

词条 蒋剑雄


男,1959年9月出生,湖南涟源市人,教授级高级工程师,杭州师范大学有机硅化学及材料技术教育部重点实验室副主任、材料与化学化工学院副院长,四川省跨世纪人才,国家人事部等六部委“百千万人才工程”第一、二层次人选,享受国务院特殊津贴。1981年12月毕业于南京大学化学系物理化学专业,1988年10月至1991年12月在英国The Open University 化学系师从国际有机硅界权威Alan R Bassindale 教授,获博士学位并从事博士后研究工作。1992年1月至1996年12月在加拿大 MacMaster University 化学系Michael A Brook 教授指导下从事博士后研究工作。归国后,历任国家有机硅工程技术研究中心副主任、国家化学清洗技术研究推广中心副主任、中国蓝星(集团)总公司科技总院院长助理、中央研究院院长、中国蓝星(集团)总公司北京蓝星清洗股份有限公司橡塑事业部总工程师。长期从事以有机硅为主要内容的化工新材料研究和开发。20多年来,先后主持、参与国家重点攻关项目、国家863计划、国防军工先进材料重点项目等省部级以上项目20余项,申请发明专利10项,授权2项,并在国内外重要刊物上发表论文40余篇。












1. 吕素芳 李美江 邬继荣 蒋剑雄 来国桥 邱化玉;环硅氧烷开环聚合反应的机理及动力学研究,高分子通报,2008.1,01期。

2. 伍 川,蒋剑雄,来国桥,甲基二苯基乙氧基硅烷饱和蒸汽压测定与关联,化学工程,2008.6,第36卷 第6期(总第232期)。

3. Zhou Wei, Xu Li-Wen, Jiang Jian-Xiong, Qiu Hua-Yu, Lai Guo-Qiao, Xia Chun-Gu, The Synthesis of A Novel Chiral Ionic Liquid and Its Application in Aldol Reactions, Helv. Chim. Acta, 2008, 91, 53-59.

4. 白赢 , 彭家建 , 厉嘉云 , 邱化玉 , 蒋剑雄 , 来国桥,IB族金属(铜、银、金)催化硅氢加成反应的研究进展,有机硅材料,2008年01期。

5. Guoqiao Lai, Jiajian Peng, Jiayun Li, Huayu Qiu, Jianxiong Jiang, Kezhi Jiang, Yongjia Shen, Ionic Liquid Functionalized Silica Gel: Novel Catalyst and Fixed Solvent, ChemInform, Volume 38,Issue 2, January 9, 2007.

6. LI Jia-Yun,PENG Jia-Jian,WU Hui,BAI Ying,QIU Hua-Yu,JIANG Jian-Xiong, LAI Guo-Qiao,Hydrosilylation of Alkenes Catalyzed with Rh(PPh3)3Cl/ Organic Molten Salt,ACTA CHIMICA SINICA 2008 66 (9): 1009—1014。

7. 伍川 蒋剑雄 邱化玉 来国桥,有机硅橡胶原位增强新工艺,材料科学与工程学报,2008年26卷1期,147-151。

8. Yang Ming-Song, Xu Li-Wen, Qiu Hua-Yu, Lai Guo-Qiao, Jiang Jian-Xiong, Highly Efficient Indium-Catalyzed Chemoselective Allylation-Etherification and Reductive Etherification of Aromatic Aldehydes with Functional Silanes, Tetrahedron Lett. 2008, 49. 253-256.

9. Yang Ming-Song, Xu Li-Wen, Zhang Fei-Bao, Qiu Hua-Yu, Jiang Jian-Xiong, Lai Guo-Qiao, Highly efficient iron-Catalyzed allylation of aromatic aldehydes with allyltriethoxysilane: one-pot and practical synthesis of homoallyl ethers, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2008, 22, 177-180.

