

词条 黄国恩











曾任:·国立成功大学医学院附设医院院长 ·国立成功大学医学院妇产科教授 ·国立成功大学医学院代院长 ·台湾更年期医学会创会理事长 ·中华民国骨质疏松症医学会创会理事长 ·国立台湾大学医学院讲师、副教授 ·美国罗彻斯特大学讲师、助理教授、副教授 ·美国罗彻斯特生殖医学及不妊症研究所所长






·日本武田医学奖学金 1970

·美国国家卫生研究院研究奖 1978

·美国国家卫生研究院荷尔蒙及脑下垂体研究奖 1980

·美国罗彻斯特大学最佳教师奖 1982

·美国纽约州立大学授与医学博士 1988

·美国科达公司研究顾问 1991-1992

·美国罗彻斯特医学会最佳论文奖 1991

·台湾省立嘉义中学杰出校友 1994

·台湾医学会地方医学会会长 1995

·台湾医学会春季学术研讨会会长 1997

·国际更年期医学会杂志编辑委员 1997至今

·国际更年期医学会谘议委员(台湾代表) 1997至今

·亚太骨松症基金会谘议委员(台湾代表) 1999至今




1. Huang, K.E., Chiu, S.J.: Amniotic fluid crystalization test for ruptured membranes. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Rep. of China 3:37, 1964.

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23. Muechler, E.K. and Huang, K.E.,: Nonspecific pituitary hormone responses in a case of primary hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Fertil. Steril. 38:423, 1982.

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27. Huang, E.K., Muechler, E.K. and Bonfiglio, T.A.: Follicular phase treatment of luteal phase defect with FSH in infertile women. Obstet. Gynecol. 64:32, 1984.

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30. Muechler, E.K., Bonifiglio, T.A.. Cjpate. J. and Huang, E.K.: Pregnancy induced with menotropins in a woman with polycystic ovaries, endometrial hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma. Fertil. Steril. 46:973, 1986.

31. Huang, K.E.: The primary treatment of luteal phase inadequacy: Progesterone Versus clomiphene citrate. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 155:824, 1986.

32. Muechler, E.K., Sternberg. L.B. and Huang, K.E.: Secondary amenorrhea and infertility due to a retained laminaria fragment. Infert. 9:241, 1986.

33. Huang, K.E. Chang, S.Y., Muechler, E.K. and Graham. M.C.: The outcome of continued treatment of luteinizing hormone surged cycles in in-vitro fertilization with the use of human menopausal gonadotropin. Fertil. Steril. 47:816, 1987.

34. Muechler, E.K., Huang, K.E., McDonald, J.V. and Tang, L.: In vivo modulation of growth hormone and prolactin of a mixed somatotrophic-lactotrophic pituitary microadenoma. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 157:453, 1987.

35. Muechler, E.K., Huang, K.E. and Schend, E.: Autoimmunity in premature ovarian failure. Int. J. Fertil. 36:99, 1991.

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37. Kuo, H. C., Chou, C. Y., Chang, C. H., Liu, M. T., Tzeng, C. G., Huang. K. E : Primary malignant lymphoma of the uterine cervix shows favorable response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. J. Gynecologic Oncology 52: 408,1994.

38. Kuo, P. L., Lin, T. M., Huang, K. F., Yeh, N. G., Wu, D. B., Wu, R. C., Tzeng, C. C., Wu, H. L., and Huang, K. E.: Carrier Screening and Prenatal diagnosis for alpha-thalassemia with biphasic polymerase chain reaction. J Formos Med Assoc 93:765-9, 1994.

39. Kuo, P.L., Wu, R.C., Lin, S.J., Tzeng, C.C., Liu, H.S. and Huang, K.E., :Detection of Y-chrosome sequences in patients with X-chromosome abnormalities. J. Formos Med Assoc 94:529-534, 1995.

40. Kuo, P.L., Wu, R.C., Tzeng, C.C.,Lin, S.J., Liu, H.S. and Huang, K.E.,: Detection of Y- chromosomal DNA with marker chromosomes in Turner’s Syndrome. J. Formos Med Assoc 94:474-480, 1995.

