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释义 | 海外逸士,原籍上海。双语作家及双语诗人﹐自幼爱好文学,特好诗词。其专业是英文。现居美国﹐为美国新州文心社成员﹐纽约诗词学会会员﹐全美神秘小说作家协会会员﹐加州好莱坞名诗人俱乐部荣誉诗人(后两者乃英文的)。并已名列美国国会图书馆出版之全美名人录2003年後各版中。已出版之中文著作有《新西游记》﹑《荒唐女侠》及报章杂志上各类文章诗歌。其英文著作有USEFUL STRATEGIES IN EVERYDAY LIFE、EMPRESS DOWAGER CIXI、KUNGFU MASTERS、EMPRESS WU THEGREAT等,英文诗集POETIC GEMS,翻译著作《诗词英译》等。 海外逸士中英文出版作品集锦 1985年在上海翻译出版公司出版教材一部 诗词英译书目两种中文小说两部 作者写“新西游记”一书始於文革。作者当时以与世无争的态度﹐当了逍遥派﹐从而得以旁观者清的立场观察一切﹐看到从中央到地方﹐在全国范围内﹐一切道德上的污泥浊水﹐政治上的阴谋诡计﹐又一次氾滥起来﹐披著漂亮革命言辞的欺骗性谎言满天飞﹐所以作者决定写本科幻小说予以批判。当时作者无所事事﹐在家纳福﹐重读“西游记”。因是此书仿《西游记》,采用章回小说体,但基本描述语言仍是白话文。该书描述人间的科技发明物﹐如人造卫星宇宙飞船等干扰了天庭﹐所以玉皇大帝派孙悟空三人下凡考察人间。他们来到现代高科技世界里,发生一连串有趣事情,闹了许多笑话,而他们施展的法力给世人带来惊愕。他们为了要探索人间科技活动﹐考进大学去。本书大部份篇幅都描写他们在大学里发生的事﹐如八戒学跳舞出洋相﹐交女朋友也受悟空多方阻扰。也写到其他学生的爱情故事。沙僧喜欢看侦探小说﹐後来居然与八戒一起抓住了国际间谍。也描述了人间未来的战争形式。悟空三人也参战了﹐用他们的法力扭转战局。後来悟空三人在世界奥运会上以突出的成绩囊括金牌﹐引起国际注意﹐好莱坞就请他们去拍电影。本书後十几回写他们在美国的活动﹕八戒在地铁里遭到抢劫。悟空帮警察破获黑社会贩毒集团﹐到赌场去大赢他们的钱﹐还遭到绑架。然後周游世界﹐在欧洲遇到古希腊的神﹐八戒中了爱神的无形箭﹐就疯狂地追求一个希腊女神﹐等等等等。许多新出小说只以曲折离奇情节得售,毫无优美语言﹑文学功力可见。而此书确实难能可贵,中、英文俱佳,文学性特别强,集作者多年的中、英文诗歌散文创作精品於一册,却又以雅俗共赏的幻想小说形式出现,可称独一无二。 是一本“科幻武侠侦探三栖小说”,是用“类似《唐吉珂德》式的写法”创作的。《荒唐女侠》全书近二十五万字,采用章回式结构。格调新鲜,情节独特,想象大胆,文笔幽默;是一种与众不同的新一类武侠小说。此书独特的风格,从如下的开场段落中,可见一斑。 英文诗集一部 Product DescriptionThe part of poems mirrors the emotions of the poet about life different from others and shows how vivid the human imagination can be. The story part has one truly happened in life and a very interesting one about a special lovely dog. 英文原版小说 Product DescriptionLois, Tricia and Sally were sisters and private investigators. They had been brought up and taught Chinese traditional kungfu with chi. Their Uncle Charles, also a kungfu master, was killed in a special way only kungfu people could do. The three sisters set to work to find the killer. As death after death turned up, the manner of the murders connected only with the kungfu world, all the clues pointed to a secret kungfu organization called Black Panther. While the sisters were investigating, they ran into several traps set by Black Panther and almost got killed, hence causing a series of exciting critical conflictions. Once Sally was kidnapped and once Lois got a fatal injury. But she survived in a miraculous way. Since the big boss of Black Panther killed his early-separated twin brother and assumed his identity, and did all the bad things under the cover of good behavior, no one knew his real identity. When the three sisters had an unexpected encounter with two bad masters, Sally was captured in the fight and her life was in serious danger. Therefore, the good masters stepped forward and in the final combat, the masters, good and bad, performed their wonderful kungfu to settle the scores among themselves. 原版英文历史小说 EMPRESS DOWAGER CIXI Product DescriptionEmpress Wu was stunning in her beauty, in her ruthless elimination of rivals (including sons and daughters), and, most important, in her discernment. She was esteemed for appointing capable officials throughout the realm, and she implemented reforms that improved standards of higher education, gave some status to women, and 'democratized' the recruitment of candidates for official posts by eliminating the requirement that they be nominated by someone within the establishment.Europe and Great Britain have had many sovereign queens in the course of history. In ancient China, there was none of that. Only one Empress ever ruled China in her own name Empress Wu. Given her startling performance in a world of deadly intrigue and shifting loyalties, Wu is still respected as an effective and clear-sighted ruler.Related in an easy-reading style, the facts in the book are derived from China's classic historical record the Zizhitongjian (meaning 'History is a mirror to help rule' ), which was written by a courtier in Song Dynasty, the very next dynasty after the Tang Dynasty.Beginning in AD 617, the narrative traces the rise of Wu's father from humble