

词条 Indica


Indica是一支来自芬兰的女子流行摇滚乐团,由Jonsu,Heini,Sirkku,Jenny,Laura五位团员组成。建立于2001年,2003年加入芬兰Sony Music。首张专辑《Ikuinen virta》于2004年发行,即在芬兰创下了白金销量。2007年芬兰著名乐队Nightwish队长Tuomas Holopainen成为她们的制作人,监制了第四张专辑《Valoissa》和2010年发行的英文翻唱专辑《A Way Away》,并在其歌曲中添加了交响因素。




第一张专辑《Ikuinen Virta》(永恒的溪流)于2004年在芬兰发行,即创下白金销量。同时主打曲《Scarlett》也作为单曲发售。次年秋季她们发行了第二张专辑《Tuuliset tienoot》(风之彼岸),亦创下金唱片销量。第三张专辑《Kadonnut puutarha》(失落的花园)发行于07年春。


Indica以她们戏剧性、富有生命力的舞台表现及独特的音乐形式闻名,在2007年底随Nightwish在北欧大陆做巡回演出。亦在此时与Nightwish队长Tuomas Holopainen开始了紧密的合作,旨在创作下一张专辑。Tuomas成为了她们与2008年秋发行的专辑《Valoissa》(光)的制作人。主唱Jonsu亦在07年底发行的Nightwish单曲《Eramaan Viimeinen》(荒野遗孤)中献声,此单曲仅在芬兰发售。

第五张专辑《A Way Away》于2010年6月发行,这是一张用英语重新演绎她们经典芬兰语歌曲的专辑。2010年下半年的巡演“A Way Away Tour”包括德国、法国、荷兰等国,均取得了不俗的反响。


Ikuinen virta

1. Saalistaja (Predator)2. Scarlett

3. Ikuinen Virta (The Eternal Stream)

4. Valehtelen (I Lie)

5. Surusilma (One with Sad Eyes)

6. Lasienkeli (Glass Angel)

7. Onnen Kartano (Mansion of Joy)

8. Ihmisen Lento (The Flight of Man)

9. Lauluja Paratiisista (Songs From Paradise)

10. Aaltojen Takaa (From Behind the Waves)

11. Vetta Vasten (Against the Water)

Tuuliset tienoot

1. Vuorien Taa2. Pida Kadesta

3. Tuuliset Tienoot

4. Lapsuuden Metsa

5. Hakkilintu

6. Varo

7. Niin Tuleni Teen

8. Kummajaisten Joukko

9. Rannalla

10. Viimeinen Tanssi

Kadonnut Puutarha


《Kadonnut Puutarha》这张唱片有点走流行的路线,但是音乐中又那么透出一点点的另类,音乐在他们的操控中驾驭的了如指掌,感觉Indica的音乐路线还是比较宽的,照这样的路线发展下去Indica还是会留得住喜欢他们的乐迷的.

Kadonnut Puutarha


类型:专集出品公司:Sony BMG


1. Viimeinen Jyva2. Linnansa Vanki

3. Ikavankantaja

4. Ulkona

5. Nukkuu Kedolla

6. Noita

7. Pahan Tarha

8. Aanet

9. Mykka

10. Unten Laiva

11. Helmet


芬兰女子乐队Indica的第四张专辑。由Nightwish核心Tuomas Holopainen监制,充斥着明显的交响气息,让人耳目一新。



出品公司:Sony BMG


1. Ela2. Pahinta Tanaan

3. 10 H Myohassa

4. Hiljainen Maa

5. Askeleet

6. Sanoja

7. Valoissa

8. Taalta Pois

9. Pyromaani

10. Hamaraa

11. Ei Enaa

Pahinta Tanaan -Kokoelma

这是一张精选专辑,包括四张芬兰语专辑的热门单曲和四首未发行的曲目。其中《Valokeilojen vampyyri》是Indica早期写成的一首歌曲,仅在2004年表演过几次现场。这首歌曲被拍成了一支有趣的音乐录影带,并作为单曲发售。《Kersantti Karoliina》则是一首翻唱歌曲。

