词条 | 警犬追杀令 |
释义 | 警犬追杀令 See Spot Run (2001) 基本信息对 白: 英语 美国手语 评 分: 颜 色: 彩色 声 音: 数字化影院系统(DTS) 杜比数码环绕声(Dolby Digital) SDDS 时 长: 94 分钟 类 型: 喜剧 分 级: 阿根廷:Atp 澳大利亚:PG 智利:TE 芬兰:K-7 法国:U 德国:6 荷兰:AL 新西兰:PG 挪威:7 西班牙:T 瑞典:7 英国:PG 美国:PG 新加坡:PG 巴西:Livre 演职员表导演 约翰·怀特赛尔 John Whitesell 演员大卫·艾奎特 David Arquette Gordon 迈克尔·克拉克·邓肯 Michael Clarke Duncan Murdoch 莱丝莉·比伯 Leslie Bibb Stephanie 乔·维特莱利 Joe Viterelli Gino 安格斯·琼斯 Angus T. Jones James 安东尼·安德森 Anthony Anderson Benny 保罗·索尔维诺 Paul Sorvino Sonny Talia Steve Schirripa Arliss 金伯丽·霍桑 Kimberly Hawthorne Cassavettes 克瓦·史密斯 Kavan Smith Ricky Peter Bryant Cop Fiona Hogan Cop 罗杰·哈斯科特 Roger Haskett Michaels 弗尔维奥·希希尔 Fulvio Cecere Lawyer Stephen E. Miller Danvers Darcy Laurie Perierra Sarah-Jane Redmond Agent Sharp Rachel McGinnis Starchild J.B. Bivens Desk Sergeant Tom Shorthouse Elderly Van Driver Jason Low FBI Agent Farrell Spence Petting Zoo Driver Irene Karas Neighbor Brenda James Woman at park Colin Foo Shuttle Van Driver Michael Sunczyk Tommy Bill Dow Doctor Marcus Hondro Inmate Pat Waldron Dog Owner Rick Tae Dog Owner Sadie Lawrence Signing Woman Lisa Benner Signing Woman Maria J. Cruz Woman Watching Kandyse McClure Attractive Woman Dan O'Connell Spot (voice) Shaun Balbar Kidnapped Dog Groomer (uncredited) Constance Marie The Neighbor (uncredited) 编剧Andrew Deane (story) & Michael Alexander Miller (story) and 乔治·盖洛 George Gallo (screenplay) and Stuart Gibbs (adaptation) & Craig Titley (adaptation) 格雷格·鲍瑞尔 Gregory Poirier (screenplay) and Dan Baron (screenplay) & Chris Faber (screenplay) 制片人Bruce Berman executive producer Andrew Deane producer John Peter Kousakis co-producer Michael Alexander Miller executive producer Ira Shuman co-producer Robert Simonds producer Tracey Trench producer 原创音乐 John Debney 改编音乐 摄像师 John S. Bartley 电影剪辑 Cara Silverman 协调剧组人员 Roger Mussenden 造型设计 Mark S. Freeborn 艺术指导 Catherine Ircha 布景师 Mark Lane 服装设计 Diane Widas 化妆师 Kathleen P. Campbell hair stylist Jill Corp key hair stylist Leah Ehman assistant makeup artist Harlow MacFarlane special makeup effects artist Ryan Nicholson special makeup effects artist Sydney Silvert key makeup artist 制片主管 Kathy Gilroy-Sereda unit production manager Mark Scoon executive in charge of production 助理导演 Steven Catlin trainee assistant director Suzan Derkson McLeod second assistant director John Penhall first assistant director: second unit Marty Eli Schwartz first assistant director 美术 Lori Gillis assistant set decorator David Perun property master Tonya Soules assistant set decorator Tony Wohlgemuth assistant art director Ronald L. Woodward on-set dresser: Los Angeles Dennis Simard on-set dresser 音效 Wolfgang Amadeus electronic scoring mixer Odin Benitez sound effects editor Gaston Biraben sound effects editor Robb Boyd assistant music editor: temp and final Brian Bulman assistant music editor: temp tracking Ed Callahan sound effects editor Alex Gibson music editor Alexandra Gonzales sound effects editor Dave Griffiths boom operator Randall Guth sound effects editor Michael Hilkene supervising sound editor Samuel Lehmer sound re-recording mixer Stephen Lotwis music editor Douglas Parker sound effects editor Jeffrey Perkins sound re-recording mixer Patrick Ramsay production sound mixer Pernell L. Salinas first assistant sound editor Douglas J. Schulman production sound mixer: re-shoot Dan Yale sound effects editor Jeremy M. Gilleece adr recordist (uncredited) Eric MacDonald sound dailies (uncredited) Michael Mason score co-producer Rory O'Neill sound assistant 特技师 Bob Comer special effects coordinator Dan Keeler special effects coordinator Robert Lyle special effects coordinator Barry Hebein special effects assistant 视觉特效师 特技演员 Lou Bollo stunts Crystal Dalman stunts Joe Dodds