

词条 伊万·巴甫洛夫

§ 人物简介


§ 生平成就

当时巴甫洛夫正在通过唾液腺研究狗的胃的功能,于是他收集、测量并分析在不同条件下狗对食物产生的反应—唾液。他注意到狗在食物送到嘴里之前就流涎,开始调查这种他所称为的"灵魂分泌液"。他断定这比唾液的化学成分更有趣,于是改变了研究方向,carrying out a long series of 实验in which he manipulated the stimuli occurring before the presentation of food. He thereby 建立basic laws for the establishment and extinction of what he called "条件反射" — i.e.,reflex responses, like salivation, that only occurred conditional upon specific previous experiences of 动物。这些实验在1890年代和1900年代通过翻译被介绍给西方科学家,但第一次出版完整的英文书籍是在1927年。

也许是不走运,巴甫洛夫的词汇"条件反射"被从俄语误译为"条件反射",其他科学家 reading his work concluded that since such reflexes were conditioned, they must be produced by a process called conditioning。当巴甫洛夫的工作被西方了解时,部分通过John B.华生的写作,"条件反射"的观念作为学习的一种自动化形式 成为一个关键概念 in the developing specialism of comparative心理学, and the general approach to心理学that underlay it, 行为主义。伯纳德·罗素 was an enthusiastic advocate of 巴甫洛夫的工作对 mind哲学的重要性。

不像许多革命前科学家,巴甫洛夫被苏联政府高度评价,能够继续从事研究直到 he was a considerable age. 巴甫洛夫自己不favorable towards 马克思主义, 但作为一名诺贝尔奖获得者 he was seen as a valuable 政治 asset, and as such lavishly funded。在Sergei基洛夫于1934年被谋杀后,他写了几封信给Vyacheslav 莫洛托夫批评 mass persecutions which followed and 要求 重新考虑他个人认识的几个人的案件。他在晚年 particularly interested in trying to use conditioning to 建立了一个实验模型 of the induction of neuroses. 他在圣彼得堡的实验室已经被完好保存。

通常大家相信巴甫洛夫 always signaled the occurrence of food by ringing a bell。However, his writings record the use of a wide variety of auditory stimuli, 包括whistles, metronomes, tuning forks and the bubbling of air through water, in addition to a range of visual stimuli。在1990年代,西方科学家来参观巴甫洛夫的实验室变得容易了,没有trace of 发现a bell。

巴甫洛夫 was a very dextrous operator who was compulsive about his working hours and habits. He would sit down to lunch at exactly 12 o'clock, he would go to bed at exactly 同时每晚, would always feed his dogs at exactly 同时每晚 and he would always 离开列宁格勒 for 爱沙尼亚 on vacation on the same day each year.这个行为or changed when 当他儿子维克多死于白军 — after which he suffered from insomnia. 





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