词条 | If I were a bird |
释义 | [If I were a bird」(又名《仆は、鸟になる》) 出处《CODE GEASS反逆的鲁鲁修R2(CODEGEASS反叛的鲁路修)》第19话。洛洛救鲁鲁修时的插曲 官方放出的有八音盒版和原版2个版本。 作者简介黒石ひとみ(Hitomi Kurioshi) 出身:石川县金沢市 血液型:B型 日本大学生产工学部管理工学科中退 出道19年(从第一部作品算起) 歌词「CODE GEASS反逆のルルーシュR2」插入歌 作词/作曲/编曲:黑石ひとみ(黑石瞳) 歌:HITOMI when I just can't find my way you are always there for me when I am out of my way you are always there for me when I just can't find my way you are always there for me when I am out of my way you are always there for me like a bird in the sky You set me free you give me one heart like a star in my night you'll always be a part of me when I just can't find my way you are always there you are always there you are always there for me... in my darkness dreams I hear you call me you give me the reason to live in my dirty heart I hear you call me and you reach out to carry me away no one can save my soul... only you like a bird in the sky You set me free you give me one heart like a star in my night you'll always be a part of me 暗い月 暗示する (昏暗之月暗示) その光の先では (这光芒的前方) 不确かな 存在の (我那不确定存在的) 仆の梦が 生まれ変わる (梦境正发生着改变) 急ぎ 生きるけど (虽然活得很匆忙) ごめんねーー( 对不起ーー) 鸟が空を 飞び回れるように (就像鸟儿在天空回旋那样) 仆は自由に 今なれるんだ (我如今能自由了) 仆は自由に 今なれるんだ (我如今能自由了) 鸟が空を 飞び回れるように (就像鸟儿在天空回旋那样) 仆は自由に 今なれるんだ (我如今能自由了) like a bird in the sky You set me free,you give me one heart like a star in my night you'll always be a part of me like a star in my night you'll always be a part of me 完整歌词: when I just can't find my way you are always there for me when I am out of my way you are always there for me when I just can't find my way you are always there for me when I am out of my way you are always there for me like a bird in the sky You set me free you give me one heart like a star in my night you'll always be a part of me when I just can't find my way you are always there you are always there you are always there for me... in my darkness dreams I hear you call me you give me the reason to live in my dirty heart I hear you call me and you reach out to carry me away no one can save my soul... only you like a bird in the sky You set me free you give me one heart like a star in my night you'll always be a part of me ----------------------------------------------------------------- 罗马音 ku ra wu tsu ki a n ji tsu du so no hi ga ri no sei ki de wa fu da shi ga na so n za i no bo ku no you me na wu ma re ga wa ru i so u ni i ki ru ge no go me n ne to ri ga so ra wo do bi ma wa re ru yu o ni bo ku wa ji yu u ni i ma ma re ru n da ---------------------------------------------------------------- You set me free ---------------------------------------------------------------- 罗马音 kuda o maika wu... bo ku wa ji yu u ni i ma ma re ru n da to ri ga so ra wo do bi ma wa re ru yu o ni bo ku wa ji yu u ni i ma ma re ru n da ---------------------------------------------------------------- like a bird in the sky You set me free,you give me one heart like a star in my night you'll always be a part of me like a star in my night you'll always be a part of me 情景洛洛:没事吧,哥哥 鲁鲁:洛洛 洛洛:哥哥,由我来保护 鲁鲁:住手,洛洛,够了 洛洛:绝对守护领域的计算没想到如此棘手。果然很厉害呀,我的哥哥 鲁鲁:洛洛,我已经没有活下去的理由了 洛洛:休想杀掉哥哥,绝对不许 鲁鲁:竟在这么广的范围内使用GEASS。洛洛,你的心脏受不了再折腾了 (背景音乐响起) 鲁鲁:已经够了,洛洛,我已经。。。 洛洛:不行啊,哥哥,因为。。。 鲁鲁:住。。。 洛洛:我一直都是别人的道具 鲁鲁:住手啊 罗罗 为什么要。。。 洛洛:我是教团的道具 鲁鲁:。。。救我。。。 洛洛:接着就是哥哥的。。。也许我是被哥哥所利用,但那段时间并非虚假 鲁鲁:。。。我只是将你。。。 洛洛:多亏了那段回忆 我才终于成为了一个人! 鲁鲁:。。。利用。。。洛洛! 洛洛:所以,我,已经 鲁鲁:住手,不要使用GEASS,你想死吗 洛洛:我不是道具!这是我自己的意志! (地点切换至树林) 鲁鲁:洛洛,为什么要救我,我只是将你。。。 洛洛:因为哥哥,是个骗子 鲁鲁:呃 洛洛:是骗我的吧,说想要杀我。说你讨厌我 鲁鲁:这样啊,都被你看穿了啊。不愧是我的弟弟 洛洛:是。。。啊。。。只要是哥哥的事,我都十分。。。了解。。。 (洛洛闭眼) 鲁鲁:啊,是的。你的哥哥是个骗子 ................................................... 鲁鲁:娜娜莉 罗罗 夏莉 黑色骑士团 我失去了一切 这就是最终的结果 不 是报应吗 但是 正因如此 谢谢你罗罗 你救下的 我这条命 我还有必须要做的事情啊 没错 我要....... 我父皇 查尔斯.迪.不列颠 陪我一起下地狱吧 这就是.. (完) |
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