词条 | 吉姆·洛威尔 |
释义 | 小詹姆斯·“吉姆”·阿瑟·洛弗尔(James 'Jim' Arthur Lovell, Jr.,1928年3月25日-)曾是一位美国国家航空航天局的宇航员,以作为指令长将严重受损无法登月的阿波罗13号成功带回地球而闻名。洛弗尔还是首次环绕月球的阿波罗8号的指令舱驾驶员。 个人简介国籍 美国 出生日期 1928年3月25日 出生地点 俄亥俄州,克里夫兰 之前职业 试飞员 军阶 上校(美国海军) 太空停留时间 29天19小时03分钟 选择 第二组宇航员 任务 双子星7号、双子星12号、阿波罗8号、阿波罗13号 詹姆斯·阿瑟·洛威尔(James Arthur Lovell, Jr.)(美国海军退役上尉,出生于1928年3月25日)曾是一位美国国家航空航天局的宇航员,以作为指令长将严重受损无法登月的阿波罗13号成功带回地球而闻名。 【早年】 出生于俄亥俄州的克里夫兰,洛威尔全家都搬到了威斯康辛州的密尔沃基,where he graduated from Juneau High School and became an Eagle Scout. Later he attended the University of Wisconsin for two years, joining the Alpha Phi Omega fraternity. He continued on to the United States Naval Academy and, after graduating in 1952, entered the United States Navy where he served in the Korean War. After spending four years as a 试飞员 at the Naval Air Test Center in Patuxent River, Maryland, 洛威尔曾是水星计划7人的候选成员,但由于医疗检查中的一个后来变得不重要的细节未被选择。1962年,洛威尔被选入第二组宇航员。 NASA生涯洛威尔担任了双子星4号的替补飞行员,第一次太空任务是1965年12月的双子星7号任务。双子星7号是首次长达两星期的太空任务,也首次和双子星6A号完成了首次太空集合。洛威尔原本是双子星10号的替补指令长,但在埃里奥特·希和查尔斯·巴塞特牺牲后,他成为了双子星9A号的替补指令长,1966年11月,洛威尔作为双子星12号的指令长执行了第二次太空任务。在两次任务后,洛威尔成为了在太空生活的时间最久的宇航员。 阿波罗8号的主力指令舱驾驶员迈克尔·科林斯因颈椎间盘突出症接受手术后,洛威尔接替了他的位置。和弗兰克·博尔曼、与威廉·安德斯一起,洛威尔于1968年12月执行了首次环绕月球的阿波罗8号任务。 洛威尔担任了首次登月的阿波罗11号的替补指令长,计划中会担任阿波罗14号的指令长。由于原计划中阿波罗13号的指令长艾伦·谢泼德需要在长期不执行太空任务后进行更多的恢复训练,洛威尔与谢泼德互换了任务。1970年4月11日,与弗莱德·海斯和杰克·斯威格特一道,洛威尔作为阿波罗13号的指令长开始了月球之旅。但在抵达月球之前,航天器的服务舱中的氧气罐发生了爆炸,使航天器损失了大量氧气和电力。登月任务于是被放弃,使用着登月舱的推进器、氧气和电力,洛威尔、海斯和斯威格特飞越月球,利用月球引力产生的惯性,于4月17日加速返回地球。洛威尔是三名两次去过月球的宇航员之一,但和其他两人约翰·杨、尤金·塞尔南不同,洛威尔没有在月球上行走过。 洛威尔的四次太空任务中超过715小时的太空经历使他成为了宇航员太空停留时间的记录保持者;直到天空实验室计划,洛威尔还是在太空见过日出次数最多的宇航员。与阿波罗13号的两位搭档一起,洛威尔还保持着人类离开地球最远距离的记录。 After the US Navy and NASA He retired from the Navy and the space program in 1973 and went to work at the Bay-Houston Towing Company in Houston, Texas, becoming CEO in 1975. He became president of Fisk Telephone Systems in 1977, and later worked for Centel, retiring as an executive vice president on January 1, 1991. Lovell, a recipient of the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award, later served as the President of the National Eagle Scout Association in the mid-1990's. He was also recognized by the Boy Scouts of America with their prestigious Silver Buffalo Award. He married Marilyn Gerlach in 1952 and they have four children - Barbara (born in 1953), James (1955), Susan (1958) and Jeffrey (1966). Along with Jeffrey Kluger, Lovell wrote a book on the Apollo 13 mission, Lost Moon: The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13. This book was the basis for the later Ron Howard movie Apollo 13 (film) starring Tom Hanks as Lovell. In order to prepare for the role, Hanks visited Lovell and his wife at their house in Texas and even went for a ride with Lovell in his private airplane. In the movie Apollo 13, Lovell has a cameo as the ship's captain on the recovery ship. He was initially offered to be the admiral of the ship, but Lovell stated "I retired as a captain and a captain I will be" and he was cast. He can be seen as the older gentleman shaking Tom Hanks' hand on the recovery ship USS Iwo Jima during the voice over by Tom Hanks. 