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释义 | 简介1999年获东北师范大学理学学士学位;2005年获东北师范大学理学博士学位;2006.7-2009.1在香港城市大学生物及化学系、超金刚石与先进薄膜中心从事博士后研究。2002.1-2008.5在东北师范大学化学学院多酸化学研究所工作,先后任助教、讲师。2008. 6加入苏州大学功能纳米与软物质(材料)实验室,被聘为教授,博士生导师。 详细介绍研究领域多酸化学、纳米材料化学、纳米催化化学 主要成果和技术贡献通过多种简单易行的技术路线可控制备出多种碳、硅纳米结构;制备出直径小于4 nm的具有良好荧光特性的碳量子点,并设计了基于碳量子点的复合催化剂体系;首次提出将碳纳米管作为C-H-O体系中烃类羟基化反应的非均相催化剂;首次观察到1-4 nm硅量子点的可见光催化特性。目前已在J. Am. Chem. Soc,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,Adv. Mater.,Chem. Commun.,J. Phys. Chem. B,Nanotechnology等国际权威杂志发表学术论文70余篇。获专利两项。相关原创性成果曾多次被Science,Current Science等杂志和媒体作专题报道。2008年全国百篇优秀博士学位论文获得者;主持国家自然科学基金项目(20801010)一项,全国优秀博士论文基金(200929)一项;国家863计划项目及多项国家自然科学基金项目主要完成人;2007年获吉林省科学技术进步一等奖。 代表性论文1. H. T. Li, X. D. He, Z. H. Kang*, H. Huang, Y. Liu*, J. L. Liu, S. Y. Lian, C. H. A. Tsang, X. B. Yang, S. T. Lee, “Water-soluble fluorescent carbon quantum dots and photocatalyst design”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2010, 49, 4430. 2. Y. Wei, Q. G. Zhang, Y. Liu*, X. R. Li, S. Y. Lian, Z. H. Kang*, “Physicochemical Property Estimation of an Ionic Liquid Based on Glutamic Acid BMIGlu”, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2010, DOI: 10.1021/je900865y. 3. C. H. A. Tsang, Y. Liu, Z. H. Kang*, D. D. D. Ma, N. B. Wong*, S. T. Lee*, “Metal (Cu, Au)-modified silicon nanowires for high-selectivity solvent-free hydrocarbon oxidation in air”, Chemical Communications 2009, 39, 5829. 4. Z. H. Kang*, Y. Liu, C. H. A. Tsang, D. D. D. Ma, X. Fan, N. B. Wong*, S. T. Lee*, “Water-soluble silicon quantum dots with fine wavelength-tunable photoluminescence”, Advanced Materials 2009, 21, 661. 5. Z. H. Kang*, Y. Liu, C. H. A. Tsang, D. D. D. Ma, E. B. Wang, S. T. Lee*, “Heteropolyacid-assisted fabrication of carbon nanostructures under ambient conditions”, Chemical Communications 2009, 4, 413. 6. Z. H. Kang, C. H. A. Tsang, N. B. Wong*, S. T. Lee*, “Nanomaterials separation by an ultrasonic-assisted phase transfer method”, Chemical Physics Letters 2008, 455, 252. 7. Z. H. Kang, C. H. A. Tsang, Z. D. Zhang, M. L. Zhang, N. B. Wong*, J. A. Zapien, Y. Y. Shan, S. T. Lee*, “A polyoxometalate-assisted electrochemical method for silicon nanostructures preparation: From quantum dots to nanowires”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2007, 129, 5326. 8. Z. H. Kang, C. H. A. Tsang, N. B. Wong*, Z. D. Zhang, S. T. Lee*, “Silicon Quantum Dots: A General Photocatalyst for Reduction, Decomposition, and Selective Oxidation Reactions”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2007, 129, 12090. 9. Z. H. Kang, E. B. Wang*, B. D. Mao, Z. M. Su*, L. Gao, S. Y. Lian, L. Xu, “Controllable fabrication of carbon nanotube and nanobelt with a polyoxometalate-assisted mild hydrothermal process”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005, 127, 6534. 10. Z. H. Kang, E. B. Wang*, L. Gao, S. Y. Lian, M. Jiang, C. W. Hu, L. Xu, “One-step water-assisted synthesis of high-quality carbon nanotubes directly from graphite”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2003, 125, 13652. Highlighted in Science, 2003, 302, 951; Current Science, 2004, 86, 256. |
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