

词条 活宝三人组
1 电影



时间1925年,拉瑞(Evan Handler,「激情刺杀令」、「绑票通缉令」)加入霍华兄弟莫(Paul Ben-Victor,「法网边缘」、「跷家老妈」)与山普的行列,组成三人搞笑团体,他们精彩而爆笑的表演为自己赢来一纸电影合约,然而山普竟在此时决定退出,改由另一位兄弟克利顶替他的位置;这三人团体以其独一无二的喜感表演获得前所未有的成功,然而,在光鲜的成功表象下,他们却得忍受制片厂的剥削,与领取不成比例的微薄片酬;当山普和克利相继过世后,这个红极一时的喜剧组合似乎也将走入解散的命运,面对一路走来的风风雨雨,俨然这个团体领袖的莫能否找到另一个事业的春天呢?

蘑菇头:Moe(摩尔/莫尔) 胖子:Curly(科里/柯里)最小的:Shamp(山普/沙普)




后来Moe和Shamp发现了Larry(拉里/拉瑞)。 Larry是演奏小提琴的,他在演奏时也做一些搞笑的动作,然后和他的妻子跳艳舞(为了活着真不容易!当时美国经济危机很多人都饿死了!)他同样也很受欢迎!

于是Moe和Shamp通过剧场的主持人找到了Larry,并答应他如果加入的话,每个月的月薪会涨到400美元。 Larry同意了。














有声电影诞生后,3人便出演了第一部《The Three Stooges》(活宝三人组)系列的电影。名字叫 《Women Heaters 》,就是《单身俱乐部》那一集音乐感很强(当时的有声电影就是这样)


当他们演到《The Three Stooges》的第3部电影《Men in Black》时。他们才成名。


1940年Curly他中风了,但他谁也没有告诉。在拍 Half-Wits Holiday突然发病,Moe和Larry把Curly送到医院才知道Curly中风了(可怜而又敬业并且重感情的胖子呀!)


后来Shamp回来和代替了Curly,于是一个最早的组合(Moe Larry Shamp)又恢复了合作


1947到1956年,Shamp与Moe和Larry共演了76部电影。其中 hold that lion那集有Curly的客串(就是一个骗子叫斯里普,骗走了Shamp的遗产。他们追到火车的时候,发现一个人用帽子盖着脸睡觉,把帽子拿开,发现那个人还用夹子夹着鼻子,细心的人会发现,那个人是Curly,只不过有头发了,不太好认!)

1952年,Moe Larry 和Shamp还去电视台表演过!

但是在1956年Shamp演完 Commotion on the Ocean(主要剧情就是一个富翁家里总是丢东西,于是把他们三个人请过去看房子。后来发现作案的人是他家里的人!有一个片段是Shamp发现他那杯酒被他旁边的那个女的下了毒,于是借欣赏画,两人开始换杯子……)因心脏病突发去世。

1956年,The Three Stooges无法继续拍摄,原因就是没有合适的演员替代Shamp,于是便开始招可以模仿Curly的人替代他,由Moe亲自审核。


开始还比较默契,但是后来由于Joe不愿意用蛋糕打仗,把奶油弄得哪里都是,便离开了The Three Stooges。

这时电视已经在美国普及化,人们一打开电视,就会看到Moe、Larry、Curly或是Shamp在一起。他们这时才算得上是家喻户晓,妇孺皆知!一提起The Three Stooges,没有人不知道。在五、六十年代的美国,《The Three Stooges》是人们生活的一部分,伴随了整整一代人的成长。他们疯狂夸张的表演、经常被折磨得死去活来的狼狈样子,给人们带去了无尽的快乐。甚至,《The Three Stooges》在美国已成为了一种文化现象,影片中你可以管窥到三、四十年代美国的社会变迁和人事百态。史无前例跨越三十五年的制作过程,还可以堪称为美国早期电影发展的编年史。

但是Moe和Larry没有了第三位搭档,本来决定将The Three Stooges改成The Two Stooges(活宝二人组 -_-!)

这时Curly Joe加入了他们,Curly Joe虽然长得很可爱,但是演技很差,所以搞怪的工作就交给了Moe(比如 A~a~a~a~ ; woo~woo~ woo~,mimimimimi等一些怪声和Curly用手擦脸的动作,Moe可以模仿得很像 不愧为亲兄弟!)