10. 伍川; 董红; 杨雄发; 蒋剑雄; 来国桥; 邱化玉,甲基苯基二乙氧基硅烷饱和蒸汽压的测定与关联,化学工程,2008年,第08期。

11. Xu Li-Wen, Ju Ya-Dong, Li Li, Qiu Hua-Yu, Jiang Jian-Xiong, Lai Guo-Qiao, Homogeneous Silicone Modified Primary Amine-Brønsted Acid Salt Catalyzed Aldol Reaction: Unexpected Synergistic Effect of Polysiloxane with Remarkable Improvement of Efficiency and Stereoselectivity, Tetrahedron Lett. 2008, 49, 7037-7041

12. 吕素芳; 倪勇; 傅水玉; 来国桥; 蒋剑雄; 邱化玉,微波消解-火焰原子吸收法测定硅橡胶中的锡,有机硅材料,2008年 05期。

13. Xu Li-Wen, Yang Ming-Song, Qiu Hua-Yu, Lai Guo-Qiao, Jiang Jian-Xiong, Efficient Iron-Catalyzed Sakurai-Michael Addition of Allyltrimethyl- silane to Chalcones, Synth. Commun. 2008, 38, 1011-1019.

14. Wei Zhou, Li-Wen Xu , Guo-Qiao Lai, Hua-Yu Qiu, Jian-Xiong Jiang, Chun-Gu Xia,Highly Efficient Heterobimetallic Iron-Magnesium-HMPA–Catalyzed Michael-type Friedel–Crafts Reactions of Indoles and Chalcones. Synth. Commun. 2008, 38, 1638-1645.

15. 白赢; 彭家建; 厉嘉云; 胡应乾; 邱化玉; 蒋剑雄; 来国桥,Pt/C催化剂制备工艺对硅氢加成催化性能的影响,有机硅材料,2008年 第04期。

16. Ju Ya-Dong, Xu Li-Wen, Li Li, Lai Guo-Qiao*, Qiu Hua-Yu, Jiang Jian-Xiong, Lu Yinxin, Noyori’s Ts-DPEN ligand: An Efficient Bifunctional Primary Amine-based Organocatalyst in Enantio- and Diastereoselective Michael Addition of 1,3-Dicarbonyl Indane Compounds to Nitroolefins, Tetrahedron Lett. 2008, 49, 6773-6777. (Addition: TL 2009, 50, 135)

17. 厉嘉云; 彭家建; 吴慧; 白赢; 邱化玉; 蒋剑雄; 来国桥,Rh(PPh3)3Cl/有机融盐催化烯烃硅氢加成反应,化学学报,2008年 第09期。

18. 蒋剑雄,邱化玉,来国桥,张殿松;有机硅聚合物市场分析,有机硅材料,2008,22(5)

19. Jiajian Peng, Jiayun Li, Ying Bai, Huayu Qiu, Kezhi Jiang, Jianxiong Jiang, Guoqiao Lai, Ionic liquid (molten salt): Thermoregulated catalyst support for catalytic hydrosilylation process, Catalysis Communications, Volume 9, Issue 13, 20 July 2008, 2236-2238.

20. 杨雄发,伍川,董红,来国桥,邱化玉,蒋剑雄,LED封装用液体交联剂的制备和表征,高分子材料科学与工程,2009年25(2)期,131-133。

21. 杨雄发,伍川,董红,蒋剑雄,邱化玉,来国桥,LED封装用有机硅材料的研究进展; 有机硅材料,2009,23(1):47~53.

22. Zheng Xu, Juan Jin, Zhifang Li, Huayu Qiu, Jianxiong Jiang, Guoqiao Lai, Mitsuo Kira,Remarkable Substituent Effects on the Activation Energy of Silylene Insertion into Silicon–Chlorine Bonds,Chemistry - A European Journal, 2009, 8, Volume 15, Issue 34, 8605-8612.

23. Chaowei Hao, Ying Zhao, Xia Dong, Yong Zhou, Yizhuang Xu, Dujin Wang, Guoqiao Lai, Jianxiong Jiang, Anomalous rheological behavior of poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) and CuCl2 in solution and their interactions in solid composites, Polymer International, 2009, 8, Volume 58, Issue 8, 906-911.

