词条 | Love Poems for Dying Children |
释义 | 故事讲述的是一个孤独、美丽的吸血女魔autumn的内心的矛盾。她的一生是孤独的,只有一个孩子与她做伴,这个孩子的存在一直刺痛着她的心。她是一个吸血鬼,孩子的存在不断撩起他杀人的欲望,而她同时又不想杀掉这个孩子,因为她希望能赎回她的罪过。autumn的良知和欲望一直在斗争,到了act iii,autumn发现了孩子开始背叛她,最后她命运中的怒火已经把她焚烧掉了…… 英文:Love Poems for Dying Children 中文:给垂死孩子的爱情诗 歌手:Autumn Tears 曲风:哥特 Love Poems for Dying Children Act I专辑介绍在那萧瑟的1995年9月,ERIKE(编曲,主音及背景和声)和TED(词曲,钢琴,键盘及主音)这两个孤独的灵魂走到了一起,AUTUMN TEARS这支后来被称之为“氛围化DOOM”乐风的乐队由此成形。经过了一段时间的磨合与创作,这两个黑暗中的灵魂在WEST SOUND录音室开始录制了他们的作品。 1996年4月,AUTUMN TEARS在他们自己的厂牌DARK SYMPHONIES(黑暗交响)下推出了首张专辑“LOVE POERMS FOR DYING CHILDREN:ACT I”(献给垂死孩子们的爱与诗歌) 这张限量发行的专辑中带有浓厚的古典色彩,宗教圣歌、管弦乐章、交响史诗、天使般的女声独唱等等元素十分突出,但它所散发出的情绪却是如此黑暗和绝望,做为歌词的诗歌中表达了一种永世无法解脱的孤独。这与DEAD CAN DANCE以及THIRD§THE MORTAL等一起构成了当时黑暗乐坛上一道独特的风景。仅仅两千张的发行量远远不能满足心灵被深深震撼的黑暗乐迷,为了满足大家的请求。AUTUMN TEARS在后来的日子里不得不推出了一个新的再版版本“LOVE POERMS FOR DYING CHILDREN:ACT I REPRISE MCMXCVIII”,所有的歌曲被重新录制,重新混音,做为一个小礼物,在这张新版里,添加了一首新歌“THE INTERMISSION“(这是由AUTUMN TEARS后来的成员JENNIFER LEE ANNA演唱的)。 歌曲目录01 - They Watch With Closed Eyes 02 - Ode to My Forthcoming Winter 03 - Ode to My Forthcoming Winter 04 - Ode to My Forthcoming Winter 05 - Ode to My Forthcoming Winter 06 - The Eloquent Sleep 07 - And Then the Whispering 08 - One Tender Kiss (The Lost Seas) 09 - Carfax Abbey 歌词1'They Watch with Closed Eyes 他们闭上眼,却看到了 Timeless... Ageless... Ethereal Beauty 永恒的,不朽的,朦胧的美 Bestow Thy Dark Enchantment 赐予你黑暗的巫术 Blissful Death 和赐福的死亡 So Begins the Autumn Dance 那么,开始秋之亡舞吧 I Awaken Thee 苏醒吧,秋季! With My Kiss Shall They Forever Be One With Me 我的吻能使他们永远陪伴在我身边么 Dream Of Me, My Children 梦着我,孩子们啊 As I Embrace Thy Sorrow 我拥抱你们的悲伤 And Take Unto Myself Thy Tears 并且亲自抹去你们的泪水 I Awaken Thee 是我唤醒了你 Would They Hold Me As I Wept? 在我哭泣之时他们会拥抱我么? Would They Dry My Endless Tears? 他们会擦干我无尽的泪水么? Would They Kiss Me As I Died? 我死了,他们还会亲吻我么? Would They Love Me As I Am? 他们会爱我,如我爱他们一样么? 2'Ode to My Forthcoming Winter - Part 1. Spring我即将来临的冬日之颂-第一乐章.春季 Only Instrumental器乐曲 3'Ode to My Forthcoming Winter - Part 2. Summer我即将来临的冬日之颂-第二乐章.夏季 A Gathering of Tears Embrace the Divine Tragedy 聚集的泪水环抱着神圣的悲剧 A Chorus of Saddened Spirits Echoing Silently... Forever 悲伤灵魂的合唱永远无声回响 Autumn Hath Awakened her Children 秋天已经唤醒了她的孩子们 4'Ode to My Forthcoming Winter - Part 3. Autumn我即将来临的冬日之颂-第三乐章.秋季 The Dying Leaves Soundlessly Fall 垂死的落叶无声掉落 The Withering Trees Whisper of Winter Dreams 枯萎的树林秘密诉说着冬日的梦 Thus... She Shamelessly Unveils Herself 她如此不知羞耻地展现着她自己 The Silence is Forever Broken 沉寂被永远打破了 Behold her Blanket of Darkness 她自诩为黑暗的睡毯 Enshrouding the Dying Summer 掩盖了垂死的夏日 Inviting the Solemn Tranquility 她带来庄严的宁静 She Beckons the Earth with her Kisses 她用吻临于大地 The Winds Play Their Autumnal Melodies 风呼啸着他们秋天的旋律 Her Children Sing the Song of her Coming 她的孩子们歌唱着秋日降临之歌 Dark Formations Gather in her Mirth 黑暗的形态聚于她的欢乐之中 To Storm the Gates of EArthly Bliss 化为风暴撼动着大地保佑之门 5'Ode to My Forthcoming Winter - Part 4. Winter我即将来临的冬日之颂-第四乐章.