1 Valokeilojen vampyyri2 Ikuinen virta

3 Scarlett

4 Pida kadesta

5 Vuorien taa

6 Valoissa

7 Ruusupensaat

8 Murheiden maa

9 Linnansa vanki

10 10 h myohassa

11 Kersantti Karoliina (live)

12 Pahinta tanaan

A Way Away



Nightwish灵魂主脑Tuomas Holopainen制作;诗人/编剧大师Rory Winston英文填词;Uriah Heep、U2等大团幕後金手Pip Williams担纲管旋乐编曲之梦幻黄金阵容齐力拱盘

特别追加一曲"Outside In"


谁说女生就不能组织杰出的摇滚团队,谁说女孩就只能沦落搔首弄姿的学猫叫,谁说女人就摆脱不了花瓶的命运!?来自芬兰的正妹团队Indica,具备绝对的亮眼外型,更备妥精湛的乐器演奏、坚强的古典根基、敏锐的流行嗅觉、不吹嘘的创作实力、感染力浓厚的嗓音辅佐,巾帼不让须眉足以和阳刚血性摇滚汉子们一较高下。已做足万全准备的Indica,即将远从北欧地域载入高压能量,散布至国际区块,好迎接这股Girl Power的绝酷新势力!由身兼主唱+小提琴+吉他+键盘+独特的Theremin电子乐器的Jonsu、贝斯手Heini、键盘+钢琴+单簧管Sirkku、吉他手Jenny、鼓手+打击乐器Laura等五位儿时玩伴於2001年组成美丽队伍Indica。快速累积庞大支持粉丝群,也挣得一纸SonyMusic名牌唱片合约,2003年顺利推出首张处女秀「Ikuinen Virta」,徘徊芬兰榜长达30周时间,拿下白金唱片认证,趁胜追击的「Tuuliset Tienoot」作品开出金唱片销量。赢得集古典美学与金属力道於一身的芬兰国宝级天团Nightwish赏识,邀约成为巡演暖场嘉宾,获取满堂喝彩,同时野心勃勃企图逐步征服最大宗的英语市场!

将Indica历届代表单曲填上英文歌词重新演绎发行的「A Way Away」,交付Nightwish灵魂主脑、年轻的跨界鬼才Tuomas Holopainen操刀,以及诗人、编剧大师Rory Winston主镇词藻内文,还有曾任The Moody Blues、Uriah Heep、U2等大团幕後金手Pip Williams担纲管旋乐编曲,有著梦幻黄金阵容齐力拱盘!开场冲出气势磅礴的"Islands Of light",交响乐章的柔美现形,令人爱不释手;琅琅上口的"Precious Dark",灌满Pop气流,同时带著欧式摇滚的迷人情节;如同化身淘气红发精灵的Jonsu穿梭人间嬉戏游乐,轻巧编织"In Passing"顺畅旋律,舒缓勾引最讨喜的节拍;扎实的吉他狠狠作响,将"Scissor, Paper, Rock"一路畅快到底的宣洩过瘾律动;毫不留情的暴冲火烫频率,戏剧性十足的拉宽"As If"聆听耳界;曲末的"Eerie Eden",利用美声细腻雕琢最惊艳的梦幻波纹。Indica要你好听又好看之馀,能够给予这群远渡重洋的翘家女声,最热情的掌声和肯定!

【Track List】*为推荐1. Islands Of light *

2. Precious Dark

3. Children Of Frost

4. Lilja's Lament

5. In Passing *

6. Scissor, Paper, Rock

7. A Way Away *

8. As If

9. Straight & Arrow *

10. Eerie Eden

11. Outside In (Bonus Track)



原名:Johanna Salomaa




喜欢的食物:印度菜、Palak paneer







喜欢的艺人:Cranberries, Pink Floyd, The Arcade Fire, Beach House, Queen等




原名:Heini Saisa






喜欢的颜色:所有喜欢的电影:蒂姆·波顿的电影和Spinal Tap




喜欢的艺人:Tehasekoitin, Amy McDonald, Muse, Badding, Leevi and the Leevings, The Ark, Placebo, Mando Diao, Depeche Mode等

