

词条 imagehlp.dll

imagehlp.dll是Windows调试辅助动态链接库相关模块,属于Windows 系统 DLL文件。


imagehlp - imagehlp.dll - DLL文件信息

DLL 文件: imagehlp 或者 imagehlp.dll

DLL 名称: Windows NT Image Helper

File Not Found, Missing File, Exception Errors

安全等级 (0-5): 0

间谍软件: 否

广告软件: 否


Image Helper 协助用户操作映象文件。此处的映像文件是指PE格式的文件。

计算PE或PE64格式的EXE文件校验和。通常只有在驱动程序加载时才会验证校验和,一般PE程序的校验和字段通常被写入0,故此动态链接库并不常用。微软的Visual C++ .net的链接器选项中有“填写校验和字段”一项,此功能就是通过imagehlp.dll实现的。



PE signature found

File Type: DLL


14C machine (i386)

4 number of sections

4802BD9A time date stamp Mon Apr 14 10:12:42 2008

0 file pointer to symbol table

0 number of symbols

E0 size of optional header

210E characteristics


Line numbers stripped

Symbols stripped

32 bit word machine



10B magic #

7.10 linker version

21200 size of code

3000 size of initialized data

0 size of uninitialized data

126D RVA of entry point

1000 base of code

22000 base of data

76C60000 image base

1000 section alignment

200 file alignment

5.01 operating system version

5.01 image version

4.00 subsystem version

0 Win32 version

28000 size of image

400 size of headers

2A766 checksum

3 subsystem (Windows CUI)

