词条 | 何钢 |
释义 | 1 .中南林业科技大学 教授任职中南林业科技大学教授,硕士生导师。中南林业科技大学生物环境科学与技术研究所副所长,中南林业科技大学生物化学与分子生物学学术带头人,生物技术(湖南省重点专业)专业负责人。九三学社中南林业科技大学支社副主委兼组织委员,国际园艺学会会员,中国林学会经济林分会会员。 自1990年以来获科研成果奖7项,其中省部级进步科技进步三等奖2项,省厅级科技进步二等奖3项、三等奖2项。 学习与工作经历1987年毕业于中南林学院经济林专业,获农学学士学位;1991-1994年在中南林学院攻读经济林学硕士学位,1991年获农学硕士学位。2003年4-5月,2008年4-5月2次赴美国佛罗里达大学学习考察。1987年毕业后一直在中南林业科技大学从事教学科研工作。 科研、教学及学术活动从事应用生物化学、植物分子生物学与经济林育种栽培的研究,近年来主持(第2)完成了国家“948”项目“人心果优良品种及配套技术引进”( 2002-29);第2主持贵州省重点林业项目“金秋梨无公害生产新技术研究”(C990001)获2002年贵州省科技进步三等奖;主持湖南省教育厅青年课题“南方枣优良品种分子标记及鉴别系统的开发”项目(03B048),参加完成了国家自然科学基金“ACC合成酶基因转化枣树的研究”(2001-2003,30070635),湖南省自然科学基金“橡实淀粉主要理化功能特性的研究”(1999-2001 99JJY1004)及国家自然科学基金“珍稀无核枣树品种原生质体融合的研究”(39670621)。主要参加湖南省自然科学基金“香榧雌雄株控制基因的克隆”(03JJY4037)。现承担主持湖南省自然科学基金“南方枣品种花粉育性机理及品种间亲和力的研究”(06JJ20022),第3主持国家“948”项目“木质纤维素制取生物乙醇燃料技术的引进”(2006-4-123),参加国家十一五支撑项目“高浓废水高效生物反应器处理和资源化利用技术”(2006BAD18B0503),先后担任湖南双牌县(1990-1994)、湖南新晃县(1991-1994)、湖南资兴市(1993-1998)、湖南攸县(1997-2001)的经济果木等经济林开发专家顾问,曾担任国家林业局世贷款项目专家组顾问(1998-2003),贵州省台江县扶贫开发顾问(1998-2004)。1999-2001年担任贵州台江县金秋梨开发顾问。承担分子生物学、基因工程、植物基因工程、果树设施栽培学等研究生和本科生课程。 学术论文发表学术论文40多篇,参编出版学术著作3部,申请国家发明专利3项。 Yafeng Wen1, Gang He, Sen Wang,AFLP Analysis of Genetic Relationship and Discrimination on Jujube Germplasm Resources,Acta Horticulturea,2009,245 何钢,周再魁,袁靖等,用农杆菌Ri诱导金银花发根培养的研究,中南林业科技大学学报,2008,28(5):77-80 何钢,刘贤桂,李樊,等。金银花叶片绿原酸提取及工艺参数优化的研究,江西农业大学学报,2008,30(1):136-143 刘义,何钢,等. 细菌的抗锌基因及其在生物修复中的应用,生物技术通报生物技术通报2008,(2):35-38 文亚峰, 谢碧霞,何钢.人心果品种资源亲缘关系的AFLP分析,林业科学,2008,44(9):59-64 何钢,文亚峰,燕亚飞,等.到金狮桂的植物学特性及核型分析经济林研究, 2008,26(3):8-12 REFEREED BOOK XIE Bi Xia, He Gang. 2004. Manilkara zapodilla. The Science technology Publishing House of GuiZhou, Guiyang. China. He Fang, He Gang, et.2004. cultivation of Economic Forestry. China Forestry Publishing House. Beijing .China. Hu Fangming, et. He Gang, Culture and Utilization of Chinese Non-wood Product Forest Tress. China Forestry Publishing House. Beijing .China. He Gang. 1999.The Polishness Cultivars of Grandis and Cultivation Techniques . The Science Popularity Publishing House, Beijing .China REFEREED JOURNAL ARTICLES HE Gang , WEN Ya-Fang , XIE Bi-Xia, et. 2005. Study on Extraction Method of Sapodilla Rubber in laboratory. Acta Agriculture Universitatis Jiangxiensis,27(2):225-229. HE Gang, CHEN Jian-Hua, LI Fan, et. 2005. The Technique of Big Tree Transplanting and Introduction of Big Five planets Erilbotrya japonica. Economic Forest Researches. 23(3):18-20 HE Gang, XIN Wei-Yi, LUO Li-Hua,et. 2004. Optimization of Recombinant Taq DNA Polymerase Expression in E.coli. Journal of Central South Forestry University. 24(4):62-65. HE Gang , WEN Ya-Fang , MAO Shao-Ming, et. 2004. Qualitative Analysis of Latex Components in Minilkara zapoto. Economic Forest Researches. 