41. Wu, M.H., Wu, R.C., Kuo, P.L. and Huang, K.E.,: Prenatal ultrasonographic diagnosis of congenital megalourethra. Prenatal Diagnosis 15:765-768, 1995.

42. Chang, F.M., Hsu, C.C., Kuo, H.C., Wang, S.T., and Huang, K.E.: Interference with uterine blood flow by clomiphene citrate in women with unexplained infertility. J Obstet Gynecol 86:917,1995.

43. Huang, R. T., Hsu, C. C., Liu, C. H., Lin, C. C., Ho, S. T., Huang,K.E.: Analysis of the pregnancy outcome after assisted conception. J OB/GYN ROC, 34:88-94,1995.

44. Chang, F. M., Yao, B. L., Chang, C. H., Yu, C. H., Liang, R., Ko, H. C., Huang, K.E.. :Three-dimensional (3-D) ultrasound applied in OB Field. J. Med Ultrasound 4(3):43, 1996.

45. Cheng, Y. M., Huang, S. C., Chou, C. Y., Huang, K.E..: Ultrasonographic evaluation of pelvic abscess resulting from ileal preforation by a fish bone. J OB/GYN ROC ,35(4),1996.

46. Kuo, P. L., Lin, C. C., Chang, J. C., Kuo, T. C., Hsu, C. C., and Huang, K.E.: Coamplification of the ZFX and ZFY genes for sex identification in preimplantation embryos. J Formos Med Assoc 95:612-16,1996.

47. Lian, R. I., Chang, F. M., Yao, B. L., Kuo, P. L., Hsu, C. C., and Huang, K.E. :Congenital skin tag of the nose. prenatal ultrasonography. J Med Ultrasound 4:190-192,1996.

48. Chou, C. Y., Huang, S. C., Tsai, Y. C., Hsu, K. F. And Huang, K.E.: Uterine leiomysarcoma has deregulated cell proliferation, but not increased microvessel density compared with uterine leiomyoma. J. of Gynecologic Oncology 65:225-231,1997.

49. Kuo, H. C., Hsu, C. C., wang, S. T., and Huang, K.E. :Aspirin improves of uterine blood flow in the peri-implantation period. J Formosa Med. Assoc 96:253-257, 1997.

50. Hsu, C. C., Yang, B. C., Wu, M. H., Huang, K.E. :Enhanced interleukin-4 expression in patients with endometriosis. Fertility and Sterility 67:001-006,1997.

51. Hsu, C. C., Lin, Y. S., Wang, S. T., and Huang, K.E.: Immunomodulation in women with endometriosis receiving GnRH agonist. Obste. & Gynecol. 89:993-998,1997.

52. Chou, C. Y., Hsu, K. F., Wang, S. T., Huang, S. C., Tzeng, C. C., Huang, K.E.: Accuracy of three-dimensional ultrasonography in volume estimation of cervical carcinoma. Gynecologic Oncology 66:89-93,1997.

53. Wu, M. H., Chang, F. M., Shen, M. R., Yao, B. L., Chang, C. H., Yu, C. H., Hsu, C. C., Huang, K.E. :Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of single umbilical artery. J. Clin. Ultrasound 25:425-430,1997.

54. Wu, M. H., Hsu, C. C., Huang, K.E.: Detection of congenital mullerian duct anomalies using three-dimensional ultrasound. J Clin Ultrasound 25:487-492,1997.

55. Chou, C. Y., Shen, M. R., Chen, T. M. and Huang, K.E. :Volume-activated taurine transport is differentially activated in human cervical cancer Ht-3 cells but not in human papillomavirus- immortalized Z183A and normal cervical epithelial cells. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 24:935-939,1997.

56. Yu, C. H., Chang, F. M., Yao, B. L., Chang, C. H., Ko, H. C., Lin, Y. S., Huang, K.E.: Refined assessment of fetal abdominal growth by measurement of abdominal transverse diameter in normal pregnancy. Taiwanese J Obstet. & Gynecol. 36:67-73,1997.

57. Pan, H. A., Wu, R. C., Kuo, P. L., Hsu, C. C., Huang, K.E. :Impetigo herpetiformis during pregnancy. Adv. Obstet. Perinatol 8:7-10,1997.