直到Larry因中风瘫痪后,The Three Stooges便不再出现电影版,只有动画版了!1975年1月,Larry因中风去世,4个月后Moe因胃癌与世长辞。

他们没有获得过奥斯卡奖,但却在好莱坞的名人堂(Hollywood Walk of Fame)留下了印记。

The Three Stooges 成为了永久的历史,在美国也是家喻户晓,就连迈克尔-杰克逊也是他们的fans!

美国根据他们改编了3部电影,其中2000年的同名电影《The Three Stooges》就是讲述他们的历史!

2003年美国还推出了《The Three Stooges 75th Anniversary Specia》这个电视节目来纪念他们诞生75周年!




Moe Howard

出生:1897年6月19日 纽约本森赫斯特死于: 1975年5月4日 享年77岁

Moe Howard was born on June 19, 1897, in Bensonhurst, New York, a small Jewish community on the outskirts of Brooklyn. Moe's real name was Moses Horwitz. Moe's mother's name was Jennie Horwitz, and his father was clothing cutter Solomon Horwitz. Moe was the fourth eldest of five Howard brothers. Two of Moe's brothers, Jerome (Curly), and Shemp performed with him as members of The Three Stooges. Moe's other two brothers, Jack and Irving, never entered show business.

Moe graduated from P.S. 163 in Brooklyn. He attended Erasmus High School for only two months and never completed his high school education. To please his parents he took a class in electric shop at the Baron DeHirsch Trade School in New York. Moe's true love, however, was the theater. In 1909 at the Vitagraph Studios in Brooklyn he earned his entry into film making by running errands for the performers. His persistence paid off, and he soon appeared in films with such stars of the time as John Bunny, Flora Finch, Earle William, Herbert Rawlinson, and Walter Johnson.

It was also in 1909 that Moe met Ted Healy. They became close friends, and in the summer of 1912 joined Annette Kellerman's aquatic act as diving "girls". This job only lasted through the summer. After a separation, Moe renewed his acquaintance with Ted Healy in 1922 and together with brother Shemp formed a partnership, which would last, with a few short breaks, for almost 10 years. On June 7, 1925, Moe married Helen Schonberger, who was a cousin of the late Harry Houdini.

After a short stint outside of show business, Moe rejoined Ted Healy. Larry Fine joined the act in 1925. Healy with his Stooges appeared in a string of vaudeville shows including A Night in Venice. Ted Healy and his Stooges made their first screen appearance in the classic 1930's comedy feature "Soup to Nuts" for 20th Century Fox. This film was followed by a series of comedies for Metro Goldwyn Mayer.

In 1934, Moe Howard, Larry Fine, and Jerome Curly Howard, signed on with Columbia Studios as The Three Stooges to make the comedy shorts that are still viewed on television today. In 1958, Moe and Larry joined Joe DeRita to continue The Three Stooges act until Larry suffered a stroke during the filming of "Kook's Tour" in 1970. As Larry was unable to perform, Moe and Curly Joe considered re-placing him with Emil Sitka, but The Three Stooges never performed together again. Moe has two children, Joan and Paul. Moe passed away on May 4, 1975 at the age of 77.

Larry Fine 出生于: 1902年10月5日 出生地:宾夕法尼亚州费城,

死于: 1975年1月24日 72岁Larry Fine was born Louis Fienberg on October 5, 1902 on the south side of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His father, Joseph Fienberg, and mother Fanny Lieberman, owned a watch repair and jewelry shop. Larry had two brothers, Morris, a younger brother Phillip who died prematurely, and a sister, Lila, who became a school teacher.

As a child, Larry's left arm was badly burned from acid used by his father in the jewelry business. Larry required immediate attention, and a skin graft was done on his arm. Larry's doctors recommended that he be given violin lessons as a form of therapy. Playing the violin was supposed to strengthen his damaged arm muscles. Larry's skill as a violinist became so impressive that eventually he began to play professionally. Larry played in local theater amateur nights usually taking top prize.