22(2):38-41 HE Gang , WEN Ya-Fang , FU Jie,et. 2004. Research of Cell Suspension Culture of Manilkara zapota. Economic Forest Researches. 22(4):43-46 He Gang,Tang Chang-Wan,Liu Jun-ang. 2003. Studies of Bionomics and harmless Control of Jingqiu Pear’s Fruit-sucking Moths. Journal of Central South Forestry University. 23(4):46-49. HE Gang,XIE Bi Xia ,XIE Tao, et.2003. Study on Granule Properties of Cyclobalanopsis starch. Acta Agriculture Universitatis Jiangxiensis,25(5):681-684. He Gang, Xie Tao, Xie Bixia.2003. The developments of research on starch properties. Economic Forest Researches.21(4):112-116. He Gang, Xie Tao, Xie Bixia,et.2003. Study on Granule Properties of Quercus Variabilis starch. Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology.22(3):226-229. He Gang, Xie Tao, Xie Bixia. 2003. Supercritical CO2(S-CO2) extraction Measure Total Fat in Food Products. Economic Forest Researches.21(3):28-31. He Gang, Han wenjun, Wang yiqiang. 2003. Survey of Red Grandis Germplasm Resource and Selection of Plus Trees. Economic Forest Researches.21(2):23-25 Chen Jianhua,He Gang ,Li Zhihui et. 2002. Promoting the differentiation of female buds of Castanea mollissima blume. Journal of Central South Forestry University. 22(3):27-30 He Gang ,Zhou Guoying,Tang Chengwan et. 2001.Environment quality assessment of the “Jinqiu” pear production base area in Taijiang County,Guizhou. Economic Forest Researches.19(2):43-47 He Gang ,Zhou Guoying,Ji Wuxing et. 2001.Technique of bagging the fruit for “Jinqiu” pear orchard. Economic Forest Researches.19(2):54-56 Zhou Guoying,He Gang , Liu Junang et. 2001.Pest prediction and forecast for “Jinqiu” pear production base area with reference to non –pollution contol measures. Economic Forest Researches.19(2):49-51 Zhou Guoying,He Gang , Tang Chengwan et. 2001.Non –pollution technique fertilizer application for “Jinqiu” pear orchard. Economic Forest Researches.19(2):51-54 Liu Junang ,Li Xian,He Gang et. 2001.Survey of the agricultural environment quality in the “Jinqiu” pear production base area in Taijiang County,Guizhou. Economic Forest Researches.19(2):41-43 He Gang ,Wu Ruoyan. 1999.Optimal fruit percent on mature trees of Prunus salicina var.cordata. Economic Forest Researches.17(1):21-23 Zhao Shidong ,Hu Chunshui,He Gang. 1999. Study on growing Kiwifruit for high profitability in hilly and upland area. Journal of Fruit Science ,16(1):60-65 He Gang ,Zhao Junyi,Cheng jianhua. 1998. Prunus salicina var.cordata :mineral nutrient status in the floral differentiation stage . Economic Forest Researches.16(3):26-27 He Gang ,Tang Kaishan,Zhao Shidong et. 1997.Analysis and comparison of biological characteristics of JIfeng group and Kyoho group grapes. Journal of Central South Forestry University. 