58. Chang, F. M., Ko, H. C., Chang, C. H., Yu, C. H., Liang, R., Yao, B. L., Lin, Y. S., and Huang, K.E. Fetal tibia length assessment by prenatal ultrasound: Part I. using absolute residuals for constructing age-related reference percentiles. J Med. Ultrasound 5:49-55,1997.

59. Huang, S. C., Chou, C. Y., Lin, Y. S., Tsai, Y. C., Hsu, K. F., Hong, C. and Huang, K.E., :Enhanced deoxyribonucleic acid damage and repair but unchanged apoptosis in uterine leiomyomas treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist. Am. J. Obstet. & Gynecol. 77:417- 424,1997.

60. Yang, C. T., Hsu, C. C., Wu, M. S., Huang, K.E. :CA-125 in plasma and peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis and pelvic adhesion. J Reprod Infertil 6:1-5,1997.

61. Pan, H. A., Wu, M. H., Hsu, C. C., Huang, K.E.: The implication of the effects of gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue between long and short protocol of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. J Reprod Infertil 6:35- 40,1997.

62. Shen, M. R., Chou, C. Y., Wu, M. L., Huang, K.E. :Differential osmosensing signalling pathways and G-protein involvement in human cervical cells with different tumour potential. Cell Signal 10:113-120,1998.

63. Wu, M. H., Tang, H. H., Hsu, C. C., Wang, S. T., Huang, K.E..: The role of three-dimensional ultrasonographic images in ovarian measurement. Febtility and Sterility 69:1152-1155, 1998.

64. Wu, M. H., Yang, B. C., Hsu, C. C., Lee, Y. C., and Huang, K. E. : The expression of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in endometriosis. Fertility and Sterility 70:1139-1142, 1998.

65. Pan, H. A., Wu, R. C., Kuo, P. L., Hsu, C. C., Huang, K. E. : Three-dimensional ultrasound in perinatal diagnosis of encephalocele : report of a case. J. Med. Ultrasound 6:154 –157, 1998.

66. Wu, M. H., Pan, H. A., Tang, S., Hsu, C. C., Huang, K. E. : Endometrial thickness is an effective predictor for pregnancy outcomes of in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection. J. Reprod Infertil 8:12-17, 1999.

67. Yeh, S. , Kang, H. Y., Miyamoto, H., Nishimura, K., Chang, H. C., Ting, H. J., Rahman, M., Lin, H. K., Fujimoto, N., Hu, Y. C., Mizokami, A., Huang, K. E., and Chang, C. : Differential induction of androgen receptor transactivation by different androgen receptor coactivators in human prostate cancer DU145 cells. Endocrine 11:195-202, 1999.

68. Chang, H.C., Miyamoto, H., Marwah, P., Lardy, H., Yeh, S., Huang, K.E., and Chang, C. : Suppression of △5-androstenediol-induced androgen receptor transactivation by selective steroids in human prostate cancer cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96:11173-11177, 1999.

69. Yeh, S., Sampson, E. R., Lee, D. K., Kim, E., Hsu, C. L., Chen, Y. L., Chang, H. C., Altuwaijri, S., Huang, K. E., and Chang, C. : Functional analysis of androgen receptor N-terminal and ligand binding domain interacting coregulators in prostate cancer. J. Fromos Med Assoc 99:885-894, 2000.

70. Lin, Y. M., Hsu, C. C., Kuo, T. C., Lin, S. N., Wang, S. T. and Huang, K. E. : Percutaneous epididumal sperm aspiration versus for irreparable obstructive azoospermia-experience with 100 cases. J Formos Med Assoc 99:459-465, 2000.

71. Kang, H. Y., Lin, H. K., Hu, Y. C., Yeh, S., Huang, K. E., and Chang, C. : From transforming growth factor-β signaling to androgen action : Identification of Samd3 as an androgen receptor coregulator in prostate cancer cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98:3018-3023, 2000.

72. Chen, F. P., Lee, N., Soong, Y. K., and Huang, K. E. : Comparison of transdermal and oral estrogen-progestin replacement therapy : effects on cardiovascular risk factors. Menopause 5:347-352, 2001.

73. Wu, M. H., Pan, H. A., Wang, S. T., Hsu, C. C., Chang, M. F., and Huang, K. E. : Quality of life and sexuality changes in postmenopausal women receiving tibolone therapy. Climacteric 4:314-319, 2001.

