

词条 ODE


ODM:Original Design Manufacture(原始设计厂商)的缩写,这是近年来兴起于国内IT业的概念,主要指的是,某些制造商设计出某产品后,在某些情况下会被其他的企业看中,要求配上后者的品牌名称来进行生产,又或有些较小的设计上的改动来生产,以减少自己的研制时间。那么前者就被成为后者的ODE。


ODE:(Ordinary Differential Equations)常微分方程;

ODE:(Open Development Environment)开放式开发环境;

【ODE 物理引擎】

ODE (Open Dynamic Engine) 是一个免费的具有工业品质的刚体动力学的库,一款优秀的开源物理引擎。它能很好地仿真现实环境中的可移动物体,它是快速,强健和 可移植的。而且它有内建的碰撞检测系统。3D游戏场景的编写主要使用了3D图形API-OpenGL 和ODE引擎等游戏仿真技术。







· Rigid bodies with arbitrary mass distribution.

· Joint types: ball-and-socket, hinge, slider (prismatic), hinge-2, fixed, angular motor, linear motor, universal.

· Collision primitives: sphere, box, cylinder, capsule, plane, ray, and triangular mesh, convex.

· Collision spaces: Quad tree, hash space, and simple.

· Simulation method: The equations of motion are derived from a Lagrange multiplier velocity based model due to Trinkle/Stewart and Anitescu/Potra.

· A first order integrator is being used. It's fast, but not accurate enough for quantitative engineering yet. Higher order integrators will come later.

· Choice of time stepping methods: either the standard ``big matrix'' method or the newer iterative QuickStep method can be used.

· Contact and friction model: This is based on the Dantzig LCP solver described by Baraff, although ODE implements a faster approximation to the Coloumb friction model.

· Has a native C interface (even though ODE is mostly written in C++).

· Has a C++ interface built on top of the C one.

· Many unit tests, and more being written all the time.

· Platform specific optimizations.

· Other stuff I forgot to mention...

【ODE 方向选择刻蚀】

=orientation dependent etching





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更新时间:2025/3/22 6:12:04