bean-curd dealer to army officer and friend of the Emperor, her own arrival at age 13 as a concubine to the Emperor, and the brilliant exploitation of opportunities by which she attained the throne.Other empresses had ruled China for a time while their husbands were weak and their sons were young; Wu did the same from 665 to 690. But Wu achieved a higher status than any woman before or since when she declared her own dynasty in 690 and ruled directly for another 15 years.Readers are treated to some of the flavor of life inside the capital, then at Xi'an, the eastern tip of the great Silk Road (now known in international tourism as the site of the famous Terracotta Warriors). In those years the Chinese ruler held sway far to the south, into Indochina, and westward as far as today's Kyrgyzstan. Brief descriptions indicate the tumultuous events unfolding throughout Asia as China vied with Mongol tribes and the Tibetan Empire to establish the map we know today and some of the disputes over boundaries and sovereignty that are still ongoing Product DescriptionIn all the history of China, only two women ever conquered and held the heights of power. Both enjoyed long reigns characterized by ruthless intrigue; they maintained an iron grip at the center while the vast country was torn by rebellions and caught up in foreign wars. Through their policy decisions as well as their personal foibles, both left a deep imprint in history and in the minds of the Chinese people, fueling literature and legend. Fighting to maintain her power base, Empress Cixi struggled with the need to modernize the painfully backward empire she had inherited while honoring age-old traditions. She studied previous rulers' failures and achievements, and especially followed the example of another Chinese woman leader, Wu-Hou, who had elevated herself from concubine to empress some 1200 years earlier.The stories that follow, some legendary, offer a glimpse of life during the declining days of the last Chinese dynasty. Popular rebellions, foreign wars, devastating floods and drought-induced famines killed tens of millions in the 19th century. Cixi learned her lessons well. She fended off every adversary, prolonging her reign for 48 years and proving that a woman could be a successful ruler. But all her craft and guile were not enough to repair the internal divisions and preserve traditional China against the onslaught of modernity, of Europe, and of her Asian neighbors. In the end, the Empress Dowager Cixi (1835 1908) brought destruction to the Qing Dynasty.Written with charm and verve, this book is a delightful exploration of the history of her extraordinary life and reign, relating both historical facts and apocryphal anecdotes. How did she climb from the bottom rung of the ladder as an ordinary ambitious girl to the top rung of power as an empress dowager? How did she grow from an inexperienced girl to a mature politician who managed to maintain her sovereign status for half a century? 英文原版小说 Product DescriptionThis novel, "Adventure of an American Girl in Ancient China ", describes all interesting weird traditions in old China, some non-existing now. Through the adventures the girl experienced them like when everywhere she went, many boys wanted to marry her, but when she disguised herself as a boy, girls wanted to marry her. And she was sold to be a sing-song girl in a brothel and was kidnapped by outlaws, etc. USEFUL STRATEGIES IN EVERYDAY LIFE Product DescriptionThis book introduces many thoughtful ways for self-protection as strategies to be used to deal with situations in everyday life, some awkward, some even dangerous, all from the author's own experience and the experience of others, and from the scaring reports of newspapers and TV. 商务印书馆《英美名诗一百首》孙梁主编 收录海外逸士译诗歌四首 1987年版 未出版的书目有专著一部《中英互译探讨》 中国诗歌网翻译版策划 宛城卧龙责编 |
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