词条 | 杭州东华链条集团有限公司 |
释义 | 杭州东华链条集团有限公司(原杭州东华链条总厂)创建于1991年11月,拥有杭州自强链传动有限公司等5家全资子公司,并于2007年全资控股江苏兴化东华齿轮有限公司,是一家包含链条、链轮、齿轮等多种传动产品的专业制造企业,全国民营500强企业,中国机械通用零部件工业协会链传动分会会长单位。 公司名称:杭州东华链条集团有限公司 总部地点:杭州市 成立时间:1991年11月 经营范围:链条生产企业 公司性质:民营企业 公司现有“东华”(DONGHUA)、“自强”和“盾牌”三大品牌,“东华”牌商标2008年被认定为中国驰名商标;“自强”牌链条为浙江省名牌产品、浙江省著名商标。公司主要生产各种规格的标准链条和非标链条,如输送链、不锈钢链、农机链等,销售网遍布全国,65%以上的产品销往海外,包括欧美、日本、东南亚等国家和地区,在欧洲等地设立仓储物流中心。“DONGHUA”牌商标已在美国、欧洲、日本等70个国家注册,在世界许多一流企业里,都能看到东华链条的身影,如为江迪尔、纽荷兰、克拉斯、久保田、洋马等。 公司拥有强大的技术力量,400多名技术人员在公司内部设立的省级技术中心、东华院士工作站、东华博士后试验站、国家863计划平台上,研制各类特种、高精度高强度产品,实施汽车关键零部件模具计划、国家产业振兴计划,至今已累计开发新产品达5000多个,自主专利技术33项,其中发明专利4项。开发的新产品包括各种农机链条、冶金链条、扶梯链条、高速齿形链条、汽车发动机正时链条、免维护链条等一系列具有较高技术水准和高质量的链条,其中汽车分动箱哈瓦式高速齿形链、航空链填补了中国链条业的空白。公司还连续多年作为中国链条行业唯一的企业代表,参加ISO/TC100国际链条标准的制订和修改,是2004年第十六届ISO/TC100国际年会的东道主。还与浙江大学、吉林大学、全国链传动标准化技术委员会、全国链传动研究所、浙江应用工程材料研究所、武汉材料保护研究所等国内知名高校和研究所建立了稳固的合作关系,并与全国链传动研究所合作成立中国第一个汽车链条研究所。 公司设备先进,拥有慢走丝线切割机、座标磨床、电火花加工等高精度数控设备,保证模具加工达到一流精密水准;先进高效、环保的连酸连轧线是中国链条行业内最大的原材料改制设备;自动铣扁机、高速自动送料冲床、高速轧销机、高速卷管和高速自动装配机等的广泛应用,保证了零件和链条制造的高质量和高效率。而网带式热处理炉、多用热处理炉等先进热处理设备则有力地确保了零件关键性能的稳定性和一致性。 企业建立了完善的质量管理体系,配置了先进齐全的检测和试验设备,自1996年开始就先后通过了ISO9002认证、ISO9001认证、API认证、ISO/TS16949认证、ISO10012认证。2008年获得“国家出口商品免验企业”称号。在生产上精益制造,充分运用各种先进的工艺和技术,从材料选择、改制到零件制造,从零件热处理到链条自动装配;从质量控制到产品检测和试验;从订单处理到售后服务,每个工序,每个环节,每个性能,东华都要求做到细致周到,丝丝入扣。 公司十分重视对环境的保护和节能降耗工作。产品从设计到成品全过程体现环保和节能降耗,2002年,东华在行业内率先通过了ISO14001环境管理体系认证, 之后又通过了清洁生产和循环经济审核,获得了“浙江省绿色企业”称号。 “不断开发和满足顾客的需求是我们永恒的追求”。东华将一如既往秉承求实、创新、高效、卓越的企业精神,以信心和实力打造一流的国际链传动专业企业! Hangzhou Donghua Chain Group Co.,Ltd. ( original Hangzhou Donghua Chain general company), was founded in November, 1991. With its five wholly owned subsidiaries, including Hangzhou Ziqiang Chain Drive Co., Ltd and Jiangsu Xinghua Gear Factory being a wholly owned company under Donghua in 2007, it is a professional manufacturer of chains, sprockets, tooth gears and various power transmission products, and it is one of the top 500 domestic private enterprises and the chain drive branch general of China Mechanical General Components Industry Association. The group has DONGHUA, ZIQIANG, and DUNPAI three brands with DONGHUA has been recognized as China well known brand in 2008, ZIQIANG chain was awarded with "famous product of Zhejiang Province" and "famous brand of Zhejiang Province". The group is focused on producing all variety of standard roller chains and special chains, such as conveyor chain, stainless steel chain, agricultural chain and has not just sold its products all over china, but also sold more than 65% products to oversees, including Europe, America, South-east Asia, and it also has set up storage logistics in places like Europe. With Donghua brand registered in more than 70 countries like America , Europe , Japan and so on, it has partners among world top enterprises, such as JOHNDEERE, NEW HOLLAND, CLAAS, HONDA, KUBOTA, YANMAR, etc. There is a technical center of province level, Donghua academician working station, experiment station for Donghua post doctors, and national 863 program set up in Donghua group. With these platforms and strong technical ability, the more than 400 technicians have developed all variety of special high precise and high strength products, conducted mold programs for key components in the car and national industry revitalizing