

词条 贺端威

贺端威,男,1969 年生,四川大学引进人才,原子与分子物理研究所教授,博士生导师 ,高压(千大气压以上)科学与技术学术带头人。1998 年获中国科学院物理研究所 凝聚态物理专业博士学位。 先后在日本、美国等多个世界顶尖的高压物理实验室中从事科学研究,并在国际超硬材料行业的一流企业中有过从事实际研发的经验。发表论文被SCI收录37篇,引用近 300 篇次,相关工作曾被《 Nature 》编辑在 “Materials update”及“Science update”上专文介绍。


1999-2000,日本国立材料科学研究所 ,日本科技厅资助学者 (STA Fellow)

2000-2003,美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室中子散射中心(Postdoc Research Associate)

2003-2004,美国普林斯顿大学地学系 (Research Staff Member)

2004-2006,Smith International, Inc./MegaDiamond( 全球 500 强)研发部高级研究员

2006 ----,四川大学原子与分子物理研究所教授、博士导师、高压科学与技术学术带头人


(1) 高压极端条件下的物质结构、性能调控与新物理现象探索;

(2) 大腔体静高压技术的发展与相关问题研究;

(3) 新材料的原子分子设计与高压合成;

(4) 高性能超硬材料的高温高压制备与应用




(1) 国家自然科学基金-科学仪器基础研究专款:"二级六-八模大腔体静高压装置的研制与应用",2011年-2013年,


(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会—中国工程物理研究院NSAF联合基金:"用于原位中子衍射的大腔体静高压技术研究",


(3) 国防重大专项(子)课题,项目编号:GFZX0204020807.2,2010年-2011年。

(4) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(“973”项目:超高压下凝聚态物质的新结构与新性质,项目编号:(2011CB808200),


(5) 四川省青年科技基金(2009年度四川省杰出青年学科带头人培养资助计划):“高速高效切削用纳米结构超硬刀

具材料的高温高压制备”,项目批准号:09ZQ026-007,2009年-2011年。 国防重大专项(子)课题,项目编号:


(6) 企业委托研发与合作项目,3项。


(1) Chao Xu, Duanwei He*,Haikuo Wang,Chunmei Liu, Shuai Yin,Kaixue Wang,Junwei Guan,Fang Peng,Zili Kou High pressure in situ differential thermal analysis of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 phase transitions up to 5GPa . Journal of Alloys and Compounds.2012 (accepted) .

(2) Haikuo Wang, Duanwei He*, The hybrid pressure cell of pyrophyllite and magnesium oxide: A pressure cell used in large volume cubic presses to improve the pressure generation efficiency . High Press. Res .2012 (Accepted) .

(3) Ke Liu, Duanwei He*, Haoming Wang, Tiecheng Lu, Feng Li, Xiaolin Zhou High-pressure sintering mechanism of yttrium aluminum garnet (Y3Al5O12) transparent nanoceramics . Scripta Materialia.66 (2012) 319-322 .

(4) Mingjun Tang, Duanwei He*, Wendan Wang, Haikuo Wang, Chao Xu,Fengjiao Li and Junwei Guan Superhard solid solutions of diamond and cubic boron nitride . Scripta Materialia.66(2012)781-784 .

(5) M.J. Tang, D.W. He, L. He First-principle study of electronic structure and optical properties of 3C-BC4N . Physica B.406 (2011) 3154–3159 .

(6) Haikuo Wang, Duanwei He*, Xiaozhi Yan, Chao Xu, Junwei Guan, Ning Tan and Wendan Wang Quantitative measurements of pressure gradients for the pyrophyllite and magnesium oxide pressure-transmitting mediums to 8GPa in a large-volume cubic cell . High Pressure Research.31,581–591 (2011) .

(6) K.Liu, Duanwei He*, X.L.Zou, H.H.Chen. First-principles study of structural and thermodynamic properties of osmiumPhysica B ,406, (2011) 3065- 3069.

(7) M.J.Tang, Duanwei He*, H.L. First-principle study of electronic structure and optical properties of 3C-BC4N. Physica B ,2011 (Accepted).