冬季 Autumn Hath Awakened Her Children 秋日已经唤醒了她的孩子们 I am the Raging Storm and the Gentle Breeze 我是狂怒的风暴 是温柔的微风 I am the Glistening Stream and Earthen Soil 我是闪烁的溪流 是大地的土壤 I am the Rain and the Ever-darkening Sky 我是雨 是越来越阴沉的天空 I am the Velvet Shadows of the Night 我是黑夜柔滑的阴影 Embrace the Dreaming Mystery... 拥抱着神秘之梦 Partake of my Scornful Bereavement 分享我可鄙的亲人之丧吧 Welcome my Tears... Welcome my Tears...Welcome my Tears... 来吧,我的泪水,我欢 6'The Eloquent Sleep意味深长的沉睡 Guided by Spectral Visions 在诡异景象的引领下 They may see Beyond the Sleeping World 他们或许能看到长眠世界之外 and into their Silent Dreams... 并看穿他们无声梦境的真相 Silent Dreams 寂静的死亡之梦的真相 Which Speak in Tongues 我说着奇特的语言 Revealing to them my Presence 在他们面前出现 Carried by Unconscious Footsteps 悄无声息地 I Guide them to my Sweet Sanctum 将他们引入我甜美的圣地 Please Forgive me For what I Hath Done 请忘却我曾做过的那些事 My Soul is but for you to Take 我的灵魂仅仅属于你 Tears Wash Away my Sins 泪水洗尽我的罪恶 My Darkest Hour Hath Come... 我黑暗的时刻已经降临 I Have Arisen 我崛起了 Please do not Leave me 请不要抛下我 Forever shall I be Thine 我将永远属于你 Take me for what I shall be 请让我成为真正的我 and Thus the Beauty Unveils its Face 如此的美景揭开它的面纱后 The Garden shall Wither and Die 展现的是终将枯萎死亡的花园 The Myriad Gather Before me To Partake of my Life and Spirit 无数的孩子聚集在我面前分享着我的生命和灵魂 Only their Innocence and Chastity Can Purify my Tainted Soul 唯有他们的清白和纯洁才能净化我污秽的心灵 A Harvest of Youthful Serenity They shall Find me with Kisses 我的吻给予他们青春与宁静,孩子们团聚在我身边 My Undying Love and Youthful Embrace I give to them Evermore 我始终给予他们 我不死的爱和永葆青春的拥抱 7'And Then the Whispering...于是,我听见那私语 Gazing Deeply into Small Eyes 我凝视着他们幼小的眸子,看到了 Forever Softly they shall Speak Whispering Voices from Deep Within 他们所柔声诉说的是源自内心深处的 Cries of Pain for No One to Hear 无人能听见的悲痛哭泣 They shall Never see Beyond 他们永远看不到 Endless Seasons of Changing Emotion 喜怒无常的无尽四季 Channeled Rage and Hatred Hidden Behind a Mask of Sorrow 看不到愤怒与仇恨隐藏于悲痛的面具后 Haunting Memories are Silenced 沉默萦绕的记忆 Deeply Woven into the Fibers 深刻地织进纤柔的思绪中 of a Small, Fragile Mind Broken Only by Kisses of Sleep 这无尽记忆唯有死之吻才能打断 Everlasting Dreams of Love 无尽的爱之梦 Consuming the Life and Soul 耗尽了他们的生命与灵魂 Evolve into a New Darkness Shunned by an Untrue Victory 成为了不可战胜的新黑暗时代 8'One Tender Kiss (The Lost Seasons)柔弱之吻(迷失的季节) I. Wander 徘徊 Paths of Unbound Memories 自由记忆之径 Tangled Within the Inner Depths of Love and Sorrow 紊乱于爱与悲痛的深刻之中 Untrodden by Questioning Footsteps 不曾被质问的脚步践踏 Unbroken by Deafening Silence 也不曾被震耳的寂静打破 II. See 所见 Untended Gardens of Life 荒废的生命花园 Washed Away by Rains of Death 被死亡之雨洗净 Beneath my Feet, Rivers of Blood Flow Soundlessly 我的双足之下,血液的洪流无声奔涌 Seeds of Anguish Sown in the Soil of my Blackened Heart 苦闷之种散播于渐暗的心之土壤中,慢慢发芽 III. Remember 所忆 Ripples in the Water Casting Distorted Reflections 面对水波扭曲的映像 Over a Face I shall Never see Again 我最后一次看着这脸庞 My Eternal Beauty Lost Forever to my Eyes 我的永恒之美在我眼中永久的丧失了 IV. Regret 悔恨 Only to FEel, to Touch, to Love myself Again 仅仅是再次感觉,再次触摸,再次爱着我自己 My Life, My Soul, My Entire Existence in this Dying World 我的生命,我的灵魂,我的全部于这个垂死的世界中 In Exchange for One Brief Moment of True Happiness 可否换一个真实短暂的幸福一瞬 All my Hopes and Dreams in Ruin, 我所有的希望和梦想都崩溃了 Shattered like Shards of Glass... 