词条 | 海盗歌 |
释义 | 海盗歌,顾名思义,是海盗们唱的歌。由于从古至今,海盗活跃于世界各地的海洋中,所以,他们吟唱的海盗歌也是多种多样的。 目前只能提供以下三个版本: 版本一: 我们是海盗,凶猛的海盗, 左手拿着酒瓶,右手捧着财宝。 我们是海盗,有本领的海盗, 美丽的姑娘们,请你来到我的怀抱。 我们是海盗,自由自在的海盗, 在骷髅旗的指引下,为了生存而辛劳。 我们是海盗,没有明天的海盗, 永远没有终点,在七大洋上飘荡的海盗。 这首“海盗之歌”是一首古老的民谣,虽然最初的作者早已无法考证,但在水手和海员的口中却传唱了几百年,歌词准确精炼,直到今天当我们唱起它的时候,仍旧可以体会作者们要表达的那种及时行乐、玩世不恭,而又无拘无束、自由自在的心境。 版本二: 我们三个,坐在篮子里,一摇啊一晃, 篮子是条船,在草地上东飘又西荡。 春天的风啊,春天的风吹来了, 地上的草波啊,就象那海上的浪。 今儿个,我们当心着天气的变化, 凭星星指路,咱们冒险去!往哪? 任船儿飘荡,荡到非洲?荡到—— 普罗维登斯?巴比伦?还是马拉巴? 喂!海上有一队军舰冲过来了—— 那是草地上吼叫着进攻的一群牛! 快,快躲开它们,那是群疯家伙, 哦!花园是海滩啊,园门是港口。 版本三:(电影《加勒比海盗》中的海盗歌) hoist the colours --Hans Zimer Song lyrics Yo, ho, haul together, hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die. The king and his men stole the queen from her bed and bound her in her Bones. The seas be ours and by the powers where we will we'll roam. Yo, ho, haul together, hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never say we die. Some men have died and some are alive and others sail on the sea – with the keys to the cage... and the Devil to pay we lay to Fiddler's Green! The bell has been raised from it's watery grave... Do you hear it's sepulchral tone? We are a call to all, pay head the squall and turn your sail toward home! Yo, ho, haul together, hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never say we die. |
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