词条 | 基尔加丹之球 |
释义 | 战役物品。为基尔加丹赠送给伊利丹的宝物。 效果: 使英雄的攻击带有溅射效果,并让英雄对空时变为远程。增加6点攻击力。 注明: 人族的火焰之球溅射伤害只有球本身的5点,而基尔加丹之球的溅射效果为英雄原本攻击伤害加6点球的伤害的65%,范围80。 还记得冰封王座战役中基尔加丹赐予伊利丹的基尔加丹之球吗?这件强大的神器之前并没有出现在燃烧的远征中。而现在,它将在2.4补丁中随着基尔加丹一同出现。 冰封王座一役,伊利丹被阿尔塞斯击败的同时,镶嵌在埃辛诺斯双刃上的基尔加丹之球被霜之哀伤击碎并冰封,但基尔加丹之球不会就此终结。在2.4中,伊利丹将掉落冰封的燃烧之球碎片。拿到碎片后会提示太阳井的井水可以溶化冰封并使基尔加丹之球重新融合。收集5块碎片后去太阳井高地副本,把碎片浸入井水中,碎片就会吸收太阳井的能量,重新融合成燃烧军团之球。此举会大大降低血精灵势力的声望,得到的燃烧军团之球暂时还无法使用。 在太阳井完成召唤仪式后,基尔加丹会现身。这时如果有燃烧军团之球,基尔加丹会将其收走并嘲笑伊利丹的无能。拥有燃烧军团之球的基尔加丹会陷入愤怒状态,此时的基尔加丹比通常更为强大。击败他后,就会掉落基尔加丹之球。 冰封的燃烧之球碎片 拾取后绑定 需要等级70 “冰块中似乎有一团火在燃烧” 燃烧军团之球 拾取后绑定 唯一 这个物品将触发一个任务 需要等级70 “好烫!它看起来不像是属于这个世界的。” 基尔加丹之球 拾取后绑定 远程 魔杖 221-412火焰伤害 速度1.50 (每秒伤害211.0) +30耐力 +26智力 耐久度75/75 需要等级70 装备:使你的法术致命一击等级提高28。 装备:提高所有法术和魔法效果造成的伤害和治疗效果,最多35点。 击中时可能:燃烧敌人的灵魂,使其沉默并减少攻击强度30%,持续5秒。 “欺诈者无尽的愤怒” 英文原版: We decide to add a new legendary item of Orb of Kil'jaeden in patch 2.4. Illidan will drop Frozen Shard of Burning Orb in patch 2.4, which is the shard of Orb of Kil'jaeden frozen by Frostmourne. Collect 5 pieces of shards and put them into sunwell then they will merge into Orb of Burning Legion. Meanwhile, your reputation in Blood Elves will drop a lot. Kil'jaeden will take the orb from you when he appears, and be more powerful. You will finally get Orb of Kil'jaeden after defeat him. Frozen Shard of Burning Orb Binds when picked up Requires Level 70 "There seems to be a piece of fire burning in the ice shard." Orb of Burning Legion Binds when picked up Unique This Item Begins a Quest Requires Level 70 "SO HOT! It seems not to belong to this world." Orb of Kil'jaeden Binds when picked up Ranged Wand 221-412 Fire Damage Speed 1.50 (211.0 damage per second) +30 Stamina +26 Intellect Durability 75/75 Requires Level 70 Equip: Improves spell critical strike rating by 28. Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 35. Chance on hit: Burns your enemy's soul, silences that victim and reduce its attack power by 30% for 5 seconds. "The Deceiver's endless wrath" |
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