

词条 Original Drama of the ring

《Original Drama of the ring》是电影《指环王》的原始剧本。

(Bilbo runs around the hobbit hole, Gandalf backs into a the chandelier, then turns and bumps his head onto the beam. He rubs his forehead and walks into Bilbo's study. He looks at the papers on the desk, a map of The Lonely Mountain among them. Bilbo continues to talk to him about what there is to eat.)

Bilbo: I was expecting you sometime last week. Not that it matters/. You come and go as you please. Always have done and always will. You caught me a bit unprepared, I'm afraid. We've got cold chicken and a bit of pickle... there's some cheese here. Oh no it won't do. We've got raspberry jam, an apple tart... But not much for afters - Oh, no, we're all right. I've just found some sponge cake. (enters the study, looking for Gandalf, who has left) I could make you some eggs if you'd like- Oh. Gandalf?

(Gandalf peers into the study from the kitchen behind Bilbo.)

Gandalf: Just tea, thank you.

Bilbo: Oh, right. You don't mind if I eat, do you? (stuffing some food into his mouth)

Gandalf:(sitting down at the table) No, not at all.

(A sharp knock is heard on the door and a woman's voice is heard)

Lobelia:(v.o.) Bilbo! Bilbo Baggins!

(Bilbo throws himself towards the wall, choking on his food, in a desperate attempt to hide. Then he turns to Gandalf, whispering)

Bilbo: I'm not at home!

(He tiptoes over to the window in the study, taking a peek at who is outside.)

Bilbo: It's the Sackville-Bagginses.

Lobelia:(v.o.) I know you're in there!

Bilbo: They're after the house. (turning around and quietly entering the kitchen again, still whispering) They've never forgiven me for living this long.(goes over to the little round window in the kitchen and looks out) I've got to get away from these confounded relatives hanging on the bell all day. They never give me a moment's peace! I want to see mountains again. Mountains, Gandalf! And then find somewhere quiet where I can finish my book. Oh, tea!

(Bilbo takes the tea off the fire with a towel.)

Gandalf: So you mean to go through with your plan, then.

Bilbo: Yes, yes. It's all in hand. All the arrangements are made. (Gandalf opens the lid on the pot) Oh, thank you.

Gandalf: Frodo suspects something.

Bilbo: Of course he does. He's a Baggins! Not some block-headed Bracegirdle from Hardbottle.

Gandalf: You will tell him, won't you?

Bilbo: Yes, yes.

Gandalf: He's very fond of you.

Bilbo: I know. He'd probably come with me if I asked him. I think in his heart, Frodo's still in love with the Shire. The woods, the fields. Little rivers. I am old, Gandalf. I know I don't look it, but I'm beginning to feel it in my heart. (he starts to finger the Ring in his pocket. Gandalf notices this but keeps silent. Bilbo sits down and joins Gandalf at the table) I feel thin. Sort of stretched like butter scraped over too much bread. I need a holiday. A very long holiday. And I don't expect I shall return. In fact, I mean not to.

(Gandalf and Bilbo sit outside Bag End, each with a pipe in their mouth. They are looking at the field where the party is to be held, the tents are set up and lanterns are lighted as night approaches.)

Bilbo: Old Toby. The finest weed in the Southfarthing.

(Bilbo blows a ring of smoke. Gandalf smiles and blows a ship of smoke, sailing trough the smoke ring that Bilbo made)

Bilbo: Gandalf, my old friend this will be a night to remember.

(A huge firework explodes ever the party field below, showering the crowd in sparks, which disappear right before they hit the Hobbits. A lot of Hobbits dance, eat, drink and talk with each other)

Bilbo: Hello, hello. Fatty Bolger.Llovely to see you! Welcome, welcome!

(Frodo is dancing, and so is Rosie. Sam is watching from his seat, looking at Rosie whistfully. Frodo sits down beside him.)

Frodo: Go on Sam! Ask Rosie for a dance.

Sam: I think I'll just have another ale.

Frodo: Oh, no, you don't. Go on!

