词条 | 灰姑娘的故事3 |
释义 | 演职员表(演员 Actor: 导演 Director: 编剧 Writer: 制作人 Produced by: 原创音乐 Original Music: 摄影 Cinematography: 剪辑 Film Editing: 选角导演 Casting: 艺术指导 Production Designer: 美术设计 Art Direction by: 副导演/助理导演 Assistant Director:) 基本信息片名:灰姑娘的故事3 外文名:A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song 更多外文名:A Cinderella Story 3(美国) 制片地区:美国 Warner Premiere 发行公司:ABC Family[美国] (2011) (USA) (TV) Warner Premiere (2011) (USA) (all media) 导演:戴蒙·桑托斯泰法诺 Damon Santostefano 主演:露西·海尔Lucy Hale 米西·派勒 Missi Pyle 梅根·朴 Megan Park 弗雷迪·史卓玛Freddie Stroma 类型:喜剧 / 爱情 / 家庭 上映日期:2011年 内容简介当情圣遇上灰姑娘。繁重的工作,骚扰以及对送回收容中心的恐惧,迫使17岁的凯蒂与其继母及同父异母的妹妹任劳任怨的生活在一起。然而正因凯蒂唱歌极富天分,她被迫放弃自己的歌唱生涯,让自己同父异母的妹妹贝弗·凡·瑞范思威有最大的可能赢得大量唱片合同。因为唱片公司董事长哈维·摩根,要在这所极富盛名的私立学校的艺术晚会的才艺展示上寻到一颗耀眼的明星。 演职员表演员 Actor:露西·海尔 Lucy Hale ....Katie Gibbs 米西·派勒 Missi Pyle ....Gail Van Ravensway 梅根·朴 Megan Park----Beverly Van Ravensway 弗雷迪·史卓玛 Freddie Stroma ....Luke Morgan Jessalyn Wanlim ....Angela Titus Makin Jr. ....Mickey O'Malley Lucy Davenport ....Ms Plumberg Emily Pierce ....Party girl Onira Tares ....Crazy Girl Manu Narayan ....Ravi / Tony Gupta Matthew Lintz ....Victor Dikran Tulaine ....Guy morgan Andrew Kelly ....Hunky Jock #1 Beth Gosnell ....Talent Show Attendee Adriana Leonard ....Dancer Brandon Luck ....Bass player Richard Wes Howren ....Another Passing Guy Pat Thomas ....Talent Show Attendee Christopher Stokes ....Dude #1 (as Christopher Stokes) Carolyn Foland ....Audience member T. Julian Bell ....Keyboardist Robert Jarvis Jr. ....Dude #3 Bryan Fulton ....Juggler Ric Bagoly ....Talent Show Attendeee (uncredited) Samuel Henegar ....Goth Boy#1 BPT (uncredited) 导演 Director:戴蒙·桑托斯泰法诺 Damon Santostefano 编剧 Writer:Erik PattersonJessica Scott 制作人 Produced by:Ilyssa Goodman ....executive producer Michelle Johnston ....executive producer 迪兰·塞勒斯 Dylan Sellers ....executive producer 克利福德·沃伯 Clifford Werber ....executive producer 原创音乐 Original Music:Braden Kimball 摄影 Cinematography:John Peters ....(director of photography) 剪辑 Film Editing:Tony Lombardo 选角导演 Casting:Donna Morong 艺术指导 Production Designer:Jonathan A. Carlson 美术设计 Art Direction by:Brian Stultz 副导演/助理导演 Assistant Director:Ryan Bennett ....second second assistant director Brian Galligan ....second assistant director George Parra ....first assistant director 制作和发行制作公司: Warner Premiere 发行公司: ABC Family [美国] (2011) (USA) (TV) Warner Premiere (2011) (USA) (all media) 特技制作公司: Terminal FX 其他公司: EMS Payroll extras payroll services Production Source, The film services WaterTower Music soundtrack 曲目一览Run This Town-------------------------------------Lucy Hale(梦中) Crazy Girl ------------------------James Renald(貌似是Bev在照镜子) I Ain't Gonna Leap--------------------------------Missi Pyle(吃饭时回忆农场唱歌) Bless Myself----------------------------------------Lucy Hale(Guy在车上打电话) She's Terrible--------------------------------------Lucy Hale(骂人专用) Out Here--------------------------------------------Oral Majority(厕所合唱) Knockin----------------------------------------------Freddle Stroma(Luck在音乐室吉他弹唱) Extra Ordinary--------------------------------------Lucy Hale(晚会Katie吉他回应) Party All Night-----------------------------------Fabio Legarda Couresy of Affix Alpha Music and Affix Beta songs Twisted Serenade---------------------------------Big Pain Ticket(电锯你懂得) Oh Mere Dilruba-----------------------------------Manu Narayan(印度群舞) Make You Believe---------------------------------Lucy Hale(女主在两母女监视下试音) I Love The Way You Love Me------------------Crazy girl(为男主悲催的情节) Ramon's Jam--------------------------------------Ramon Stagnaro(被老师学生追得时候 ?) Possibilities----------------------------------------Freddle Stroma(在Bev卧室即兴配乐) Knockin---------------------------------------------Oral Majority(在最后的歌会上) Caribbean Girl------------------------------------Fabio Legarda Courtesy of Affix Alpha Music Make You Believe---------------------------------Missi Pyle(再次回到农场) 影视截图 |
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