Interestingly enough, along with being a violin player he also was a boxer. Larry earned money as a light weight fighter. Later on he would develop an act in which he would do a Russian dance while playing the violin. It was this act that caught the attention of Ted Healy. After Shemp decided to leave Ted Healy's act, Moe suggested that perhaps Larry could replace Shemp. The trio, Moe, Larry, and Shemp first appeared on Broadway in A Night in Venice. Larry also appeared in The Stooges first full length motion picture, "Soup to Nuts," in 1930 for 20th Century Fox. Of course, Larry went on with Moe and Curly to form The Three Stooges, who appeared in the Columbia shorts beginning in 1934.

Larry and his wife, Mable, lived in hotels, first in the President Hotel in Atlantic City, where his daughter Phyllis was raised, then the Knickerbocker Hotel in Hollywood. Later Larry bought an old Mediterranean style house in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles. Larry had two children. His son, Johnny died in a tragic automobile accident on November 17, 1961 at age 24. Larry also had a daughter, Phyllis. Larry's wife, Mabel, died on May 30, 1967. Larry has five grandchildren, Christy Lynn Clark, John Fine, Jr., Phyllis Miller, Kris Cutler, and Eric Lamond.

After 1958, Larry, Moe, and Curly Joe performed before live audiences all across the country, appeared in six full length motion pictures, appeared on numerous television shows, and performed in other productions until Larry Fine suffered a stroke during the filming of "Kook's Tour" in 1970. After his stroke Larry never performed again. Larry Fine passed away on January 24, 1975.

Curly Howard

出生于: 1903年10月22日 出生地:纽约布鲁克林

死于: 1952年1月22日 48岁Curly Howard's real name was Jerome Lester Horwitz. He was born to Jenny and Solomon Horwitz on October 22, 1903 in Bath Beach, a summer resort in a section of Brooklyn. He was the fifth and youngest of the five Horwitz brothers. Curly's interest in show business grew as he watched his brothers, Shemp and Moe perform as stooges in Ted Healy's act. After Shemp left the Healy act, Moe suggested to Healy that his kid brother Jerome was available and would make an excellent replacement for Shemp.

Curly at the time was known as "Babe." When Babe showed up to talk to Healy to join the act he had long wavy brown hair and a mustache. In order to join the act Babe agreed to shave off his mustache and shave his head. Now referred to as Curly, he joined the team and played with the Stooges in vaudeville acts and comedy shorts for MGM. Later, in 1934, Curly along with Larry and Moe performed in many of the shorts that were produced for Columbia Pictures.

After Curly's first marriage was annulled, he married three more times. On June 7, 1937 he married Elaine Ackerman. In 1938, Elaine gave birth to Curly's first child, a daughter, Marilyn. Elaine and Curly divorced on July 11, 1940 after only 3 years of marriage. On October 17, 1945, Curly married Marion Buxbaum. After a miserable three months of arguments and accusations, Marion and Curly separated on January 14, 1946, and Curly sued for divorce. This divorce was quite scandalous and notices were carried in all the local papers.

It was after his separation from Marion that Curly's health started its rapid decline. On May 6, 1946, he suffered a stroke during the filming of his 97th Three Stooges comedy, "Half-Wits' Holiday" (1947). A year later Curly met Valerie Newman, whom he married on July 31, 1947. Valerie was Curly's fourth wife, and she nursed him through those last, awful years. Valerie gave birth to a daughter, Janie.

Finally, in 1949, Curly's health took a severe turn for the worse when he suffered his second in a series of strokes and was rushed to Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Hollywood. Curly died on January 18, 1952. He was 48 years old

Shemp Howard

出生于:1895年3月17日 出生地:纽约布鲁克林

死于:1955年11月23日 60岁Shemp was born Samuel Horwitz in Brooklyn, New York on March 17, 1895. He acquired the name "Shemp" when his mother, with her broad European accent, would call him "Sam," which sounded like "Shemp." Shemp graduated from P.S. 163 in Brooklyn. Shemp enrolled along with Moe at the Baron De Hirsch Trade School in New York where Shemp took up plumbing and Moe studied to be an electrician.

