

词条 何朝族


何朝族,男,1962 年10 月生。1996 年获澳大利亚昆士兰大学博士学位(Ph.D)。中国科学院“百人计划”获得者,2011年获海南省首批“创新创业人才”、海南省“515”第一层次人才称号

主要研究领域是分子植物—病原微生物相互作用、植物病原微生物基因组学、水稻分子生物学。以通讯作者发表SCI 论文20多篇,其中SCI 影响因子10以上的论文1篇,发表于国际基因组学最高专业杂志Genome Research上并获得高度评价;论文SCI他人引用300次以上。近年来5次受邀在国际学术大会上作报告,并为6种国际专业杂志审稿。已申请专利5项,获得授权3项。先后承担科技部“973”项目子课题2项、“863”项目1项、科技攻关项目1项;国家自然科学基金4项(其中面上项目3项,海外青年合作基金1项);中国科学院“创新工程”项目2项;农业部《转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项》1项。







1996年9月至2000年5月:新加坡国立大学分子农业生物学院Research Fellow(博士后)。



2010年9月起:任海南大学 “作物遗传育种”国家重点学科责任教授、海南省热带生物资源可持续利用重点实验室(省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地)主任、博士生导师。










1.He C, Masel AM, Irwin JAG, Kelemu S, Manners JM (1995). Relationship of chromosome-specific dispensable DNA sequences in diverse isolates Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Mycological Research 99: 1325-1333.

2.Masel AM*, He C.*, Poplawski AM, Irwin JAG, Manners JM (1996) Molecular evidence for chromosome transfer between biotypes of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 9: 339-348 (*并列第一作者)

3.He, C., Nourse, J.P., Kelemu, S., Irwin, J.A.G. and Manners, J.M. (1996) CgT1: A non-LTR retrotransposon with restricted distribution in the fungal phytopathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Molecular and General Genetics. 252: 320-331.

4.Poplawski A. M., He, C., Irwin, J.A.G. and Manners, J.M. (1997). Transfer of autonomously replicating vector between vegetatively incompatible biotypes of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Current Genetics, 32: 66-72.

5.Manners, J.M.,He, C. (1997) Molecular approaches to studies of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnose of Stylosanthes in Australia. Tropical Grassland, 31: 435-444. (review paper)

6.He, C., Rusu, A. G., Poplawski A. M., Irwin, J.A.G. and Manners, J.M. (1998). Transfer of a supernumery chromosome between vegetatively incompatible biotypes of the fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Genetics 150: 1459-1466.

7.Chaozu He, Steven H. T. Fong , Daichang Yang and Guo-Liang Wang (1999). BWMK1, a novel MAP kinase induced by fungal infection and mechanical wounding in rice. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction. 12:1064-1073.

8.Wang G.L., He C.Z., Wu C.J., Yin Z.C., Baraoidan M., Zeng L.R., Ronald P.C., Khush G.S. and Leung H. (2001) Genetic Dissection of Disease Resistance Pathways in Rice. Advances in Rice Blast Research. eds: M.H. Lebrun, J.L. Notteghem, N.J. Talbot and D. Tharreau. Kluwer Publisher, pp 63-72.

9. Qihong Sun, Wei Wu, Wei Qian, Jun Hu, Rongxiang Fang and Chaozu He (2003). High-quality mutant libraries of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and X. campestris pv. campestris generated by an efficient transposon mutagenesis system. FEMS Microbiology Letters 226:145-150. (通讯作者)

10. Youbao Sha, Shutian Li, Zhongyou Pei, Lijuan Luo, Yingchuan Tian and Chaozu He (2004). Generation and flanking sequence analysis of a rice T-DNA tagged population. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (TAG). 108: 306-314(通讯作者)

11. Lian-Hui Wang, Yawen He, Yunfeng Gao, Ji En Wu, Yi-Hu Dong, Chaozu He, Su Xing Wang, Li-Xing Weng, Jin-Ling Xu, Leng Tay, Rong Xiang Fang, Lian-Hui Zhang (2004). A bacterial cell-cell communication signal with cross-kingdom structural analogues. Molecular Microbiology 51:903-912.

12. Qihong Sun, Jun Hu, Guixiu Huang, Chao Ge, Rongxiang Fang and Chaozu He (2005). The type II secretion pathway structural genexpsE is required for xylanase- and cellulase- secretion and virulence in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Plant Pathology, 54: 15-21. (通讯作者)

13. Guifu Liu, Lijuan Wang, Zhuangzhi Zhou, Hei Leung, Guo-liang Wang and Chaozu He (2004). A rice lesion mimic gene, Spl1, is physically mapped and delimitated in a 70 kb segment of rice chromosome 12. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 272: 108-115. (通讯作者)

14. Lijuan Wang, Zhongyou Pei, Yingchuan Tian and Chaozu He (2005)OsLSD1, a Rice Zinc Finger Protein, Regulates Programmed Cell Death and Callus Differentiation. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions 18: 375-384(通讯作者)