买的第一张专辑:Joku Kirka

去的第一场演唱会:很小的时候就参加音乐节了(大约12岁),第一场可能是Michael Jackson在赫尔辛基的演唱会

最喜欢Indica的歌:In Passing



原名:Sirkku Karvonen










喜欢的艺人:INDICA, Amy McDonald, Nightwish, Kaija Koo等



最喜欢的演唱会:Kosovo和所有Kaija Koo的演出





原名:Jenny Julia










喜欢的艺人:Amy McDonald, Mando Diao, The Ark


买的第一张专辑:Michael Jackson的某张专辑


最喜欢Indica的歌:Lilja's Lament

最喜欢的是:唐老鸭、阳光、《六人行》、《30 Rocks》


原名:Laura Hakkanen










喜欢的艺人:Muse, CMX, Apocalyptica, Suburban Tribe, Pink Floyd, Amy McDonald, Metallica等等



最喜欢Indica的歌:有很多,不过来自《A Way Away》这张专辑最喜欢的是Straight and Arrow





Running in the darkness, rolling back in time

Following the voices howling in your mind

Under you the frozen lake crackles till you halt

When the frosty mirror breaks, will you hear the call

Come admit your secret plan to make it to the top

Hear the sirens as they sing till the day you drop

Fall through the ice, into my eyes

Islands of light guide you tonight

Drowning in your daydreams, hiding in your bed

They keep on complaining, it?s all in your head

Come admit your secret plan to make it to the top

Hear the sirens as they sing till the day you drop

Fall through the ice, into my eyes

Islands of light guide you tonight

Don’t you recognize your voice in our coven’s song?

Don?t you know it?s not the music? - it's you that danced along

See the moon riding the tide, the reflection swims

As the ice begins to melt, we see a form within

Fall through the ice, into my eyes

Islands of light guide you tonight


There’s a place I don’t want you to know of

Hidden deep in a blindfolded heart -

Where the desperate walk in silence,

Waiting for the ghosts to depart

There’s a game I don’t want you to know of

Masquerade, Cirque du Dècadence

A pawn in an empty chessboard

Moved around by a hand of a fool

Never played it safe

It’s a wicked game

Any hand, any call, I’m in

It said: "Love like you’ve never been hurt

And dance till dawn like you’ve just been born

A perfect toy made by perfect tools

Playing Ring Around the Rosie with a crowd of fools

Take a hold of my hand, I have sights to show you

Gingerbread house, Pleasure Island, Big Blue

Turn off the light, close your eyes wide shut

And welcome the precious dark"

I have seen far, I’ve never seen close

There are no mirrors on my wall

Silent is the call of my ocean

And the sirens washed ashore

All the sins they have long shadows

Turn the switch and the past comes alive

Live and learn, 1,2,3, know your ABC

It’s their answer to every "why"

Never played it safe

It’s a wicked game

Any hand, any call, I’m in

It said:" Love like you’ve never been hurt

And dance till dawn like you’ve just been born

A perfect toy made by perfect tools

Playing Ring Around the Rosie with a crowd of fools

Take a hold of my hand, I have sights to show you

Gingerbread house, Pleasure Island, Big Blue

Turn off the light, close your eyes wide shut

And welcome the precious dark"

There was always a place that you knew of

You were holding the keys all along

There was always a game that you knew of

Now you’re one of them washed ashore


Hear the night toll in my breath

The cold lights dance overhead

Here the lake stares with dark eyes

Trees are their lashes of ice

See the star’s glare float upstream

Shedding its skin with dead leaves

Seems like the sky’s falling up

The wind wraps itself with my lungs

The sea that we saw was a desert of snowfall

The children of frost marched into the deadly dawn

In their great awe they found an old seesaw

And as they got on, the season of dark had gone

Dream with the nomads of light

Their dogs and their gods are all blind

Sing as white pours from dark veins

Bless all the earth that it paints

The sea that we saw was a desert of snowfall

The children of frost marched into the deadly dawn

In their great awe they found an old seesaw

And as they sat down, the season of dark had come

In our great awe we found an old seesaw

And as we sat down, our season had come

The sea that we saw was a desert of snowfall

The children of frost are wrapped in the dawn

At a great cost we found an old seesaw

And as we sat down, a new season had come

The sea that we saw was a desert of snowfall

My children of frost march on and greet the dawn


Strolling under harbor lights, Lilja reads a line

‘Poor Tatiana’

In another library, Rochester arrives

Oh lord, he’s half-blind

Lancelot and Guinevere came nowhere near the pier

No love this year

Marian called Robin Hood to save her from the sea

But words are cheap

Stories had been spun, a sea of metaphors were done

And Lilja heard but wonder’s thunder

All the books she read kept her in bed and hurt her head

Her tragic flaw was not a blunder

Percival got drunk and tossed his cup into the snow

Where’d the grail go?