如镜子一般跌得粉碎 Thus I am Left to Heed the Wisdom of a Fool 被愚弄的我 如今唯有跟随我的智慧 I Fear no Shameless Victory nor Welcome Illustrious Defeat 我不屑辉煌的胜利,只求无耻的征服 My Loneliness Ever Feeding Upon the Strands of my Sanity... 而寂寞不断吞食着我精神的海岸 As for now... I shall Welcome Dreams... of Majestic Gardens... 至于现在,我将迎接宏伟庄园的梦想 9'Carfax Abbey十字路口的修道院 Is it Simply a Kiss of Carnal Dreams? 这只是一个淫荡的梦中之吻么? What Once a Father to Tender Sleeplessness 温柔如父亲亲吻失眠的孩子 The Deviance of Youthful Whispering 年轻的声音诡异地低语 A Majesty to Darkness, A Visage... My Kingdom 向我的王国,向一副尊容 向黑暗致敬 My Centuries Laden with Dead Emotion 我的纪元满载死亡的情感 Timeless Anguish Beckons me 永恒的痛苦召唤着我入睡 Into my Sleep, the Torments of Dreamless Kin 这无梦之眠的折磨 Give Unto me a Time for Redemption 给了我一次赎罪的机会 And Even Now, Beneath the Multitude of Stars 尽管现在,处于繁星之下 Am I to Believe that I Stand Before God? 我会相信我正面对着神么? What Pitiful Illusion am I Expected to See? 我期待看到怎样可怜的幻想? Shall I Exist in my Death, To Believe in Them? 处于我的死亡之中,我会相信他们么? As I Destroy all you Love, before your Eyes 因我就在你的眼前毁灭了你所有的爱 I Bequeath unto thee my Forever... 我会将我的永恒遗留给你 For Time Hath Imprisoned me 时间囚禁了我 Endowed with the Wisdom of Centuries 却赐予了百年的智慧 Yet the Sorrow Hath Befallen me Still 尽管悲哀降临于我 The Chosen Few are but to Remain with me 尽管孩子们寥寥 但他们永属于我 United Together Within the Stillness... 我们在平静中团聚 Of an Age Yet to Come 一个时代已经来临 My Children of Sadness, I Welcome thee... 欢迎你,我悲伤的孩子们 Into my Arms, forever... 永远在我的臂弯之下吧 Love Poems for Dying Children Act II专辑介绍这部专辑的全名是“The Garden of Crystalline Dreams - Love Poems for Dying Children: Act II”,可是因为Love Poems for Dying Children系列太有名,很多人都不会记得专辑真正的名字。由于Love Poems for Dying Children Act I出奇的抢手(2000张小样一扫而空),使得Autumn Tears更加有信心,仅在West Sound录音室关了一年时间,II就出货了。如果你满怀信心从封面可以猜出这张制作要比I大手笔一些,那你就错了,因为当你听过会你就会发现这一切是幻觉。如果把这10首歌按在96年的专辑后面相信没人会听出有什么区别,一边是Erika仙音,一边是Ted魔鬼的低吼构成了一张庄严的新古典结构的叙事歌剧,是一张相当标准的Neo-classic专辑。专辑发行后,Autumn Tears变得更加出名,居然带动了I的销量,使得Dark Symphonies不得不在98年重发行了Love Poems for Dying Children Act I。而此时Erika已临时离开,Jennifer LeeAnna入替,Love Poems for Dying Children也暂时告一段落。 歌曲目录1. Do They Ever Sing? 2. This.. My Melancholic Masquerade 3. Dreaming Kiss 4. So Sweet... The Tears 5. Commiseration in Mourning 6. Garden of Crystalline Dreams Act L 7. Battle Act LL 8. Ebony Meadow Act LLL 9. Shadow Painted White 10. Black Heaven 歌词1'Do They Ever Sing?他们可曾歌唱? Child: Do the children ever sing? 孩子:那些孩子也曾歌唱么? The Beautiful: Alas, they do not sing but songs of woe and remembrance. 美丽的妇人: 是啊,可惜他们只能歌唱悲哀和回忆. Child: Do the children ever dance? 孩子:他们也曾舞蹈么? The Beautiful: Alas, they can dance no more. 美丽的妇人: 唉,但是他们再也不能起舞了. Child: Do the children ever laugh? 孩子:他们也曾欢笑么? The Beautiful: Alas, their laughter can be heard no longer. 