74. Tsai, K. S., Yen, M. L., Pan, H. A., Wu, M. H., Cheng, W. C., Hsu, S. H. J., Yen, B. L., and Huang, K. E. : Raloxifene versus continuous combined estrogen/progestin therapy : densitometric and biochemical effects in healthy postmenopausal Taiwanese women. Osteoporos Int. 12:1020-1025, 2001.

75. Pan, H. A., Wu, M. H., Hsu, C. C., Yao, B. L., and Huang, K. E. : The perception of menopause and climacteric among women in Taiwan. Maturitas 41:269-274, 2002.

76. Pan, H. A., Wang, S. T., Chen, P. H., Pai, M. C., Wu, M. H., Huang, K. E. : Flow resistance in carotid and middle cerebral arteries in postmenopausal women : a comparative study of tibolone and continuous combined hormone replacement therapy. Climacteric 5: 259-265, 2002.

77. Shau, W. Y., Hsieh, C. C., Hsieh, T. T., Huang, T. H., and Huang, K. E : Factors associated with endometrial bleeding in continuous hormone replacement therapy. Menopause 9:188-194, 2002.

78. Yeh, S., Tsai, M. Y., Xu, Q., Mu, X. M., Lardy, H., Huang, K. E., Lin, H., Yeh, S. D., Altuwaijri, S., Zhou, X., Xing, L., Boyce, B. F., Hung, M. C., Zang, S., Gan, L., Chang, C.: Generation and characterization of androgen receptor knockout (ARKO) mice: An in vivo model for the study of androgen functions in selective tissues. PNAS 99:13498-13503, 2002.\\

79. Kang, H. Y., Huang, K. E., Chang, S. Y., Ma, W. L., Lin, W. J., and Chang, C. : Differential modulation of androgen receptor-mediated transactivation by Smad3 and tumor suppressor Smad4. J. Bio. Chem. 277(46):43749-43756, 2002.

80. Yeh, S., Tsai, M. Y., Xu, Q., Mu, X. M., Lardy, H., Huang, K. E., Lin, H., Yeh, S. D., Altuwaijri, S., Zhou, X., Xing, L., Boyce, B. F., Hung, M. C., Zang, S., Gan, L., Chang, C.: Generation and characterization of androgen receptor knockout (ARKO) mice: An in vivo model for the study of androgen functions in selective tissues. PNAS 99:13498-13503, 2002.

81. Kang, H. Y., Huang, K. E., Chang, S. Y., Ma, W. L., Lin, W. J., and Chang, C. : Differential modulation of androgen receptor-mediated transactivation by Smad3 and tumor suppressor Smad4. J. Bio. Chem. 277(46):43749-43756, 2002.

82. Kang, H. Y., Tsai, M. Y., Chang, C., Huang, K. E. : Mechanisms and Clinical Relevance of Androgen and Androgen Receptor Actions. Chang Gung Med J(26):388-402, 2003.

83. Tsai, M. Y., Sc, M., Lan, K. C., Huang, K. E., Huang, F. J., Kung, F. T., and Chang, S. Y. : Significance of mRNA levels of connexin37, connexin43, and connexin45 in luteinized granulose cells of controlled hyperstimulated follicles. Fertil Steril 80:1437-1443, 2003.

84. Pan, H. A., Wang, S. T., Pai, M. C., Chen, C. H., Wu, M. H., and Huang, K. E. : Cognitive function variations in postmenopausal women treated with continuous, combined HRT or Tibolone. J. Repro. Med. 48:375-380, 2003.

85. Kung, W. C., Chao, H. T., Huang, K. E., Need, A. G., Taechakraichana, N., Loh, F. H., Gonzaga, F., Sriram, U., Ismail, N. M. N., Farooqi, A., Rachman, I. A., Grans, G. G., Wong, M. and Thiebaud, D. : Efficacy and safety of Raloxifene 60 milligrams / day in postmenopausal asia women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 88:3130-3136, 2003.

86. Tsao, L. I., Huang, K. E. : Effectiveness of a perimenopausal health education intervention for mid-life women in northern Taiwan. Patient Education and Counseling 54:321-328, 2004.