(Frodo pushes Sam onto the dancefloor and into Rosie's arms, as he gets up to get his ale. Frodo laughs at Sam's attempt on dancing. Gandalf lets another set of fireworks off, which take the form of arrows flying through the air)

(Bilbo is sitting in front of a group of hobbit children, telling one of his stories of his adventures. The children listen in apprehension.)

Bilbo: So there I was, at the mercy of three monstrous trolls! And they were all arguing amongst themselves about how they were going to cook us. Whether it be turned on a spit or whether they should sit on us one by one and squash us into jelly.

(Gandalf is seen dancing with the hobbits, sticking out like as sore thumb.)

Bilbo: They spent so much time arguing the withertos and the whyfors, that the sun's first light cracked over the top of the trees. . . poof!

(The hobbit children gasp and jump a little)

Bilbo: And turned them all to stone!

(Gandalf get's some more fireworks from his carriage, laughing and having a good time. Merry pokes out from the otherside of the carriage and watches Gandalf leave. He smacks the tent flap and Pippin comes out from behind a tent. They stop beside the carriage)

Merry: Quickly!

(Merry gives Pippin a boost onto the carriage. Pippen starts searching for a good firework. Merry looks over his shouldar to see what Gandalf was doing.)

(Gandalf unaware of what Merry and Pippen are doing lets off a firework that looks like butterflies.)

Gandalf: Whoa! Up they go.

(He laughs as he watches the hobbit children run after the butterflies, trying to catch them.)

(Pippin shows a firework to Merry)

Merry: No, no, the big one, big one.

(Pippin finds one shaped as a large dragon. Merry gasps and nods. Pippin jumps down from the carriage, and into the tent beside it. Merry takes a bite from an apple trying to look inconspicious and follows Pippin into the tent.)

(Bilbo shakes more hands of Hobbits showing up at his party.)

Bilbo: Mrs. Bracegirdle, how nice to see you. Welcome, welcome. Are all these children yours? Good gracious, you have been productive.

(Bilbo watches as the children passes and looks surprised. As they move on, Bilbo listens to the crowd. His ear twitches as he hears someone.)

Lobelia: Bilbo?

(He whips around in fear, when he sees Frodo behind him. He points in the direction where he heard Lobelia and he and Frodo run away quickly to find a hiding place.

Bilbo:Sackville-Bagginses! Quickly, hide!

(Two sour and grumpy looking Hobbits push there way through the crowd looking for Bilbo. Bilbo and Frodo stop beside a tent and Biblo covers his face with his jacket. Lobelia and Otho appear around the corner of the tent, yet do not see Frodo or Bilbo. They continue on, looking for Bilbo.

Bilbo:(sighing) Thank you, my boy. You're a good lad, Frodo. I'm very selfish, you know. Yes, I am. Very selfish. I don't know why I took you in after your mother and father died but it wasn't out of charity. I think it was because of all my numerous relations you were the one Baggins that showed real spirit.

Frodo: Bilbo, have you been at the Gaffer's home brew?

Bilbo: (looking confused) No...well, yes, but that's not the point. The point is, Frodo, you'll be all right.

(Bilbo takes a sip of his ale and Frodo looks at him in confusion over what Bilbo just said to him.)

(Inside a tent, Merry and Pippen light up the firework that they took)

Pippin:(standing up after lighting the firework) Done!

Merry: You're supposed to stick it in the ground!

(Merry pushes the firework onto Pippin)

Pippin: It is in the ground.

(Pippin pushes it to Merry)

Merry: Outside!

(Merry pushes it back to Pippin)

Pippin: It was your idea!

(Pippen starts to push it back to Merry when the firework ignites and flies off. Everyone around, turn towards the explosion and watch. Merry and Pippin are knocked back onto the ground, their faces black from the explosion. )

Hobbit:(pointing at the firework) Look at that!

(The firework gets high into the sky and explodes into an array of sparks. The crowd starts to clap and cheer as they watch. The firework then turns into a dragon, and it flies down towards the party field. The hobbits run away in fright, screaming)

Frodo: Bilbo? Bilbo, look out for the dragon!

Bilbo: Dragon? Nonsense! There hasn't been a dragon in these parts for a thousand years.

