

词条 国王之像





国王之像乐队(king statue),风格INDIE ROCK,成立于2008年,乐队所有成员均毕业于北京现代音乐研修学院,99界到2001界爵士系。无论从基础的乐理、节奏、和声学,到随意的即兴、创作、合奏,亦或是西方音乐史、摇滚、爵士及欧美流行音乐文化发展等都成为每位成员当年在校时的必修课。06年,主唱猫柯希和吉他手高放再次相遇并阔别了各自以前曾经合作过的乐队,开始一起做音乐。之后也找过很多乐手合作过,但都因各样原因而告终。直到07年,乐队的第2把吉他,猫柯希的弟弟栾健加入,半年后贝司金兴加入,08年鼓手司凤鸣最终加入,乐队正式完善并成立。08到09年为乐队排练磨合期,09年6月国王之像正式首演出于13CLUB的一个拼PAR,之后相继在新豪运、新光现场、愚公移山、MAO、江湖BAR、微薄之盐、慈善冰雪音乐节都有多场精彩演出。

主唱猫柯希更以手模女王、腿模、广告模特、词曲制作人、占卜师等多重身份被众多媒体及广告商关注。她在乐队现场的艺术表现力可谓声色俱佳,古怪及特例独行的表情、声线及修长抽象的肢体语言,时而浓妆艳彩时而清汤素颜的极端个性,和她复古多变的装容,仅在首演后几个月的多次现场表演后,就赢得众多摄影师的菲林,并被业界一些权威人士称为是“令人倾倒的最具Super Star范儿的主唱”。猫柯希在词曲方面很有天赋和热情,从小弹钢琴、唱歌和多年的词曲制作积累,使其词曲风格自成一家,写作视角独特,有着超出常人的细腻感性。演唱的即兴功底极强,能随意跟任何乐手的配乐即兴合唱。吉他手高放有一个圈里朋友们送的可爱外号“吉贝双胎”,只因其在吉他及贝司方面造诣颇深,从技术、节奏、运用及创造力都已提升到非常高的水准。之前也在嘻哈团体Young Kin、爽子与义和团中担任过贝斯手。目前,他也在外籍女歌手Jess Meider和艺人姚政的乐队中担任一名职业贝司手。闲暇时间也对外教授吉他及贝司课程,平时也不断的加强其他乐器,例如鼓方面的训练。国王之像的名字是猫柯希起的,她信仰塔罗,塔罗本意取源于埃及的“道”(Tar)“王”(Ro)两字,有“王道”之意,取名时抽出的是正位“皇帝”牌,象征着四元素、四季、一统宇宙与安定世界的力量,成功支配等含义,故终以国王之像命名。这是一支年轻但音乐素养深厚并秉承着自己特有的风格的极富创造力的乐队,乐队成员相互都是同学、朋友,他们之间有着深厚的友谊,是一支超强的具有凝聚力和向心力的乐队。

King Statue is an independent rock band, formed in 2008 with a unique style and great creativity. All the members were graduated from Beijing Modern Musical Study College in Jazz and Pop singing apartment.

In 2006, Lolita (vocals) and Van Gogh (lead guitar) met again, they both left the band they cooperated with and started to play music together. Afterwards, they tried to collaborate with many other bandsmen, who all left because of different reasons. Finally in 2007, Lolita’s brother Luan Jian (rhythm guitar) and Jin Xing (bass guitar) joined and in 2008, with Phoenix (drums)’s final join in, the band was formally formed.

In June 2009, after running-in period from 2008 to 2009, King Statue developed their first performance in 13club, a live house in Beijing. After that, the band starts to build their reputation with all the wonderful performances in New HaoYun Bar, The Star Live House, YuGongYiShan Live House, Mao Live House, JiangHu Bar, WeiBoZhiYan Club, etc.

Leading singer Lolita can always attract numerous media and advertising agents for her multiple identity as the hands model queen, legs model, ad model and producer. She has got a strong expressive force in live shows, weird but unique voice, slender and abstract body language, variable make ups with an extremely inimitable individuality and all of those gained the film of many photographers for her. She is widely regarded as the ‘fascinating leading singer who‘ve got the most super star like style’

Guitarist Van Gogh has a cute nickname ‘guitar bass twin’ given by his coteries due to his accomplishments because he has reached a pretty high level on technique, rhythm, management and creativity on guitar and bass. He used to be the bass player in hip pop group ‘Young Kin’ and ‘ShuangZi and YiHeTuan’. Currently, he is also a professional bass player and playing an important role in American singer Jess Meider’s and pop singer Yao Zheng’s band. Van Gogh teaches on guitar and bass in his spare time and he is strengthening the skills on other instruments such as drums as well.

It was Lolita who named the band King Statue, she believes in Tarot, rooted in two Egyptian Characters ‘Tar’ and ’Ro’ with the meaning of kingcraft. When decided the name, the Tarot card picked out was ‘The emperor’ on an obverse position, which means four elements, four seasons, the power to stabilize the world and unify the universe, to successfully control and so on. So, the band finally became the ‘King Statue’.

This is a young band but all of its members have great musical accomplishments with their own faith in the music world. They have extremely deep relationships with each other and without doubt, King Statue is a united, steady and powerful band, it’s going to be a success.


主唱:猫柯希{Lolita Nibiru}:词曲制作人、心灵塔罗咨卜师、一线手模、腿模、足模、广告模特。毕业于北京现代音乐研修学院2000级流行演唱系、爵士系。

主音吉他:高放{Van Gogh}:音乐制作人;职业吉他、贝斯手;吉他、贝斯、和声学老师。毕业于北京现代音乐研修学院2000级爵士系。







5月7日,2011北星音乐现场2011 Vol.贰“想.象.力”地点:麻雀瓦舍

5月27日,北星音乐现场系列演出2011 之“想.象.力”终结版 地点:麻雀瓦舍


6月10日 全员回母校(CMA现代音乐研修学院)参演九棵树文化节

6月16日,日本SUMMER SONIC音乐节初赛评选通过,16日于MAO LIVE HOUSE进行预演赛评选





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