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假如我当上了学生会主席,我要改革学生会的体制,做到“日日清,周周结”,每周都对各部门的负责人进行考核,通过其部门的成在工作中的优点和缺点,以朋友的身份与他商讨解决方案并制定出下阶段的计划。经常与他们谈心,彼此交流对生活、工作的看法努力。开展主席团成员和各部长及负责人常作自我批评,自我检讨的活动,每月以书面材料形式存入档案。我还将常常找各部门的成员了解一些情况,为作出正确的策略提供可靠的保证。还要协调好各部门 之间的关系,团结一切可团结的力量,扩大学生会的影响及权威。

假如我当上了学生会主席,我将以“奉献校园,服务同学”为宗旨,真正做到为同学们服务 ,代表同学们行使合法权益,为校园的建设尽心尽力。在学生会利益前,我们坚持以学校、大多数同学的利益为重,决不以公谋私。努力把学生会打造成一个学生自己管理自己,高度自治,体现学生主人翁精神的团体。






如果我当选了汽车系学生会主席,我将作好自己本职工作,在系领导、老师的指导下,以狠抓学风、班风建设为方向, 积极开展学生思想教育,努力提高本系学生的整体素质。“求真,务实,开拓,创新”,将我系的学生工作做“小”,做“细”,为同学服务,为老师分忧,在此基础上重点做好以下几点:


2、 使学生会工作人性化,时常与班委及班级代表沟通,了解同学们在学习生活中的切实状况和存在的问题,切实解决广大学生的实际困难。开展主题丰富多彩的座谈会,让同学们与系领导面对面进行交流,鼓励并引导同学们参与到本系学生工作的讨论中,为学生工作添砖加瓦。在对待“热水收费”、“洗澡收费”等改革举措上,及时向系领导反映同学们的心声,积极探讨解决问题的方法;在针对“抵制日货”等一些敏感问题上,及时开展交流会,纠正部分偏激思想。

3、 正确引导“学通社”,“蓝宙科技小组”这些优秀社团开展活动。充分发挥“英语角”等特色小组的榜样作用,开展形式多样的学习娱乐活动,充分发挥他们的优势,让“看到汽车系文字,听到汽车系声音,了解汽车系文化”成为现实,为汽车系打开一个又一个的交流窗口。

4、 完善学生会内部的例会制度,做好各项会议的记录工作。精简学生会部门,明确各部门的工作范围,将各项工作细致地分配到部,提高办事效率,充分发挥各部的优势,让学生会每个成员得到充分的锻炼。






Distinguished school leaders, teachers, dear students:

Good(morning ,afternoon,evening)!

I am from the class of 05 Sun Jie. Lively and cheerful personality, of doing things calm, resolute, to the overall situation. I am honored to stand here to express their desire for a long time: "I would like to run for President of the Student Union." I solemnly pledge: "I will do my best to complete the school leaders and students to my task, so that students will become A modern active groups, the right-hand man of the school and students rely on the organization. "

I have been in the Communist Youth League will discipline inspection work of the Department for nearly a year of time, from work, I learned how to style, and how to learn to be patient and how to solve some of the conflicts and how to coordinate the various members of the discipline inspection and the Department of the relationship between how Handle the discipline inspection departments and other Department of the relationship between how to mobilize all forces that can be united, and how to promote good use of it, learning how to handle the work and resolve their conflicts. All this to prove: I have the ability to do the post of President of the Student Union, and the ability to develop students.

If I become President of the Student Union, I would like to further improve, and improve ourselves in all aspects of the quality of the need to further improve their work enthusiasm, with full enthusiasm and positive attitude to deal with everything; to further enhance the sense of responsibility, In the work of bold innovation, and strive for progress, with an open mind to learn from other people; to further take-hyun made, so that there is on the wrong change, there are good ideas to accept, at the same time adhere to its principles.

If I become President of the Student Union, I would like to reform the system of student unions. True to "the survival of the fittest" and "day-ching, Zhou Zhou knot", every week for the department for examination by members of his department's response, he pointed out that the work of the strengths and weaknesses So as to the identity of a friend with him to discuss solutions and develop the next phase. Often they talk with each other for the exchange of life, work, for students to do a good job. To carry out the members of the Bureau and the ministers and heads for regular self-criticism, self-critical activities, a monthly writing materials into the form of files. I will often find members of the various departments to understand some cases, in order to make the right strategy can * guarantee. Would also like to coordinate the relationship between the various departments, unite all forces can unite and expand the influence and authority of the Student Union.

If I become President of the Student Union, I will "sacrifice the campus, students services," for the purpose, really for the students, the students on behalf of the exercise of the legitimate rights and interests of the campus for the dedication of the building. In the interests of the students, we adhere to the school, most students of public interest at heart, never Mousi to the public. Strive to create a union to fight to manage their own students, a high degree of autonomy, embodied the spirit of the masters of the student body.

I know, more brilliant discourse is the only moment of wisdom and passion, is the simple action of opening the road to success in the flowers. I think that if I am elected, it will certainly true in word and resolute line, in deed.

The judges called upon to give me a vote of confidence, give me a chance to give full play to their talent!





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