0 DLL characteristics

40000 size of stack reserve

1000 size of stack commit

100000 size of heap reserve

1000 size of heap commit

0 loader flags

10 number of directories

3504 [ C41] RVA [size] of Export Directory

217F4 [ 3C] RVA [size] of Import Directory

25000 [ 3F0] RVA [size] of Resource Directory

0 [ 0] RVA [size] of Exception Directory

0 [ 0] RVA [size] of Certificates Directory

26000 [ 1054] RVA [size] of Base Relocation Directory

22190 [ 38] RVA [size] of Debug Directory

0 [ 0] RVA [size] of Architecture Directory

0 [ 0] RVA [size] of Special Directory

0 [ 0] RVA [size] of Thread Storage Directory

53A8 [ 40] RVA [size] of Load Configuration Directory

2A0 [ 44] RVA [size] of Bound Import Directory

1000 [ 1F8] RVA [size] of Import Address Table Directory

21050 [ 40] RVA [size] of Delay Import Directory

0 [ 0] RVA [size] of Reserved Directory

0 [ 0] RVA [size] of Reserved Directory


.text name

211F1 virtual size

1000 virtual address

21200 size of raw data

400 file pointer to raw data

0 file pointer to relocation table

0 file pointer to line numbers

0 number of relocations

0 number of line numbers

60000020 flags


Execute Read

Debug Directories

Type Size RVA Pointer

------ -------- -------- --------

cv 25 000221CC 215CC Format: RSDS

( A) 4 000221C8 215C8


.data name

19D3 virtual size

23000 virtual address

800 size of raw data

21600 file pointer to raw data

0 file pointer to relocation table

0 file pointer to line numbers

0 number of relocations

0 number of line numbers

C0000040 flags

Initialized Data

Read Write


.rsrc name

3F0 virtual size

25000 virtual address

400 size of raw data

21E00 file pointer to raw data

0 file pointer to relocation table

0 file pointer to line numbers

0 number of relocations

0 number of line numbers

40000040 flags

Initialized Data

Read Only


.reloc name

1054 virtual size

26000 virtual address

1200 size of raw data

22200 file pointer to raw data

0 file pointer to relocation table

0 file pointer to line numbers

0 number of relocations

0 number of line numbers

42000040 flags

Initialized Data


Read Only


2000 .data

2000 .reloc

1000 .rsrc

22000 .text


Section contains the following exports for IMAGEHLP.dll

0 characteristics

48025C56 time date stamp Mon Apr 14 03:17:42 2008

0.00 version

1 ordinal base

108 number of functions

108 number of names

ordinal hint RVA name

2 0 00006EC9 BindImage

3 1 00006AB1 BindImageEx

4 2 00006EE9 CheckSumMappedFile

6 3 0000A843 EnumerateLoadedModules

5 4 0000A82C EnumerateLoadedModules64

7 5 0000A85A FindDebugInfoFile

8 6 0000A871 FindDebugInfoFileEx

9 7 0000A888 FindExecutableImage

10 8 0000A8A2 FindExecutableImageEx

11 9 0000A8BC FindFileInPath

12 A 0000A8D6 FindFileInSearchPath

13 B 00007667 GetImageConfigInformation

14 C 00005BD0 GetImageUnusedHeaderBytes

15 D 00005639 GetTimestampForLoadedLibrary

16 E 0000A261 ImageAddCertificate

17 F 000041A9 ImageDirectoryEntryToData

18 10 000041CA ImageDirectoryEntryToDataEx

19 11 0000A529 ImageEnumerateCertificates

20 12 00004341 ImageGetCertificateData

21 13 0000A661 ImageGetCertificateHeader

22 14 00009DC5 ImageGetDigestStream

23 15 0000794A ImageLoad

24 16 00007395 ImageNtHeader

25 17 0000A421 ImageRemoveCertificate

26 18 000074F9 ImageRvaToSection

27 19 0000753C ImageRvaToVa

28 1A 00007755 ImageUnload

29 1B 0000A8F0 ImagehlpApiVersion

30 1C 0000A90A ImagehlpApiVersionEx

31 1D 0000A924 MakeSureDirectoryPathExists

32 1E 000077C1 MapAndLoad

33 1F 0000A93E MapDebugInformation

34 20 00006FC1 MapFileAndCheckSumA

35 21 000070A8 MapFileAndCheckSumW

37 22 00008423 ReBaseImage

36 23 00007FD1 ReBaseImage64

38 24 00009C2C RemovePrivateCvSymbolic

39 25 00009859 RemovePrivateCvSymbolicEx

1 26 00010066 RemoveRelocations

40 27 0000A958 SearchTreeForFile

41 28 000076A7 SetImageConfigInformation

42 29 00008482 SplitSymbols

44 2A 0000A98C StackWalk

43 2B 0000A972 StackWalk64

45 2C 0000A9A6 SymCleanup

46 2D 0000A9C0 SymEnumSourceFiles

47 2E 0000A9DA SymEnumSym

48 2F 0000A9F4 SymEnumSymbols

49 30 0000AA0E SymEnumTypes

51 31 0000AA42 SymEnumerateModules

50 32 0000AA28 SymEnumerateModules64

53 33 0000AA76 SymEnumerateSymbols

52 34 0000AA5C SymEnumerateSymbols64

55 35 0000AAAA SymEnumerateSymbolsW

54 36 0000AA90 SymEnumerateSymbolsW64

56 37 0000AAC4 SymFindFileInPath

57 38 0000AADE SymFromAddr

58 39 0000AAF8 SymFromName

60 3A 0000AB2C SymFunctionTableAccess

59 3B 0000AB12 SymFunctionTableAccess64

62 3C 0000AB60 SymGetLineFromAddr

61 3D 0000AB46 SymGetLineFromAddr64

64 3E 0000AB94 SymGetLineFromName

63 3F 0000AB7A SymGetLineFromName64

66 40 0000ABC8 SymGetLineNext

65 41 0000ABAE SymGetLineNext64

68 42 0000ABFC SymGetLinePrev

67 43 0000ABE2 SymGetLinePrev64

70 44 0000AC30 SymGetModuleBase

69 45 0000AC16 SymGetModuleBase64

72 46 0000AC64 SymGetModuleInfo

71 47 0000AC4A SymGetModuleInfo64

74 48 0000AC98 SymGetModuleInfoW

73 49 0000AC7E SymGetModuleInfoW64

75 4A 0000ACB2 SymGetOptions

76 4B 0000ACCC SymGetSearchPath

78 4C 0000AD00 SymGetSymFromAddr

77 4D 0000ACE6 SymGetSymFromAddr64

80 4E 0000AD34 SymGetSymFromName

79 4F 0000AD1A SymGetSymFromName64

82 50 0000AD68 SymGetSymNext

81 51 0000AD4E SymGetSymNext64

84 52 0000AD9C SymGetSymPrev

83 53 0000AD82 SymGetSymPrev64

85 54 0000ADB6 SymGetTypeFromName

86 55 0000ADD0 SymGetTypeInfo

87 56 0000ADEA SymInitialize

89 57 0000AE1E SymLoadModule

88 58 0000AE04 SymLoadModule64

90 59 0000AE38 SymMatchFileName

91 5A 0000AE52 SymMatchString

93 5B 0000AE86 SymRegisterCallback

92 5C 0000AE6C SymRegisterCallback64

95 5D 0000AEBA SymRegisterFunctionEntryCallback

94 5E 0000AEA0 SymRegisterFunctionEntryCallback64

96 5F 0000AED4 SymSetContext

97 60 0000AEEE SymSetOptions

98 61 0000AF08 SymSetSearchPath

100 62 0000AF3C SymUnDName

99 63 0000AF22 SymUnDName64

102 64 0000AF70 SymUnloadModule

101 65 0000AF56 SymUnloadModule64

103 66 0000705E TouchFileTimes

104 67 000054E5 UnDecorateSymbolName

105 68 0000772A UnMapAndLoad

106 69 0000AF8A UnmapDebugInformation

107 6A 00009C09 UpdateDebugInfoFile

108 6B 0000973A UpdateDebugInfoFileEx




1、Windows 95/98/Me系统,则复制到C:WindowsSystem目录下。

2、Windows NT/2000系统,则复制到C:WINNTSystem32目录下。

3、Windows XP系统,则复制到C:WindowsSystem32目录下。

三、然后打开“开始-运行-输入regsvr32 IMAGEHLP.dll”,回车即可解决错误提示!





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