

词条 Lupo PenSuite

Lupo PenSuite是一个免费的软件和游戏集,包含了超过一百种的软件和大量的游戏,可以让电脑的使用变得更加方便。它使用简单,可以轻松地定制自己需要的内容,可以作到一切尽在其中。

它事实上是一个可以装到U盘等移动媒介中的绿色版操作系统,安装完成以后只要将U盘插入电脑(如果已经开启自动运行U盘),就可以看到类似windows操作系统下面开始菜单的东东!然后可以根据我们用windows的操作习惯进行相应的操作。Lupo Pensuite已经按照类型将集成的绿色软件分类,我们可以轻松找到任何一个软件。而且里面的软件涉及面相当的广,内容涵盖浏览器、影音播放、音乐剪辑、系统管理等,且全部都是绿色免费免安装的软件,可以满足我们绝大多数的要求。


Lupo PenSuite is a completely free suite of portable programs and games. This Suite is designed to simplify the user's life, by collecting the best suites and portable applications available on the Web.

Optimized to be loaded on a USB flash drive and brought always with you, this Suite works perfectly well on any other device. It includes over 180 highly selected portable programs and games (7-Zip, Audacity, CCleaner, eMule, FileZilla, Firefox, Foxit Reader, GIMP, IrfanView, Notepad++, Opera, Pidgin, Thunderbird, µTorrent, VLC and many more).

You can also easily customize your suite adding portable apps from our broad software database. All you need in one package.





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更新时间:2025/3/27 8:30:48