87. Kang, H. Y., Cho, C. L., Huang, K. L., Wang, J. C., Hu, Y. C., Lin, H. K., Chang, C., and Huang, K. E.: Nongenomic androgen activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt signaling pathway in MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts. JBMR 19:1181-1190, 2004.

88. Huang, F. J., Hsu, Y. C., Kang, H. Y., Chang, S. Y., Hsuuw, Y. D., and Huang, K. E. : Effects of retinoic acid on the inner cell mass in mouse blastocysts. Fertil. Steril. 83:238-242, 2005.

89. Huang, F. J., Hsuuw, Y. D., Lan, K. C., Kang, H. Y., Chang, S. Y., Hsu, Y. C., Huang, K. E. : Adverse effects of retinoic acid on embryo development and the selective expression of retinoic acid receptors in mouse blastocysts. Human reproduction. 2005, 21(1):202-209.

90. Chang, S. Y., Kang, H. Y, Lan, K. C., Chang, C. Y., Huang, F. J., Tsai, M .Y., Huang, K. E. Expression of steroid receptors, their cofactors, and aromatase in human luteinized granulose cells after controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. Fertil Steril. Apr; 83 Suppl 1:1241-1247. 2005.

91. Chang, C. Y., Hsuuw, Y. D., Huang, F. J., Shyr, C. R., Huang, C. K., Kang, H. Y.*, Huang, K. E. : Androgenic and antiandrogenic effects and expression of androgen receptor in mouse embryonic stem cells. Fertility and Sterility, 2006, Apr: 85(1):1195-1203.

92. Taq, D., Darmasetiawan, S., Haines, C. J., Huang, K. E., Jaisamram, U., Limpaphayom, K. K., Lin, S. Q., Ling, Y. S., Nguyen, T. N., Park, K. H., Shan, D., Shah, D., Subramaniam, R., Taechakraichana, N., Xing, S. M. Guidelines for hormone replacement therapy of Asian w women during the menopausal transition and thereafter. Climacteric. Apr; 9(2):146-151. 2006.

93. Chang, S. Y., Kang, H. Y., Lan, K.C., Hseh, C. Y., Huang, F. J., Huang, K. E. Expression of inhibin-activin subunits, follistatin and smads in granulose-luteal cells collected at oocyte retrieval. J. Assist Reprod Genet. Oct; 23(9-10):385-392. 2006.

94. Lan, K. C., Hseh, C. Y., Lu, S. Y., Huang, F. J., Shyr, C. R., Chang, S. Y., Huang, K. E., Kang, H. Y. *, Expression of the Androgen Receptor Coregulators as a Function of Testis Disorders in Infertile Men with Azoospermia. Fertility and Sterility. 89(3):1397-1405, 2008.

95. Kang, H. Y., Shyr, C. R., Huang, C. K., Tsai, M. Y., Orimo, H., Lin, P. C., Chang, C., Huang, K.E.. Altered TNSALP Expression and Phosphate Regulation Contribute to Reduced Mineralization in Mice Lacking Androgen Receptor. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 2008 Dec;28(24):7354-67.

96. Shyr, C. R., Kang, H. Y., Huang, C. K., Tsai, M. Y., Liu, N. C., Ku, P. Y., Huang, K.E., Chang, C. Roles of testicular orphan nuclear receptors 2 and 4 in early embryonic development and embryonic stem cells. Endocrinology. 2009. May. 150(5):2454-62.

97. Kang, H. Y., Huang, H. Y., Hseh, C. Y., Li, C. F., Shyr, C. R., Tsai, M. Y., Chuang, Y. C., Chang, C., Huang, K.E.. Activin A enhances prostate cancer cell migration via activation of androgen receptor and is overexpressed in metastatic prostate cancer. JBMR. 2009. Jul. 24(7):1180-93.

98. Shyr, C. R., Tsai, M. Y., Yeh, S., Kang, H. Y., Chang, Y. C., Wong, P. L., Huang, C. C., Huang, K. E., and Chang, C. Tumor Q1 suppressor PAX6 functions as androgen receptor co-repressor to inhibit prostate cancer growth. Pros. 9999:1-10, 2009.





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