美丽的妇人: 唉,可惜再也不能听到他们的笑声了. Child: Do the children ever play? 孩子:那些孩子也曾玩耍么? The Beautiful: Alas, their days of playing have long since ended. 美丽的妇人: 唉,他们从前玩耍的时光结束了 Child: Do the children ever sleep? 孩子:那些孩子也曾睡觉么? The Beautiful: Alas, the children cannot sleep. They can only dream. 美丽的妇人: 他们不睡觉,他们只能做梦. Child: Do the children ever cry? 孩子:那些孩子也曾哭泣么? The Beautiful: Alas, I do regret, they forever cry tears of sadness. 美丽的妇人: 是啊,我很遗憾,他们总是流着悲伤的眼泪. Child: Do the children ever love? 孩子:那些孩子也曾有爱么? The Beautiful: Alas, they can love no more. 美丽的妇人: 唉,可是他们再也不能爱了. Child: Do you love the children? 孩子:你爱那些孩子么? The Beautiful:I love all of my children, yet I fear they cannot love me. 美丽的妇人: 我爱我所有的孩子,然而我怕他们不爱我.... Child: Do you love me? 孩子:你爱我么? The Beautiful:I shall love thee forever, my dearest one.Sleep now, as we enter this endless memory together, and see thy death awakened all in a moment 美丽的妇人: 我永远爱你,我最亲爱的.睡吧,我们将一起加入这无尽的记忆,迎接死亡的降临,你将在死后瞬间醒悟. 2'This... My Melancholic Masquerade我极度忧郁的化妆舞会 The Beautiful: Ancient queen of the earthen season and her name is Autumn] 美丽的妇人:大地远古的季节女王,她的名字是秋天 [Wisdom: Lord Of The ancient, majestic garden, All knowing, all seeing] 智慧:远古的宏伟庄园的统治者,无所不知,无所不晓 [Benevolence: Conscience of Autumn. The side of light and hope] 仁爱:秋之女王的善心,秋天光明和希望的一面 [The Child: Child of Autumn. Her sole, dearest companion] 孩子:秋天的孩子,秋天唯一的,最亲密的人 [Deciet: Black angel of lies and misery, the dark side of Autumn] 德塞特:谎言与痛苦的黑暗天使,秋天黑暗的一面 [The Beautiful: ] 美丽的妇人:Hear me... O valiant sister, reveal to me, this archaic image 听到了么,噢,英勇的姐妹,揭示这远古景象的启示吧 Awakened, I find no passage within these arcane illusions 我醒来了,在这神秘的幻境中失去了方向 Hath I but found my eternity manifested within me 我仅仅在内心找到了自己永恒的证明 This mask of shattered divinity do I now wear 正是我戴着的面具--神的碎片 Endless black skies surround my ***** 无尽的黑暗包围着我的自由 The ravens cry out for my undoing, how beautiful their songs are to me 乌鸦嘶喊着我的毁灭,就如美妙的歌声一般 Hopelessly, I envision fragile winds sweeping away my spirit 我绝望的想象着 柔弱的风带走我的灵魂 Leaving behind my barren epitaph, taking me to my eternity... my garden 只剩下我空洞的墓志铭,而我会回归永恒,回到我的花园 Vanquished foes, fear not my destiny 失败的仇敌啊,别再惧怕我永恒的命运 Take this empty shell which is my body 尽管拿去我空荡的躯壳 And free my dying brood from endless millennia 从无尽的轮回中释放我的垂死的族人吧 One child, one god, one wish, one dream, one heart, one life, one final victory 一个孩子,一个神祉,一个愿望,一个梦,一颗心,一个生命,和一个最终的胜利 O hear me... I'm in pain 你们能听到么,我多么痛苦 3'A Dreaming Kiss梦中的吻 Lips of glass 尖锐的边缘 Their touch so deep 切得如此之深 Cold, enchanting bliss 这冰冷而迷人的欢乐 The dying dreams, I take unto my love 临终前的梦,我开始沉溺于我的爱 Her embrace to carry me beyond death I wish... 我多么, 希望,你的拥抱能带我远离死亡 A deepening woe, a shadow of life 更深切的悲哀,生命的阴影 Hindering my dying dreams 阻挡着我临终的梦 But just one kiss, I beg of thee my love 我恳求你我的爱,仅仅是一个吻 To dry my ever flowing stream of tears 使我不再终日泪流 I wish... 