词条 | Not Myself Tonight |
释义 | Not myself tonight《灵魂出窍夜》来自于全球3000万专辑销量,唯一未满30岁便被列入滚石评选100位有史以来最伟大歌手名单、五座格莱美奖得主,歌手Christina Aguilera的阔别四年的回归专辑《Bionic》的首单,全新单曲《Not Myself Tonight》在早前公布的插图和歌词再一次向乐迷展示了Christina Aguilera性感情欲的一面,以咆哮与嘶叫声贯穿整首歌曲,就像周围布满陷阱,到处都是使人振奋的敲击声。单曲的伴奏还让歌迷联想到一个聒噪的人在欧洲大型顶级的俱乐部里咆哮宣泄,而Christina Aguilera的演绎就像舞池劲舞。本曲将于4月5日派台,4月13日iTunes开放下载。 作为全球最大,最权威的音乐杂志,滚石当然不会错过Christina Aguilera 2010浴火重生,脱胎换骨的新单曲《灵魂出窍夜》 以下是RS杂志对CA新单的报道 Quote: in 2006, Christina Aguilera went Back to Basics, putting a modern spin on soul and swing-era music. Her new Bionic boasts a futuristicalbum cover and buzzing first single that show off her renewed desire to hit the dance club with high-powered beats from the 21st century. Aguilera premiered first single “Not Myself Tonight” on her official site yesterday, singing, “I’m not myself tonight, tonight I’m not the same girl,” a nod to her musical shift in the past four years. Aguilera even takes preemptive aim at anyone who dismisses her new style with, “The old me’s gone and I feel brand new, and if you don’t like it, you.” It appears as though “Xtina” is back and is ready to duke it out for club spins with Lady Gaga and Ke$ha. “Not Myself Tonight” was co-written by Ester Dean, who had a hand in Rihanna’s “Rude Boy,” and club king Polow Da Don, who also produced the track. Bionic will feature Aguilera combining songs written by electro-pop and rockers like Sia, Le Tigre and Ladytron with production from bona fide hitmakers like Tricky Stewart, Switch and Linda Perry. As Rolling Stone previously reported, Aguilera also had some writing sessions with M.I.A. and Santigold. “There’s no holds barred for anything,” Aguilera told RS. “It’s really the future and can go anywhere. It’s exciting to challenge myself in that way and explore.” The single will be available on iTunes starting April 13th, while Bionic will follow on June 8th, which is 69 days and two hours from right now according to the countdown clock embedded on Aguilera’s site. 全文翻译: 2006的辰光,CA出了张《返璞归真》,将古典与现在流行玩转与鼓掌。新专辑《生化女爵》充满未来感的超现实的基调强力出击,第一波单曲《今晚灵魂出窍了!》向世人展示了她浴火重生的声线,准备在21世纪电音当道的舞池中狠狠的燃烧一把。Aguilera首播的单曲NMT与昨天在她个人电台首播,歌词唱到“今晚不是我,我不是之前那个我了”,以此告诉歌坛她改头换面翻云覆雨四年来的变化。不止这样,她还事先让那些质疑她新的唱风的人乖乖的闭上嘴“我已经脱胎换骨,如果你不买账,就去你M的” 。尽管专辑是以xtina的强势回归出现,但是注定要在风云变幻的今日和lady gaga还有钱婆来一场恶战。 NMT是和Ester Dean一起写的。这孩子就造就了Rihanna最近连冠的单曲《Rude boy》.夜店音乐皇子Polow Da Don 参与了歌曲制作.Bionic这章专辑将会有电音,或者轻摇滚例如SIa,Le Tigre, Ladytron等等.甚至还有金牌制作人Tricky steward,switch ,LindaPerry等等。 阿拉滚石之前那个报道中,Aguilera小姐还和MIA, Santigold等传奇歌者合作写歌。 “这次的音乐完全无拘无束,就像不确定的未来,这次得音乐可能会发展成无限的可能。太开心了,因为我要不断地开发自己,让自己的小宇宙爆发!!” 这只单曲会在4.13的时候于iTunes上市,6.8紧接着就是专辑的发行,根据官网倒计时还有69天又2小时(截止到发稿日) 歌词: "Not Myself Tonight" Lyrics Written by Polow Da Don & Ester Dean Produced by Polow Da Don for Zone4, Inc. You know tonight I am feeling a little out control is this me you wanna get crazy because I don’t give a… 1ST VERSE I’m out of character I’m in rare form and If you really knew me you’d know its not the norm B SECTION: Cause I’m doing things that I normally won’t do the old me’s gone I feel brand new and if you don’t like it fu*k you The music’s on and I’m dancing I’m normally in the corner just standing I’m feeling unusual I don’t care cause this is my night HOOK: I’m not myself tonight tonight I’m not the same girl same girl I’m not myself tonight tonight I’m not the same girl same girl 2ND VERSE: I’m dancing alot and I’m taking shots I’m feeling fine I’m kissing all the boys and the girls someone call the doctor cause I lost my mind B SECTION: Cause I’m doing things that I normally won’t do the old me’s gone I feel brand new and if you don’t like it fu*k you The music’s on and I’m dancing I’m normally in the corner just standing I’m feeling unusual I don’t care cause this is my night HOOK: I’m not myself tonight tonight I’m not the same girl same girl I’m not myself tonight tonight I’m not the same girl same girl BRIDGE: In the morning when I wake Up I’ll go back to the girl I used to be but baby not tonight HOOK: I’m not myself tonight tonight I’m not the same girl same girl I’m not myself tonight tonight I’m not the same girl same girl Yah, that feels good I needed that get crazy let’s go that’s right come on give it to me now, don’t stop 看得出来 今晚我有些失常 这样的我令人抓狂 因为我TMD目无一切 1ST VERSE: 我跳脱枷锁 我让人咋舌 了解我的人 都知道 我着了魔 B SECTION 平日里从不疯狂 现在我改头换面 不喜欢?去你妈的! 音乐响起,舞动腰肢 我拒绝矜持,我蠢蠢欲动 毫不迟疑,这是属于我的激情夜晚 HOOK: 我彻夜失控 今晚我让所有人刮目相看,刮目相看 我彻夜失控 今晚我让所有人刮目相看,刮目相看 2ND VERSE: 跳不停,喝不停,我爽翻天 把在场男女吻个遍 救护车来也拿我没辙 B SECTION: 平日里从不疯狂 现在我改头换面 不喜欢?去你妈的! 音乐响起,舞动腰肢 我拒绝矜持,我蠢蠢欲动 毫不迟疑,这是属于我的激情夜晚 HOOK: 我彻夜失控 今晚我让所有人刮目相看,刮目相看 我彻夜失控 今晚我让所有人刮目相看,刮目相看 BRIDGE: 一旦黎明到来 当我恢复神智 我将重新步入正轨 但是今晚?休想! HOOK: 我彻夜失控 今晚我让所有人刮目相看,刮目相看 我彻夜失控 今晚我让所有人刮目相看,刮目相看 耶,这感觉真好 一起High 别傻站着 对了,就是这样 别犹豫,不要停下来。。。(翻译自安静1220) 全新专辑《Bionic》《Bionic》封面中的Christina Aguilera,经典的复古发型梳得一丝不乱,鲜艳的红唇和浓密的睫毛,都透露出旧式好莱坞的优雅,只是她的一半面孔变成了机器人,完全由各种零件构成,显得既诡异又神秘。 《Bionic》是Christina Aguilera的第四张录音棚专辑,定于今年6月8日正式发行。谈到自己的新唱片时Christina Aguilera不无得意的说:“我利用电子和器官两种元素探索并创造出一种新奇而性感的感觉,既带有游戏式的态度,又不乏思想上的反省。” |
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