

词条 lucoms.exe

lucoms - lucoms.exe - 进程信息

进程文件: lucoms 或者 lucoms.exe

进程名称: Symantec LiveUpdate Server

描述: lucoms.exe是Symantecs网络安全套装的一部分,用于检测更新,保持你的产品版本为最新。

出品者: Symantec

属于: Symantec Internet Security Suite

系统进程: 否

后台程序: 是

使用网络: 否

硬件相关: 否

常见错误: 未知N/A

内存使用: 未知N/A

安全等级 (0-5): 0

间谍软件: 否

广告软件: 否

Virus: 否

木马: 否


进程文件: lucoms.exe or lucoms

进程名称: Symantec LiveUpdate Server


lucoms.exe is a part of Symantecs Internet security suite and deals with mainly live updates, which keep your product up to date from the latest security threats. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.

Recommendation for lucoms.exe:

lucoms.exe should not be disabled, required for essential applications to work properly.

Author: Symantec

Part Of: Symantec Internet Security Suite

安全等级 (0-5): 0

间谍软件: No

病毒: No ( Remove lucoms.exe )

木马: No ( Remove lucoms.exe )

Memory Usage: N/A

System Process: Yes

Background Process: Yes

Uses Network: No

Hardware Related: No

Common lucoms.exe Errors: N/A





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更新时间:2025/3/14 12:17:12