

词条 韩战钢

韩战钢,男, 北京师范大学管理学院系统科学系教授,系统科学系主任,系统分析与集成实验室主任。1987年,1990年分别在北京师范大学物理系获得学士和硕士学位。1997年在中国科学院数学研究所计算机软件专业人工智能方向获博士学位。1997-1999年在比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学(ULB)Solvay研究所访问,进行复杂系统研究。2003-2005年在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)访问,进行系统复杂信号网络研究。1990年至今在北京师范大学工作。曾任计算机学会青年学术委员会(Yocsef)委员。曾主持和参加国家自然科学基金,863项目,国家科技部“十五”攻关项目,等多项国家级科研项目。在国际和国内杂志发表多篇文章,并多次在国际会议上报告研究工作。主要专业领域为复杂性系统理论,信息的功能性应用,基于agent建模研究合作,信号网络,遗传算法。这些研究工作受邀在NECSI组织的复杂系统年会上进行报告,并收录在Complexity Digest中。韩战钢教授受邀在UCLA HCS(Human Complex Systems)组织的国际论坛上进行了1小时的大会报告。在2009年6月于北京举办的“第十四届异质相互作用主体经济学国际会议”上,他做invited talk。


1. 01/2012-12/2012, 系统科学基础理论研究生暑期学校, 国家自然科学基金,项目号: J1121006, 主持。

2. 01/2011-12/2013,信息共享对群体合作的作用及人类行为实验验证,国家自然科学基金,项目号:61074116,主持。

3. 2011,人类行为系统实验教学项目,北京师范大学,主持。

4. 2011-2013,多个体微观相互作用与宏观集体行为模式研究,北京师范大学自主科研基金,主持。

5. 06/2009-12/2009,第十四届异质相互作用主体经济学国际会议,国家自然科学基金对外交流与合作项目,项目号:60910306018,主持。

6. 2009-2011,软件工程双语课程,北京师范大学,主持。

7. 01/01/2008-12/31/2010, Agent合作与基于朋友分布的信任模型,国家自然科学基金,项目号: 60774085,主持。

8. 2007-2009,多主体系统与演化算法, 北京高等教育精品教材建设项目,北京市教委,主持。

9. 01/01/2000-12/31/2003, 遗传算法收敛和收敛复杂性及在科学发现中的应用,国家自然科学基金,项目号: 60003018,主持。

10. 01/01/2000-12/31/2000, 遗传算法收敛研究。国家教育部留学归国人员基金,主持。

11. 06/2002-06/2002, 复杂系统国际会议, 国家自然科学基金,项目号: 60216224主持。

12. 01/01/2005-12/31/2007, 大脑皮层功能分区的自组织机制研究, 国家自然科学基金,项目号: 70471080。参加。

13. 01/01/2003-12/31/2005, 企业规模幂律分布机制研究,国家自然科学基金,项目号: 70371072。参加。

14. 10/2001-10/2003, 生态和人力资源系统评价的信息共享,十五攻关项目子课题。国家科技部,项目号: 2001-BA608B14,参加。


1. Dong Zhou, Zhangang Han, The Use of Tail Inequalities on the Probable Computational Time of Randomized Search Heuristics, Theoretical Computer Science, 436 (2012)106-117,DOI: 10.1016/j.tcs.2012.01.010. SCI

2. Xiaocong Gan, Zhangang Han, Two general models that generate long range correlation, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 391, Issue 12, 15 June 2012, Pages 3477–3483. DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2012.02.015. SCI

3. Jia, C. Xie, L. Gan, X. Liu, W. Han, Z., A Trust and Reputation Model Considering Overall Peer Consulting Distribution,Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, IEEE Transactions on, Vol.: 42, Issue: 1, pp. 164 - 177. DOI: 10.1109/TSMCA.2011.2162497.SCI

4. Guozheng Zheng, Liutao Yu, Yuwei Feng, Zhuyi Han, Lisheng Chen, Shouwen Zhang, Dahui Wang, Zhangang Han, Seizure Prediction Model Based on Method of Common Spatial Patterns and Support Vector Machine, Second International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST 2012), pp. 29-34. EI

5. Xiaocong Gan Yun Bao Zhangang Han, Real Time Search Method in Nondeterministic Game—Ms. Pac-Man, ICGA Journal, Vol. 34, 4, 2011, pp. 209-222. SCI

6. Tao Yang, Qianqian Li, Xingang Xia, Erbo Zhao, Guo Liu, Zhangang Han, How Long Can You Enjoy Blackjack With 100 Chips, International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol. 22, No. 10, pp. 1161-1171. DOI: 10.1142/S0129183111016804. SCI

7. Yiyang Li, Erbo Zhao, Zhangang Han, The Evolution of Altruistic Collective Behavior in Microorganisms with Local Exclusion Effect, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, Vol. 2, pp. 292-296. EI