(8) 管俊伟, 贺端威*,王海阔, 许超, 王文丹, 王凯雪, 贺凯, 彭放. 力学结构及末级压砧硬度对八面体压强高压发生效率的影响. 中国物理学报,2011 (Accepted).

(9) Huan Ma, Duanwei He*, Li Lei, Shanmin Wang, Ying Chen, Haikuo Wang. GaN crystals prepared through solid-state metathesis reaction from NaGaO2 and BN under high pressure and high temperature.Journal of Alloys and Compounds. ,2010 (Accepted).

(10) Ying Chen, Duanwei He*, Jiaqian Qin, Zili Kou, Yan Bi. Ultrasonic and hardness measurements for ultrahigh pressure prepared WB ceramics.International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. ,2010 (Accepted).

(11) Kai He,Duanwei He*, Li Lei, Yongtao Zou, Jiaqian Qin, Shanmin Wang. Synthesis of low density γ-Al2O3 from high density α-Al2O3 in the presence of LiBO2 melt under high pressure. Solid State Communications.,150,2106–2108 (2010) .

(12) Jianghua Wang,Duanwei He*, et al. Stress state of diamond and gold under nonhydrostatic compression to 360 GPa. J. Appl. Phys.,108, 063521 (2010) .

(13) Zhao Wang,Duanwei He*, Wei Zhang, Wenqiang Li, Wenyong Li, Jiaqian Qin, Li Lei, Yongtao Zou, and Xiangdong Yang . Portable high pressure sapphire anvil cell for gas hydrates research . Review of Scientific Instruments.,81, 085102 (2010) .

(14) Haikuo Wang,Duanwei He*, Ning Tan, Wendan Wang, Jianghua Wang, Haini Dong, Huan Ma, Zili Kou, Fang Peng, Xi Liu, and Sicheng Li . An anvil-preformed gasket system to extend the pressure range for large volume cubic presses. Review of Scientific Instruments.,81, 116102 (2010) .

(15) Ying Chen, Duanwei He*, Jiaqian Qian, Zili Kou, Shanmin Wang, Jianghua Wang. Ultrahigh pressure densification of nanocrystalline WB ceramics . Journal of Materials Research.,Vol.25, No.4, Apr 2010,637–640 .

(16) Yongtao Zou,Duanwei He*, Xiankui Wei, Richeng Yu, Tiecheng Lu, Xianghui Chang, Shanmin Wang and Li Lei. Nanosintering Mechanism of MgAl2O4 Transparent Ceramics under High Pressure. Materials Chemistry and Physics.,Volume 123, Issues 2-3, October 2010, Pages 529-533.

(17) 王文丹, 贺端威*,王海阔, 陈海花, 董海妮, 寇自力, 李子扬, 彭放, 王福龙, 王善民, 张剑. 二级6-8型大腔体装置的高压发生效率机理研究. 中国物理学报,59,3017-3115 (2010).

(18) Haihua Chen, Duanwei He*, Jing Liu, Yanchun Li, Fang Peng, Zuo Li, Jianghua Wang, and Ligang Bai. High-pressure radial x-ray diffraction study of osmium to 58 GPa. The European Physical Journal B, Condensed Matter and Complex Systems ,73, 321-326 (2010) .

(19) Shanmin Wang, Duanwei He*,Wendan Wang and Li Lei. Pressure calibration for the cubic press by differential thermal analysis (DTA) and the high-pressure fusion curve of aluminum. High Pressure Research,Vol.29, No.4, December 2009, 806–814 .

(20) Li Lei, Duanwei He*, Kai He, Jiaqian Qin and Shanmin Wang. Pressure-induced coordination changes in LiBO2. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Volume 182, Issue 11, November 2009, Pages 3041-3048 .

(21) Yuping Lu and Duanwei He*. Structure and elastic properties of boron suboxide to 240 GPa. Journal of Applied Physics105, 083540 (2009) .

(22) Li Lei and Duanwei He*. Synthesis of GaN Crystals Through Solid-State Metathesis Reaction Under High Pressure. Cryst. Growth Des.2009, 9 (3), pp 1264–1266.

