

词条 ina

X-life作为FAG和INA的优质产品对设计工程师提供了全新的设计机遇。随着当前先进制造技术的应用,滚动体和滚道的整个接触表面变得更好,更加一致。因此,在相同的载荷条件下,滚动体和与其配合的表面的应力,会有显著降低。因此,在相同工作条件下,X-life轴承工作寿命会更长。另一方面,在相同额定寿命条件下, 可以承受更高的载荷。在这些优化的特征下,X-life轴承开启了新的应用前景,例如降低支承轴承的尺寸。而且,更高的性价比最终增加了轴承支承整个的经济性。



















目前,INA轴承公司拥有30多家生产厂,三万多名员工,开发的广泛产品有:滚动轴承,滑动轴承,直线导轨系统,高精密产品,发动机零部件。INA轴承产品涉及的行业包括:机械行业,建筑行业, 水力和风力工程行业,机床及制造机械行业, 材料处理及包装行业, 电动工具行业, 变速箱行业 ,半导体行业,泵与风机行业, 工业机器人及自动化行业, 橡胶、塑料及化工行业, 纺织行业 ,拖拉机行业等 INA轴承(依纳)是一家国际集团公司,总部设在德国的纽伦堡附近,成立于1946年。公司从一成立,便成为滚针轴承领域的世界领导者,并很快由原来的滚针轴承领域扩展到广泛的产品系列。


1946年 Brothers Wilhelm and Georg Schaeffler, both holders of Ph.D.兄弟威廉和格奥尔格舍弗勒,都持有博士学位 degrees, found INA in Herzogenaurach.度,发现在黑措根冰核。

1948 1948年

Handcarts and other products made from wood sell well after the war.手推车和其他产品从木材销售以及在战争结束后。

1949 1949年

A groundbreaking idea: The needle roller cage, developed by Georg Schaeffler, makes the needle roller bearing a reliable component for industrial applications.一个突破性的想法:在滚针笼,开发的格奥尔格舍弗勒,使滚针轴承组成一个可靠的工业应用。

1951 1951年

Saar Nadellager oHG is founded in Homburg/Saar as the first German subsidiary.萨尔Nadellager无限公司是成立于堡/萨尔作为第一个德国子公司。

INA has more than 200 employees.职训局有200多名员工。

1952 1952年

A breakthrough for the automotive industry: Low-wear INA needle roller bearings replace plain bearings in the transmission of the legendary VW Beetle.突破为汽车行业:低磨损冰核滚针轴承滑动轴承取代的传播中的传奇大众甲壳虫。

1954 1954年

A big hit at its first trade show: INA presents deep-drawn drawn-cup needle roller bearings at the “Deutsche Industriemesse” (industrial trade show) in Hannover.一大打击在其第一次贸易展:职训局提出了深刻吸取提请杯滚针轴承在“德意志Industriemesse ” (工业贸易展)在德国汉诺威。

1954 1954年

The soccer team is the first of the new Schaeffler company sports teams.在国家队的第一个新的舍弗勒公司的运动队。

1955 1955年

The first linear guide: INA’s flat cage lays the foundation for the new linear technology division.第一直线导轨:冰核的单位笼奠定了基础的新的线性技术部门。

1955 1955年

The first needle roller bearing catalog is published as a “Practical Guide.”第一针滚子轴承目录出版的“实用指南” 。

1956 1956年

The first foreign plant: Rolling bearing production for the European market starts in Haguenau, France.第一个外国工厂:滚动轴承生产面向欧洲市场开始海格瑙,法国。

1958 1958年

Manufacturing close to the customer: INA follows VW to Brazil and opens a new plant in Sao Paulo.制造接近客户:冰核如下大众巴西和打开了一个新的工厂在圣保罗。

1959 1959年

INA’s MOTOMAK plant in Ingolstadt works hard on the development of hydraulic valve lash adjustment elements.职训局的MOTOMAK英戈尔斯塔特工厂努力开发的液压阀间隙调整的内容。

