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Jonas Brothers首张专辑


《It's About Time》 是乔纳斯兄弟(Jonas Brothers)首张录音室专辑,由Columbia Records于2006年8月8日正式发行。目前专辑已绝版。

此张专辑包含了两个版本。首先是由INO Records(与Columbia Records同为Sony的分支)在一些基督教书店发行并取得了成功,具体发行时间及发行量未知。由于专辑绝版,目前市场上所剩的较多为这个版本。此版本同时也发行了DualDisc版(一面是CD,一面是DVD,DVD赠送内容为首单Mandy的3个Episode MV、Mandy MV 拍摄幕后以及A Day in the Life Of The Jonas Brothers),由于当时是在Sony官网订购才有,因此数量十分稀少,加之专辑绝版,目前价格十分昂贵。

随后,《It's About Time》的修订版本(也即正式版,官方一般以这个版本为准)通过Daylight Records发行。此版本修改了三首歌曲,Don't Tell Anyone、Hey We're Gonna Be Alright、Dear God被What I Go To School For、Year 3000、Please Be Mine所替代。此版本据传只发行了限量的五万张,因为Sony对Jonas Brothers并没有抱太大希望。目前市场上此版本所剩较少。

《It's About Time》DualDisc版本与正式版本均有FBI Anti-Piracy的图案标识,也是JoBros唯一有该标识的专辑。

此外,《It's About Time》在成型前有多种宣传版本(见图册),分别为3 Track、5 Track、6 Track和11 Track Advance。


Mandy所写的内容是Jonas Brothers的好朋友Mandy,也是JoBros目前为止唯一一首用人名命名的歌曲。

Mandy也出现在了Zoey 101的原声带以及电视电影Spring Break-Up 中。

Time for Me to Fly 出现在了2006年的电影Aquamarine中。

值得一提的是,JoBros与Columbia Records解约,与Hollywood Records签约后,Year 3000这首单曲的版权随之转移到了Hollywood Records,所以在随后发行的Jonas Brothers 同名专辑中仍然可以见到这首歌的身影。

据不完全统计(不一定准确,因为两个版本的具体总发行量未知),限量的《It's About Time》一共卖出了6万2000张左右。


Joss Stone金牌制作研发打造深受The Ramones,Jackson 5影响新新乐种。


来自New Jersey的Jonas Brothers,不由得令人想起Hanson,同样是三兄弟,同样能演奏,会写歌,融合了男孩团体的偶像特质和摇滚、Punk等音乐元素,在曾担任Extreme鼓手的Michael Mangini和Steve Greenberg,两位也是成功打造Joss Stone的金牌制作人的精心调制下,创造出一张充满阳光能量又带有60,70年代复古风情的《It's About Time》,也奠定Jonas Brothers成为Hanson接班人的人气。

13岁嗓音清亮充满爆发力的小弟Nicholas和16岁的Joseph轮番担任主唱,17岁大哥Kevin负责吉他和和声,共同诠释了学校生活、初次约会等所有青春期青少年都会面临的遭遇,年轻俏皮,「This song had gone multi-platinum/Everybody bought our seventh album/It had outsold Kelly Clarkson」《Year 3000》描写自己在公元三千年仍大红的盛况,不禁令人莞尔想起曾经拥有的的斗志和妄想。深受The Ramones,Jackson 5和Modern Lovers等艺人影响的Jonas兄弟也非常注重旋律,好听易记的副歌,大量的和声,《It's About Time》可说是2006年最好的青少年专辑。

形容自己有些人来疯,热爱舞台表演的三兄弟有着一对音乐人父母,生活中音乐占了很大的份量,围着钢琴弹唱是Jonas兄弟们家常娱乐。刚学会讲话就开始唱歌的小弟Nicholas神似早期Stevie Wonder和Taylor Hanson综合体的嗓音特质被唱片公司相中签约,三人鬼灵精怪天马行空的想象力和合作无间的音乐性在专辑中展露无疑,产生了美妙的化学效应。除了《Year 3000》,描述了在6分钟之内就能对异性产生巨大好感的《6 Minutes》。当感情走到尽头,《7:05》标明了生命中那些永难忘怀的伤心时刻,专辑中许多歌曲都和时间有关,所以定名为《It's About Time》,同时也如同《Time For Me To Fly》预告,为Kelly Clarkson,Jesse McCartney担任暖场嘉宾,舞台经验丰富,年轻而斗志十足的Jonas Brothers的年代来临。



