

词条 众神之王

§ 众神之王

英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):


Punished for assisting the Sentinel in their mortal struggle, Zeus was exiled by the Gods and stripped of much of his power. Even in his weakened form, his lightning attacks are nothing to trifle with. He has spells that damage both single and multiple units, making him a very specialized caster.

初始射程 (Base Range): 350   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time): 1.7

初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed): 290   |   初始防御 (Base Armor): 2.0

基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 智力 / Intelligence   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage): 41 - 49

初始力量值 (Base Strength): 19   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 15   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 20

力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 1.80   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 1.70   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 2.70


§ 技能简介

弧形闪电 (Arc Lightning) 【C】





Hurls a bolt of arcing energy that laces through many nearby enemy units.

一级 - 造成85点的伤害,跳跃5次。

二级 - 造成100点的伤害,跳跃7次。

三级 - 造成115点的伤害,跳跃9次。

四级 - 造成130点的伤害,跳跃15次。

Level 1 - Creates an arc of lightning that hits up to 5 enemy units, dealing 85 damage to each.

Level 2 - Creates an arc of lightning that hits up to 7 enemy units, dealing 100 damage to each.

Level 3 - Creates an arc of lightning that hits up to 9 enemy units, dealing 115 damage to each.

Level 4 - Creates an arc of lightning that hits up to 15 enemy units, dealing 130 damage to each.

雷击 (Lightning Bolt) 【G】





Summons a bolt of lightning from the heavens to strike a target enemy.

一级 - 造成100点的伤害。

二级 - 造成175点的伤害。

三级 - 造成275点的伤害。

四级 - 造成350点的伤害。

Level 1 - Summons a bolt of lightning from the heavens to strike an enemy for 100 damage.

Level 2 - Summons a bolt of lightning from the heavens to strike an enemy for 175 damage.

Level 3 - Summons a bolt of lightning from the heavens to strike an enemy for 275 damage.

Level 4 - Summons a bolt of lightning from the heavens to strike an enemy for 350 damage.

静电场 (Static Field) 【F】


§ 无视魔法免疫

Instantly shocks all nearby heros for a percentage of their current hit points as damage.

Affects an area of effect of 1000.

一级 - 减少5%当前生命值的生命。

二级 - 减少7%当前生命值的生命。

三级 - 减少9%当前生命值的生命。

四级 - 减少11%当前生命值的生命。

Level 1 - Shocks all heros within 1000 AOE for 5% of their current hit points.

Level 2 - Shocks all heros within 1000 AOE for 7% of their current hit points.

Level 3 - Shocks all heros within 1000 AOE for 9% of their current hit points.

Level 4 - Shocks all heros within 1000 AOE for 11% of their current hit points.

雷神之怒 (Thundergod's Wrath) 【W】




Strike down all enemy heroes with a bolt of lightning.

一级 - 造成210点(335点)的伤害。

二级 - 造成335点(460点)的伤害。

三级 - 造成460点(570点)的伤害。

Level 1 - Calls a bolt of lightning to damage all enemy heroes for 210 (335) damage.

Level 2 - Calls a bolt of lightning to damage all enemy heroes for 335 (460) damage.

Level 3 - Calls a bolt of lightning to damage all enemy heroes for 460 (570) damage.

§ 英雄攻略






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