1960 1960年

The core of vocational training: The first apprentice training shop in Herzogenaurach can accommodate 100 metalworking apprentices.核心的职业培训:一是学徒培训店的黑措根可容纳100金工学徒。

INA’s plants and subsidiaries employ nearly 6,000 people worldwide.职训局的工厂和子公司雇用近6000人。

1963年 Entering a new market, North America: INA’s company in Cheraw, South Carolina, is the first bridgehead in the United States.进入一个新的市场,北美洲:冰核的公司在奇罗,南卡罗莱纳州,是第一个桥头堡,在美国。

1965 1965年

LuK Lamellen und Kupplungsbau GmbH is founded in Bühl (with INA as one of the investors).泉Lamellen与Kupplungsbau有限公司是成立于布尔(与职训局作为一个投资者) 。

1967 1967年

INA’s drawn cup roller clutches for high indexing frequencies and temperatures.职训局的提请杯滚子离合器索引高频率和温度。

1969 1969年

An innovation for machine tools: Linear recirculating roller bearings allow plain bearing guides to be replaced by roller guides.创新机床:线性循环滚子轴承允许导游滑动轴承改为辊指南。

INA has over 10,000 employees.职训局拥有超过10,000名员工。

1971 1971年

INA is one of the first manufacturers in Europe to supply volume-produced hydraulic valve lash adjustment elements.职训局是第一个制造商在欧洲的供应量生产的液压阀间隙调整的内容。

1977 1977年

INA participates in the European Machine Tool Trade Show from the start.职训局参加欧洲机床展会从一开始。

1979 1979年

New expertise: High-precision fineblanking technology is secured after investing in HYDREL AG, Switzerland.新的专长:高精度fineblanking技术投资担保后,在HYDREL公司,瑞士。

1981 1981年

12,000 employees work for the INA Group worldwide. 12000员工的冰核集团全球。

Wilhelm Schaeffler passes away at the age of 73.德国舍弗勒去世,享年73岁。

1984 1984年

Investment in Helmut ELGES GmbH in Steinhagen.投资赫尔穆特ELGES有限公司在Steinhagen 。 Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings and rod ends are added to the product range.免维护球面滑动轴承和杆端被添加到相应的产品系列。

1986 1986年

Automatic belt tensioning systems: Belt tensioners in passenger cars last longer and become much quieter.自动皮带张紧系统:安全带收紧在乘用车持续更长的一段时间,并变得更安静。

Approximately 14,000 employees by the mid-80s.约14,000名员工由80年代中期。

1987 1987年

INA receives Chrysler Motors’ “Q Excellence Award“ for meeting this customer’s high requirements for quality and delivery reliability.职训局收到克莱斯勒汽车公司的“问卓越奖” ,以满足客户的高要求,质量和交货的可靠性。

1988 1988年

Ready-to-install ball type and roller type profiled rail units with high load capacity for machine tools.准备安装的球型和异型滚筒式的铁路单位,高负荷能力的机床。

1990 1990年

“Think tank”. “智囊团” 。 R&D center in Herzogenaurach opens up new possibilities for product and application development. R & D中心在黑措根开辟了新的可能性,产品和应用的发展。

1990 1990年

Hydraulic variable cam timers made by INA allow continuous valve adjustment for the first time.液压可变凸轮计时器所作的冰核阀允许连续调整首次。 Fuel consumption and emissions are reduced.燃油消耗和排放量的减少。

INA has approximately more than 20,000 employees worldwide.职训局大约有超过20000名员工。

1991 1991年

“INA Quality. “冰核的质量。 Made in Slovakia.” This is the motto for the start of production in Skalica, INA’s first plant in Eastern Europe.提出在斯洛伐克。 “这是座右铭开始生产Skalica ,职训局的第一家工厂在东欧。

1992 1992年

INA’s new plant in Ansan (Korea) – a milestone in entering Asia, a region experiencing fast growth.职训局的新工厂在安山(韩国) -中的一个里程碑进入亚洲,该地区经历快速增长。