17(2):45-48 He Gang , Tang Kaishan Zhong Yenjue et. 1997. Top working techniques for grape trees. Economic Forest Researches.15(1):40-41 He Fang,He Gang , Tian Zairong et..1997. Oiltea Camellia: economic and ecologic benefit from stand improvement. Economic Forest Researches.15(2):1-6 He Fang,He Gang , Tian Zairong et..1997. Oiltea Camellia: Correlation Analysis of stand improvement effects. Economic Forest Researches.15(3):12-17 He Gang , Zhao Shidong. 1996. Study on bury Weeds and cover with its in Yangtao orchard. Hunan Forestry Technology.23(4):36-38 Wu Ruoyan ,He Gang . 1996.A reliability analysis of expected genetic advance assessed with heritability under different selection conditions. Journal of Central South Forestry University. 16(4):77-82 He Gang. 1998. Prunus salicina var.cordata in Hunan Province: causes of poor production and ways of improvement. Economic Forest Researches.14(3):28-29 He Gang, Tang Kaishan, Zhong Yenjue et .1996. Experiment on variety introduction and variety comparison of table grape in red earth hilly land. Viticulture and Enology.77(2):19-21 He Gang, Tang Kaishan, Zhong Yenjue et .1996. The Cultivation Techniques of high grade table grape in red earth hilly land. Present Status of Economic Forest China and countermeasure. China Forest Press .286-289 AWARDS Science and Technology Third Class Award, GuiZhou Provincial government,China. 2001 Science and Technology Third Class Award, Forestry Department of P. R. China.1999 Excellent Teacher Second Class Award, Central South Forestry University.1998-1999 Excellent Teacher Frist Class Award, Central South Forestry University.1996-1997 Pedagogy Third Class Award , Hunan Provincial government, China. 1997 Science and Technology Third Class Award, Hunan Provincial government, China. 1994 Science and Technology Third Class Award, Forestry Department of P. R. China.1992 Science and Technology Third Class Award, Forestry Department of P. R. China.1990 MEMBERSHIPS Economic Forestry Society .China(since 1988) PERSONAL Interests: gardening, angling, table tennis and network 全国政协《人民政协报》社经济信息一部主任个人简介何钢,男,汉族,1975年10月生,祖籍山西朔州,传媒人、公益慈善和品牌宣传策划人。10年来先后在中央电视台、人民政协报社等中央级传媒机构担任制片、编导、执行制片人、总策划、主编助理、部门主任、青联副主席等职务。 个人经历自2007年连续五年作为全国“两会”新闻组成员、新闻联络员、驻地新闻组组长,零距离为多位中央政治局常委及十几位党和国家领导人提供过媒体协调工作;累计协调联络采访过近百位副部级以上领导与权威专家;累计与200多位经济界、文艺界、演艺界等明星、名流有过广泛深度的合作;累计为300多位商业巨头提供过采访报道及新闻联络工作;并累计负责“两会”数千家媒体的采访协调联络工作。积累了广泛而深厚的高端人脉和媒体资源。 个人职务热衷公益事业,倾力为多家慈善机构贡献力量,成功策划并参与发起多个慈善公益基金(项目)。特邀为国务院新闻办中国人权发展基金会特约理事、中华慈善总会岚昕大爱基金办公室主任、中国关心下一代健康体育基金会大学生发展基金名誉副主席、微笑行动中国基金筹委会副主席等多个慈善组织的义工。 成功案例长期致力于企业品牌运营与宣传推广领域,多次为建设银行、联想集团、民生银行、吉利汽车、富力地产、世华智业集团、邦家租赁等几十家著名企业提供高端品牌策划方案,兼任多家知名企业品牌宣传策划总顾问。 |
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