24. Xiong-fa Yang, Hong Dong, Chuan Wu, and Jian-Xiong Jiang*, Synthesis and Characterization of Ethylhydrosilicone Fluids as Liquid Cross-linking Agents for the Encapsulant of Light Emitting Diodes, Phosphorus,Sulfur, and Silicon. 2009, 11, Vol.184, No.11, 2870-2876.

25. 章成峰,刘毓海,刘少轩,李慧珍,黄昆,潘庆华,华小辉,郝超伟,马清芳,吕长有,李维红,杨展澜,赵莹,王笃金,来国桥,蒋剑雄,徐怡庄,吴瑾光,细旦尼龙6纤维加工过程中的晶型转化行为;中国科学(B辑),2009,39(11),1378-1385。

26. 伍 川; 胡从达; 董 红; 杨雄发; 蒋剑雄,双(N,N-二乙基 )胺基甲基三氟丙基硅烷合成研究,杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版),[ISSN:1002-2848/CN:61-1400/f],2009(4),282~285。

27. Guoqiao Lai, Zheng Xu, Zhifang Li, Jianxiong Jiang, Mitsuo Kira and Huayu Qiu,Stereoelectronic Substituent Effects on Silylene Insertion into the Si−Cl Bond,Organometallics, 2009, 28 (13), 3591–3593。

28. Bai Ying,Peng Jiajian, Hu Yingqian, Li Jiayun, Lai Guoqiao, Jiang Jianxiong*,The Application of Platinum and Rhodium N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes in Hydrosilylation Reaction,PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY, 卷: 21,期: 12,页: 2613-2624,12,2009.

29. 白 赢 彭家建 胡应乾 厉嘉云 邱化玉 蒋剑雄 来国桥,Cu(PPh3)2BH4作还原剂制备PtCu/C催化剂催化烯烃硅氢 加成反应研究,化学学报, 2009, 67(10), 1155-1158。

30. 胡从达 伍川 邬继荣 杨雄发 徐晓秋 蒋剑雄, 双(N,N-二乙基)氨基甲基苯基硅烷的合成研究, 有机硅材料, 2009(5), 279-282。

31. ZHANG ChengFeng, LIU YuHai1, LIU ShaoXuan, LI HuiZhen, HUANG Kun, PAN QingHua, HUA XiaoHui, HAO ChaoWei, MA QingFang, LV ChangYou, LI WeiHong, YANG ZhanLan, ZHAO Ying, WANG DuJin, LAI GuoQiao, JIANG JianXiong, XU YiZhuang,WU JinGuang,Crystalline behaviors and phase transition during the manufacture of fine denier PA6 fibers,Science in China Series B-Chemistry, 2009, 52(11), 1835-1842。

32. 罗小亚; 伍川; 蒋剑雄; 来国桥; 蒋可志,三甲氧基硅烷与乙烯反应产物的气质联用分析,杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2010,2,85~88。

33. 齐帆; 李美江; 许文东; 蒋剑雄; 来国桥,羟基硅油制备技术研究进展,杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2010,2,89~92。

34. 来国桥,李美江,蒋剑雄,有机硅单体的生产安全,有机硅材料, 2010年 第01期,9~12。

35. 张飞豹,张蔡华,邓元,徐利文,邱化玉,来国桥,蒋剑雄,SBA-15负载Pd催化剂的制备及其在Heck反应中的应用研究,化学学报, 2010, 68(05) 443-448,ISSN: 0567-7351。

36. 吕志卿,吴连斌,蒋剑雄,陈遒,桥联型有机-杂化介孔材料(PMOs),化学进展,2010 Vol. 22 (06): 1152-1160。

37. 吕志卿 吴连斌 蒋剑雄 陈道 陈利民 来国桥,桥联聚倍半硅氧烷(BPS)的研究进展,材料导报, 2010年 第5期。

38. Zhen-Yu Jiang, Hua-Meng Yang, Ya-Dong Ju, Li Li, Meng-Xian Luo, Guo-Qiao Lai , Jian-Xiong Jiang and Li-Wen Xu,Organocatalytic Michael Addition of 1,3-Dicarbonyl Indane Compounds to Nitrostyrenes,Molecules, 2010, 15(4), 2551-2563。