1999年, Lovell, along with his family, opened Lovell's of Lake Forest, a fine dining restaurant in Lake Forest, Illinois. The restaurant displays many artifacts from Lovell's time with NASA, as well as from the filming of Apollo 13. Lovell's son Jay is the executive chef. Lovell also visits colleges and universities where he gives speeches on his experiences as an astronaut and businessman. He strongly urges students to get involved in science and the space program and he credits NASA in the 1960s with bringing much of the country together for a common goal. Formal education University of Wisconsin United States Naval Academy (BS, 1952) Test Pilot School, Naval Air Test Center, Patuxent River, Maryland (1958) Aviation Safety School, University of Southern California (1961) Advanced Management Program, Harvard Business School (1971) 太空任务双子星7号,搭档:弗兰克·博尔曼 双子星12号,搭档:巴兹·奥尔德林 阿波罗8号,指令长,搭档:威廉·安德斯、弗兰克·博尔曼 阿波罗13号,指令长,搭档:弗莱德·海斯、杰克·斯威格特。由于氧气罐爆炸,登月被取消,三人安全返回地球。 获得荣誉Captain Lovell's awards & decorations include: Military Awards Navy Distinguished Service Medal Distinguished Flying Cross with gold Service star Air Medal Navy Commendation Medal National Defense Service Medal Navy Expeditionary Medal Naval Astronaut Wings Naval Aviator Wings United States Medal of Freedom Other Awards Harmon International Trophy (1966, 1967 and 1969) Robert J. Collier Trophy (1968) Robert H. Goddard Memorial Trophy (1969) H. H. Arnold Trophy (1969) General Thomas D. White USAF Space Trophy (1969) Presidential Medal of Freedom Légion d'honneur NASA Distinguished Service Medal NASA Exceptional Service Medal FAI De Laval Medal & Gold Space Medals National Geographic Society's Hubbard Medal Congressional Space Medal of Honor 7th Street in Downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin is now called "North James Lovell Street". Capt. Lovell is a Fellow in the Society of Experimental Test Pilots and a member of the prestigious Golden Eagles. 吉姆·洛威尔 in Fiction 洛威尔的 book was used as a basis for the 电影阿波罗13号, in which Lovell was portrayed by Tom Hanks, although the physical resemblance is slight. (Lovell had personally wanted Kevin Costner, who resembled him more, to portray him.) Lovell had a cameo appearance at the end of the movie as the captain of the recovery ship USS Iwo Jima. In the HBO series 从地球到月球, 洛威尔 was portrayed by Tim Daly. In the 2002 novel Ice,吉姆·洛威尔 and his wife both appear in a fictional memorial scene commemorating what everyone assumes is the deaths of two Apollo astronauts on the Moon after their LM ascent engine fails to fire. Captain and Mrs. Lovell are described as providing comfort to the bereaved wives and children of the two missing-and-presumed-dead astronauts--something they hadn't had to do since the Apollo 1 fire. Legal dispute In the July 21, 1996 issue of San José Metro News, Lovell was quoted as saying the following of Moon landing hoax believer Bill Kaysing: "The guy is wacky. His position makes me feel angry. We spent a lot of time getting ready to go to the moon. We spent a lot of money, we took great risks, and it's something everybody in the country ought to be proud of." Kaysing sued Lovell for libel. In 1997 a judge threw the case out of court (Plait 2002:173). References Philip Plait (2002). Bad Astronomy: Misconceptions and Misuses Revealed, from Astrology to the Moon Landing "Hoax". John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-40976-6. |
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