词条 | 国际商务谈判(英语) |
释义 | 本系列教材是编委会精心策划、总结过教材建设经验的基础上,借鉴国内外同类经济做法,经过反复研究论证推出,具有“新、特、实、强”等特点。设计思路新颖,强调学以致用,突出“以学生为中心”的思想;力求创新写作体例和研究分析方法;观点内容着力体现前瞻性、动态性,并做到深度和广度适宜;课程体系体现涉外经济类专业特点,采用中文和英文相结合的办法,凸现双语教学特色;注重实践性、实用性、可操作性。编写教师阵容庞大,教学经验丰富,研究能力强。 作者:窦然 ISBN:10位[7309058933] 13位[9787309058932] 出版社:复旦大学出版社 出版日期:2008-2-1 定价:¥36.00 元 内容提要本书由12章组成,涉及国际商务谈判的各个环节和相关知识,如谈判的准备与开局、磋商策略、僵局化解、签约须知、语言技巧、心理素质、不同国家和地区谈判者的谈判风格和相关礼仪,等等。本书紧扣“国际”二字,围绕“应用”这个主题,将一个个生动的国际商谈案例串联于全书始终——每章先以开篇案例引出主题,接着在主要节目中穿插相关案例佐以分析,最后以结尾案例强化主题、归纳要点,提出问题与思考。全书用这种有节奏地将读者引入各种国际商务谈判情景的方式,以期达到持续激发读者学习兴趣、强化对谈判策略的理解和相关技巧掌握的目的。 鉴于本书的对象主要为中国高校生、进修生、来华留学生和从事涉外商务工作的相关人士,所用英文力求浅显通俗,层次结构力求清晰完整。课堂教学时还可结合多媒体方式、现实案例讨论和模拟谈判等形式,学活用活,触类旁通。 目录Chapter 1 An Overview of International Business Negotiation 1.1 Deftnition and Characteristics of International Business Negotiation 1.2 Forms of International Business Negotiation 1.3 The Basic Forms of International Business Negotiation Chapter 2 Game Principles of International Business Negotiation 2.1 Equal and Voluntary Participation 2.2 Credibility First 2.3 Mutual Reciprocity and Mutual Benefits 2.4 Maximizing Commonalities and Minimizing Differences 2.5 Speak on Good Grounds 2.6 Separate the People from the Problem Chapter 3 Preparation for International Business Negotiation 3.1 Collecting Information 3.2 Forming the Negotiation Team 3.3 Planning for Intemational Business Negotiation 3.4 Physical Preparations 3.5 Simulated Negotiations Chapter 4 Opening of International Business Negotiation 4.1 Creating a Right Negotiation Atmosphere 4.2 Opening Steps 4.3 Opening Strategies Chapter 5 Bargaining Process 5.1 Quotation 5.2 Bargaining 5.3 Making Compromise Chapter 6 Negotiation Strategies and Tactics 6.1 An Overview of Negotiation Strategies 6.2 Developing Your Strategy 6.3 Strategic Considerations 6.4 Common Gambits and Tactics 6.5 Useful Negotiation Strategies 6.6 What Tactics Will I Use? Chapter 7 Ways of Breaking an Impasse in Negotiation 7.1 Why Does Impasse Arise? 7.2 Conquer the Fear of Impasse 7.3 Avoid Provocation 7.4 Don’t Make Things Worse 7.5 Other Means of Dispute Handling Chapter 8 Language Skills in International Business Negotiation 8.1 Skills of Asking and Answering 8.2 Language Skills of Statement and Refutation 8.3 Skills of Body Languages Chapter 9 The Formation of Contracts 9.1 Identification and Means of Negotiation Closing 9.2 Conclusion and Guarantee of a Contract 9.3 Modification,Termination and Assignment of Contracts 9.4 Settlement of Disputes 9.5 AuthenticatiOn and Notarization of a Contract Chapter 10 Psychological Qualities and Creativity of the Negotiator 10.1 Psychological Qualities of the Effective Negotiator 10.2 Understanding Non—verbal Communication and Lies 10.3 Creativity and Problem—solving in Negotiation Chapter 11 Etiquette in International Business Negotiation 11.1 Negotiators as Hosts 11.2 Negotiators as Guests 11.3 We All Have to Follow! 11.4 Etiquette and Taboos in Different Cultures Chapter 12 International Business Negotiation Styles 12.1 Negotiation Styles in American Countries 12.2 The European Negotiation Styles 12.3 The Asian Negotiation Styles 12.4 The Middle.East Area Negotiation Styles 12.5 The African Negotiation Styles References 书摘be one of the major approaches to settling the conflicts. Today this is especiallythe case with the globalization of the world's economy. To get more irreproducibleresources and high-quality goods at low prices, to establish plants in a foreigncountry to circumvent trade barriers, to gain in the overseas capital markets, thesecross-border business activities of varied sizes and forms are impossible withoutnegotiation. 1.1 Definition and Characteristics of International Business. Negotiation The world we are living in is full of conflicts. There are two ways to resolvethe conflicts: one is the use of force and the other is negotiation. In the field ofinternational business, the era when one party manipulated the other by means ofviolence and force has long gone. Instead negotiating has become an effectiveapproach to resolving conflicts and adjusting interests. 1.1.1 Definition and characteristics of negotiation The word "Negotiation" derives from the Latin word "Negotiari", whichmeans "to do business". Now in a broad sense, negotiation refers to the actionand the process of reaching an agreement by means of exchanging ideas with theindention of dispelling conflicts and enhancing relationship to satisfy each other'sneeds. From the time memorial, home or abroad, a numerous varieties ofnegotiations have been conducted. Though negotiations vary in forms andcontents, they all demonstrate the following characteristics: (1) Every negotiation involves two or more than two parties Even though you can role-play another person to negotiate with yourself, thecounterpart you role-play is bound to represent interest different from yours. Ineffect, there are at least two or more key participants in a negotiation. The numberof the major parties in a negotiation, from the debate of the United Nations withmore than 200 members to a talk about marriage arrangements, may be as many asover a hundred, but absolutely never less than two. |
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