC's partnership is mutual respect. ESEC is founded on the concept of Christian humanitarian principles. Our creed is "to serve, rather than to be served." As partners we focus on understanding and appreciation for one another. Our cooperative relationship is one of equality. 3. ESEC does not send individual teachers: we send teaching teams. We do not emphasize individual performance. We mold our teachers as team members. With strengths that compliment and empower the whole, they can overcome personal limitations. Prior to leaving the States, we extensively train our teachers in teamwork and teaching methodology so the can function effectively overseas. 4. In the training of our teaching teams we also emphasize cross-cultural sensitivity. Equipping our teachers to work with their Chinese partners, we strive to integrate Western and Oriental approaches to education. We employ the latest teaching methodologies while giving close attention to the psychological and cultural habits of the students. As a bicultural organization, ESEC's goal is to overcome cultural boundaries and barriers while respecting he differences of the two cultures. 5. We seek continual growth. We average a new program every two years. We have employed an effective protocol for developing new programs - beginning with pilot testing, then establishing a model and finally duplication for the masses. After we perfect a curriculum design, we immediately seek to multiply the program to as many locations as possible, thereby reducing the cost per student trained. ESEC has been recognized for its ability to produce low cost and high quality education that achieves optimal results. |
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