1993 1993年

Strong and fast: LSL cylindrical roller bearings with machined disk cage.强和快速: LSL圆柱滚子轴承与机械硬盘笼。

INA’s Corrotect® anti-corrosive plating is patented.职训局的Corrotect ®防腐蚀电镀专利。

1993 1993年

Patent granted for new series: DKLFA bearings for ball screw supports for electromechanical drives with locating-locating bearing supports.授予专利的新系列: DKLFA轴承滚珠丝杆支持机电驱动器,定位,定位轴承支持。

1994 1994年

An “economic miracle”: KUVE four-row ball type profiled rail unit with large number of variants and accessories conquers the market.一个“经济奇迹” : KUVE四列球型异型轨单位,大量的变异及配件征服市场。

1995 1995年

INA’s executive management declares environmental protection one of the company’s goals.职训局的高级管理层宣布环境保护是该公司的目标。

1995 1995年

INA Bearings China Co. Ltd. is founded in Taicang (engine components and needle roller bearings for the Chinese market).职训局中国轴承有限公司是成立于太仓(发动机部件和滚针轴承的中国市场) 。

1996 1996年

Georg Schaeffler passes away at the age of 79.格奥尔格舍弗勒去世时79岁。 Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler and her son Georg FW Schaeffler continue his life’s work.玛丽亚伊丽莎白舍弗勒和她的儿子乔治防火墙舍弗勒继续他的生命的工作。

1996 1996年

WPB in Momo (Italy) – Joint venture on the development and production of water pump bearings (fully owned by INA in 1999). WPB在莫莫(意大利) -合资开发和生产的水泵轴承(全资拥有,由职训局于1 999年) 。

1996 1996年

INA is the company with the largest number of apprentices in Northern Bavaria.职训局是该公司与人数最多的学徒在北巴伐利亚州。 A new apprentice training center for 300 apprentices opens.一种新的学徒培训中心300个学徒打开。

1997 1997年

BEARINX® is developed – allowing exact bearing calculations down to individual rolling bearing contacts for the first time. BEARINX ®是发达国家-允许同时计算精确到个别接触滚动轴承的首次。

All of INA’s plants worldwide are certified to QS-9000and VDA 6.1.所有的冰核活性的植物世界各地经过认证,质量得分- 9000和德国汽车工业协会6.1 。

1998 1998年

Rotary table bearings with YRTM integrated measuring system – one of the first mechatronics products.转盘轴承YRTM综合测量系统-第一个机电一体化产品。

1998 1998年

Dr. Jürgen M. Geißinger is appointed President and CEO of INA.博士于尔根先生Geißinger任命总裁和首席执行官的冰核。

1999 1999年

INA takes over LuK GmbH and expands its expertise as a system supplier to the automotive industry.职训局接管泉有限公司,并扩大其专业知识作为一个系统供应商,汽车行业。

2000 2000年

Increased performance – reduced consumption: Use of variable cam timers in vane type design and switching tappets for cam profile switching in Porsche’s Variocam model.提高性能-减少消费:使用可变凸轮计时器在叶片型设计和开关t appets的开关凸轮轮廓在保时捷的V arioCam模式。

2000 2000年

Majority interest in REGE Motorenteile GmbH & Co. KG (precision machining and assembly of cylinder heads).多数雷杰Motorenteile有限公司Co. KG (精密加工和装配缸盖) 。

2000 2000年

Compact XV/XSU crossed roller bearings predrilled for flange mounting eliminate time-consuming machining of the mounting structure.契约第XV / XSU跨越滚子轴承predrilled安装法兰消除费时的加工安装结构。

2000 2000年

A pioneering role in environmental protection: All of INA’s plants worldwide are certified to ISO 14001 and validated to EMAS.先锋作用在环境保护方面:所有的冰核活性的植物世界各地经过认证, ISO 14001和验证,以遵行。 INA receives the Ford environmental protection award.冰核获得福特环保奖。

