

词条 lisa ray


姓名:lisa ray /丽莎.雷

全称:Lisa Rani Ray






国籍: 美国籍印度裔





近年来lisa ray主演的影片包括《四分之一的生命危机》及由谢米姆·萨尔弗导演、与sheetal sheth联合主演的《同心难改》和《看不见的世界》等。最新影片则是和凯特·戴琳斯、伍迪·哈里森、吴珊卓等好莱坞明星合作的《保卫者》。

2009年7月,lisa ray被诊断出患有多发性骨髓瘤,一种比较恶性的骨髓增生性疾病,随后她向媒体披露了这一消息,并在个人主页上开通了自己的Yellow Dariy,将自己和病魔战斗的历程以博客的形式发布在主页上。11月底lisa ray接受了自体干细胞移植,目前正在恢复中。


Lisa Ray生于加拿大安大略省多伦多市,有着印度裔的孟加拉国父亲与波兰裔母亲,并成长于多伦多的Etobicoke市郊。她就学其间有着优异的成绩表现,当她 就读于三所不同的高中EtobicokeCollegiate Institute, Richview Collegiate Institute and Silverthorn CollegiateInstitute,期间以四年的时间完成五年的学业。

她与她的外婆讲波兰语 也与她电影迷的爸爸观看Federico Fellini和Satyajit Ray的电影。Ray原本计划研读新闻学系,但在印度具有指标性的一本杂志,在她到印度拜访亲友的旅途中发现这位年轻女性并实时的聘用她在他们的刊物上拍摄数张全页照。她也因此而与走上模特儿之路,并以此建构出优渥成功的事业,但其实趾高气昂的台步与她的5'5"身高(约165cm)并不相符合。

Ray 第一次获得大众的注目是在一个孟买染料公司的广告里,她穿着一件高叉的黑色泳装与Karan Kapoor 一同出现。随后,她便回到加拿大的大学里研读新闻学系,但一场意外的车祸不只让她的母亲受伤,也让这些计划全都发生变化。取而代之,她回到了印度,并在 Glad Rags的封面上出现,穿着一件红色的救生员式泳装。这个大轰动之后,便开启了更多的杂志封面照,发言人事宜还有一个她自己的娱乐新闻节目。一个印度时报的民意调查里,她获选为”千禧年十大美女之一”,也是前十名内唯一的一位模特儿。

她在1994年时完成她的大屏幕初作,一部与演员 SarathKumar合作的泰米尔语电影Nethaji。在片中她只是个客串角色,当时并未引起太多注意。在拒绝了一连串的角色后,2001年她以与Aftab Shivdasani合作的电影Kasoor开始她在宝莱坞的表演事业,后来她的声音以Divya Dutta配音呈现,因为她不会印地语。她在这部电影里的表现引起了Deepa Mehta的注意,于是便网罗Ray于2002年参与一部印度-加拿大的爱情喜剧Bollywood/Hollywood。在2005年,她再一次与 Mehta在一部奥斯卡提名电影Water(祸水)里合作,在这部片里,她便以自己原声诠释印地语台词,虽然最后电影还是将她配音。在这个突破的演出后,她便参与了加拿大,欧洲与美国的制作。

最近的演出包括,All Hat里的农场女孩,A Stone'sThrow里的学校老师,以及在看不见的世界(The World Unseen)里 位于50年代种族隔离期间南非的一位家庭主妇,还有一位阿拉伯裔的女同性恋基督教徒在由ShamimSarif所导演的风趣电影同心难改(I Can't Think Straight)里。

在2007年,她完成了电影Kill Kill FasterFaster的拍摄,这部由Joel Rose所著广获好评的同名小说所改编的当代电影。电影里,她有裸露与一些不羁的性爱场面,这些还未有主流印度裔女演员所做过得演出。除此之外,她也在美国影集‘Pscyh’客串演出。

她也出现在1996年Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan的畅销歌曲"Afreen Afreen"音乐录像带中。

她曾获选为2002年多伦多影展的明日之星,印度时报的千禧年十大美女之一,并以加拿大电影 Water(祸水)里的演出赢得温哥华影评人协会的最佳女主角奖。Lisa Ray获得VFCC(温哥华影评人协会)的最佳女主角奖,表扬其在Water(祸水)里的演出,其入围是由WIN(女性形象网络, Women’s Image Network)所提名。并在2007年的Masala Mehndi Masti观众票选大奖中获选为最爱的电影演员。除了这些高度的评价之外,在广受尊敬的电影评论家Ebert and Roeper对于Water(祸水)的评论里也称她为”电影里最美丽的女性”。并名列2009年五月出刊的加拿大版Hello杂志里的”本国的最美丽的 50位人物”之一。

Curriculum vitae in English

Ray (born April 4, 1972) is an Indian /Canadian actress and former fashion model. She grew up in Toronto, is the daughter of a Bengali father and a Polish mother.

