

词条 Jeannie Ortega







歌曲:《布鲁克林万岁No Place Like Brooklyn》,De La Soul、Shakira、Kelis名制作Kovas担纲制作大梁




18岁美国宝贝Jeannie Ortega!

布鲁克林,十年前,一个8岁的波多黎各女孩决心去实现自己的梦想。她创作了一首名叫“shine like me”的歌,开始了她面向歌唱事业发展的第一步。Jeannie Ortega在到达最终目的地前不得不经历严峻的考验。“在我年少时期有过太多的困境,甚至在我还是小孩子时都没有;连公园都没有去过,那简直太难以接受了,虽然我只是个小女孩,但感觉就像肩负了太多的重担一样“Jeannie说。


音乐为Jeannie敞开了一个完全崭新的世界,一个喜欢唱着Hip-Hop和R&B曲风的女孩也会让她变的更加时尚魅力。无论何时她都想从那个另人不愉快的环境逃脱,她聆听其他歌星的歌曲都会从中体会到一些东西“一天我在听Mariah Carey的歌曲那经历真的改变了我很多。她的语言和情感真的像是在对我诉说,我真的希望我也可以用我真诚的音乐去影响一些人的生活”Jeannie说道。


作为布鲁克林艺术高中第一毕业班级的学生,Jeannie在表演上施展了天分。连续几年的节目排练都是她一手包办,当演唱者,歌曲作者,舞者以及很多很多。在她少年时期,她在地方公园里和一个由孩子们组成的名叫Sugar & Spice的演唱团体在幼稚园班级前表演了节目。从那以后她的学龄生涯中大多时间都放在了各处巡演。当她的声音开始在周围邻近的地方受欢迎时,人们开始对她真正地关注起来,Jeannie开始决定全速前进去实现她的梦想。“我已经准备好跨出第一步了”她说这次机会将不会错过。

18岁的Jeannie有太多东西需要感谢了,在她第一次结束了电影《Love Don’t Cost A Thing》里“Got What It Takes”的录音后,Jeannie与Hollywood Records签了约,现在已准备发行她第一张唱片了,唱片标题就是《No Place Like Brooklyn》。


Jeannie迫不及待要施展她的才华了,《No Place Like Brooklyn》这张专辑里12首歌中有11首都是Jeannie亲自创作的,“我只是写出了我的感受”很多人都可以讲述自己的故事,不仅仅是和我同龄的人。我认为我们都有过类似的情况。我们的感觉就像是根本不知道我们是谁。我们恋爱,我们失恋,每个人都有过爱情”Jeannie说道,一个不屑自己天真年龄的她将有一笔生命财富去分享。


01 crowded

专辑名称 发行时间 语言 试听专辑 详情

no place like bklyn 2006-08-23

唱片公司:Hollywood Records专辑曲目(1)01 crowded


Crowded -- Jeannie Ortega


Jeannie Ortega, Papoose

Imma show you how it's supposed to be done, uh

[Verse 1]

Don't get me started, it's getting kinda crowded in here

Back up off me, I'm feeling like I'm suffocating

Now here's my problem, I'm not gonna be your chick on the side

Forget about it, you know damn well it wouldn't be right

I don't know what you been thinking bout me

Did you think this was gonna be that easy?

Hell no you must be going crazy


Why don't you get out of my life, get out of my sight

Get off of my back.

Why don't you get back to your world, Go back to your girl

I think you owe her.

I know what's going on

I won't be second to none

Back up cause you're crowding my space

You need to get out of my face

[Verse 2]

Let's be honest I'm not the type of chick you can use

And if you want it, if you want it you'll have to choose

Oh I've been through this, been cheated on I know how it feels

What I know that, you wouldn't do the same to me.

I don't know what you been thinking bout me

Did you think this was gonna be that easy?

Hell no you must be going crazy


Why don't you get out of my life, get out of my sight

Get off of my back.

Why don't you get back to your world, Go back to your girl

I think you owe her.

I know what's going on

I won't be second to none

Back up cause you're crowding my space

You need to get out of my face


Bk, Bk Uh

They say you can't have your cake and eat it too

Tell me what's the meaning?

What's the sense of me having cake if I can't eat it?

She does never win my friend

You like creeping but hate when your girl start cheating

Imagine if you came home to your wife

Opens your door and locked it then you found R. Kelly hiding in your closet

I knew you would start cheating before you even stopped it

Unlike when you double your money I'm a profit

Albert Einstein was smart but I'm so wiser

I'm a ladies man, your man is a womanizer

You gotta fight for love, can you make a fist

Since your name is Jeannie, can I make a wish?

Don't mind your setbacks, every move major

Growing for me hey just do me one favor

He put you on the side lemme be your savior

Crowded, Papoose, Jeannie Ortega


Why don't you get out of my life, get out of my sight

Get off of my back.

Why don't you get back to your world, Go back to your girl

I think you owe her.

I know what's going on

I won't be second to none

Back up cause you're crowding my space

You need to get out of my face

Get out of my life, get out of my sight, get off of my back

Cause you're crowding my space

You need to get out of my face.


2006 - Step Up .... Girl Singer #3 2011 - Indelible .... TBA





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