The INA-Group has approx.职训组已约。 25,000 employees worldwide.全球25,000名员工。

2001 2001年

Start of e-business.开始电子商务的发展。 INA co-founds the SupplyOn, Endorsia and PTplace electronic marketplaces.职训局共同创建的SupplyOn , Endorsia和PTplace电子市场。

2001 2001年

Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler receives the Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.玛丽亚伊丽莎白舍弗勒获得十字勋章,德意志联邦共和国。

2002 2002年

Acquisition of FAG Kugelfischer Georg Schäfer AG, Schweinfurt.收购FAG Kugelfischer格奥尔格舍费尔公司,施韦因富特。 INA and FAG become the world’s second largest rolling bearing manufacturer. INA和FAG成为世界第二大轴承制造商。

2002 2002年

“2001 Company of the Year“: General Motors presents its most prestigious supplier award to INA. “ 2001年公司的2006年” :通用汽车公司将其最负盛名的供应商奖项,冰核。

2002 2002年

The new R&D center of expertise doubles development capacity in Herzogenaurach.新的R & D中心的专业知识双打开发能力黑措根。

2003 2003年

INA, FAG and LuK form the “Schaeffler Group.”职训局, FAG和鹿形式的“舍弗勒集团。 ”

2003 2003年

INA’s and FAG’s industrial divisions decide to work together.职训局和FAG的工业部门决定携手合作。 First joint trade show appearance of the Schaeffler Group at Hannover Messe Industrie.第一联合贸易展外观舍弗勒集团在汉诺威工业。

2003 2003年

Start of X-life: Shared mark of quality for premium products and services supplied by INA and FAG.开始的X生活:共同庆祝的质量优质的产品和服务提供的INA和FAG 。

2003 2003年

Metal forming: INA develops new manufacturing method for synchronizer sleeves (used in Ford transmissions).金属成型:冰核开发新的制造方法,同步套(用于福特汽车变速器) 。

2003 2003年

The Schaeffler Group opens a new automotive research center in Troy (United States).在舍弗勒集团打开了一个新的汽车研究中心在特洛伊(美国) 。

2004 2004年

Direct drive technology supplied by INA’s subsidiary company IDAM (INA Drives & Mechantronics), which was created by the consolidation of LAT SUHL AG and präTEC Präzisionstechnik GmbH.直接驱动技术所提供的职训局的附属公司IDAM (冰核驱动器和Mechantronics ) ,这是所造成的土地增值税固结苏尔公司和präTEC Präzisionstechnik有限公司。

2004 2004年

Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler is honored with the “Entrepreneur of the Year” award for her exceptional work as the owner of Germany’s largest industrial family-owned company.玛丽亚伊丽莎白舍弗勒荣幸是与“企业家年度奖” ,她出色工作的所有者德国最大的工业家族拥有的公司。

2004 2004年

“Innovation Day” – Opening of a new test center in Korea and expansion of manufacturing facilities. “创新日” -开幕式的一个新的测试中心在韩国和扩大生产设施。

2004 2004年

Excellent logistics and quality performance: INA receives the “2003 Supplier of the Year” award from SIEMENS Medical Technology.优秀的物流和质量性能:冰核获得“ 2003年度供应商奖”西门子医疗技术。

2004 2004年

Start of volume production of the world’s smallest drawn cup needle roller bearing (2 mm shaft diameter) for a motor application in electronics manufacturing.开始批量生产世界上最小的制定杯滚针轴承( 2毫米轴径)的电机中的应用电子产品制造。

The INA-Group employs more than 31,000 people worldwide.职训局集团员工超过31000人。

2005 2005年

The new plant in Brasov (Romania) produces linear products and components for industrial and automotive applications.新厂在布拉索夫(罗马尼亚)生产线的产品和部件的工业和汽车应用。

2006 2006年

The german FAG Kugelfischer AG & Co. oHG and the INA-Schaeffler KG are integrated in the Schaeffler Group.德国FAG公司Kugelfischer公司无限公司和冰核,舍弗勒合被纳入德国舍弗勒集团。