(23) Haini Dong , Duanwei He*,Thomas S. Duffy, Yusheng Zhao. Elastic moduli and strength of nanocrystalline cubic BC2N from x-ray diffraction under nonhydrostatic compression. Physical Review B .79, 014105 (2009) .

(24) Jiaqian Qin, Duanwei He*, Jianghua Wang, Leiming Fang, Li Lei, Yongjun Li, Juan Hu, Zili Kuo, and Yan Bi. Is Rhenium Diboride a Superhard Material? Advanced Materials 20 (2008) 4780–4783.(2007年影响因子:8.20)

(25) Jiaqian Qin, Zhao Wang, Leiming Fang, Fulong Wang, Li Lei, Yongjun Li, Jianghua wang, Zili Kou, and Duanwei He*. In situ electrical resistance study of Ti2AlC to 6 GPa.Solid State Communications 148, 431-434 (2008).

(26) Jiaqian Qin, Duanwei He*, Li Lei, Pei An, Leiming Fang, Yongjun Li, Fulong Wang and Zili Kou. Differential thermal analysis study of phase segregation of Ti2AlC under high pressure and high temperature.Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume 476, Issues 1-2, 12 May 2009, Pages L8-L10 .

(27) Li Lei, Duanwei He*, Yongtao Zou, Wei Zhang, Zhao Wang, Ming Jiang, Maolu Du. Phase Transitions of LiAlO2 at High Pressure and High Temperature.Journal of Solid State Chemistry 181, 1810-1815 (2008).

(28) Shanmin Wang , Duanwei He*,Yongtao Zou, Jianjun Wei, Li Lei, Yongjun Li, Jianghua Wang, Wendan Wang, and Zili Kou. High-pressure and high-temperature sintering of nanostructured bulk NiAl materials. Journal of Materials Research .24,( 2009) 2089-2096.

(29) Jiaqian Qin, Duanwei He*, Chao Chen, Jianghua Wang, Juan Hu, Binwei Yang. Phase segregation of titanium-aluminium carbide (Ti2AlC) at high pressure and high temperature.Journal of Alloys and Compounds462, L24-27 (2008).

(30) 王福龙, 贺端威*, 房雷鸣, 陈晓芳, 李拥军, 张伟, 张键, 寇自力, 彭放. 基于铰链式六面顶压机的二级6-8型大腔体静高压装置.中国物理学报57, 5429-5434 (2008).

(31) Chao Chen, Duanwei He*, Zili Kou, Fang Peng, Lide Yao, Richeng Yu, and Yan Bi. B6O-based Composite to Rival Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride.Advanced Materials19, 4288-4291 (2007).(2006年影响因子:7.89)

(32) Leiming Fang, Duanwei He*, Chao Chen, Liye Ding and Xianjie Luo. Effect of precompression on pressure-transmitting efficiency of pyrophyllite gaskets.High Pressure Research27, 367-374 (2007).

(33) Duanwei Heand Thomas S. Duffy. X-ray diffraction study of the static strength of tungsten to 69 GPa.Physical Review B73, 134106 (2006).

(34) Konstantin A. Lokshin, Yusheng Zhao, Duanwei He, Wendy L. Mao, Ho-kwang Mao, Russell J. Hemley, Maxim V. Lobanov, and Martha Greenblatt. Structure and dynamics of hydrogen molecules in the novel clathrate hydrate by high pressure neutron diffraction.Physical Review Letters93, 125503 (2004).

(35) Duanwei He,Sean R. Shieh and Thomas S. Duffy. Strength and equation of state of boron suboxide from radial x-ray diffraction in a diamond cell under nonhydrostatic compression.Physical Review B70, 84121 (2004).

(36) D.W. He,Y.S. Zhao, L.L. Daemen, J. Qian, K. Lokshin, T.D. Shen, J. Zhang and A.C. Lawson. Thermoelastic and texture behavior of aluminum at high pressure and high temperature investigated by in situ neutron diffraction.J. Appl. Phys.95, 4645 (2004).





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