Catherine found her Heathcliff but the Brontes died alone

Air gets so cold

Wind revives the balladeers sentenced to their words

Fog means return

For the bards and troubadours, sentences are worlds

We long but don’t learn

Stories had been spun, a sea of metaphors were done

And Lilja heard but wonder’s thunder

All the books she read kept her in bed and hurt her head

Her tragic flaw was not a blunder

Teeter totter by the harbor, Lilja looked up saw a starfish

Holding her hand was Ophelia,

Smith, Elliot; Plath, Sylvia

Stories had been spun, a sea of metaphors were done

But Lilja lived her blunder thunder

All the books she read put her to rest on a seabed

Her tragic flaw still makes me wonder


Little sister,

Playing hide and seek

Even though mama told you I’m really gone

If you miss me

Sneak a peek at my diary

Or read the peek-a-boo sky that lights the night

I’ll say this once:

Light up the night,


When it hurts inside

read all the signs


It?s okay to feel down

and just remember

that nothing?s made to last

I know you?re sad

That too will pass, that too will pass

In passing,

Little sister

Ignore local news

Papers come from trees we’ll never climb

What a joke!

They made me look so sad

That bad bad lake’s okay; it washed my hair

And the waves said:

Light up the night,


When it hurts inside

read all the signs


It?s okay to feel down

and just remember

that nothing?s made to last

I know you?re sad

That too will pass, that too will pass

That too will pass

That too will pass

You’ll recall all that

Till one day

You too will pass.


I’m river and I’m stone

I shiver but I know

I’m young but oh so old

Played scissor paper rock

I’d run till I was caught

Games end but nothing stops

The rocks will turn to dust

The scissor starts to rust

The ink will fade with us.

A lily builds a home

It grows inside my bones

Been there since I was born

You can brood by a brook

And whisper to water

Don’t worry, the dawn will dry your tears

See the daylight as it flows

It fills the holes… and souls grow whole

You can moan to the moon

You can swoon in the sunset

Don’t hurry, your world won’t disappear

See the waves that drape the shore

They fill the holes …and souls grow whole and old

I’m drifting towards the end

The sand keeps closing in

But water turns the bend

The trees reach for the sky

The roots begin to dry

A nest becomes a shrine


I found a way away … and sailed beyond the waves of pain

No Jonah in my sea, no whale to hide inside these days

I’ve lost my sky

Feels I was born just to die here

Born in a dry well

Lie here till one day I’m swallowed by time.

Stars no longer shine, faith has left us far behind

We have no more signs, and all our seers are blind

Lost in the night,

Once love was with me but I left

The sea turned violent

We crucify all the lights we can find.

Born to be silent

Bored and misguided

We simplify all the mystery of life

But sometimes hearts begin to stir

And in my head a notion whirls

As all I know becomes a blur

My words fill my world


As if, as if

As if it matters

Innit, innit ‘what happens, happens’?

As if as if’s were enough

Is it, is it a fit of angst we see

Is it a bit the fear of failure

It is as if we gave up

It’s like we lack nothing

Kind of kind and so mind numbing

It’s kind of like losing touch

And I can’t find me inside

I hide in an empty smile

And I have left me behind

In words that aren’t mine

The scene, the scene - the screen’s endless

In style in style... check out my new stress

I’ve seen this stream – did I ditto that?

Like I really care!

Pretend pretend life’s a bluescreen

upload dreams in your B-movie

its kinda like life - but not

And I can’t find me inside

I hide in an empty smile

And I have left me behind

In words that aren’t mine


Road’s getting narrow, with snakes in the shadow

And the shade where you sleep is formed by the gallows

Where a man with an arrow was hung by the shallow

little boys little boys little boys who became what they feared

Who would have thought that the ones who spoke of trust would come to betray us?