2006 2006年

Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler is made an honorary citizen of Herzogenaurach for her exceptional services to the city and the region.玛丽亚伊丽莎白舍弗勒是一个荣誉市民的黑措根她的特殊服务的城市和地区。

2006 2006年

The first joint main catalog of the INA and FAG brands is published.第一次联合的主要目录INA和FAG品牌的出版。 The 1,500-page compendium comprises approximately 40,000 standard products. 1500页大约有40000标准的产品。

2006 2006年

More than 100 customers from all over Europe visit the 2006 Innovation Days of Schaeffler Group Industrial in Schweinfurt.客户超过100家来自欧洲各地的访问2006年创新天的舍弗勒集团在施韦因富特产业。

2006 2006年

The Schaeffler Group establishes a “Schaeffler Endowed Chair for Automotive Engineering” at Tongji University in Shanghai.在舍弗勒集团确立了“舍弗勒主席赋予汽车工程”在同济大学在上海举行。

2007 2007年

Joint action by INA, FAG and SKF in the fight against product piracy at FAG in Schweinfurt.联合行动的冰核, FAG和SKF在打击盗版产品在FAG在施韦因富特。 Around 40 tons of counterfeit rolling bearings are destroyed.约40吨假冒滚动轴承被摧毁。

2007 2007年

Plant opening in Pune/India植物开放在浦那/印度

2007 2007年

Hannover Messe Industrie.汉诺威工业。 Among others, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel and Federal Minister for Economics Michael Glos visit the booth of Schaeffler KG, which measures 930 m².除其他事项外,联邦总理安格拉默克尔和联邦经济部长迈克尔格罗斯访问展位舍弗勒公斤, 930平方米的措施。

2007 2007年

The twin tandem, a four-row angular contact ball bearing, replaces conventional tapered roller bearings in wheel bearings and contributes significantly to saving fuel.双串联,一个四列角接触球轴承,取代传统的圆锥滚子轴承在车轮轴承,大大节省燃料。

2007 2007年

Inauguration of the new R&D Center in Anting/China and the second plant in Taicang.成立新的研发中心在安亭/中国的第二家工厂在太仓。



【学 名】 Colocasia esculenta (L.) SchootIna

















Ina Wroldsen


仅25岁的挪威人Ina Wroldsen已成为欧洲和北美最热门的歌曲作者之一。Ina以写歌作为她作为一个艺术家的音乐之旅。经过短暂的时间伊娜便沉浸其中并与挪威发行出版公司“瀑布”签订了合约,开始出唱片。在这之后不久Ina Wroldsen同伦敦P&P签署了一项独家出版协议。



Ina的第一首歌曲由英国女子组合“星期六”创下了单曲纪录。最终她的9首歌被评为首张白金专辑,其中包括首支单曲“If This Is Love”(NO.8),第2支单曲“Up”(NO.4)和第5支单曲“Work”。不久Ina迁往伦敦。在短短几年Ina已经从默默无闻的艺术家成长成为最成功的词曲作者之一。Ina的歌曲已被Pussycat Dolls,Leona Lewis,Cat Deluna,Sophie Ellis Bextor,Jade Ewan,Alexander Burke以及Pixie Lott等许多歌手演唱,大部分歌曲都是作为单曲发布。随着她的成功Ina发现自己的合作写作模式创作出了大量的歌曲。同她合作的有例如Cutfather,Quiz & Larossi,David Eriksen,Steve Mac,Arnthor Birgisson,Chris Braide以及Harry Sommerdalh等等。很难想象能够在如此短的时间里获得如此多的成功,但Ina的才华是无可否认的,这些只是个时间问题。



] b]