我多么希望啊 Unfortunate is the one who suffers 不幸的是那承受深切痛苦之人 For there is no comfort in death 因为世上没有舒适的死亡 Only one single hope... 只有一个希望 My love given and not taken without burden 我被给予爱,也背上了负担 May we love one another freely Without fear of abandonment 我可以自由的去爱 而不惧怕背弃的伤痛吗 Watch me as I die painlessly A thousand times 请看着我就如我无数次死去 毫无痛苦 the sweet, sweet agony of my being Ever am I alone 我此生甜蜜而痛苦,且一直孤独 Sadness... a kiss passionate sorrow 悲哀...一个充满激情的吻的 Of a time to come of divine unity 一个源于神之统一时刻的悲哀 O my love, take us to our ebony meadow 噢,我的爱阿 带着我们回到黑檀的牧场吧 Together we stand Amidst the moonlit for and snow I wish... 我多么希望,我们一同驻立于月光普照的雪地上 Beloved darkness, to you I plead 我心爱的黑暗啊,我恳求你 Give but a wakeful momentOf tragic lust 仅仅是赐予我清醒的充满不幸欲望的一瞬 A kingdom of carnal pleasure 赐予我一个肉体欢愉的王国 A garden of crystalline dreams 一个水晶般的梦花园 4'So Sweet... The Tears如此甜美,那些泪水 Wings of sorrow 悲痛之翼 Lift me from sleep 将我从梦中托起 My eternal spirit 我永恒的精神 Uneasy in its wake 不安的觉醒 My mind like that of a child 我如孩子一般的情绪 Locked within The tainted walls of grief 封在被玷污的悲痛之墙内 I scream 我尖叫着 To free my soul a tribute to my pain And hatred 想要释放我的灵魂-那痛苦和憎恨的颂词 My imbalance, my lust for both worlds 我不平衡的心,我对两个世界的渴望 They are two, yet they are one 它们既不相同,又混为一体 Find me And guide me 请找到我并引导我 Lift me from this shadow Of death 使我从这死亡的阴影中升起 5'Commiseration In Mourning服丧时的怜悯 My forbidden desire 我被禁止的渴望 Shone deeply within mine eyes 在我眼中深深闪耀 Archaic visions awakened 古老的影象被唤醒 Hidden beneath forgotten memories 隐藏在被遗忘的记忆之下 Seemingly endless phantoms 无尽的幻影 Parading 游荡着 Devilish apparitions 邪恶的亡灵 Dance amidst the folly Of my sleeping drama 在我荒诞的梦中起舞 I hear their cries 我听到他们的哭泣 Bathing in moonlight 沐浴在月华之中 This lascivious breed I scorn 我藐视这*****之族 My raven skies embellished With traces of bloodless depravity 我乌黑的天空 划过苍白堕落的痕迹 I speak of celestial adoration 我倾吐我那无上的爱慕 Divine lamentation 神圣的哀悼 And tears of infinite mourning... 和无尽悲痛的眼泪 My utopia do I cover 我掩盖我的乌托邦 And hate being my truest form of love 我憎恨我爱的真实 My nemesis unmasked 撕下我复仇的面具 My own face do I see 我看到自己真实的面容 Torn in silence 沉默的悲泣 I hath seen the majestic beauty Of darkened landscapes and ivory gates 我看到了黯淡风景和象牙之门的庄严之美 O what fools can they not see I am lost 他们多么愚蠢 看不到我的迷茫 Endless battles they fight for my soul 他们为我的灵魂永无止尽的争斗 No pity, no comfort do I now ask 我不再请求同情和安慰 Let me suffer alone in my own misery 让我独自承受我的痛苦 My children shall never abandon me 我的孩子们绝不会背弃我 Poor souls can they not see they are mine 可怜的灵魂 他们看不到他们是我的 A dying rose do I now give to each of them 我给每人一朵枯萎的玫瑰 An eternity of my love and death 象征我永恒的爱和死亡 Ornamental disgrace as they envision 这耻辱如花朵 Their dying savior before me 一如他们在我面前 奢望垂死的救主 As his children to forever become mine 一如他的孩子们最终永远属于我 Ashen mortality 苍白的死亡继续着 A faceless entity within them 因那莫名的东西在他们体内 How is it that I feel 我能感觉到 Their saddened wishes? 他们悲痛的愿望 Time passes... dreams die... 