program, resulting more than 5000 developed over, among which 33 items are autonomous patent technology with 4 patent approved .The new products include a series of high-tech and high quality chains, such as chains for agricultural machineries, metallurgical chains, escalator step-chains, high-speed tooth chains, timing chains, self-lubrication chains, among which have type high speed tooth chain for car branch dynamic box and aerial chains fill in the blanks of chain in China. The group has taken part in the making and revising of ISO/TC100 international chain standard several years in success and hosted the 16th ISO/TC100 International annual meeting in 2004. It has established stable cooperation with many well known universities and institutes in china such as, Zhejiang University, Jilin University, Technical committee of national chain drive standard, Institute of national chain drive, Zhejiang application engineering material institute, Huhan material protection institute; and it cooperated to found China First Car chain institute with National chain drive institute. The high precise CNC equipment, such as Slow-feeding wire-cut machine, jig grinding machine and electric discharge machine, ensures the top quality precision of mould processing, with the high efficient and environmental protection acid rolling line being the largest raw material converting equipment in the field in china; The wildly use of automatic milling machine, high-speed automatic feeding punch, high speed automatic rolling and assembling machine guarantees the high quality and efficiency of components and chain making. Advanced thermo treatment equipment, such as network heat treatment oven, multi-use thermo treatment oven, etc. ensures the stability and consistency of the key function of components. Donghua has set up a complete set of quality management system which is provided with advanced inspection and test equipment. Donghua has been successfully certified by ISO9002 Quality Management System, ISO9001 Quality Management System, API certificate, ISO/TS16949:2002 and ISO10012 measurement management system. In 2008, it was awarded with "National Export Commodity Inspection-free Enterprise". Full use has been made of all kinds of advanced techniques and technology to reach excelsior manufacturing. Every process, every section, every function in Donghua is demanded to be done one step following another, carefully and cautiously, from material selection, reformation to manufacturing accessories, from components heat treatment to automatic assembly, from quality control to product inspection and testing and from order dealing to after sales service. Great attention has been paid on environmental protection and energy saving. The product well displays environmental protection and energy saving. In 2000, Donghua took the lead in gaining ISO14001 environment management certificate and thereafter passed the inspection of clean production and recycling economy, winning the title of "Zhejiang Green Enterprise". "We are always serving our customers with our best products." Donghua will always adhere to it enterprise spirit of being practical, innovative, efficient and excellent to make the top international chain drive. |
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