I wanted you

Lately I've been thinking about what I can do

I've been stressing to fall back in love with you

I'm so sorry that I couldn't follow through

But I can't go on this way. I've got to stop it babe

You've been wonderful in all that you can be

But it hurts when you say that you understand me

So believe me. I, I am sorry, I, I am sorry, I, I

I wanted you to be there when I fall

I wanted you to see me through it all

I wanted you to be the one I loved

I wanted you, I wanted you

I wanted you to hold me in my sleep

I wanted you to show me what I need

I wanted you to know just how down deep

I wanted you, I wanted you

I've been pushing hard to open up the door

Trying to take us back to where we were before

But I'm done. I just can't do this anymore

'Cause we can't be mended, so let's stop pretending now

We've been walking around in circles for some time

And I think we should head for the finish line

So believe me. I, I am sorry, I, I am sorry, I, I

I wanted you to be there when I fall

I wanted you to see me through it all

I wanted you to be the one I loved

I wanted you, I wanted you

I wanted you to hold me in my sleep

I wanted you to show me what I need

I wanted you to know just how down deep

I wanted you, I wanted you

I, I... I'm so sorry baby

But I, I... I gotta pack up and leave

But I, I'll always remember how we came close

... to being how I wanted to be

I wanted you baby

I wanted you

I wanted you to be there when I fall

I wanted you to see me through it all

I wanted you to be the one I loved

I wanted you, I wanted you

I wanted you to hold me in my sleep

I wanted you to show me what I need

I wanted you to know just how down deep

I wanted you, I wanted you


I gave you all you desired

All that you needed

Boy, I provided

I let you into my head

Into my bed

And that’s a privilege

I had your back at the answers

You took the dollars

I took the chances

Defended, battled and fought

Cuz I thought you really loved me

I don’t know where to start or where to stop

No, but I know I am done

I’ve had enough

So fall out of my hands

Out of my heart

And when you hit the ground

You’ll be sorry that I’m not around

I will watch you

And you fall out of your mind

Out of your fantasy

When you hit the wall

Think of me

I’ll be on the top just watching you fall

You said that you were the strong one

I was the girl

And I was the young one

I kept your feet on the ground

My head in the rounds I had you

You told me you were so grateful

I was with you

And I was so faithful

Stood by in all that you said

And all that you did

I loved you

I don’t know how to act or what to say

But I know I am good

I’ll be okay

And you fall out of my hands

Out of my heart

And when you hit the ground

You’ll be sorry that I’m not around

I will watch you

And you fall out of your mind

Out of your fantasy

When you hit the wall

Think of me

I’ll be on the top just watching you fall

I’ll be on the top just watching you fall

So fall out of my hands

Out of my heart

And when you hit the ground

You’ll be sorry that I’m not around

I will watch you

And you fall out of your mind

Out of your fantasy

When you hit the wall

Think of me

I’ll be on the top just watching you fall

I’ll be on the top just watching you fall


we make our paths,

we are independent.

we dump our boyfriends,

and we do our hair anyway we would like.

we figured out , that we are attractive.

and we look around,

and now we loved to live the single life.

and then we tell ourselves we'll never fall in love again.

but then he comes around and suddenly we understand,

that we've never really been in love before.

and suddenly you know what all the love songs that they write are all about,

and suddenly you dont care if its right or wrong as long as he's around,

and suddenly the things that used to sound clishe are perfectly right in your eyes.

perfectly right with this guy.

i know it's wierd

but we are connected.

and in some strange and crazy way i think,

that we have always been.

and now he's here,

and he says he loves me.

and it feels so right,

and in fact it feels so good that i cant sleep at night.

but i just told myself i will not fall in love again.

but he just came around and then he made me understand,

that i have never been living in love before.

and suddenly you know what all the love songs that they write are all about,

and suddenly you dont care if its right or wrong as long as he's around,

and suddenly the things that used to sound clishe are perfectly right in my eyes.

perfectly right when he's here.

and yes,

i know you might get impatient.

but look around,

he might be walking right in front of you.

and if he touches you and you feel your skin is burning.

kisses you and you feel your stomach turning,

he's the one,

he is the one.

and suddenly you know what all the love songs that they write are all about,

and suddenly you dont care if its right or wrong as long as your baby's around,

and suddenly the things that used to sound clishe are perfectly right in your ears.

perfectly right when he's there.

perfectly right when he's there.

perfectly right with this guy.





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更新时间:2025/3/22 7:06:18