Ray started her modelling career at age 16 and was the "brand ambassador" for Lakme cosmetics in India. She made numerous advertisements for various Indian companies before becoming involved in films.

People's Life in English

She began her acting career with the Bollywood film Kasoor in 2001 opposite Aftab Shivdasani. Ray then went to Tollywood in 2002 and appeared in Takkari Donga with Mahesh Babu. She has also acted in a kannada film Yuvaraja in which Shiva Rajkumar plays the male lead. She subsequently starred as the female lead of Canadian director Deepa Mehta's romantic Indian-Canadian romp, Bollywood/Hollywood in 2002. In 2005, she worked again with Mehta in the latter's most recent film, Water. The film tells the story of a widow, played by Ray, who lives in a Varanasi ashram. Ray starred opposite John Abraham. Although she learned her lines in Hindi for the shoot, her voice ultimately had to be dubbed over in post-production on account of her strong accent. She also had a minor role in yet to be released Insomnolence (film) by acclaimed Pakistani film maker Ali Saeed.

Ray has said that she desires to be a novelist with a base in Paris. She is also hosting "Beauty Mantra" a television show on the Indian channel Zee TV.

She recently relocated to Los Angeles to pursue acting roles there.

In 2007, she completed filming for Kill Kill Faster Faster, which is a contemporary film noir inspired by the critically acclaimed novel of the same name by Joel Rose.

Lisa's chiseled face and sylph-like figure caught the attention of the modeling world and soon she got the offer for an ad for a well-known fabrics company. Since then there has been no looking back for Lisa as she went on to become one of the most sought after models who could steal the entire show with her shimmering presence.

But soon she got over the appreciation from the fashion fraternity and forayed into the world of films with the music video 'Afreen' (for Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan). She is also the beautiful host of the movie show 'Star Buzz' (with Kelly Dorjee) on Star Movies.

Now Lisa has jumped aboard the Bollywood bandwagon with Vikram Bhatt's Kasoor in which she has acted quite well, considering it is her maiden at

tempt in films. For future Lisa is not much enthusiastic about pursuing an acting career in Bollywood, although there are chances of her doing more films for the Bhatts.



1994-- Hanste Khelte---------- Rekha

1994-- Nethaji------------------ Priya---------Tamil movie(泰米尔语)

2001-- Kasoor------------------ Simran

2002-- Takkari Donga-----------Bhuvana-----Telugu Movie (印地语)

2002-- 好莱坞有个宝莱坞/Bollywood/Hollywood-- Sue (Sunita)

2004-- Yuvaraja---------------- Lovely------- Kannada Movie2004-- Ball & Chain------------ Saima

2005-- 水/Water------------------- Kalyani

2005-- Seeking Fear----------- Nina Atwal

2006-- 四分之一的生命危机/Quarter Life Crisis----- Angel

2006-- The Flowerman-------- Louise

2006-- A Stone's Throw------- Lia

2007-- 同心难改/I Can't Think Straight---Tala 2007-- 看不见的世界/The World Unseen------ Miriam

2007-- 智取农场/All Hat-------------------- Etta

2008-- Kill Kill Faster Faster---- Fleur

2008-- 多伦多故事 /Toronto Stories--------- Beth

2008-- The Summit------------- Rebecca---- TV episode

2009-- Somnolence

2009-- 泡妞达人/ Let The Game Begin---- Eva

2009-- 和史特拉做饭/Cooking With Stella ---- Maya Chopra2009-- Defendor---------------- Dominique(后期制作中)

2010-- Trader Games---------- Sarah(后期制作中)


2005-- The Standard---------- bolly actress-TV series

2007-- Blood Ties S0109------- Elena------- TV series

2009-- Psych S04E06 Bollywood Homicide --------Sita------TV series

2011--Endgame----------Rosemary------TV series

黄色日志 Yellow diary

To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else,is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight.Never Stop Fighting.


e.e. cummings



lisa ray在2009年被诊断出患有多发性骨髓瘤,一种比较恶性的骨髓增生性疾病后,她向媒体披露了这一消息,并在个人主页上开通了自己的Yellow Dariy,主页写有Never Stop Fighting将自己和病魔战斗的历程以博客的形式发布在主页上。11月底lisa ray接受了自体干细胞移植,目前正在恢复中。





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