时间流逝,梦想死亡 And I silently kiss away their lives 而我静默的吻掉他们的生命 6'The Garden Of Crystalline Dreams, Act I第一章:水晶梦花园 [Wisdom: ] 智慧: I deny thee entrance in my beautiful garden 我严禁你进入我美丽的花园 For it is not thee who hath corrupted mankind, than who? 如果你不是腐败堕落的人类,那么谁是? Thou shalt spend the eternity in contemplation... of thy sins 你将在罪恶的永恒沉思中度过 [The Beautiful: ] 美丽的妇人: O please, sorrow and remorse, I beg of thee 噢不,我悲痛又懊悔,我乞求你 Have pity, I do repent, show thy mercy upon me 可怜我,我已经忏悔,请怜悯我 Grant me passage beyond my hateful life 允许我远离我可憎的生命 [Wisdom: ] 智慧: Foolish one, I cannot allow thy soul to remain free 愚蠢的人,我再也不能能使你的灵魂自由 I do pity thee, yet you are beyond my grasp 我很同情你,可惜我再也无法帮助你 You belong to the other, I cannot sever that which binds thee 你现在属于另一个人,我无法切断他对你的约束 To enter my kingdom, thou must first cleanse thy soul 若进入我的王国,你必须先洗净你的灵魂 [The Beautiful: ] 美丽的妇人: Hath I never sailed upon infinite shores of sin 我决不在无限的罪恶海岸边航行 The inner glory suppressed only by the shadow of fear 内心的光荣只被恐惧的阴影封禁 To find oneself buried so deeply in uncertainty 自我被深埋于变化无常下 The delicate threads of hope tirelessly fray... 而脆弱的希望之线紧悬 Am I to suffer my eternity tormented by phantoms of being? 我就该承受着这被鬼魅折磨的无尽之生吗? Is there no hope for one dying, pleading soul? 难道一个临死前 真挚乞求原谅的灵魂 一点希望也没有吗 Of so, then I shall not suffer alone 既然如此,那么我将不再独自承受痛苦 [Benevolence: ] 仁爱: Thou must find thy soul and release thy hatred 你必须找到你的灵魂 并且解除你的憎, 恨 Within thyself may thou find the dreams to change thy fate 在你的内心中 你也许能发现改变你命运的梦 Only then may these ivory gates open for thee 只有那时,这象牙之门才会向你打开 [Deceit: ] 德赛特: Listen not to the lies of those whom hath condemned thee 不要听那些使你被宣告有罪的谎言 Art thou to trust whom hath taken that which was thine 难道你要信任那夺走你一切的人吗 Seek not love, but hatred and vengeance 没有了爱,你还有恨意和复仇 Then only my thee find ease for the severed heart 只有那样,你才能从冷酷的心中得到安逸 7'The Battle, Act II第二章:战争 [Deceit: ] 德赛特:Now must choose O' wretched soul, for thyself, thou must choose 可悲的灵魂 你现在必须选择,为了你自己,你必须选择 Choose to take or be taken, to be tortured by thy Sorrow by giving into thy reluctance and pity 选择反抗或者被奴役 - 被你的悲痛 被你甘愿屈服的悲怜和勉强所折磨 Go then, if thou must, to die a miserable wretch within Thy blackened kingdom 选择吧,反正你已面临如一个不幸者般 死在黑暗王国的命运 [Benevolence: ] 仁爱:Listen not to the lies of false humanity 不要相信那些虚假的仁义之辞 Only through purification of thy spirit may rest be found 只有通过净化你的灵魂才能得到真正的休憩 Anger shall not soothe thy ever aching heart 怒火不能安慰你一直疼痛的心 The only promises kept are ones made from thyself 你只要守住你自己许下的承诺 [Wisdom: ] 智慧:Take now this finality of injustice... I shall offer thee no mercy 接受这不公的结局吧,我不再怜悯你了 To rid thyself of false identity thou must free this soul dammed by thee 我要使你摆脱你错误的地位,你必须让被你控制的灵魂自由 Thy child to be released by life taken from thee 你那被你夺去生命的孩子 将被释放 And this soul of one so full of everlasting youth shall be returned unto me 而你拥有无限青春的灵魂将归还于我 Dare to awaken my vengeance with thy defiance 你胆敢挑战我唤醒我的复仇吗 To this your death in life I