

词条 Nicholas Lea

Nicholas Lea,中文名译作:尼古拉斯·李,加拿大人,演员,制片人。

个人简介 Intro

姓名:Nicholas Lea

原名:Nicholas Christopher Herbert



出生日期:1962年6月22日 星期五

出生地:New Westminster, B.C., Canada.

现居地:Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

身高: 6'-1" (约 1.86M)


喜爱的电影:卡萨布兰卡 Casablanca(1942), 公民凯恩 Citizen Kane(1941), 美好人生 It's a Wonderful Life(1946)和愤怒的公牛 Raging Bull(1980)

喜爱的演员:Jimmy Stewart, Paul Newman, Spencer Tracy, Robert Redford, Chris Walken, Kate Hepburn, Meryl Streep, and Ingrid Bergman.

主要影视作品 Credit

电视剧 Television

天赐Kyle XY ------- Tom Foss情归何处 Men In Trees ------- Pastor Eric

惠斯勒 Whistler ------- Ethan McKaye

犯罪现场调查/犯罪现场鉴证 "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" ------- Chris Bezich

新纵横四海 John Woo's Once a Thief ------- Victor Mansfield

X档案The X Files ------- Alex Krycek / Michel

电影 Film

Dancing Trees(2009)

罪恶 Vice(2008)

美利坚的维纳斯 American Venus

赎命24小时/轮子上的蝴蝶 Butterfly on a Wheel (2007)

混沌原理/乱战 Chaos (2006)

地球湮没之惊涛大历险/超级飓风之世界末日 Category 7: The End of the World

致命隔绝 Deadly Isolation (2005)

The X Files: Resist or Serve


感动马尔柯姆 Moving Malcolm

The Investigation

The Impossible ElephantA Shot in the Face

与查理斯午餐 Lunch with Charles

核武反击战 Ignition

垂直极限Vertical Limit (2002)

邪恶圈套 Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye

Their Second Chance

Inside the X Files

The X-Files: The Unopened File

轰天杀手 Bad Company

The Raffle

黑洞拦截 Xtro II: The Second Encounter

美国男友 American Boyfriends

音乐 Soundtrack

在"Men in Trees"第二季第14集"Get a Life"中演唱了"Several Thousand"和"I See in You"两首歌。其中 "I See in You"为Nick自己创作完成,既很好地融合进了剧情,同时又表达了对剧中角色Sarah和扮演着Suleka Mathew的情感。Nick在一篇采访中如是说:"I wanted it to be a song that's about both Sue and her character, I wanted to write a song for Sue, too," he says. "It also had to be a song that spoke about what was going in the episode."

琐事 Trivia

a.Dated actress Lucy Liu. [1997 - 1998]

1997-1998年间曾和女演员LUCY LIU(刘玉铃)约会

b.Was the lead singer in an alternative rock band called Beau Monde for five years

曾在BEAU MONDE(法语,意为"美丽世界")乐队担任主唱长达5年之久。据他的经纪人介绍Nick嗓音出众,但未录制过任何唱片。

c.Auditioned for the part of Cal in Titanic (1997)


d.Attended Prince of Wales Secondary School in Vancouver (Grad of 1980).


e.Served in the Canadian Navy.


f.Worked in a clothing store.


g.Went to art school for three years to become an illustrator.


h.Read for the role of Danny on "NYPD Blue" (1993).

为"NYPD BLUE"一剧中DANNY一角配音。Nick在此剧中也客串出演了一个酗酒并殴打妻子的无业游民。

i.Best known for his portrayal of "Alex Krycek" in "The X-Files"

最著名的是"X档案"里对"Alex Krycek"的诠释

j.Last name is pronounced Lee.姓读音和LEE一样

k.Guest-starred on the ABC TV show, "Men in Trees" (2006), opposite his real-life girlfriend (since 2001), Suleka Mathew.

曾做客ABC(美国广播电视公司)的电视节目"MEN IN TREES", 与他真实生活中的女友Suleka Mathew演对手戏(上面提到的"I See in You"即为她而作)

l.Where Are They Now

(2001) In 2001 Nick was teaching acting at the Lyric School of Actors in Vancouver along with Martin Cummins, Benjamin Ratner, Nancy Sivak, Brent Stait , Michael Tiernan, David Palffy and Mark Regan.


2001年,NICK在温哥华的表演学校the Lyric School of Actors 教授表演,和他一起的有Martin Cummins(这位在KYLE XY中饰演Adam Baylin好友,后来变成Jessi爸爸的Brian Taylor), Benjamin Ratner, Nancy Sivak, Brent Stait , Michael Tiernan, David Palffy and Mark Regan.

获奖情况 Award

2001 - Nominated for a Leo Award: Best Performance of Feature Length Drama - Male for Lunch With Charles.

2004 - Nominated for a Gemini Award: Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Dramatic Program or Mini-Series for The Investigation.

The 10 Greatest Actors on TV





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