

词条 考研英语写作180篇



作者: 考研英语命题资深研究专家 王国清 编著

出版社: 西北大学出版社

出版日期: 2010年4月第4版

开本: 16开

定价: 29.8元


考研英语写作真正万能的经典模式——“三段式” …………………1

考研英语写作各题型真相揭秘 …………………………………………3

1999年~2010年考研英语写作命题的具体情况 ……………………5



(1) 工作,还是考研? (Work or Take the National EntranceExamination for MA/MS Degree?)

(2) 中国城市私家车 (Private Cars in Chinese Big Cities)

(3) 大学生消费 (The Consumption of College Students)

(4) 交通规则的重要性 (The Importance of Traffic Regulations)

(5) 爱心的呼唤 (Calling on Love)

(6) 把握网络的尺度 (The Criterion for Accessing Internet)

(7) 有问题只管来 (Just Come to Us if the Product Has the QualityProblem)

(8) 合审 (Making Adjudgement Together)

(9) 应试教育 (Test?oriented Education System)

(10) 市场与诚信 (Market and Good Faith)

(11) 丢弃 (Throwing Away)

(12) 童心泯灭令 (The Command to Desert Childishness)

(13) 母亲与儿子 (Mother and Son )

(14) 白费力气 (Effort in Vain)

(15) 面试前的准备 (Preparation for the Interview)

(16) 无题 (Untitled)

(17) 形式主义 (Formalism)

(18) 如此“补品”(Such Tonic)

(19) 买私家车值吗? (Does it Pay to Own a Privte Car?)

(20) 此种招商引资不为人意 (This Sort of Investments?attracting can not bePleasant )

(21) 都是金牌惹的祸 (All because of Gold Medal )

(22) 如此“赢利” (Earning Money of This Sort )

(23) 医者应该治愈病人 (Doctors should Care the Patients)

(24) 过于谨慎 (Over?cautiousness)

(25) 送礼 (Presenting a Gift)

(26) 如此教育 (Such Education)

(27) “枪手”新项目 (“Marksman”New Service )

(28) 高考捷径 (A Short?cut for Entrance to a University)

(29) 温泉 (Hot Spring )

(30) 助学贷款 (State?s Students? Loans)

(31) 人与环境 (Man and Environment)

(32) 大学生就业 (College Students? Job Hunting )

(33) 下岗职工再就业 (The Re?employment of Laid?off Workers)

(34) 全民禁毒 (Anti?drug Campaign)

(35) 廉洁奉公 (Be Honest and Clean in Performing One?s OfficialDuties)

(36) 书籍的重要性 (The Importance of Books)

(37) 欲望与得失 (Desire and Accumulation)

(38) 也有射中的时候 (Also When It Shot)

(39) 箭无虚发 (Arrow Made No False)

(40) 打假 (Combating Fake Commodities)

(41) 正确择业 (Choosing the Right Career)

(42) 天在上面 (Heaven in the Above)

(43) 为人师表 (To be a Model)

(44) 等着乘凉 ( Waiting for Shade)

(45) 发现 (Discovery)

(46) 父母的爱纯洁吗? (Is Parents? Love Pure?)

(47) 爱情投资 (Love Investment)

(48) 请等一下 (Please Wait for a Moment)

(49) 高科技给我们的生活带来了很多方便 (Modern Technology Makes Life More Convenient)

(50) 医改 (Reformation on Medical Field)

(51) 山寨文化 (the Anti?mainstream Culture)

(52) 长臂猴 (Gibbon)

(53) 温室效应 (Greenhouse Effect)

(54) 过马路 (Crossing the Road)

(55) 习惯 (Habit)

2★ 自测精练参考答案 (范文)






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