shall forever condemn thee 这只是你生命的终结,而我将永远处罚你的灵魂 Heed this last warning, my pitiful soul 听着这最后的警告吧,我可怜的人啊 For when I vanquish thy breed... they shall all become mine 当我征服你的孩子们,他们将全部属于我 [Child: ] 孩子:Take not my life, o beautiful earthen mother 不要带走我最亲爱的人,噢,美丽的大地母亲! For now I shall retain my youth granted from thee forever 因为只有你才能让我永远保持青春 As I was taken I now take and wish to remain in thy shadow 一如从前 我依然喜欢并 且希望在你的庇护之下 Take not my life, for together we shall unveil this fragile earth 不要带走我亲爱的母亲,因为我们要一起揭露这脆弱的世界 [Deceit: ] 德赛特:Heed the words spoken, seek no longer an answer 听我说,别再寻找所谓的答案了 If it be not enough, then for thy pride only bow to none 如果这还不够,那么为了你永不屈服的骄傲 Let those who would take thy only possession from thee 让那些要从你身边带走你唯一孩子的家伙 Be cast in amber flames and eternal darkness 处于琥珀色的火焰和永恒的黑暗中吧 [The Beautiful: ] 美丽的妇人:My mind, a tangled mass of utter confusion 我的思想完全混乱了 The conquest for my soul, a struggle tearing me apart 我灵魂的混战要把我分裂了 If I must act to rid myself of the scourge within me 如果我不得不使自己摆脱内心的鞭笞 Then by and by my soul be damned, so it shall be done 那么不久之后我的灵魂一定会受到诅咒 [Benevolence: ] 仁爱:If thou dost truly love thy child and whish to cleanse thy soul of sin 如果你真心爱着你的孩子 且希望洗净你有罪的灵魂 Thy immortal life extinguished and all thy children to find rebirth 你永恒的生命熄灭了 你所有的孩子便重获新生 Thy flesh must remain within the earth while thy soul shall await judgement 你的灵魂等候审判之时 你的肉身一定还存于世间 [Deceit: ] 德赛特:Be not a fool, for thy slumber may wait and remain indifferent 别傻了,你迟早会长眠,一切都无所谓了 Thy mask shall fall and then turn to dust 你的面具将坠落化为灰烬 Shouldst thou renounce thyself and venture into the realm of light 如果你放弃你自己 且想要冒险进入光明的世界 Thy chains shall remain forever 那么你将永远在桎梏之中 8'The Ebony Meadow, Act III第三章:黑檀的牧场 Crosses of silk, soil of stone and streams of blood 丝织的十字,贫瘠的土地,血流成河 Winds sing sorrowful melodies of a youthful earth 清风歌唱着悲伤的大地旋律 The trees hang their heads in baneful prayer 树林在诅咒中垂下他们的头 We listen in wonder to the tales of the moon 我们好奇的聆听着月之传说 [The Beau, tiful: ] 美丽的妇人:May I watch the stillness pass me by 我可否注视着这浮动的静止 May I forever choose to embrace the light, imprison by laughter 我可否永远拥抱这光亮 置身欢笑 My waking wisdom serves me less to my conscience 良心战胜了我苏醒的智慧 Remove my spirit from the wind, I shall remain forever 让风带走我的灵魂吧,我将永存 O' chivalrous, O' heavenly garden 噢,高尚的,噢,天堂的花园 Choose me for but one more task 再给我一次赎罪的机会吧 9'A Shadow Painted White白色阴影 A rose for the dead ones... 这朵玫瑰献给死者 Sometimes they want to die 有时他们宁愿死去 Sometimes they want to live 有时他们还想活着 When they live they come to me 他们活着时向我乞求 When they die they are silent 他们死后就永远沉默 No tender mercy shall I give as they plead for us 尽管他们恳求我们 我没有给予软弱的怜悯 Without remorse I shall take their livesSilently in chaotic passion From their impending, mindless presence 我毫不留情 一旦他们愚蠢地来到我面前我将在狂热中 无声地夺走他们的生命 Reaping the emptiness withinMy blackened eyed the last horror they shall see 他们最后看到的,是映于我黑暗双眼之中的他们惊骇的脸 Damned am I... no 我该死么?