8. Xiaocong Gan, Dahui Wang, Zhangang Han, A growth model that generates an n-tuple Zipf law, Physica A, Vol. 390, No. 5, pp. 792–800. SCI

9. Zhao Erbo, Jiang Shijie, Luo Dan, Bao Yun, Han Zhangang, Scaling Behavior of Time Series and an Empirical Indication to Financial Prediction, ICIS '11 Proceedings of the 2011 10th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, pp. 126-131. DOI: 10.1109/ICIS.2011.28. EI

10. Dan Luo, Erbo Zhao, Zhangang Han, Overlapping Community Detection Based on Subgraph Centrality of Nodes, 2011 3rd International Conference on Computer Design and Applications, Vol. 42, pp. 58-62. EI

11. Lisheng Chen, Erbo Zhao, Dahui Wang, Zhangang Han, Shouwen Zhang, Cuiping Xu: Feature extraction of EEG signals from epilepsy patients based on Gabor Transform and EMD Decomposition. ICNC 2010: 1243-1247. EI

12. Erbo Zhao, ZhangangHan, Analyze long & mid-term trends of stock with Genetic Programming on moving average and turning points, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computer Control (ICACC), pp. 87 - 91, 2010. EI

13. Lei Xie, ZhangangHan, Trust and reputation modeling of entry and exit in evolutionary Peer-to-Peer systems, The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (ICIME), pp. 688 - 693, 2010. EI

14. Yun Bao, ErboZhao, Xiaocong Gan, Dan Luo, Zhangang Han, A review on cutting-edge techniques in Evolutionary Algorithms, Proceedings ofICNC'09-FSKD'09, 2009. EI

15. Zhao, E., Liu, G., Luo, D., Xia, X., Han, Z.: Evolving specialization,market and pro-ductivity in an agnent-based cooperation model. In: Proceedings of Complex'09, Lecture Notes ICSTSpringer-Verlag, Shanghai, China, 1564-1574, 2009. EI

16. Xiao-shan Gao, Dan-tong Ouyang, Ji-gui Sun, San-jiang Li, Tian-shun Yao, Ru-zhan Lu, Chun-yi Shi, Zhan-gang Han, Jue Wang, Cun-gen Cao, Ruqian Lu, "AI in China: A Survey," IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 26-32, Nov/Dec, 2008. SCI

17. Ling Yang, Thomas M Vondriska, Zhangang Han, W Robb MacLellan, James N Weiss, Zhilin Qu, Deducing topology of protein-protein interaction networks from experimentally measured sub-networks, BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:301 (3 July 2008). SCI

18. Xingang Xia, Hua Sun, Guo Liu, Zhangang Han, The Impact of Information Sharing Mechanism to Geographic Market Formation, KES-AMSTA 2008, Springer-Verlag, LNAI Vol. 4953, 604-613. EI

19. Zhangang Han, Thomas M. Vondriska, Ling Yang, W. Robb MacLellan, JamesN. Weiss, Zhilin Qu, Signal transduction network motifs and biological memory, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2007. SCI

20. Lei Chai, Jiawei Chen, Zhangang Han, Zengru Di, Ying Fan: Emergence of Specialization from Global Optimizing Evolution in a Multi-agent System. International Conference on Computational Science (4),Springer-Verlag,LNCS 4490, 2007: 98-105. EI

21. Mehmet A. Orgun, Li yin Xue, Zhangang Han, Supporting Distributed Collaborative Work with Multi-versioning, Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on CSCW in Design, May 3-5, 2006, Southeast University, Nanjing, China. EI

22. Ling Yang; Zhangang Han; Robb MacLellan; James N Weiss; Zhilin Qu, Linking Cell Division to Cell Growth in a Spatiotemporal Model of The Cell Cycle, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2006 Jul 7;241(1):120-33. SCI

23. Zhangang Han, Ling Yang, W. Robb MacLellan, James N. Weiss and Zhilin Qu, Hysteresis and Cell Cycle Transitions: How Crucial is it? Biophysical Journal Vol. 88, March 2005, 1626-1634. SCI

24. Ling Yang, W. Robb MacLellan, Zhangang Han, James N. Weiss and Zhilin Qu, Multisite Phosphorylation and Network Dynamics of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Signalling in the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle, Biophysical Journal Vol. 86, June 2004, 3432-3443. SCI

25. Zengru Di, Jiawei Chen, Yougui Wang, Zhangang Han, The emergence of labor division under increasing returns, Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Systems Science and Systems Engineering (ICSSSE’03), Global-Link Publisher, Hong Kong,2003,20-25.

