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释义 | PINKI解释Pinki:品伊(Pin Yi) 【P】 patient 有耐心的;耐心真诚的对待客户; 【I】 imaginative 富于想像的、有创造力的;创意是品牌核心; 【N】 notion 概念,见解;团队独特的思维,新颖的视角; 【K】 knowledge 知识、学问、认识;重视品牌文化、企业文化的建设; 【I】 international 国际的、世界的;与国际接轨,带着中国创意品牌自豪感对话世界。 品牌介绍【PINKI品伊】:PINKI品伊创意机构--IAID全国最具影响力设计机构;中国十大最具潜力设计机构;深圳最佳室内设计公司;地产界最具合作价值设计机构;中国最佳住宅室内设计十强企业;中国最具价值的室内设计十强企业。董事长刘卫军先生。 品牌构架PINKI品伊(创意机构) 创意无限可能 PINKI美国IARI刘卫军设计师事务所 创意乃设计之本 PINKI知本家 创意生活资本家 PINKI知本家陈设网 全球陈设创意产业平台 PINKI私享部落 创意专属人文生活圈 品牌发展历程PINKI(品伊)创意机构,由刘卫军先生创立于2000年,并担任首席设计师、设计总监。专职为房地产开发商、酒店、商业投资商、别墅住宅、办公等提供室内设计及陈设设计服务。经历了近十年的发展,刘卫军先生与团队的共同努力和专业的服务质量及敬业精神,使得PINKI成为室内设计界的旗舰品牌,并成为中国建筑装饰协会会员单位,IAID全国最具影响力设计机构、地产界最具合作价值设计机构、全国最具潜力设计机构、深圳最佳设计公司。刘卫军先生个人更是获得国内外数项殊荣,在长期的建筑与室内空间的设计实践中,创造了佳绩,赢得了口碑! PINKI在肯定中不断发展的同时,更注重专业的创新与学习,并与国际知名设计公司长期进行友好学术交流,走国际化发展方向,如:WILSON、香港BLD、以及美国的ARQ、HBA公司等。正是这样的创新与学习精神,使PINKI设计作品多次荣获国内外数项大奖:2002年荣获APIDA国际亚太室内设计大赛冠军奖、2003年荣获APIDA“亚太室内设计大赛荣誉大奖”、2004年荣获全国商用空间设计大奖赛一等奖、2004年荣获中国、台湾、香港两岸三地室内设计大赛工程类二等奖、2007年荣获中国酒店设计大师大赛优胜奖、2007年荣获APIDA国际亚太室内设计大赛会所类银奖(中国区唯一)等,促使我们的团队成为具有专业性影响力的国际化设计机构。 PINKI以国际化的设计视角,在设计中考虑到空间的人文性、创造性、实用性,融合不同设计手法,针对不同项目定位和需求,做出不同的设计作品,项目亦遍及国内外,主要有:香港“九龙塘物业”豪宅、香港翡翠家具展示厅,澳大利亚“澳洲别墅18&20JUTALND PARADE DALKEITH”深圳波托菲诺纯水岸别墅、东部华侨城水疗别墅、东海花园、黄埔雅苑、万科十七英里别墅、澳城别墅、台山东方豪庭会所、福州世欧彼岸城售楼处会所、佛山怡景丽苑会所、长沙左岸春天售楼处、哈尔滨聚豪天下会所及销售中心、长沙普瑞国际温泉酒店(五星级)、通程同什湖国际俱乐部(五星级)汕尾美丽华大酒店(五星级)、重庆南方花园大酒店(五星级)、长沙普瑞国际阳光俱乐部、北京华润饭店碧丽宫KTV、广州时代广场潮港春鲍翅大酒楼、谭家食馆、公明影剧院、云南行署财政局办公大楼、青海省对外贸易国贸大厦办公楼等。 在客户的肯定及业界的认可下,PINKI正以精益求精的态度和热忱,以打造高端项目,创造更多更有价值作品,树立专业室内设计机构形象,引导设计潮流为目的,发展设计艺术,回报社会。在同心同行活动中因慰问并帮助贫困山区儿童,刘卫军先生个人被授予广东省梅州市五华县横陂镇人民政府文化教育发展顾问。 IAID the most influential design company in china One of china’s ten most potential design companies One of the best interior design companies in Shenzhen One of the best cooperation partners of real estate business China best residential design company 2008 top 10 China most valuable interior design company 2008 top 10 Pinki Interior Design Consultancy Ltd Company was found in 2000 by Danfu Liu, who is the chief designer and designing director. Pinki specializes in professional interior design and decoration service of all kinds of commercial and residential spaces, e.g. villas, hotels, clubs, and office building, etc. Pinky staffs work with enthusiasm and professionalism, providing its customers with high quality and satisfying service. In recent years, Pinki develops rapidly in the interior design industry. Pinki becomes the member of China Architecture and Design Association, IAID the most influential design company in China, one of China’s ten most potential design companies, one of the best interior design companies in Shenzhen, and one of the best cooperation partners of real estate business. What’s more, the chief designer of Pinki, Danfu, received a lot of awards given by authorities at home and aboard, for his distinctive talent and excellent performance in interior designing. Pinky attaches great importance to innovation and improvement. It has established a long term friendship and academic exchanges with other well-known international design corporations such as WILSOM, BLD (Hong Kong), ARQ (U.S.A), and HBA (U.S.A), etc. It is Pinky’s spirit of innovation and improvement that contributes to its rapid growth. In the year of 2002, Pinky won the Champion of Asia Pacific Interior Design Competition, later Asia Pacific Interior Design Competition Honor award in 2003, Prize for China Hotel Design Competition and the Second Prize (project) of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong Interior Design Competition in 2004. In 2007, Pinky won the Silver Prize for Club Design in the 15th Asia Pacific Interior Design Competition and the Fist Prize of National Commercial Space Design Competition. Pinky became a professional designer of influence and internationalization. Pinki’s design philosophy focuses on the scientific utilization of space and resource, the harmony of function and visual beauty, and art of humanism. Pinki gets to know and satisfies each customer’s specific requests by listening, by learning, by understanding, and by providing the best solution. There are a lot of successful typical cases, which range from luxurious villas, apartment buildings, high-class clubs, display halls, sales centers, five-star class hotels, recreation centers, restaurants, theater, to office buildings, etc. Pinki staffs work with enthusiasm and professionalism, aiming to develop high end market, to innovate, to set up a professional image in the field of interior design. At the same time, pinki supports development and welfare of society by setting up a charity called “My heart goes with you” to help children in the poor districts of China. Danfu was appointed as the education and culture consultant by the government of Hengpo town, Meizhou city, Guangdong province. 品牌文化PINKI品伊倡导"快乐生活,快乐设计",在关注自身发展的同时,更关注行业和社会的发展,为推动 社会的进步贡献一份力量; PINKI品伊的经营理念是“以心为,由心造”; PINKI品伊的使命是推动行业的发展; PINKI品伊的愿景是成为具有国际水准,品牌性的设计顾问机构; PINKI品伊的精神是责任意识、创新精神、团队协作。 Our campany advocates “happy life,happy design”,while paying attention to our own development, we pay more attention to the development of society to contribute to a progressive society. Our philosophy is “Do from the heart” Our mission is to promote the development of the industry Our vision is to become the brand of design consultant which has the international standards. Our spirit is the sense of responsibility, innovation and teamwork. 品牌荣誉2009年11月荣获中国室内空间环境艺术设计大赛二等奖 2009年10月刘卫军总监荣获“中国时代新闻人物”称号 2009年7月品伊创意机构荣获中国国际设计艺术博览会银奖 2009年7月中国国际设计艺术博览会审定刘卫军总监为“专家委员会委员” 2009年7月品伊创意机构荣获中国国际设计艺术博览会“2009最具影响力设计机构” 2009年刘卫军总监荣获“全国首批设计行业优秀人才模范”勋章 2009年刘卫军总监荣获“全国设计行业首席专家”称号 009年刘卫军总监荣获“中国设计行业特高级研究员” 2009年品伊创意机构荣获《现代装饰》杯深圳设计师卡丁车邀请赛“最具实力团队奖” 2009年6月刘卫军总监荣获搜狐焦点网“十大最具影响力牛博”荣誉称号 2009年1月荣获现代装饰国际传媒奖“年度样板空间大奖入围奖” 2009年荣获中国(上海)国际建筑及室内设计节 最佳色彩运用优秀奖 2008年PINKI(品伊)创意机构荣获中国最具价值的室内设计十强企业 2008年PINKI(品伊)创意机构荣获中国最佳住宅室内设计十强企业 2007年荣获中国室内设计年度十大封面人物 2007年荣获第十五届APIDA亚太室内设计大赛会所类银奖(中国区会所类唯一荣获的最高奖项) 2007年荣获中国酒店设计大师赛优胜奖 2007年论文《怎样平衡环保意识》荣获中国室内设计年度优秀论文奖 2007年荣获中国(上海)国际建筑及室内设计节中获最佳概念设计提名奖 2007年荣获第二届(博鳌)中国居家论坛“中国室内设计师风云人物”称号 2006年11月十四届国际亚太室内设计大赛入围奖 2006年10月中国室内设计大奖赛优秀奖及佳作奖 2006年9月全国最具观摩展示奖 2006年9月中国十佳住宅设计师 2006年9月全国最具潜力设计机构 2006年7月IDCFC2006城市荣誉杰出室内设计师 2006年荣获中国(上海)国际建筑及室内设计节最佳居住空间奖、最佳陈设奖、最佳办公空间提名 2005年荣膺IAID最具影响力设计机构 2005年荣膺中国室内设计20年推动大奖 2004年全国商用空间设计大奖赛一等奖 2004年中国,台湾,香港两岸三地室内设计大赛工程类二等奖 2004年荣获“中国室内设计大奖赛”三项大奖 2003年获得中国室内学会第三专业委员会颁发“2002年国内外室内设计大赛取得佳绩”表彰荣誉 2003年荣获“国际亚太室内设计荣誉大奖” 2002年荣获“华南地区室内设计大赛第一名及最佳创意奖” 2002年荣获“中国深圳龙华地产节室内设计大赛最佳创意奖” 2002年荣获国际“亚太室内设计冠军奖” 2000年参与荣获“中国最高设计工程鲁班奖”的中华世纪坛室内设计 1998年荣膺深圳市优秀青年岗位能手 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In November 2009, won the Second prize of China Interior Space Environmental Art Design Competition In October 2009, Danfu Liu won the Title of “China Times News” In July 2009, PINKI won the Silver Medal of International Design Art Fair In July 2009, Danfu Liu won the title of “Expert Commiss” approved by China International Art Fair In