

词条 mcsd

MCSD(Microsoft Certified Solution Developer)微软认证解决方案开发专家。 微软认证解决方案开发人员 (MCSD) 报考者需要通过三门核心考试和一门选修考试。核心技术考试要求报考者证明他们精通解决方案的体系结构、桌面应用程序的开发和分布式应用程序的开发。选修考试要求证明具有使用微软开发工具的专业技能。



一门关于 Web applications development的考试

一门关于 Windows applications development的考试

一门关于 Web services and server components的考试

一门关于 solution architecture的考试


提示 Many of the exams in this certification track are retired. If a required exam is retired and you have not yet passed that exam, you cannot complete the certification track. You must fulfill all listed requirements to earn the certification. If you passed a required exam before it retired, it can be applied toward certification. The credential will not expire.

Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
Note This exam is retired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification. Exam 70-305

Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
Note This exam is retired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification. Exam 70-315

Developing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
Note This exam is retired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification. Exam 70-306

Developing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
Note This exam is retired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification. Exam 70-316

Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and the Microsoft .NET Framework
Note This exam is retired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification. Exam 70-310

Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual C# and the Microsoft .NET Framework
Note This exam is retired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification. Exam 70-320

Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft .NET Solution Architectures
Note This exam is retired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification. Exam 70-300

Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition
Note This exam is retired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification. Exam 70-229

Designing and Implementing Solutions with Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000, Enterprise Edition
Note This exam is retired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification. Exam 70-230

Designing and Implementing Solutions with Microsoft Commerce Server 2000
Note This exam is retired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification. Exam 70-234

TS: Developing Business Process and Integration Solutions Using Microsoft BizTalk Server Exam 70-235

Managing, Organizing, and Delivering IT Projects by Using Microsoft Solutions Framework 3.0
Note This exam is retired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification. Exam 70-301

Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
Note This exam is retired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification. Exam 70-330

Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET
Note This exam is retired, but if you already passed it, you can apply it toward this certification. Exam 70-340

TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 – Implementation and Maintenance Exam 70-431

Developing E-Business Solutions Using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 Exam 74-135

1This exam retires on October 31, 2010.



微软认证解决方案开发专家 (MCSD) 可获得如下权益(2000 年 1 月 1 日生效):


订阅“微软开发人员网络”(MSDN®)在获得认证后的一年内,可以获得一年的 MSDN 订阅折扣(实行细节可能会随着您的所在地点有所变化,请查看您的 Welcome Kit。)MSDN 专业版的折扣额为 200 美元,MSDN Universal(通用版)的折扣为 500 美元。

从部分公司获得独有的产品和服务折扣。一些优惠只提供给最高级认证,[微软认证系统工程师 + Internet (MCSE+I)、微软认证系统工程师 (MCSE)、微软认证数据库管理员 (MCDBA)、微软认证解决方案开发专家 (MCSD)]。现已通过认证的人员可以通过访问 MCP 安全 Web 站点,并单击“其他权益”来获取相关信息。获得最高级认证的人员可以选择“最高级权益”。

通过安全的 MCP Web 站点直接从微软公司获得技术和产品信息。

MCSD 徽标、证书、成绩单、皮夹卡、领带夹向同事和客户表明您的微软认证专家(MCP)身份。在认证时可以从 MCP 安全 Web 站点下载徽标和成绩单的电子文件。


免费访问 Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online (《微软认证专家在线杂志》 -- 一份有关职业生涯及专业前景展望的杂志)。Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online Web 站点的安全内容包括本期杂志(只有 MCP 才能访问),其他仅在线发行的内容和专栏,一个只对 MCP 开放的数据库和与微软和其他技术专家定期的在线技术讨论。

对于具有 MCSE+Internet、MCSE、MCSD 和 MCDBA 认证的人员,还提供其他在线优惠。进入 MCP 安全 Web 站点,访问 Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online。(所有 MCP 都有资格浏览在线杂志的安全内容。一些 MCP 可能还有资格免费得到杂志的印刷版本;这种资格由该杂志确定。)








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