

词条 杭州艾玛妇产医院


在这座风光旖旎、人文荟萃的城市,艾玛——-因爱而生! 我们因爱孕育现代科技与人本的妇产医院,创建先进医疗兼容人性自然的妇婴医疗服务体系。本着对世界前沿医疗品质传承与超越的原则,秉承JCI国际医院标准,致力成为具有酒店风格(Hotel-style)兼具家庭温馨(Home-warm)的全人医疗照护(Holistic care)的3H医院,为浙江地区妇婴提供高品质医疗服务。 在杭州,你可拥有最动人的风情,而在艾玛,点点滴滴都将成为你独特的珍藏。 你可以感受到在典雅的欧式风格中,处处可见现代与时尚化元素的融合;在健康私人管家服务团队和尊贵会员制构建的五星级酒店服务管理模式中,感受体贴入微的尊宠,每个细节中都蕴含着国际医疗品质对您的关怀。 在回归母爱与崇尚自然的氛围中,提供LDR导乐产房与水中分娩等服务项目。致力追求为顾客提供感动的服务,简单一杯香浓的咖啡,一个温情的微笑,一句关爱的叮咛,都可以感受到我们对工作的热忱。 以FCWI(Full Care for Women & Infants)的服务理念,为妇婴的身体、心灵提供全人医疗照护;在准妈妈大学、月子会所、健康评估、产后康复等特需服务中,处处爱由心生,使您和宝宝倍感尊崇照顾与呵护。 让人文环境融入国际化与人本医疗的细致服务,这是杭州艾玛妇产医院给您的承诺!

Hangzhou Aima is born with love, in a beautiful city full of educated and talented people. Hangzhou Aima is a maternity hospital with advanced medical technology and top quality international caring staff. A place for women and infant medical care built for safety and privacy. Aima Maternity hospital uses state-of-the-art medical equipment and implements international hospital and quality standards such as Joint Commission (JCI), International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Institute of Medicine (IOM). Our goal is to offer 5 star hotel-style service and a warm family 3H hospital environment with full holistic care to Zhejiang province. Hangzhou is known of it's attractive scenery and in Hangzhou Aima Maternity Hospital, precious memories are made in the attractive details. Here in Aima, you can enjoy a classical European style. Here you can feel international service integrated with a modern and fashionable quintessence; considerate personal care from our medical experts, private chamberlain service team, 5 star hotel service management, and respectful service. In an atmosphere of persistent continual quality and maternal love to service delivery, we provide a special Labor Delivery Room (LDR) and water birthing capabilities. We are dedicated to provide excellent customer service at all times, together with a cup of warm and fragrant coffee, tender smiles and loving care. Our service philosophy is FCWI(Full Care for Women & Infants). This means we offer full medical care during maternity, both physically and mentally. In our Expectant Parents University we offer health evaluation, educational training classes, postpartum recovery services and many other wonderful experiences that you and your baby enjoy together. At Hangzhou Aima Maternity and Infants hospital, we promise to integrate personal care with international medical care.


医院宗旨Aim: 秉承JCI国际医院标准,提供高品质医疗服务

医院使命Mission: 以FCWI为服务理念,全程保障母婴平安

医院院训Exhortation: 爱人如己、至善立信、创新技术、人本医疗

医院愿景Vision: 女性首选的3H国际品牌医院


Global competitiveness of JCI introduction

JCI国际医疗卫生机构认证标准是公认的国际医疗安全与规范化管理的最高标准,是世界卫生组织 (WHO)认可的认证模式。同时也是国际商业保险机构支付医疗保险费的基本条件。因此,JCI国际医疗卫生机构认证标准已成为全世界范围内验证医疗机构质量的国际"金字准绳"。

Accreditation provides assurance that the standards, training and processes used by JCI to survey the performance of our health care organization meet the highest international benchmarks for accreditation entities. In 2005, the World Health Organization designated the Joint Commission and Joint Commission International as the WHO Collaborating Centre for Patient Safety Solutions. Joint Commission International (JCI), promotes health care quality and safety through international accreditation, domestic and international consulting, education and publications. As the only WHO Collaborating Centre dedicated solely to patient safety, the Joint Commission and JCR/JCI further advance the entire continuum of patient safety acknowledged by the "Gold Seal of Approval".


hristian D. Orejudos who was the UFH Administrator of United Family Healthcare (UFH) organizes the Project Committee of JCI Accreditation for Aima Hospital. The committee consists of three teams for Quality & Safety Improvement in Medical, Nurse and Hospital Administration. The main mission of JCI Project Committee is continuous administrative and medical quality improvement, valuing staff qualification and training, coordinating leadership and Information Technology Management. To receive JCI Accreditation will help international commercial insurance companies delegate and trust their patients to Hangzhou Aima due to the High Quality and efficiency of international medical care.