July 2009,PINKI won the title of “ The Most Influential Design Agencies” approved by China International Art Fair In 2009, Danfu Liu won the medal of “The First Batch of Model Design Industry Talents” In 2009, Danfu Liu won the title of “National Design Industry Chief Expert” In 2009, Danfu Liu won the title of “Special Senior Researcher of National Design Industry” In 2009, PINKI won “The Most Powerful Team Award” in “Modern Decoration” designer Karting Invitational Cup In 2009, Danfu Liu won the Title of “Ten of Most Influential Bullog” in Sohu In January 2009, PINKI won “Annual Model Space Finalist Award” in Modern Decoration International Media In 2009, PINKI won the title of “Excellent Award for Best Use of Color” in China (Shanghai) Internation Building and Interior Design Festival In 2008, PINKI won the China’s Top Ten Most Valuable Companies Interior Design In 2008, PINKI won China’s Top Ten Best Residential Interior Design Company In 2007, Danfu Liu won China’s Top Ten Cover of Interior Design In 2007, won the Silver Medal in the 15th Session of the Asia Pacific Interior Design Competition In 2007, won the Recognition Award in China Hotel Design In 2007, the paper “How to balance environmental awareness” written by Danfu Liu won the Outstanding Paper Award of China Interior Design In 2007,won the Best Concept Design Award in China(Shanghai) International Building and Interior Design Festival In 2007, won the title of “Man of the Chinese Interior Design” in the second China Home Forum In November 2006,won the Finalist Award in the 14th International Asia Pacific Interior Design Competition In October 2006, won the Excellence Award and Masterpiece Award in China Interior Design Competition In September 2006,won the National Award for best watch and display In September 2006, won the Top Ten Residential Design in China In September 2006, won the Most Potential for Design Agencies In July 2006, won the Outstanding Interior Designer IDCFC2006 In 2006, won the Best Residential Space Award, the Best Display Award, and the Best Office Space Nomination in China(Shanghai) International Building and Interior Design Festival In 2005, won IAID Most Influential Design Agencies In 2005, won the Promote Award in China Interior Design 20 Years In 2004, won the First Prize in the National Commercial Space Design Competition In 2004, won the Second Prize of Engineer in China,Taiwan and Hongkong’s Interior Design Competition In 2004, won the three awards in China Interior Design Competition In 2003, won the title of Excellent Performance in 2002 awarded by the Third Professional Committee of China Society In 2003, won the Honorary Award in the International Asia Pacific Interior Design In 2002, won the First and Best Creative Award in Interior Design Competiton of South China In 2002, won the Most Creative Award in Shenzhen Longhua Estate Interior Design Competition In 2002, won the First Prize of Asia Pacific Interior Design In 2000, won the title “The Luban of China’s Top Design Engineer” in the China Millennium Monument Interior Design In 1998, won the Outstanding Young Skilled Men 部分合作伙伴· 万科地产 · 华侨城集团 · 蓝光集团 · 招商地产 · 保利地产 · 金地集团 · 北京住总 · 泰华地产 · 中原地产 · 世联地产 · 置业国际 · 恒大地产 · 美丽集团 · 亿达集团 · 融侨集团 · 中庚集团 · 正荣集团 · 龙光地产 · 合正地产 · 尚格置业 · 盛德地产 · 兴进实业 · 百仕达地产 · 佳兆业集团 · 远洋城地产 · 大连软件园 · 深鸿基地产 · 上林苑投资 · 王家墩投资 · 深圳城建集团 · 深圳茂业集团 · 香港中旅集团 · 香港长江实业 · 昆明德亨地产 · 西安高新地产 · 金泓投资发展 · 国中星城置业 · 秦皇岛文物管理局 (排名不分先后) …… |
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