26. Zhangang Han, Ruqian Lu, Variable-length String Matrix Genetic Algorithms, Zhongzhi Shi, Qing He, ed. Proc. of International Conference on Intelligence and Information Technology, Beijing, 2002, 9. Posts & Telecom Press. 373-376. ISBN 7-115-75100-5/0267

27. Zengru Di, Jiawei Chen, Yougui Wang, Zhangang Han, Agent Division as the Results of Global Optimizing Evolution, Zhongzhi Shi, Qing He, ed. Proc. of ICIIT02, Beijing, 2002, 9. Posts & Telecom Press. 40-46. ISBN 7-115-75100-5/0267

28. 佟庆涛,周亚,韩战钢,李克强,二维平面异质小世界网络上的囚徒博弈,复杂系统与复杂性科学,2012.

29. 江世杰,韩战钢,复杂系统研究中基于agent的模型化方法,上海理工大学学报, 2011年第02期, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp.124-129.

30. 赵尔波, 马欢, 韩战钢,遗传程序设计分析股价移动平均及中长期走势,计算机应用研究,27(6), 2010 . CSCD

31. 高小山,孙吉贵,李三江,姚天顺,陆汝占,欧阳丹彤,石纯一,韩战钢,曹存根,郑晓龙,曾大军,王飞跃,陆汝钤, 人工智能发展近况2008, Communications of CCF, 2008/8, pp.15-27.

32. 仲国人, 人工智能研究进展, 2008 高技术进展报告, 中国科学院, 科学出版社, pp84-94, 2008.

33. 孙华,韩战钢,基于agent建模的市场空间结构演化,系统工程理论与实践,Vol. 25:1, 2005, 61-68. (EI)

34. 马欢、关富英、韩战钢:遗传程序设计(GP)的适应性函数设计,计算机工程与应用, Vol. 40, 30 (481), 2004, 113-116. CSCD

35. 郭宇,韩战钢, 周期振荡环境对遗传算法的影响, 北京师范大学学报自然科学版, Vol.40, April, 2004, 186-190. CSCD.

36. 佟庆涛, 关富英, 郑涛, 韩战钢, 面向算法的遗传算法类库设计, 计算机应用与软件,Vol.22 No.6 P.4-5, 135, 2005.

37. 关富英,马欢,佟庆涛,韩战钢,郑涛, 基于B/S结构的通用遗传算法平台设计与实现, 计算机应用研究,Vol.22 No.3, 2005, 197-199. CSCD

38. 李承文,马欢,韩战钢,随机性对遗传算法演化机制的影响,计算机应用研究,Vol.22 No.6 P.61-63, 2005. CSCD


1. Financial Risks, Green Growth and Jobs, Challenges to Global Systems Science: From Climate Change to Market Governance, 3–4 May, 2012, Barcelona

2. International conference of the Global Systems Dynamics and Policy Project (GSDP) "New Thinking about Global Challenges", Berlin, 2011.

3. 2009年8月出席天津召开的2009 Fifth International Conference on Natural Computation,并作分会场主席。

4. Zhangang Han, How can Heterogeneity emerge from Homogeneity? International Conference on Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, 2009,14th Annual Workshop on Economic with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents,June 18-20, 2009, Beijing Normal University, China. Invited talk。

5. ZhangangHan, Calculating the Expectation in a Labor Division Model, CEF2009 (Computing Economics and Finance), July 15-17, 2009, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.

6. Zhangang Han, Evolutionary Complexity, Sino-European Forum on Complex Study, Oct. 14, Beijing. Invited talk。

7. Zhangang Han, Irreversibility Explains “Memory” in Signal Transduction, 复杂系统研究论坛: 复杂系统的结构、非线性动力学与统计物理, 中国高等科学技术中心(CCAST)。2005年11月21-25日。邀请报告。

8. Zhangang Han, Spatial Patterns of Market Evolution, 3rd Lake Arrowhead Conference on Human Complex Systems, May 18-22, 2005, Lake Arrowhead, CA, USA.

9. Zhangang Han, Specialization of Evolving Agents with Expectations, 3rd Lake Arrowhead Conference on Human Complex Systems, May 18-22, 2005, Lake Arrowhead, CA, USA.

10. Zhangang Han, Information Utilization In Specialization of Evolving Agents, computational colloquium, Dec, 3, 2004, UCLA, USA. 邀请报告。

11. Zhangang Han, 2002, Role Evolution In Agents, Invited speech, The 8th Joint international Computer Conference, Ningbo, China, 2002,11. 邀请报告。

12. 韩战钢,Evolution of Labor Division For Cooperative Agents With Learning Ability ,中国科协,青年科学家论坛:复杂系统的演化、涌现、自组织、自适应、自相似机理研究中的方法与技术,2002,7。邀请报告。

13. Zhangang Han, et al., Evolution of Labor Division For Cooperative Agents With Learning Ability, Proc. of International Conference on Complex Systems 2002, Nashua, NH, 2002,6. 录像、声音资料收录于complexity digest。可通过下列网址获取音像资料:


39. 韩战钢等,10/30/2003, Aladdin GeneA, 通用遗传算法科学发现平台V1.0,2003SRBJ0128, 国家版权局(NCAC).





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