1. I Am What I Am

2. Mandy

3. One Day At a Time

4. Time for Me to Fly

5. 6 Minutes,

6. You Just Don't Know It

7. Underdog

8. Don't Tell Anyone

9. 7:05

10. Hey We're Gonna Be Alright

11. Dear God


01 What I Go To School For

02 Time For Me to Fly

03 Year 3000

04 One Day At A Time

05 6 Minutes

06 Mandy

07 You Just Don't Know It

08 I Am What I Am

09 Underdog

10 7:05

11 Please Be Mine


歌曲名 词曲作者 歌曲长度

What I Go To School For James Elliot Bourne, Matthew J. Graham, John Ignatius McLaughlin, Richard Rashman, Stephen Paul Robson, Charles Robert Simpson 3:29

Time For Me To Fly Nick Jonas, Kevin Jonas I, Kevin Jonas II, Joe Jonas, PJ Bianco 3:03

Year 3000 James Elliot Bourne, Matthew J. Graham, Thomas Michael Fletcher, Stephen Paul Robson, Charles Robert Simpson 3:19

One Day At A Time Nicholas Jonas; J. Jonas; Jonas, K. II; M. Mangini; S. Greenberg 3:52

6 Minutes J. Belmaati; K. Gioia; M. Hansen; R. Cronin; Sheppard 3:02

Mandy Joe Jonas, Nick Jonas, Kevin Jonas 2:45

You Just Don't Know It Nicholas Jonas; Joe Jonas; Kevin Jonas II, Desmond Child 3:31

I Am What I Am Adam Schlesinger 2:07

Underdog Nick Jonas; Jess Cates; Joe Jonas; Kevin Jonas II; Stargate 3:14

7:05 N. Jonas; J. Jonas; Jonas, K. II; M. Mangini 3:43

Please Be Mine Nicholas Jonas; Joe Jonas; Kevin Jonas II 3:12

Don't Tell Anyone Nicholas Jonas; Joe Jonas; Kevin Jonas II, Billy Mann, S. Greenberg 3:09

Dear God Nicholas Jonas; Joe Jonas; Kevin Jonas II 3:20

Hey We're Gonna Be Alright Nicholas Jonas; Joe Jonas; Kevin Jonas II,M. Mangini,Sam Hollander 3:24


为了宣传专辑,2005年11月5日,乔纳斯兄弟(Jonas Brothers)开始了他们的首次巡演。JoBros的第二次巡演:Jonas Brothers American Club Tour,于2006年1月28号开始,3月3号结束,一共28场,主要是小型演出。

Mandy MV

These are the three videos made for the song 'Mandy' by the Jonas Brothers, directed by Ondi Timoner.

Episode 1: (Filmed at Pasadena High School in Pasadena, California). The school bell rings and everyone leaves. Nick notices Mandy has dropped her phone. He picks it up and rushes through the hallway. In the parking lot he sees Mandy with her boyfriend (played by Roderick Galloway) and his friends. Nick runs up and gives Mandy her phone. Mandy's boyfriend follows Nick after school, chasing him down the street in his car.

Episode 2: Nick runs onto the sidewalk and Mandy's boyfriend gets out of his car to look for him. He eventually gives up, only to see Nick in a car with his brothers, Joe and Kevin, who drive by, laughing. Later that night, Mandy and her boyfriend are at the prom and are announced as prom King and Queen. The Brothers are also there. Mandy tries to leave, but her boyfriend grabs her and kisses her ferociously. She pulls away and runs outside, then faced with the Brothers, who offer her a ride home. Mandy's boyfriend watches them drive off. She walks in her house and she and her dad start fighting. Mandy runs out and her boyfriend and his friends pull up beside The Brothers; Mandy is unsure what to do.

Episode 3: The next day Mandy is out with her boyfriend, who is crushing a mailbox with a baseball bat. Later, at school, Mandy returns a necklace to her boyfriend, and appears to be breaking up with him. She finds Joe and Nick sitting by a tree, and the three engage in light conversation. Her ex-boyfriend sees this and threateningly approaches. Mandy runs off to find Kevin. Mandy and Kevin get in his car and ride to where Nick and Joe are. Nick and Joe get in the car and speed off. The Brothers pick up two more girls and they all wave to Mandy's ex-boyfriend. They all go to a building where the Brothers play the song. The episode ends with a sly, "The End?".


中文名称:It's About Time资源类型:MP3!






SWV既是Sister With Voices的缩写。正如这支组合的名称所表示的那样,这是一支靠完美和声,而不是哗众取宠的服装或者夸张的表演取胜的女子组合。三位来自纽约的团员分别是Cheryl Gamble, Tamara Johnson和Leanne Lyons.




1. Anything

2. I'm So into You

3. Right Here

4. Weak

5. You're Always on My Mind

6. Downtown

7. Coming Home

8. Give It to Me

9. Blak Pudd'n

10. It's About Time

11. Think You're Gonna Like It

12. That's What I Need

13. SWV (In the House)

14. Weak (A Capella) [Acappella]

15. Right Here [Human Nature Remix]





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