39. Jiang Zhen-Yu,Wu Ji-Rong,Li Li,Chen Xi-Huai,Lai Guo-Qiao,Jiang Jian-Xiong,Lu Yixin,Xu Li-Wen,Efficient Lewis acid-assisted Brønsted acid (LBA) catalysis in the iron-catalyzed Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction of indoles,Central European Journal of Chemistry, Vol: 8, Issue: 3, 2010-01-01, 669~674。

40. Jun-Hua Wan, Wei-Fen Fang, Zhi-Fang Li, Xu-Qiong Xiao, Zheng Xu, Yuan Deng, Li-Hong Zhang, Jian-Xiong Jiang, Hua-Yu Qiu, Lian-Bin Wu, Guo-Qiao Lai,Novel Ladder π-Conjugated Materials-Sila- Pentathienoacenes: Synthesis, Structure, and Electronic Properties,CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,Vol. 5, Issue 10, 2290-2296, October 4, 2010.

41. Yong-Feng Cai, Hua-Meng Yang, Li Li, Ke-Zhi Jiang, Guo-Qiao Lai, Jian-Xiong Jiang, Li-Wen Xu,Cooperative and Enantioselective NbCl5/Primary Amine Catalyzed Biginelli Reaction,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, Vol.2010, Issue 26, 4986–4990, September 2010.

42. Chuan Wu, Jing Jin, Xiongfa Yang, Hong Dong, Xiaoqiu Xu, Jianxiong Jiang,Effect of structure and additives on thermal stability of silicone fluids,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,Vol.117, Issue 5, 2530-2537, 5 September 2010.

43. Li-Wen Xu, Guang Gao, Feng-Lei Gu, Hao Sheng, Li Li, Guo-Qiao Lai, Jian-Xiong Jiang,Dual Amine- and Brønsted Acid-Catalyzed -Allylic Alkylation of Aldehydes,Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis,Vol.352, Issue 9, 1441-1445, June 1, 2010.

44. Yang, Hua-Meng, Li, Li, Jiang, Ke-Zhi; Jiang, Jian-Xiong, Lai, Guo-Qiao, Xu, Li-Wen, Highly enantioselective synthesis of warfarin and its analogs by means of cooperative LiClO4/DPEN-catalyzed Michael reaction: enantioselectivity enhance- ment and mechanism, TETRAHEDRON, 66 (51): 9708-9713 DEC 18 2010.

45. Li-Wen Xu, Li Li, Guo-Qiao Lai and Jian-Xiong Jiang,The recent synthesis and application of silicon-stereogenic silanes: A renewed and significant challenge in asymmetric synthesis, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2011, DOI: 10.1039/C0CS00037J.

46. Jiayun Li, Jiajian Peng, Diliang Wang, Ying Bai, Jianxiong Jiang*, Guoqiao Lai, Hydrosilylation reactions catalyzed by rhodium complexes with phosphine ligands functionalized with imidazolium salts, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 696, Issue 1, 1 January 2011, Pages 263-268.

47. Shi, Zi-Hui,Sheng, Hao,Yang, Ke-Fang,Jiang, Jian-Xiong,Lai, Guo-Qiao,Lu, Yixin,Xu, Li-Wen,Diarylprolinol Silyl Ether Catalyzed Asymmetric Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of Indoles with alpha,beta-Unsaturated Aldehydes: Enhanced Enantioselectivity and Mechanistic Investigations,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, (1): 66-70 JAN 2011.


1、陈其阳, 陈明高, 王继奎, 蒲恒裴, 蒋剑雄, 幸松民和陈秀红: 直接法合成烷氧基硅烷; 中国专利: ZL 92 1 08098.0, 1992,4,23.

2、M. A. Brook, P. Heritage, J. Jiang, L. Loombs, M. McDermott and B. Underdown, Microparticles delivery system, US PATENT 5571531, Nov. 5, 1996.





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