(Frodo pulls Bilbo to the ground, the dragon flies over them, barely making it over the field, before exploding into a mass of colors. The hobbits cheer and clap, Merry and Pippin watch with stunned but satisfied faces.)

Merry: That was good!

Pippin: Let's get another one.

(Gandalf comes up behind them and grabs them each by their ear. Merry and Pippin look up, wincing.)

Gandalf: Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took. I might've known.

(Gandalf sits with his pipe, watching Merry and Pippin doing the dishes)

Hobbits: Speech, Bilbo! Speech!

Frodo: Speech!

(Bilbo gets up and bows to the beckonings. He steps up on a barrel under the great tree and opens his arms welcomingly.)

Bilbo: My dear Bagginses and Boffins, Tooks and Brandybucks, Grubbs, Chubbs, Hornblowers, Bolgers, Bracegirdles and Proudfoots.

Proudfoot Hobbit: Proudfeet!

(Bilbo shakes him off, everyone laughs)

Bilbo: Today is my 111th birthday!

Hobbits: Happy birthday!

Hobbit:(raising his mug to Bilbo) Happy birthday!

Bilbo: But alas, eleventy-one years is far too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable Hobbits. (the Hobbits cheer) I don't know half of you half as well as I should like and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

(The hobbits seem to not know how to take what Bilbo just said. They look at each other in confusion. Bilbo pulls the ring out of his pocket and fingers it behind his back. Gandalf watches closely, suspecting something. Frodo watches, his smile slowly vanishing.)

Bilbo: I, uh, I have things to do. (whispers to himself) I've put this off for far too long. (To the crowd) I regret to announce this is the end! I am going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell. (looking at Frodo) Goodbye.

(He puts on the Ring and disappears. The Hobbits gasp, not knowing what to think. They turn to each and start to whisper about Biblo disappearing. Frodo watches in shock and Gandalf takes his pipe from his mouth with surprise.)

(There is a big commotion among the hobbits as they look around and whisper to each other. The door at Bag End is opened, and once inside, Bilbo takes off the Ring, becoming visible. He walks into his study, laughing. He flips the Ring in the air, then puts it back in his pocket and pats it. Walks over and grabs his walking stick. Suddenly, Gandalf is seen in a corner)

Gandalf: I suppose you think that was terribly clever.

Bilbo: Come on, Gandalf! Did you see their faces?

Gandalf: There are many magic rings in this world Bilbo Baggins and none of them should be used lightly.

Bilbo: It was just a bit of fun! Oh, you’re probably right, as usual. You will keep an eye on Frodo, won’t you?

(Bilbo packs his stuff for the journey)

Gandalf: Two eyes. As often as I can spare them.

Bilbo: I’m leaving everything to him.

Gandalf: What about this Ring of yours, is that staying too?

Bilbo: Yes, yes. It’s in an envelope over there on the mantelpiece.

(Gandalf goes to the mantelpiece looking for the envelope.)

Bilbo: No. Wait, it's here in my pocket. (pulls out the Ring and looks at it) Heh, isn’t that--? Isn’t that odd, now? Yet, after all, why not? Why shouldn’t I keep it?

Gandalf: I think you should leave the Ring behind, Bilbo. Is that so hard?

Bilbo: Well no. And yes! Now it comes to it. I don’t feel like parting with it. Its mine. I found it! It came to me!

Gandalf: There’s no need to get angry.

(Bilbo turns towards Gandalf with a furious look on his face)

Bilbo: Well, if I’m angry, it’s your fault! It’s mine! My own. My precious.

Gandalf: Precious? Its been called that before, but not by you.

Bilbo: Argh! What business is it of yours what I do with my own things!

Gandalf: I think you’ve had that Ring quite long enough.

Bilbo: You want it for yourself!

(Gandalf takes a step forward, and talks to Bilbo with a dark, scary voice. The room grows dark around them.)

Gandalf: Bilbo Baggins! (Bilbo flings himself towards the wall behind him) Do not take me for some conjurer of cheap tricks. I am not trying to rob you.(the room gets light again and Gandalf softens his voice) I’m trying to help you.

