词条 | 开花结果 |
释义 | 成语资料【汉语文字】开花结果 【汉语拼音】kāi huā jiē guǒ 【词语解释】原指经播种耕耘后有了收获。现比喻工作有进展,并取得了成果。 【成语用法】连动式;作谓语、宾语;比喻工作、学习等有进展,并取得了成果。 【近义词】春华秋实 成语出处1、宋●释普济《五灯会元●卷五十●涟水军万寿梦庵普信禅师》:“开花结果自馨香。” 2、明●冯梦龙《古今小说●蒋兴哥重会珍珠衫》:“如今方下种;还没有发芽哩。再隔五、六年;开花结果。” 成语辨析【正音】“结”不能读作“jié”。 【辨形】“花”不能写作“华”。 成语翻译【机器翻译参考】Flowering 【词典释义】blossom [bloom] and yield [bear] fruit; flower and bear fruit -- yield positive results. 【网络例句1】But Jiao Yulu didn't live to see his plans bear fruit.(但是焦裕禄没能活着到他的计划开花结果。) 【网络例句2】A genus of Malayan pinnate-leaved palm trees that flower and fruit once and then die.(马来半岛的一个羽状叶片棕榈树属,只开花结果一次然后死亡。) 【网络例句3】If our experiment can keep on bearing fruit, won't it provide some inspiration to China in her quest for modernization?(如果我们这场实验能继续开花结果,这对中国或许也是一个小小的启示。) 【网络例句4】a plant having a life cycle that normally takes two seasons from germination to death to complete; flowering biennials usually bloom and fruit in the second season.(从萌芽到死亡经历两年的植物,两年开一次花,通常在第二年开花结果。) 【网络例句5】Emma rather than Jane was the recipient of his gallantries, however, and Emma could see that Mr. and Mrs. Weston were hoping that the romance would prosper.(但他对之大献殷勤的姑娘却不是简而是爱玛。爱玛明白韦斯顿夫妇希望这颗情种能够开花结果。) 成语示例1、他们的这项发明得到了推广;如今已经遍地~了。 |
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