不 For there is no damnation my soul hath not taken 我的灵魂还未受到诅咒 Shall I be swayed in my vengeanceAs time tears open my wounds? 就因为时间撕裂着我的伤口,我就要动摇我复仇的决心吗 I think not! 我永不这么认为 10'Black Heaven黑色天堂 [Deceit: ] 德赛特:What a precious mistake thou has made 你犯了个多么难得的错误 A fool you hath made of me 你愚弄了我... so be it 那么,很好 I take thee now with Vengeance and fury 我现在感受到你的仇恨和狂怒 My wrath shall I beset Upon the souls of innocence 我该把我的愤怒发泄在这些无辜的灵魂上么 See me now 看着我 As I spread my darkening wings 展开我黑暗的双翼 Pity them as they Speak my name in vain 我同情他们 因他们徒然的念着我的名字 My divine pleasure taken In watching them die 看着他们死亡 我感到无比的快乐 Thus, ever they shall suffer as I do 从此他们将永远象我一样遭受苦难 Ornate wisdom Revealed in mine eyes 我眼中透着睿智的光芒 I shall sip the wine Of tumultuous life 我将吮光这些喧嚣生命的酒 My kiss and a promise I shall give thee now 现在 我要给你一个吻和承诺: Never shall I weep As they cry out my name 哪怕他们哭喊着我的名字,我决不流泪 A hymn to my wandering light Blackening sun, emptiness 一首关于蜿蜒之光,黑暗的太阳和虚无的赞美诗 Taste victory unquenchedThroughout my millenniaEmbodied by this distortion Of my withering stare 我品尝着几千年来还未冷却的胜利尽管在我死亡的凝视之中 它已扭曲不堪 Fools, have thy moment of glory 愚蠢的东西,享受你片刻的光荣吧 As my blanket of death unfolds Upon thy children 在我还未给你们的孩子们盖上死亡的睡毯之前 Watch my glorious triumph in hatred 仇恨我光荣的胜利吧 Regret thy error as I take them: 悔恨吧,我将带走他们 One by one 一个接一个 [Wisdom: ] 智慧:A mask I wear of infinite gestures 我戴着一个有无穷表情的面具 A vale of dusk beyond my jaded horizon 我狭窄的视野之外 有一个幽暗的山谷 Death for thee hath many faces 你会有很多死亡的表情 Life hath but only one 而活着的表情只有一个 [Deceit: ] 德赛特:Prepare thyself for my victorious era 准备好迎接我胜利的纪元吧 As showers of blood spill forth upon thee From the ebony gates Of my black heaven 来自我黑色天堂黑檀之门喷涌的血瀑将倾泻在你身上! Love Poems for Dying Children Act III专辑介绍这是Love Poems for Dying Children的最后一辑。这张全名“Love Poems for Dying Children, Act III: Winter and the Broken Angel”的专辑,也是两位女声Erika和Jennifer共同奉献的经典之作。从97年Act II发行完后,Ted忙于他的独立公司Dark Symphonies的运作,而Erika则暂时离开乐队进行她的小说写作,所以Autumn Tears经历了几年的创作真空,而此时新成员女声Jennifer LeeAnna加入重新刺激起了AT的活力,1999年AT首先发行了一张为Act III“垫场”的Mini专辑“Absolution”,在这张专辑中,听众们领教了Jennifer的实力,其中“The Never” (这首歌也收录在随后的Act III中)广受好评。在前两张系列成功发行后,其实要延续其风格发行Act III并不是什么难办到的事,在1999年Erika回归AT后,Act III没废什么力气在2000年6月发行了。专辑内容无非还是“爱与死亡、痛苦和背叛”等等一幕幕颓废的黑暗交响乐,由于双女声太过“拉风”,Ted也老老实实的转到了“幕后”,收起了他那副魔鬼嗓子。在整个乐章中Erika和Jennifer的声音交相辉映,使得专辑唯美明亮了很多,也算是整个Love Poems for Dying Children系列的“Happy Ending”。至此系列全部结束,也在Dark Wave历史上留下了难以忘怀的一笔。 歌曲目录01.The Grand Celebration 02.The MirrorStone 03.The Never 04.The Broken Doll 05.Winter's Warning (I. Prologue) 06.Winter's Warning (II. Spring Requiem) 07. Winter's Warning (III. Summer Requiem) 08.Winter's Warning (IV. Autumn Requiem) 09.Winter's Warning (V. Winter Requiem) 10.Winter's Warning (VI. Epilogue)11.The Passion and the Fury 12.The Widowtree 13.The Bird without Wings 14.The Eyes of Deception |
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