(Bilbo runs into Gandalf’s arms, weeping)

Gandalf: All your long years, we’ve been friends. Trust me as you once did. Let it go.

Bilbo: You’re right, Gandalf. The Ring must go to Frodo. It’s late. The road is long. Yes, it is time.

(He walks towards the door, opens it and starts to walk out)

Gandalf: Bilbo, the ring is still in your pocket.

(Bilbo stops and looks at Gandalf)

Bilbo: Oh, yes..

(He takes the Ring out of his pocket and looks at it with a stern face. Slowly, he turn his hand, letting the Ring fall to the floor. It hits the floor with a heavy thud. Quickly, Bilbo walks out, stopping a few strides from the door, taking deep breaths. Gandalf comes out after him)

Bilbo: I’ve thought of an ending for my book: "And he lived happily ever after to the end of his days."

Gandalf: And I’m sure you will, my dear friend.

Bilbo: Goodbye, Gandalf.

Gandalf: Goodbye, dear Bilbo.

(He walks out of the gate, down the road going east, singing)

Bilbo: The road goes ever on and on

Down from the door where it began..

Gandalf: Until our next meeting.

(Gandalf goes back inside, he stares that the Ring on the floor, bends down and puts his hand over it as if to pick it up. Before he can even touch it, he sees a flash of the Eye of Sauron, surprised he leaves it. Gandalf sits in the study inside Bag End, smoking. He seems to be in deep thoughts)

(Voice over of Bilbo:) Its mine, my own, my precious!

Gandalf: (mutters) Riddles in the Dark.

(the door is flung open and Frodo arrives)

Frodo: Bilbo! Bilbo!

(Frodo sees the Ring on the floor and bends down to pick it up. He then notices Gandalf sitting by the fireplace)

Gandalf: My precious… Precious…

(Frodo walks over to Gandalf)

Frodo: He's gone hasn't he? He talked for so long about leaving. I didn't think he'd really do it.

(he stops besides Gandalf, the Ring in his hand)

Frodo: Gandalf?

Gandalf: Hmm. (he sees the Ring in Frodo’s hand) Bilbo's Ring. He's gone to stay with the elves. He's left you Bag End…

(he get’s out and envelope, holding it up to Frodo who puts the Ring in it. He seals it and gives the envelope to Frodo)

…along with all his possessions. The Ring is yours now. Put it somewhere out of sight.

(Gandalf gets his hat and staff and makes for the door)

Frodo: Where are you going?

Gandalf: There are some things that I must see to.

Frodo: What things?

Gandalf: Questions. Questions that need answering!

Frodo: But you've only just arrived! I don't understand.

(Gandalf turns and looks at Frodo)

Gandalf: Neither do I. Keep it secret. Keep it safe.

(Scene cuts to an aerial view of Barad'dur and an erupting Mt. Doom in the distance. Among the sound of clanging blades, a shrill moan cries out.)

Gollum: (in severe pain) Shire! Baggins!

(Mt. Doom explodes and scene switches to Minas Morgul where the Nazgûl ride out. Gandalf rides over a hill near Minas Tirith and watches Mt. Doom over the Ash Mountains, rapidly turning toward the citadel. He walks hurriedly through the halls until he reaches an underground library, shifting through papers until he finds what he's looking for)

Gandalf: (reading v.o.) The year 3434 of the Second Age. Here follows the account of Isildur, High King of Gondor, and the finding of the Ring of Power. It has come to me, The One Ring. It shall be an heirloom of my kingdom. All those who follow in my bloodline shall be bound to its fate, for I will risk no hurt to the Ring. It is precious to me though I buy it with great pain. The markings on the band begin to fade. The writing, which was first as clear as red flame, has all but disappeared. A secret now that only fire can tell.

(Isildur is shown taking the Ring from Sauron's finger, and holding it in between his fingers looking at it. Gandalf's eyes widen upon realization. Scene switches to hobbit man chopping wood outside his home. His dog begins barking and slowly enters the house as the Black Riders approach.)

Nazgûl: (hissing) Shire. Baggins.

Hobbit: (worriedly) There's no Bagginses around here. They're all up in Hobbiton.

