词条 | 何大立 |
释义 | 中国知名企业家1965年生人,中国有色金属铜钴行业知名企业家。 2002年-2005年,创建上海格派商贸有限公司,开始涉足有色金属行业,致力于铜,钴矿石及衍生品的贸易业务。并深入南非、赞比亚、刚果等非洲矿产资源大国进行当地矿业资源的采购和销售,建立起从非洲到中国完整的贸易体系,带领公司逐步壮大。 2005年-2010年,合资创办上海盛宝矿业集团,在刚果、赞比亚、南非、中国建设了跨国铜钴金属从矿山开发到冶炼生产再到物流销售一系列完整的体系,使集团达到多元化综合性的经营。集团年产值达1亿美元。获得中国金融机构和投资银行的认可。 2010年至今继续从事有色金属铜钴行业,创建立泉实业(大连)有限公司, 以贸易为基础,发展实体经营, 凭借近10年的行业经验在有色金属铜钴行业内建立起很高的威望和影响力,带领旗下公司不断发展壮大。 Brief Introduction of Mr. He DaliThe founder He Dali was born in 1965. Since 1990, hehas been engaged in business for 20 years. He began to be engaged in thenon-ferrous industry in 2002, during his less than ten years engaged in thenon-ferrous industry, he established five companies in China and threecompanies overseas. The business scope of the company wasinvolved in non-ferrous metals and minerals, ferroalloy, and coal and riskinvestment management. The companies had established cooperation relationshipwith more than 10 countries. The development of the companies is as follows: In 2002, Mr. He started to be engaged in thenon-ferrous industry, established Shanghai Great Power Trading Co., Ltd.engaged in the trading business of the copper, cobalt ore and theirderivatives. In 2004, entered into Africa, established Great Power(Zambia) Co, Ltd., expended the business of the company into Africa, andestablished the complete trading system from Africa to China. In 2005, Mr. He established SADRC (Shanghai) IndustryCo, Ltd and Wuhu Shenghai Mineral Products Import and Export Company. Thebusiness of the companies covered the whole Eastern and Southern China markets. In 2006, Mr. He Dali with South Africa’sbusiness partners established South Africa Mining Group Corporation calledSADRC Mining Group Corporation; The Corporation had a Copper Pyro-metallurgySmelter, and Cobalt Hydro-metallurgy Smelter. Copper annum was 20,000 MT, andCobalt 5,000 MT. And the group owned 11 copper and cobalt mines. TheCorporation established logistics system in Zambia and South Africa. Andtherefore, the Corporation had formed a complete system from Copper and Cobaltmining to produce and logistics in south of Africa. The Corporation’s operationwas many-faceted. The annual production value was amounted to 150 million USD,and it was recognized by financial institutions and investment banks. In 2006, Shanghai Great Power Trading Co., Ltd changedits name into Great Power Industry Co., Ltd, and Great Power (Hong Kong)Company was established in Hong Kong to explore overseas businesses and doinvestment. In 2009, Shanghai Leametra Co., Ltd was established. In 2010, Long Power Industry (Dalian) Co., Ltd. wasset up to explore and develop the northern Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Russianmarkets. With almost 10 years’experience in non-ferrous metals and minerals, Mr. He Dali has gained greatreputation and prestige in Chinese non-ferrous industry. Under Mr. He Dali’sdirection, the companies, with non-ferrous metals and minerals as the mainbusiness, many-faceted operation, radiation resources and new energy resourcesas the direction, are developing and expanding. |
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