15. Wei Qian, Yantao Jia, Shuang-Xi Ren, Yong-Qiang He Jia-Xun Feng, Ling-Feng Lu,Qihong Sun, Ge Ying, Dong-Jie Tang, Hua Tang, Wei Wu, Pei Hao, Lifeng Wang, Bo-Le Jiang, Shenyan Zeng, Wen-Yi Gu, Gang Lu, Li Rong, Yingchuan Tian, Zhijian Yao, Gang Fu, Baoshan Chen, Rongxiang Fang, Boqin Qiang, Zhu Chen, Guo-Ping Zhao, Ji-Liang Tang & Chaozu He(2005). Comparative and Functional Genomic Analyses for the Pathogenicity of Phytopathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. Genome Research15: 757-767, (通讯作者)。

16. Guihua Li, Zhuangzhi Zhou, Guifu Liu, Fucong Zheng and Chaozu He (2007) Characterization of T-DNA insertion patterns in the genome of rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Current Genetics 51: 233-243(通讯作者)。

17. Jun Hu, Wei Qian and Chaozu He (2007). The Xanthomonasoryzae pv. oryzaeeglXoB endoglucanase gene is required for virulence to rice. FEMS Microbiology Letters 269: 273–279(通讯作者)。

18. Chunxiao Xu and Chaozu He (2007). The rice OsLOL2 gene encodes a zinc finger protein involved in development and disease resistance. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 278: 85-94(通讯作者)。

19. Lifeng Wang, Xiaoyan Tang and Chaozu He (2007). The bifunctional effector AvrXccC of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris requires plasmamembrane-anchoring for host recognition. Molecular Plant Pathology 8: 491-501. (通讯作者)。

20. Hu, J.; Zhang, Y.; Qian, W. and Chaozu He (2007). Avirulence gene and insertion element based RFLP as well as RAPD markers reveal high levels of genomic polymorphism in the rice pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 30:587–600

21. Hong, W.-F.; He, C.-Z.; Wang, L.-J; Wang, D.-J.; Joseph, L. M.; Jantasuriyarat, C.; Dai, L.-Y. and Wang G.-L. (2007). BWMK1 Responds to Multiple Environmental Stresses and Plant Hormones. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 49:843-851

22. Wei Qian, Zhong-Ji Han and Chaozu He (2008) Two-Component Signal Transduction Systems of Xanthomonas spp.: A Lesson from Genomics. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 21:151-161.(通讯作者)。

23. Lifeng Wang, Wei Rong and Chaozu He (2008) Two Xanthomonas extracellular polygalacturonases, PghAxc and PghBxc, are regulated by Type III secretion regulators HrpX and HrpG and are required for virulence. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 21:555-563.(通讯作者)。

24. Chao Ge &Chaozu He (2008) Regulation of the Type II secretion structural gene xpsE in Xanthomonas campestris pathovar campestris by the global transcription regulator Clp. Current Microbiology 56:122-127. (通讯作者)。

25. Dongmei Yu, Kosala Ranathunge, Huasun Huang, Zhongyou Pei, Rochus Franke, Lukas Schreiber and Chaozu He (2008) Wax Crystal-Sparse Leaf1 encodes a β–ketoacyl CoA synthase involved in biosynthesis of cuticular waxes on rice leaf. Planta228: 675–685. (通讯作者)。

26. Khizar Hayat Bhatti, Chunxiao Xu, Jiahe Wu and Chaozu He (2008) Overexpression of rice OsLOL2 gene confers disease resistance in tobacco to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci. Progress in Natural Science18:807-812. (通讯作者)。

27. Wei Qian, Zhongji Han, Jun Tao and Chaozu He (2008) Genome-Scale Mutagenesis and Phenotypic Characterization of Two-Component Signal Transduction Systems in Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris ATCC 33913. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 21:1128-1138. (通讯作者)。

28. Zhuangzhi Zhou, Guihua Li, Chunhua Lin and Chaozu He (2009) Conidiophore Stalk-less1 Encodes a Putative Zinc-Finger Protein Involved in the Early Stage of Conidiation and Mycelial Infection in Magnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 22: 402–410. (通讯作者)。

29. Jun Tao and Chaozu He (2010) Response regulator,VemR, positively regulates thevirulence and adaptation of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. FEMS Microbiology Letters 304: 20–28. (通讯作者)

30. Yan Zhang, Wenkai Xiao, ijuan Luo, inhuan Pang, ei Rong, Chaozu He(2011). Downregulation of OsPK1, a cytosolic pyruvate kinase, by T-DNA insertion causes dwarfism and panicle enclosure in rice. Planta. DOI 10.1007/s00425-011-1471-3(通讯作者)

31. Chunxia Li, Jun Tao, Daqing Mao, Chaozu He*(2011). A Novel Manganese Efflux System, YebN, Is Required for Virulence by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. PLoS One 6: e21983. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021983(通讯作者)

32. Zhihui Xia, Huimin Xu , Jinling Zhai, Dejun Li, Hongli Luo, Chaozu He, Xi Huang(2011). RNA-Seq analysis and de novo transcriptome assembly of Hevea brasiliensis. Plant Molecular Biology 77: 299-308(通讯作者)





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