Shemp, like his brother Moe, had ambitions to be an entertainer. Shemp worked with his brother Moe in various amateur and vaudeville acts until 1922 when a former school mate and vaudeville comedian, Ted Healy, was playing at the Brooklyn prospect theater and needed a replacement in his current act. Moe and Shemp joined the act. In 1925 Shemp married Gertrude "Babe" Frank. She gave birth to a son, Morton, in 1927.

In that same year Larry joined Moe and Shemp with Ted Healy. In 1930, Shemp went with Healy and Moe and Larry to co-star in "Soup to Nuts." A short time later, Healy left the JJ Shubert Broadway review, taking Moe and Larry with him. Shemp decided to stay with the show. On his own, Shemp went on to star in countless comedies for Vitaphone in 1932, and he later played the role of Knobby Walsh in the Joe Palooka series. Shemp did feature film roles at RKO, MGM, and Monogram.

In the 1940's he was given numerous roles in such Universal films as "Buck Privates," "The Bank Dick," and "Hellzapoppin!" After Curly had to leave the act because of his illness, Shemp become one of The Three Stooges. Shemp not only made 77 Stooge shorts, but also a feature film, "Gold Raiders" (1951). Shemp also appeared in the TV pilot "Jerks of All Trades."

On November 23, 1955, Shemp went out with his friends to a boxing match at the Hollywood Legion Stadium. After the fights were over, Shemp hailed a taxicab to take him to his North Hollywood home with friend Al Winston. Shemp set back and lit up his cigar. Suddenly he slumped over into Winston's lap. Shemp had a heart attack and was dead at the age of 60.

Joe Besser

出生于:1907年8月12日 出生地:摩根路易斯

死于:1988年3月1日 80岁After Shemp Howard died in 1955, the Stooges replaced him with Joe Besser. Joe Besser was born in Saint Louis, Missouri on August 12, 1907 to Fannie and Morris Besser. His parents were Orthodox Jews and moved to the United States from Poland in 1895 where Morris worked as a baker.

By 1928 he was well on his way to being a solo comedian. While on tour he was introduced to Erna Dora Kretschmer (Erna Kay) whom he married on November 18, 1932. Erna Kay served as a choreographer on the 1929 Paramount film "The Coconuts," which featured the Marx Brothers. Around 1940, Joe took Columbia Pictures contractee Jimmy Little on tour as his straight man. Soon Joe became a headliner on the Orpheum, RKO, Paramount, and Loew's theater circuits. He also appeared on the Broadway stage.

Eventually Columbia Pictures signed Joe to an exclusive contract and cast him in features and Comedy two reelers. Slowly making his climb to stardom, radio comedians like Jack Benny, Fred Allen, Eddie Cantor, and Milton Berle were all clamoring to have him on their shows. Besser made frequent appearances on the Jack Benny Show, The Fred Allen Show, The Eddie Cantor Show, Tonight on Broadway, The Vaughan Monroe Show, and from 1945 to 1949 he played with Milton Berle on Let Yourself Go.

Besser made many comedy shorts for Columbia before joining The Three Stooges in 1956. Joe left the Stooges in 1958 and went on to star in feature films and had a successful television career. On March 1, 1988, Joe passed away in his North Hollywood home of heart failure. Fourteen months later, his wife Erna died on July 1, 1989.

Curly Joe Derita

出生于:1909年7月12日 出生地:宾夕法尼亚州费城

死于:1993年7月3日 83岁Joe DeRita's real name was Joseph Wardell. He was born July 12, 1909 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Joe was the only one of the Stooges to come from a show biz family. His mother, Florenz DeRita, was a dancer and his father, Frank Wardell, was a stage technician. Joe was in show business from the age of seven. Joe's roles included the title role in the stage version of "Peck's Bad Boy" with his mother and father.

In 1921 Joe went into burlesque because vaudeville was just about gone. Joe's film debut was in "The Doughgirls" in 1944 with Ann Sheridan for Warner Brothers. During the war, Joe worked with the USO and traveled extensively overseas with many Hollywood stars including his friend, Randolph Scott. He made several tours with Bing Crosby to entertain servicemen in England and France. After the war, Joe made guest appearances on radio shows including Burns & Allen and guest appearances in films and television shows such as The Desilu Playhouse, This is Alice, and Bachelor Father.

