词条 | 郭永榔 |
释义 | 郭永榔,教授,博导。77级本科,84年山东大学物理化学专业电化学研究方向硕士研究生毕业,后获本专业博士学位。1997年赴德国太阳能氢研究中心进修和科研合作。 近况研究方向:目前主要从事电化学方向化学电源领域,金属表面处理,特别是铅酸蓄电池领域的基础及应用研究,现正在从事燃料电池的研究工作。 承担项目:主持承担了国家自然科学基金、省自然科学基金、“十五”军工预研子课题以及与德国的国际合作等基础应用研究项目,对铅电极上PbO层结构和动力学机理以及阀控式铅酸蓄电池中氧循环机理、快速充电等进行了深入的研究,在国际权威杂志上发表SCI论文20余篇,引用80余篇次。 横向合作:近年来研制开发了大中小型邮电通讯、UPS、电动汽车、铁路用阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池多种新产品,以及金属表面处理等。建立了厂校密切合作关系。 获奖项目:主持承担的项目获国家教委、山东省教委科技进步奖各一项,铁道部鉴定项目一项。 国际交流:多次出席国际铅酸蓄电池会议,大会宣读论文,并担任分会主席。目前已建立了与德国太阳能氢研究中心J.Garche教授以及保加利亚科学院院士D.Pavlov教授的密切国际合作关系。 学术组织中任职:现任国际铅酸蓄电池顾问委员会委员(1996-2005年三届),《蓄电池》杂志编委以及中国电池工业协会常务理事。 论文近年在SCI杂志上发表的论文目录: 1. The study of electrochemical properties of PbO film on lead in H2SO4. Yonglang Guo J. Electrochem. Soc., 138, 1222(1991). 2. The kinetics of the reduction processes of PbO film on Pb in H2SO4. Part 1. Potential step method. Yonglang Guo J. Electroanal. Chem., 317, 229 (1991). 3. The kinetics of the reduction processes of PbO film on Pb in H2SO4. Part 2. Linear sweep voltammetry. Yonglang Guo Electrochim. Acta, 37, 499 (1992). 4. The kinetics of the reduction processes of PbO film in H2SO4. Part 3. Potential step method on Pb-Ca alloy electrodes. Yonglang Guo J. Electroanal. Chem., 323, 117 (1992). 5. A new potential-pH diagram for an anodic film on Pb in H2SO4. Yonglang Guo J. Electrochem. Soc., 139, 2114 (1992). 6. The identification of the reduction peak of tetragonal PbO on Pb by laser Raman scattering and x-ray diffraction. Yonglang Guo, Jingeng Chen and Lixia Li J. Electrochem. Soc., 139, L-99(1992). 7. The kinetics of the reduction processes of PbO film in H2SO4. Part 4. Effects of Pb-Ca alloy electrodes. Yonglang Guo J. Electroanal. Chem., 341, 275 (1992) 8. The kinetics of the reduction processes of PbO film in H2SO4. Part 5. Potential step method on Pb-Sb alloy electrodes. Yonglong Guo J. Electroanal. Chem., 345, 337 (1993). 9. The kinetics of the reduction processes of PbO film in H2SO4. Part 6. Effects of Pb-Sb alloy electrodes. Yonglang Guo, Jinhua Yue and Changyi Liu Electrochim. Acta, 38, 1131 (1993). 10. The study of the corrosion of the negative plate lug with Pb-Sb alloy. Shounan Hua, Yonglang Guo and Zengrui Wang, J. Power Sources, 45(2), 131(1993). 11. Electrochemical properties of the basic lead sulfate layers on Pb in H2SO4. Yonglang Guo J. Electrochem. Soc., 140, 3369 (1993). 12. The kinetics of the oxidation processes of PbO film on Pb in H2SO4. I. The growth of PbSO4 layer. Yonglang Guo J. Electrochem. Soc., 142, 3643 (1995). 13. The kinetics of the oxidation processes of PbO film on Pb in H2SO4. II. The growth of PbSO4 and PbO layers. Yonglang Guo J. Electrochem. Soc., 142, 3378(1995). 14. The kinetics of the oxidation processes of PbO film on Pb in H2SO4. III. To study the growth of PbO layer by linear sweep voltammetry. Yonglang Guo, Shounan Hua, Haiwei Xu and Yanzhao Yang J.Electrochem.Soc., 143, 1157(1996). 15. The effects of sulfuric acid concentration on electrochemical behavior of PbO film. Yonglang Guo, Zhengli Wei and Shounan Hua Electrochim. Acta, 42, 979 (1997). 16. A study of passivation mechanism of negative plate in lead-acid batteries. Yonglang Guo, Mengdeng Wu and Shounan Hua J. Power Sources, 64, 65 (1997). 17. Rate-determining step investigations on oxidation processes of positive plate of valve regulated lead-acid batteries in the pulse charge. Yonglang Guo, R. Groiss, H. Doering and J. Garche J. Electrochem. Soc., 146, 3949 (1999). 18. The electrochemical behavior of PbSO4 with different structure on Pb Yonglang Guo, Lin Niu Shuyong Zhang and Shenhao Chen J. Power Sources, 85, 38(2000). And presentation in International Conference of LABAT’99, in Sofia. 19. Effects of Antimony on Formation Processes of 3PbO.PbSO4.H2O on Pb Qingjiang Sun and Yonglang Guo J. Electroanal. Chem., 493, 123 (2000). 20. The Behavior of Oxygen Transport in Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid Batteries with AGM Separator |
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