词条 | 祭祀舞蹈 |
释义 | 祭祀舞蹈概述按照舞蹈功能划分的舞蹈种类之一.祭礼舞蹈起源于原始社会的图腾崇拜舞蹈和巫术仪式舞蹈.在原始宗教中,人们把与自己氏族有密切联系的动物和植物作为自己氏族的族徽或图腾标志,把其奉为自己的祖先或保护神,在图腾崇拜的仪式中,人们用舞蹈颂扬祖先和神明的功绩,以求神明的庇祐.例如:《凤来》、《网罟》是颂扬伏羲发明网罟,教民捕鸟捉兽之功;《充乐》是歌颂女娲教民嫁娶、婚配之绩的舞蹈;《扶犁》、《丰年》歌颂神农教民播五谷的功绩等等.源于巫术的蜡祭是一种在岁末以舞蹈祈祝来年丰收,酬谢神祇的祭典.蜡祭诸神有八:先啬(神农氏);司啬(后稷);农(农神);邮、表、畷(管理农田的官);猫、虎(神);坊(堤神);水(河道神);百种(百谷神)等等.除此之外,巫术活动中还有“雩祭”、“傩祭”和“祀高”,分别是以舞蹈求雨、驱疫、求子的巫术仪式活动.“雩祭”由巫率众舞蹈在天旱时求雨,如求雨不至,女巫常遭“曝”和“焚”的惩罚.“傩祭”是一种在每年岁末,戴着面具,由“方相氏”带领舞蹈在室内驱赶鬼、疫的舞蹈活动.“祀高媒”则是在每年春季举行的以择偶、置婚配为目的的歌舞活动.历代统治阶级,为巩固自己的统治地区,常借宗教仪式愚异人民,标榜自己“真龙天子”的地位.周代整理的六代舞便是祭祖的舞蹈.后代的宫廷“雅乐”也通常用于封建帝王祭祖、祭天、地、山、川之神以及佛、道、儒等宗教活动之中.在少数民族宗教活动中,有代表性的古老宗教舞蹈有“东巴教舞蹈”、“喇嘛教舞蹈”、“萨满教舞蹈”、“梅山教舞蹈”(师公舞)等.总之,在原始和古老的宗教和巫术仪式中,舞蹈是其重要的不可缺少的组成部分,“以舞通神”是其重要的环节和其重要作用所在,它常使教徒和舞者进入颠狂状态,也使舞蹈艺术得到了不断地发展. Dance and functional in accordance with one of the dance categories. Ritual dance originated in the primitive totem worship dance and voodoo ritual dance. In the original religion, people have close ties with their clan animals and plants as its emblem of a clan or tribe totem signs, enshrined its own ancestors or the protection of God, in the totem worship ceremony, people dance, praise the merits of ancestors and gods in order to the blessing of the gods. For example: "phoenix", "Reticulum" is a celebration Fu Xi invented Reticulum, Christians bird to catch the beasts power; "charge Music" is the praise of Nu Wa Christian wedding, the Heritage mating dance; "Fuli", "Harvest," Shen Nong's Christians praise the merits of grains such as broadcast and so on. from the wax voodoo festival is a kind of dance, pray for the coming year at the end of the year in order to harvest, the festival gods reward. wax festival gods are eight: first Sik (Shennong); Division Sik (Hou Ji); agriculture ( Agricultural God); Post, tables, Zhui (management of farmland officer); cat, tiger (God); Square (dike God); water (river god); 100 kinds of (100 Ceres) and so on. In addition, witchcraft activities, there is "yu Festival", "Exorcising Festival" and "worship high", respectively, based on the rain dance, drive epidemics, Child-giving ceremony of witchcraft activities. "yu Festival" by Wu mobilize people dancing in the days When dry the rain, such as the rain, until they witches were often "expose" and "burning" punishment. "Nuo Ji" is a in the annual end of the year, wearing a mask, by the "band's clan" led the dance in the indoor expulsion of ghosts, Phytophthora dance activities. "worship the high media" is held in the spring of each year to mate, home for the purpose of mating dance festivals. dynasties ruling class, in order to consolidate his rule areas, often by different people in religious ignorance, advertised himself as "true sons of the dragon" status. Zhou finishing the sixth-generation ancestor worship dance is the dance. descendants of the court "Elegant Music" is also commonly used in the feudal emperor worship, Heaven, earth, mountain, River God as well as Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and other religious activities. in minority religious activities, representative of an ancient religious dance, the "Dongba Dance", "Lamaism Dance", "Shamanism Dance", "Meishan teach dance" ( division of public dance), etc.. In short, the original and ancient religion and magic rituals, dance is its importance can not be an integral part of the "Dance speaks" are an important link and its important role in the host, it often makes Christians and dancers into the willow state, also the art of dance has been constantly evolving. 祭祀舞蹈的守护在祭祀开始时,就要有专门的护卫来守护它,防止遭到破坏。如右图。 |
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