

词条 杭州电子科技大学图书馆



图书馆现有藏书215万册,其中印刷型图书146万册,电子图书69万册,长期订阅的中外文期刊2500余种。建有“中国学术期刊”、“万方数据资源”、“人大复印报刊资料”全文数据库、“超星数字图书馆”等信息资源镜像站。通过网络订购了IEL(IEEE/IEE Electronic Library)美国电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)和英国电气工程师学会(IEE)的期刊、会议录和标准等全文数据库、Elsevier 全文电子期刊、Netlibrary(外文电子图书)、 EI Village2(美国工程索引数据库)、EBSCO(科学技术和商业信息全文数据库)、ACM(美国计算机学会期刊全文数据库)、ASME、Springer全文电子期刊、WorldSciNet全文电子期刊、国研网、中经网、中国资讯行数据库等,参加了CALIS(中国高等教育文献保障系统)外文期刊目次数据库和中国科学院文献情报中心外文期刊题录数据库共享系统,与国家图书馆,浙江大学图书馆等高等院校图书馆建立了馆际协作关系。图书馆全部资源均对所有读者开放,书目信息、读者信息及网络信息资源提供24小时检索与查询服务。


图书馆自1993年开始实行计算机管理,2000年自行开发了基于Windows 2000的图书馆计算机集成管理系统,并于2001年投入运行。2004年7月又一次进行了计算机集成管理系统更新,采用更先进的北邮电信MELINETS商业化软件,功能强大,模块丰富,更大地满足读者的需要。图书馆的网站有专人进行维护,定期进行更新,网站上读者留言由专人进行回复,以加强读者与图书馆的联系,及时解决读者在使用图书馆中遇到的问题。


Hanghzou Dianzi University Library was founded in 1956, under the name of Hangzhou Wireless Industry School Library. Following the changes of the University’s name, it Changed to Hangzhou Institute of Electronic and Engineering Library, and in 2004, it gained its present name. The old building of HDU Library located in Wenyi campus has an area of 6,400 square meters and the new building located in Xiasha campus has an area of 28,000 Square meters.

Hangzhou Dianzi University Library's collection is emphasized on Science and Technology and also covers broad subjects of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management. The total collections of HDU Library amounts to 2.46 million volumes, including 1460,000 printed books, 1000,000 e-books, 30, 00 HDU theses, more than 2,500 current serials and 50 titles of online databases.

The Library provides traditional and innovative services to users by various technological means. From publications and databases selection, acquisition and cataloging, online reference service, to database search, operation of electronic resources, Subject Librarian and experienced staff members are committed to meeting the needs of the academic community of the University.

The Library has Departments of Administrative Office, Acquisition and Cataloging, Readers Services, Reference Services, Information Technology Services. The Library staffs consist of 66 members: 7 with Senior Professional title, 40 with Intermediate title and 19 with primary title.





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