词条 | 韩成贵 |
释义 | 韩成贵,植物病理学专业教授,现任职于中国农业大学农业与生物技术学院植物病理学系教授,博士生导师;中国农业大学农业生物技术国家重点实验室教授;中国植物病理学会秘书长;亚洲植物病理学会秘书长、 简历:1990年本科毕业于原北京农业大学。 1996年3月中国农大工作博士毕业本校任教。 2001年9月-2003年9月国家公派日本冈山大学作博士后研究, 2003年10月晋升为植物病理学专业教授。研究室情况: 现在指导硕士生12人、博士研究生4人,并协助指导硕士和博士研究生10人。 2006年-2008年主持“普通植物病理学”校级精品课程建设; 获奖情况: 获得中国农业大学2005-2006年度优秀教师称号。 获中国农业大学2006年度和2008年度本科生“百篇优秀毕业设计(论文)”优秀指导教师奖。 获中国农业大学2008年度 “10篇优秀硕士学位论文”指导教师奖。 2002年获北京市科学技术奖二等奖1项(第七完成人);2004年教育部自然科学奖二等奖1项(第二完成人); 2005年获得国家发明专利1项(证书号240291)。 2002年以来,在Archives of Virology,Virus Gene, JGV,Journal of Virology, Plant Pathology,植物病理学报等国内外学术刊物上发表研究论文35篇(其中SCI 23篇)。 项目资金情况:目前主持国家自然基金1项、博士点基金1项,参加“973”课题1项、农业部行业计划课题1项。曾主持国家自然科学基金3项、国家转基因植物研究与产业化专项2项,参加“973”课题1项、“863”课题1项。 代表论文:Han Chenggui, Li Dawei, Wang Dongyong, Yang Lili, Yu Jialin*, Cai Zhunan, Liu Yi, Functional analysis of beet necrotic yellow vein virus(BNYVV) RNA4 in fungal transmission, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2002, 47(15), 1281-1284. Dong Jin, He Zhentian, Han Chenggui, Chen Xiulan, Zhang Lingdi, Liu Weihua, Han Yuepeng, Wang Jinrong, Zhai Yafeng, Yu Jialin*, Xiao Yueyan, Liu Yi, Generation of transgenic wheat resistant to wheat yellow mosaic virus and identification of gene silence induced by virus infection, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2002, 47(17), 1446-1450. Cao Yunhe, Cai Zhunan, Ding Qun, Li Dawei, Han Chenggui, Yu Jialin*, Liu Yi, The complete nucleotide sequence of beet black scorch virus(BBSV), a new member of the genus Necrovirus, Archives of Virology, 2002, 147(12), 2431-2435 Liu Tao, Han Chenggui, Li Dawei, Cai Zhunan,Yu Jialin *& Liu Yi, Effect of the RNA5 component on pathogenicity of beet necrotic yellow vein virus, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48 (8), 796-799. Guo Lihua, Cao Yunhe, Li Dawei, Niu Shengniao, Cai Zhunan, Han Chenggui, Zhai Yafeng, Jia-lin Yu*,, Analysis of nucleotide sequences and multimeric forms of a novel satellite RNA associated with Beet black scorch virus, Journal of Virology, 2005, 79(6), 3664-3674. Zhang Lingdi, Wang Zhaohui, Wang Xianbing, Li Dawei, Han Chenggui,Zhai yafeng, Yu Jialin*, Two virus-encoded RNA silencing suppressors, P14 of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus and S6 of Rice black streak dwarf virus, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2005, 50(4), 305-310. Liu W, Nie H, Wang S, Li X, He Z, Han C, Wang J, Chen X, Li L, Yu J*, Mapping a resistance gene in wheat cultivar Yangfu 9311 to yellow mosaic virus, using microsatellite markers, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2005, 111(4), 651-657. Liu Wei-Hua, Nie Huan, He Zhen-Tian, Chen Xiu-Lan, Han Yue-Peng, Wang Jin-Rong, Li Xin, Han Cheng-Gui, Yu Jia-Lin*, Mapping of a wheat resistance gene to yellow mosaic disease by amplified fragment length polymorphism and simple sequence repeat markers, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2005,47 (9), 1133?1139. Wang ZH, Fang SG, Zhang ZY, Han CG, Li DW*, Yu JL, Development of an ID-ELISA for the detection of Riceblack-streakeddwarfvirus in plants, Journal of Virological Methods, 2006,134(1-2), 61-5. CAO Yun-He,YUAN Xue-Feng,WangXiao-Xing,GUO Li-Hua,CAI Zhu-Nan, HAN Cheng-Gui,LI Da-Wei and YU Jia-Lin. Effect of Beet black scorch virus Coat Protein on Viral Pathogenicity. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2006, 33(2), 127-134. Xuefeng Yuan, Yuehe Cao, Dehui Xi, Lihua Guo, Chenggui Han, Dawei Li*, Jialin Yu, Analysis of the subgenomic RNAs and the small ORFs of Beet Black Scorch Virus. J GenVirol, 2006, 87(10), 3077-3086. Rahim M D, Andika I B, Han CG, Kondo H and Tamada T.* RNA4-encoded p31 of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus is involved in efficient vector transmission, symptom severity and silencing suppression in roots. J Gen Virol, 2007, 88, 1611-1619. Xiang Haiying, Han Yan-Hong, Han Chenggui *, Li Dawei, Yu Jialin.Molecular Characterization of two Chinese isolates of Beet mosaic virus. Virus Genes, 2007, 35(3),795-799. Xiang HY, Shang QX, Han CG*,. Li DW, Yu JL. First report on the occurrence of Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus on nine cucurbitaceous species in China. Plant Pathology, 2008, 57(2), 390. Wang Bin, Li Min, Zhang Jingji, Han Chenggui*, Li Dawei and Yu Jialin. First report of Beet soil-borne virus on sugar beet in China. Plant Pathology, 2008, 57(2), 389. Xiang HY, Shang QX, Han CG*,. Li DW, Yu JL. First identification of Beet western yellows virus on sugar beet and lettuce in China. Plant Pathology, 2008, 57(2), 390. Xi Dehui, Li Jiang, Han Chenggui, Li Dawei*, Yu Jialin , Zhou Xueping. Complete nucleotide sequence of a new strain of Tobacco necrosis virus A infecting soybean in China and infectivity of its full-length cDNA clone, Virus Genes, 2008,36(1),259-266. Wang Bin, Li Min, Han Chenggui*, Li Dawei and Yu Jialin. Complete genome sequences of two Chinese Beet soil-borne virus isolates provide evidence that its genome is highly conserved. Journal of Phytopathology, 2008, 156(7,8), 487-488. Wang B, Pu H, Han CG, Li D, Yu J. First report of Tobacco mosaic virus on sugar beet in China. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2008, 90(1), 146. Han C. Molecular characterization of a Chinese sugar beet-infecting isolate of Beet western yellows virus. Phytopathology, 2008, 98(6), S65. Shang Q, Xiang H, Han C, Li D, Yu J. Distribution of two cucurbits-infecting poleroviruses in China. Phytopathology, 2008, 98(6), S144. Li Min, Liu Tao, Wang Bin,Han Chenggui*, Li Dawei and Yu Jialin. Phylogenetic Analysis of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus isolates from China. Virus Genes, 2008,36(2), 429-432. Xiang Hai-ying, Shang Qiao-xia, Han Cheng-gui*, Li Da-wei, Yu Jia-lin. Complete sequence analysis reveals two distinct poleroviruses infecting cucurbits in China. Archives of Virology, 2008,153 (6), 1155-1160. |
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