Joe appeared in Columbia shorts such as "Slappily Married" and "The Good Bad Egg," these shorts featured some of the same supporting actors who were in the Stooge Shorts. In 1958 the Columbia short subjects department was disbanded, and The Three Stooges no longer had a contract with Columbia. Joe Besser did not want to travel with the act so Moe and Larry needed a third stooge. Joe DeRita was asked to join the act, and at this time the Stooges formed Comedy III Productions, Inc., a company which still holds The Three Stooges rights and manages their affairs.

In 1958 Columbia released the old Three Stooges shorts to television and there was an immediate resurgence of popularity of the Stooges. The Stooges with Curly Joe as the third Stooge made numerous personal appearances all around the country and made six full length feature motion pictures. This period of time from 1958 and throughout the 60's was described by Larry Fine as the Stooges' golden years. While filming "Kook's Tour" in 1970 Larry suffered a stroke which left him paralyzed on the left side of his body. There was some talk of replacing Larry with Emil Sitka, but The Three Stooges never performed together again.

Curly Joe formed an act called The New Three Stooges with Mousie Garner and Frank Mitchell, but the act only made a few appearances. Joe was just too old to do the Stooge shtick anymore. Curly-Joe married Jean DeRita in 1966 and they were married 25 years until his death. Joe DeRita died on July 3, 1993 at the Motion Picture Hospital in Los Angeles. He was the last stooge.










摄制格式35 mm


35 mm


Columbia TriStar Television Inc. [美国] Interscope Communications [美国] Storyline Entertainment [美国]


Columbia TriStar Television Inc. [美国] 美国广播公司[美国] (2000) (USA) (TV) (original airing)

《The Three Stooges》的上映/发行日期国家/地区 上映/发行日期(细节) 美国 USA2000年4月24日 澳大利亚Australia2001年1月4日......(video premiere)英国UK2003年4月11日 瑞典Sweden2007年1月5日主要剧情时间1925年,拉瑞(Evan Handler,「激情刺杀令」、「绑票通缉令」)加入霍华兄弟莫(Paul Ben-Victor,「法网边缘」、「跷家老妈」)与山普的行列,组成三人搞笑团体,他们精彩而爆笑的表演为自己赢来一纸电影合约,然而山普竟在此时决定退出,改由另一位兄弟克利顶替他的位置;这三人团体以其独一无二的喜感表演获得前所未有的成功,然而,在光鲜的成功表象下,他们却得忍受制片厂的剥削,与领取不成比例的微薄片酬;当山普和克利相继过世后,这个红极一时的喜剧组合似乎也将走入解散的命运,面对一路走来的风风雨雨,俨然这个团体领袖的莫能否找到另一个事业的春天呢?

此电影介绍了The three stooges 的人生经历,是一部相当成功的人生传记影片。可惜的是中国被没有引进该电影!

2 图书

作 者: (英)迈克尔·劳伦斯 著,王峥,李一飞 译

出 版 社: 中国少年儿童出版社

出版时间: 2009-9-1

开 本: 32开

I S B N : 987820722495

包 装: 平装
















(英)迈克尔·劳伦斯,十岁时,迈克尔·劳伦斯的理想是当个考古学家或者天文学家,大家都觉得他是在开玩笑,所以他就去艺术学校上学了。长大后的迈克尔做过许多行当,发现孩子们喜欢看他创作的故事以后,迈克尔放弃了其他工作,当起了专职作家。 “活宝三人组”系列是他的作品中最受孩子们欢迎的,故事充满童趣和奇幻色彩,读起来很轻松、很过瘾!

3 游戏



活宝三人组(The Three Stooges Treasure Hunt Hijinks)绿色破解版加入拉里,莫,和克利这些具有喜剧色彩的人物旅程中,随他们一同寻找秘密宝藏。你要抢在卑劣的房东Reedy前,提前一步行动,在不同的关卡中寻找线索。通过游戏内的片段和情节,衬托这个活宝三人组的滑稽行为。你有勇气指出这个著名的电视三人组的愚蠢行为吗?在这款隐藏物体冒险游戏中搜索寻找,与你最好的朋友--火爆三人组-愉快合作


画 面


声 音




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