Who would have sought love from those who prayed for peace while sewing hatred’s seed?

Who would have fought for a land where blood flows till it clots each river?

Who would have sons knowing all the orphans they would soon deliver?

Kneel beside me, in this field of memory

Don’t become those you fear; don’t kill what you’ve been

Cause the straight and narrow has snakes in the shadow

And the shade where you sleep is formed by the gallows

Where a man with an arrow was hung by the shallow

little boys little boys little boys who became what they feared

You should have known: the snakes were figments of imagination

You should have shown: the roads and gallows were your own creation

Sleep beside me, there’s no time to worry

The sound that you hear - it comes from your ear

Cause the road gets narrow, with snakes in the shadow

And the shade where you sleep is formed by the gallows

Where a man with an arrow was hung by the shallow

little boys little boys little boys - there’s a choice!

The straight and narrow has snakes in the shadow

And the shade where you sleep is formed by the gallows

Where a man with an arrow was hung by the shallow

little boys and their toys; little boys who became what they feared

Weep beside me in this sea of memory

Don’t you see what I see… you’re the men that you fear

When the road gets narrow, with snakes in the shadow

And the shade where you sleep is formed by the gallows

Where a man with an arrow was hung by the shallow

...What’s the point!

When the road gets narrow, with snakes in the shadow

And the shade where you sleep is formed by the gallows

Where a man with an arrow was hung by the shallow

little boys little boys there’s a choice there’s a choice

When the road gets narrow, with snakes in the shadow

And the shade where you sleep is formed by the gallows

Where a man with an arrow was hung by the shallow

little boys little boys little boys don’t become what you fear


Sorrow?s sound, it swirls all about you

Dry fallen leaves that rise like a cloud

Time is a torch in a field of lost faces

Kissed by the mist, you kneel on the ground

Shadowed by years, smiles you remember

Half-recalled movements float in the fog

There’s no dread you’ll forget in the dead of December

Hear the dawn’s breeze echo night’s song

Remain on, build your eerie Eden

Swim in your enchanted land

Seek your heaven, build your eerie Eden

Memory is a sea of sand

"Eternally yours", you read from a letter

Torn as the earth where the sender lies

Worn out by dreams, sinking in sunlight

You see no lips but still hear the cry

Remain on, build your eerie Eden

Swim in your enchanted land

Seek your heaven, build your eerie Eden

Memory is a sea of sand


Music Video

"Scarlett" (2004), directed by Kusti Manninen

"Ikuinen virta" (2005), directed by Kusti Manninen

"Vuorien taa" (2006), directed by Marko Mäkilaakso

"Pida kadesta" (2006), directed by Marko Mäkilaakso

"Linnansa vanki" (2007), directed by Jesse Hietanen

"Pahinta tanaan" (Spring 2008), directed by Jesse Hietanen

"Valoissa" (Autumn 2008)

"10 h myohassa" (Christmas 2008)

"Valokeilojen vampyyri" (Autumn 2009)

"Straight and Arrow" (Winter 2009)

"In Passing" (March 2010)

"Islands of Light" (June 2010)

"Precious Dark" (August 2010)


"Scarlett" (26 March 2004)

"Ikuinen virta" (5 August 2004)

"Vetta vasten" (23 March 2005)

"Ihmisen lento" – Promo (2005)

"Vuorien taa" + "Nuorallatanssija" (19 October 2005)

"Pida kadesta" – Promo (2005)

"Niin tuleni teen" – Promo (2005)

"Linnansa vanki" – Promo (2007)

"Noita" – Promo (2007)

"Ulkona" – Promo (2007)

"Pahinta tanaan" – Promo (8 May 2008), Internet single (12 May 2008)

"Valoissa" (August 2008)

"10 h myohassa" (14 November 2008)

"Valokeilojen vampyyri" (Autumn 2009)

"In Passing" (4 June 2010)

"Precious Dark" (10 September 2010)


"Eramaan Viimeinen" (Last of the Wilds) - Nightwish feat. Jonsu





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