舒适 贴心 安全 专业 360°妇婴照护服务

comfort,consideratation,safety,profession and wholly maternity & infants medical care

FCWI全程化国际妇婴保健中心Fully Care for Women and Infants Center

FCWI (Fully Care for Women and Infants) 是将孕产妇视为一个健康人,针对她们在孕前、孕中、待产、分娩、产后等医疗照护与就医路径,进行科学、全面、系统地设计,建立一种国际妇婴保健医疗全程化的医疗保健服务。包括医疗照护、健康保健、健康宣教及婴儿护理等一系列的妇婴医疗服务。

The concept of Full Care Women and Infants (FCWI) regards a pregnant woman as healthy person not as a patient. During pre-natal phase, a pregnant woman is regarded as a healthy person, teaching her medical health knowledge during pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, laboring, childbirth, and post-natal, as well as post-natal infant care, custody, a series of maternal and child health care processes and medical treatment path, to design and care in an evidenced based, scientific, comprehensive and systematic way.



尊重您的选择 保护您的隐私

Respect your choices, and protect your privacy


In AIMA, women health conditions are private information, for all appointments and treatments are one on one. No one is allowed to enter your treatment room and you will be provided with your own medical team. AIMA according ACOG standard to design treatment procedures, use latest international skill for painless, microtubule and hysteroscope. Make sure all women guests here have own health care service and the right to protect personal privacy.


LDR美式家庭化产房 让您的分娩成为一次幸福快乐的梦幻之旅

Labor Delivery Recovery (LDR) American Family Style Labor Room Let your labor become a joyful and unforgettable experience


LDR rooms include labor, delivery and recovery, a three in one Western family style labor room with a warm family feel and all the medical and family needs. There will be a Same Team Care approach for caring for the same guest the whole time, no change of rooms, allowing the family to stay together in a private room atmosphere. This can help the new mother reduce anxiety and fear, allowing her to enjoy, spend time with families all the time, and welcoming their new life together. In AIMA, your labor experience will be a joyful and unforgettable trip with all the happiness in the world.



Fully Care for Women and Infants Center

FCWI (Fully Care for Women and Infants) 是将孕产妇视为一个健康人,针对她们在孕前、孕中、待产、分娩、产后等医疗照护与就医路径,进行科学、全面、系统地设计,建立一种国际妇婴保健医疗全程化的医疗保健服务。包括医疗照护、健康保健、健康宣教及婴儿护理等一系列的妇婴医疗服务。

The concept of Full Care Women and Infants (FCWI) regards a pregnant woman as healthy person not as a patient. During pre-natal phase, a pregnant woman is regarded as a healthy person, teaching her medical health knowledge during pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, laboring, childbirth, and post-natal, as well as post-natal infant care, custody, a series of maternal and child health care processes and medical treatment path, to design and care in an evidenced based, scientific, comprehensive and systematic way.



Human nature is about love and caring for each other and you are given the choice to make the right decision for your life.

私密的空间,一站式的服务、系列的产后调理、都将令您安全、便捷,更贴心。 计划生育作为艾玛妇产医院的特色爱心科室,由经验丰富的国内一流专家领衔,在计划生育诊疗方面处于国内先进水平。拥有彩色超声波、电子宫腔镜、以及各种先进的镇痛设备,最大程度为受术者减少痛苦和损伤,让激情后的烦扰如水般划落无痕。 艾玛对您的关爱,不仅仅停留在医学治疗。我们提供的 "小月子"服务,予以您康复调养指导、避孕方法知情选择指导,对女性生理功能进行系统的维护和保养。 受孕可以有意外,但是解决这个"意外"却不允许再有任何意外,谁都没有资格剥夺一个女人做母亲的权利,艾玛永远将医疗安全放在第一位。

Private Rooms will provide first class service and continuous service for recovery. This will help you to feel safe, easy, and comfortable with less anxiety. Family Planning department has full of the care in AIMA, building around experienced experts in China. We are on the forefront of family planning diagnosis and treatment with color ultrasonography. All our care from AIMA, does not just stay on medical treatment. We will provide "Recovery" service by providing you all the details about recovery and birth control training to help maintain and keep fit. Pregnancy maybe unplanned and every women has the right to make her own decision. A women has the right to choose when she wants to become a mother. AIMA puts medical safety as our primary goal.


生殖助孕 以爱开启幸孕之旅

Reproduce Use love to start pregnancy experience


With all the care and skill to help people to have baby, we build on WHO standard, we examine 150 different reasons which effects reproduction, provide scientific proof for symptomatic treatment, use 25 different skills which helps people to get pregnant. In this experience, our care and love will be stay with you all the way.



B2 K900 303 860 K37 K97 K211 K349 虾龙圩站下车(直达)

10 K17 K74 K211 机动车辆管理所站下车(往北走)

K37 K93 K637 申花路古墩路路口站下车(往西走)


孕前、孕中健康管理 Healthcare management of pre-natal, pregnancy

孕前准爸妈优生体检 Parents-to-be physical examination for genetic counseling

产前检查及围产期保健 Pre-natal physical examination and Peri-natal health care

孕期营养咨询指导 Nutrition consultant

孕产期前、中、后的专业心理咨询 Pre-natal, Pregnancy and Post-natal Psychological counseling

4D彩色超声波写真 4D -Color Ultrasound gallery

高危妊娠的管理 High-Risk pregnancy management

远程胎心监护系统 Remote fetal heart monitor system

准爸妈大学课程 Parents-to-be university class


产后恢复与休养 Post-natal recovery

产后康复服务 Post-partum recovery

盆底修复 Pelvic restoration,

母乳喂养 Breastfeeding

产后形体塑身 Breast shaping and body building





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更新时间:2025/3/22 14:07:17