

词条 侯成林

博士, 首都师范大学教授,博士生导师






1987-1990 安徽农学院林学系 植物病理专业硕士

1983-1987 安徽农学院林学系 林学专业学士



2003年4月-2005年5月,德国法兰克福大学生物(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt am Main,Germany)

2001年3月-2003年3月,德国图宾根大学菌物研究所 (University of Tübingen, Germany)

2000年6月-2001年3月,德国图宾根大学菌物研究所(University of Tübingen, Germany)

1999年11月-2000年5月,德国慕尼黑技术大学 (Technische Universitaet München, Germany)





1. 国家自然科学基金项目:刺皮盘菌科系统学研究

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 针叶树生斑痣盘菌多基因分子系统学及与寄主关系的研究

3. 北京市重点项目:竹生真菌系统学及生物活性物质研究

4. 北京市属高等学校人才强教深化计划-211学术创新团队建设计划项目-极端微生物

5. 北京市自然科学基金项面上项目:用mtSSU rDNA和nLSU rDNA序列分析重建斑痣盘菌目系统学

6. 北京市教委面上项目:用多基因序列分析重建斑痣盘菌目系统学

7. 国家教委留学回国启动课题

8. 国家十一五科技支撑项目子课题:竹林微生物次生代谢物中活性组分的筛选与制备技术

9. 北京市留学回国科技择优重点项目:竹黄等竹林微生物次生活性代谢产物活性成份筛选

10. 北京市高等学校骨干教师资助计划: 竹林特有微生物活性成分的筛选及其鉴定


Cheng-Lin Hou (corresponding author), , Tanja Trampe, Meike Piepenbring. 2010. A new species of Rhytisma causes tar spot on Comarostaphylis arbutoides (Ericaceae) in Panama. Mycopathologia

Jian-Tang Luo, Ying-Ren Lin, Guang-Kai Shi,Hou, Cheng-Lin (corresponding author). 2010. Lophodermium on needles of conifers from Yunnan Province, China. Mycological Progress

Hou, Cheng-Lin (corresponding author), Piepenbring, Meike. 2009. Two new Rhytismatales on Rhododendron from China. Mycologia 101: 379-385.

4. Hou, Cheng-Lin (corresponding author), Piepenbring, Meike. 2009. Lophodermium puerense sp. nov. on needles of Pinus yunnanensis var. tenuifolia from southwest Yunnan. Mycotaxon 107: 259-262.

Hou, Cheng-Lin (corresponding author), Piepenbring, Meike. 2009. New species and new records of Rhytismatales from Panama. Mycologia 101: 563-570.

Wang, Man-Man, Li, Tai-Ji, Jiang, Cheng-Xi, Hou, Cheng-Lin (corresponding author). 2009. Rhytisma huangshanense sp. nov. described from morphological and molecular data Mycotaxon 108: 73-82.

Kirschner, Roland, Hou, Cheng-Lin, Chen, Chee-Jen. 2009. Co-occurrence of Pseudocercospora species and rhytismatalean ascomycetes on maple and camellia in Taiwan. Mycological Progress 8: 1–8.

Hou, Cheng-Lin (corresponding author), Li, Li, Piepenbring, Meike. 2009. Lophodermium pini-mugonis sp. nov. on needles of Pinus mugo from the Alps based on morphological and molecular data. Mycological Progress 8: 29-33.

Hou, Cheng-Lin & Piepenbring, Meike. 2007. A new species of Hypoderma and description of H. rubi (Ascomycota) from China. Nova Hedewigia. 84: 487-493.

Hou, Cheng-Lin, Piepenbring, Meike. 2007. Two new species of Rhytismataceae on twigs of conifers from Yunnan Province, China. Mycotaxon. 102: 165-170.

Hou Cheng-Lin, Kirschner, Roland, Chen, Chee-Jen. 2006. A new species and new records of Rhytismatales from Taiwan. Mycotaxon. 95: 71-79.

Hou, Cheng-Lin, Piepenbring, Meike. 2006. Five new species of Hypoderma with a key to Hypoderma species for China. Nova Hedwigia. 82: 91-104.

Gao, Jian, Hou, Cheng-Lin (corresponding author). 2006. A new species of Neococcomyces (Rhytismatales) from China. Nova Hedwigia. 82: 123-126.

Hou, Cheng-Lin (corresponding author), Gao, Jian & Piepenbring, Meike. 2006. Four rhytismataceous ascomycetes on needles of pines from China. Nova Hedewigia 83 (3-4): 511-522.

Hou, Cheng-Lin (corresponding author), Piepenbring, Meike. 2005. Members of Rhytismataceae on Juniperus from China. Canadian Journal of Botany. 83: 37-46.

Hou, Cheng-Lin (corresponding author), Piepenbring, Meike. 2005. Two new species of Colpoma on trees from China. Forest Pathology 35: 359-364.

Hou, Cheng-Lin (corresponding author), Piepenbring, Meike Oberwinkler, Franz 2004. Nematococcomyces rhododendri, a new species in a new genus of the Rhytismatales from China. Mycologia 96: 1380–1385.





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