stunts Carlos Fetherstonhaugh stunts Mark S. Freeborn stunts Mike Godenir stunts Alex Green stunts Dave Hospes stunts George Josef stunts Michael Langlois stunts Terrance Leigh stunts Rick Pearce stunts Fred Perron stunts Rick Sawaya stunt double Danny Virtue stunts Brent Woolsey stunts 其他职员Frank Bennett orchestrator Elizabeth Boykewich casting associate Terry Calhoun gaffer: second unit Clark Candy production coordinator Roberta Cenedese assistant production coordinator Kendra Crowther assistant: Mr. Whitesell Linda Mirella Cuevas assistant: Mr. Simonds Jason Dale assistant editor Brad Dechter orchestrator Julia Frittaion unit publicist Sean M. Harding camera operator: "a" camera Stephen Jackson gaffer Nigel Johnson stand-in Christopher Klatman orchestrator Richard Long assistant editor Alison Luzietti assistant: Ms. Trench Stephen A. Marinaccio II production coordinator: re-shoots Melissa McManigal assistant to director Danny McWilliams location manager Laurel Morgan costumer Don Nemitz orchestrator James Perenseff transportation coordinator Mark Rathaus first assistant editor Lisa Ratke extras casting Jim Roberts set medic Susan Schrader payroll accountant Patrick Stark extras wrangler Gary Trentham assistant editor Chris Turner stand-in Jim Van Dijk steadicam operator James William Visconti III production assistant Michele Wernick music supervisor Ken Goldstein senior auditor (uncredited) Dana Dubé animal trainer Andrew Simpson animal coordinator: Canada 拍摄地Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 影片规格CameraPanavision and Lenses LaboratoryTechnicolor, USA Film negative format (mm/video inches)35 mm (Kodak/Fuji) Cinematographic processSpherical Printed film format35 mm Aspect ratio1.85 : 1 影片疏失Continuity: When Agent 11 is in the park, hiding behind the tree, he has a collar on, but when he's running away, he has no collar. Continuity: When James refuses to eat, the cereal box changes places between shots. Factual errors: In the closing credits, J.B. Bivens' character is misspelled as "Desk Sargent". Continuity: In the park, the ladies yell "My purse, My purse" which gets the attention of Agent 11. After he retrieves the purse, Gordon goes over to them, at which point they appear to be mute. 上映日期国家或地区 上映日期 美国 2001-02-25 2001 澳大利亚 2001-04-05 2001 新西兰 2001-04-05 2001 德国 2001-04-12 2001 南非 2001-04-26 2001 英国 2001-05-25 2001 马来西亚 2001-05-31 2001 新加坡 2001-05-31 2001 冰岛 2001-06-01 2001 香港 2001-06-07 2001 荷兰 2001-06-07 2001 韩国 2001-06-09 2001 比利时 2001-06-13 2001 阿根廷 2001-06-14 2001 意大利 2001-06-29 2001 西班牙 2001-06-29 2001 委内瑞拉 2001-07-11 2001 智利 2001-07-12 2001 法国 2001-07-18 2001 秘鲁 2001-07-19 2001 哥伦比亚 2001-07-20 2001 巴西 2001-07-27 2001 希腊 2001-07-27 2001 以色列 2001-08-09 2001 俄罗斯 2001-09-26 2001 日本 2001-11-10 2001 匈牙利 2001-12-13 2001 精彩对白Neighbor: Hey, shutup down there! Gordon: I'm covered in ca-ca! Gordon: Why don't you watch television or something? And keep it on cartoons, don't try to get smart! 剧情简介城市的某处,有一位叫高顿史密斯(大卫阿奎特饰)的邮递员,他住着普普通通的房子里,干着一份普普通通的工作,过着普普通通的生活,唯一的消遣是琢磨一些稀奇古怪的小发明。高顿喜欢着隔壁漂亮的女邻居斯蒂芬妮(莱丝莉比波饰),而对于单身母亲斯蒂芬妮来说,高顿不过是个精力过盛的小伙子,可是因为工作忙碌,她的宝贝儿子詹姆斯不时需要高顿帮忙照顾一下,所以斯蒂芬妮有时也要敷衍敷衍高顿的追求。 在城市的另一端,FBI探员默多克(迈克科拉克邓肯饰)正心急如焚的寻找着他的警犬搭档ELEVEN,ELEVEN是只战功赫赫的缉毒犬,但是它出色的侦察能力也给当地的黑帮老大桑尼·塔利亚带来了不少麻烦,恼羞成怒的塔利亚命令他手下的两个杀手基诺和阿利斯去干掉ELEVEN,幸运的是,ELEVEN远比这两个饭桶杀手迅速敏捷的多,它钻进高顿的货车里躲过了追杀。 懵然无知的高顿把ELEVEN带回了家,恰好被詹姆斯发现,詹姆斯毫不犹豫地收留下这只迷路的狗,并给它起名叫“斑点”。作为一个邮递员,高顿几乎天天要对付各种各样的看门狗,所以他对狗们可是素无好感,但是詹姆斯铁了心要留下“斑点”,无可奈何的高顿只好忍了。 一段时间相处下来,高顿和“斑点”还真慢慢建立起了感情,这天,高顿和詹姆斯带着“斑点”到宠物店,两个杀手又闻风而来,一番鸡飞狗跳的搏斗之中,训练有素的“斑点”终于彰现出它的“真狗本色”,将两个坏蛋整治的落花流水,而这时,一直寻找ELEVEN的默多克也赶到了,他要求把“斑点”带回去,是回去做ELEVEN还是继续做“斑点”?两种截然不同的生活摆在面前,最后的选择将由小狗自己决定 官方网站http://www.see-spot-run.com/ |
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