(Horse brays)

Hobbit: (pointing left) That way.

(He stumbles inside his house and shuts the door as the Five Nazgûl ride off in that direction. Scene flashes to Hobbiton, by the Green Dragon)

All hobbits: (drinking) Hey, ho, to the bottle I go to heal my heart and drown my woe. (Frodo is skipping around with ale mugs in hand while Pippin and Merry are dancing atop a table) Rain may fall and wind may blow but there still be... many miles to go. Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain and the stream that falls from hill to plain. Better than rain or a rippling brook...

Pippin: Is a mug of beer inside this Took!

(All laugh, and it cuts to four hobbits smoking)

Hobbit 1: There's been some strange folk crossing the Shire. Dwarves and others of a less than savory nature.

Gaffer: War is brewing. (Sam looks at Rosie over by the bar who smiles) The mountains are fair teeming with goblins.

Hobbit 2: Far-off tales and children's stories, that's all that is. You're beginning to sound like that old Bilbo Baggins. Cracked he was.

Gaffer: (laughs) Young Mr. Frodo here, he's cracking.

Frodo: (walking over to the table with four mugs) (indignantly) And proud of it. Cheers, Gaffer.

Gaffer: Cheers.

Hobbit 2: Aye. Well it's none of our concern what goes on beyond our borders. Keep your nose out of trouble and no trouble'll come to you.

(Frodo smiles and drinks. Scene switches to all hobbits walking out of the bar.)

Rosie: Good night, lads.

Sam: Good night.

Hobbit 2: Good night, sweet maiden of the Golden Ale.

Sam: (mumbling) Boy, mind who you're sweet-talkin'.

Frodo: Don't worry, Sam. Rosie knows an idiot when she sees one.

Sam: (stopping short) Does she?

(Back in Bag End)

Frodo: (opening the gate) G'night, Sam.

Sam: Good night, Mr. Frodo.

(Frodo walks inside, looking into Bilbo's study which shows evidence that someone has been inside. Frodo eyes it suspiciously as a hand appears over his shoulder. Frodo gasps as it spins him around)

Gandalf: (whispering frantically) Is it secret?! Is it safe?!

(Frodo opens a trunk and rummages through his things. Gandalf hears something and turns around nervously. Frodo grasps an envelope and gives it to the wizard. Gandalf snatches it and tosses it into the fireplace)

Frodo: What are you doing?!

(The envelope begins to burn, revealing the Ring within. Gandalf takes a pair of tongs and removes it)

Gandalf: Hold out your hand, Frodo. It's quite cool.

(Frodo takes it and starts a little at the heat, staring at the gold band)

Gandalf: What can you see? Can you see anything?

Frodo: (examining the ring) Nothing. There's nothing.

(Gandalf sighs in relief)

Frodo: Wait. There are markings. It's some form of Elvish. I can't read it.

Gandalf: There are few who can. The language is that of Mordor, which I will not utter here.

Frodo: (bewildered) Mordor!

Gandalf: In the common tongue, it says: 'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.'

(The Ring lays resting on the kitchen table)

Gandalf: (staring at it) This is the One Ring, forged by the Dark Lord Sauron in the fires of Mount Doom, taken by Isildur from the hand of Sauron himself.

Frodo: Bilbo found it- in Gollum's cave.

Gandalf: Yes. For sixty years, the Ring lay quiet in Bilbo's keeping, prolonging his life, delaying old age. But no longer, Frodo. Evil is stirring in Mordor.The Ring has awoken. It's heard it's master's call.

Frodo: But he was destroyed. Sauron was destroyed.

(Gandalf eyes the Ring nervously and hushes Frodo)

Gandalf: No, Frodo. The Spirit of Sauron endured. His life force is bound to the Ring, and the Ring survived. Sauron has returned. His Orcs have multiplied. His fortress of Barad-dur is rebuilt in the land of Mordor. Sauron needs only this Ring to cover all the lands in a second darkness. He is seeking it- seeking it. All his thought is bent on it. The Rings yearns above all else to return to the hand of its master. They are one- the Ring and the Dark Lord. Frodo, he must never find it.





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