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释义 | 《金融时序分析中动态波动模型的检验》主要讲述波动模型,借鉴量子力学中的德鲁塔函数的思想,建立拉格朗日乘数检验统计量,以规避不可定义参数的检验问题。 书名:金融时序分析中动态波动模型的检验 作者:史秀红 ISBN:9787563816774 类别:经济 定价:18.00 元 出版社:首都经济贸易大学出版社 出版时间:2009年06月 内容简介《金融时序分析中动态波动模型的检验》各章的主要内容分别如下: 第一章,介绍金融波动模型及其相互关系; 第二章,在随机波动模型的基础上,提议检验EGARCH模型的拉格朗日乘数检验统计量,并通过计算机仿真和实证分析,验证该检验统计量的检验能力; 第三章,在Jump—GARCH模型的基础上,提议检验跳跃现象存在与否的拉格朗日乘数检验统计量,并应用计算机仿真,验证该检验统计量的正确性; 第四章,在Jump—GARCH(t)模型的基础上,提议检验跳跃现象的拉格朗日检验统计量,并用计算机仿真和实证分析加以验证; 第五章,分别在Jump—EGARCH模型和Jump—EGARCH(t)模型的基础上,提议检验跳跃现象的拉格朗日乘数检验统计量,并通过计算机仿真和实证分析加以验证; 第六章,在Jump-SV模型的基础上,提议检验跳跃现象的拉格朗日乘数检验统计量,并通过计算机仿真和实证分析验证该检验统计量的检验效率。 图书目录1 Financial Volatility Models 1.1 Stylized Facts 1.1.1 ARCH-type Mode] 1.1.2 Stochastic Volatility (SV) Model 1.1.3 Jump Process 1.2 The Relationships of the Three Models 1.2.1 ARCH-type and SV Models 1.2.2 ARCH-type and SV Models with Jump Components 1.2.3 Purpose for Testing 1.2.4 Purpose of This Book 1.3 Methodology 1.3.1 Lagrange Multiplier Test 1.3.2 Dirac's Delta Function 1.4 Structure of This Book References 2 Testing for EGARCH against Stochastic Volatility Models 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Model and Test Statistic 2.3 Conclusions Appendix References 3 Testing for GARCH against Jump-GARCH Models 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Model and the Lagrange Multiplier Test Statistic 3.3 Simulation 3.4 Conclusions Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C References 4 Testing for Jumps in the GARCH(t) Jump Processes 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Model and Lagrange Multiplier Test Statistic 4.3 A Monte Carlo Experiment and an Empirical Example 4.4 Algebraic Details References 5 Testing for Jumps in the EGARCH Process 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Lagrange Multiplier Test for Jump-EGARCH with Gaussian Innovations 5.3 Jump-EGARCH with Student-t Innovations 5.4 One-sidedTest 5.5 AMonteCarloExperimentandanEmpiricalExample References 6 TestsforJumpsinStochasticVolatilityProcesses 6.1 Introduction 6.2 TestingforSimpleSVagainstSVwithJumpsinReturns 6.2.1 SVMoldewithJumpsinReturns 6.2.2 TestStatistic 6.3 TestingforJumpsintheVolatilityCorrelatedwithJumpsinReturns 6.3.1 Model 6.3.2 TestStatistic 6.4 TestingforJumpsinVolatilityIndependentofJumpsinReturns 6.4.1 TheModel 6.4.2 TestStatistic 6.5 EmpiricalExamplesandMonteCarloExperiment Appendix References 后记 …… |
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