

词条 郭俊明



主要从事肿瘤分子生物学、基因诊断与基因治疗等方面的研究。近年来,主持完成和在研国家和省部级科研课题5项,如国家自然科学基金项目“中国畲族人群DNA多态性研究”(39360024)、“胃癌相关piRNA的鉴定及其诊断价值分析” (30872420);浙江省自然科学基金项目“胃癌组织中Hiwi相互作用RNA的鉴定及其功能分析”(Y207240);浙江省科技攻关项目“新型胃癌标志物的筛选与胃癌诊断试剂的研制” (2008C33020)等。



1. Guo J, Jiang C, Wang Z, Lee HJ, Hu H, Malewicz B, Lee HJ, Lee JH, Baek NI, Jeong JH, Kim DK, Kang KS, Kim SH, Lu J. A novel class of pyranocoumarin anti-androgen receptor signaling compounds. Mol Cancer Ther. 2007;6(3):907-17. (SCI,IF 5.003)

2. Jiang C, Guo J, Wang Z, Xiao B, Lee HJ, Lee EO, Kim SH, Lu J. Decursin and decursinol angelate inhibit estrogen-stimulated and estrogen-independent growth and survival of breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Res. 2007;9(6):R77. (SCI,IF 5.052; Contributed equally)

3. Guo J*, Xiao B, Zhang X, Jin Z, Chen J, Qin L, Mao X, Shen G, Chen H, Liu Z. Combined use of positive and negative immunomagnetic isolation followed by real-time RT-PCR for detection of the circulating tumor cells in patients with colorectal cancers. J Mol Med. 2004;82(11):768-74. (SCI IF 4.37)

4. Xiao B, Guo J*, Miao Y, Jiang Z, Huan R, Zhang Y, Li D, Zhong J. Detection of miR-106a in gastric carcinoma and its clinical significance. Clin Chim Acta. 2009;400(1-2):97-102. (SCI IF 2.96)

5. Xiao B, Guo J*, Liu D, Zhang S. Aloe-emodin induces in vitro G2/M arrest and alkaline phosphatase activation in human oral cancer KB cells. Oral Oncol. 2007;43(9):905-10. (SCI IF 2.928)

6. Yao F, Guo JM*, Xu CF, Lou YL, Xiao BX, Zhou WH, Chen J, Hu YR, Liu Z, Hong GF. Detecting AFP mRNA in peripheral blood of the patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, liver cirrhosis and hepatitis. Clin Chim Acta. 2005;361(1-2):119-27. (SCI IF 2.96)

7. Guo J*, Miao Y, Xiao B, Huan R, Jiang Z, Meng D, Wang Y. Differential expression of microRNA species in human gastric cancer versus non-tumorous tissues. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2009;24(4):652-7. (SCI IF2.275)

8. Guo J*, Yao F, Lou Y, Xu C, Xiao B, Zhou W, Chen J, Hu Y, Liu Z. Detecting carcinoma cells in peripheral blood of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma by immunomagnetic beads and rt-PCR. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2007;41(8):783-8. (SCI IF 2.775)

9. Guo J*, Xiao B, Zhang S, Liu D, Liao Y, Sun Q. Growth inhibitory effects of gastric cancer cells with an increase in S phase and alkaline phosphatase activity repression by aloe-emodin. Cancer Biol Ther. 2007;6(1):85-8. (SCI IF 2.761)

10. Guo J*, Xiao B, Lou Y, Yan C, Zhan L, Wang D, Zhao W. Antitumor effects of all-trans-retinoic acid on cultured human pancreatic cancer cells. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2006 Feb;21(2):443-8. (SCI IF 2.275)

11. Guo J*, Xiao B, Jin Z, Qin L, Chen J, Chen H, Zhang X, Liu Z. Detection of cytokeratin 20 mRNA in the peripheral blood of patients with colorectal cancer by immunomagnetic bead enrichment and real-time reverse transcriptase-polymeras chain reaction. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2005;20(8):1279-84. (SCI IF 2.275)

12. Guo JM*, Xiao BX, Liu DH, Grant M, Zhang S, Lai YF, Guo YB, Liu Q. Biphasic effect of daidzein on cell growth of human colon cancer cells. Food Chem Toxicol. 2004;42(10):1641-6. (SCI IF 2.321)

13. Guo J*, Xiao B, Liu Q, Gong Z, Le Y. Suppression of C-myc Expression Associates with Anti-Proliferation of Aloe-Emodin on Gastric Cancer Cells. Cancer Investigation, 2008 26:4, 369 – 374 (SCI IF1.976)

14. Guo JM*, Xiao BX, Liu Q, Zhang S, Liu DH, Gong ZH. Anticancer effect of aloe-emodin on cervical cancer cells involves G2/M arrest and induction of differentiation. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2007 Dec;28(12):1991-5. (SCI IF 1.676)

15. Lu J, Kim SH, Jiang C, Lee H, Guo J. Oriental herbs as a source of novel anti-androgen and prostate cancer chemopreventive agents. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2007;28(9):1365-72. (SCI IF 1.676)

16. Xiao B, Guo J*, Lou Y, Meng D, Zhao W, Zhang L, Yan C, Wang D. Inhibition of growth and increase of alkaline phosphatase activity in cultured human oral cancer cells by all-trans retinoic acid. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2006;35(7):643-8. (SCI IF 1.487)

17. Guo JM*, Xiao BX, Kang GZ, Liu DH, Chen H, Zhang S, Zhang XN. Suppression of telomerase activity and arrest at G1 phase in human cervical cancer HeLa cells by all-trans retinoic acid. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2006 Jan-Feb;16(1):341-6. (SCI IF 1.932)

18. Malewicz B, Wang Z, Jiang C, Guo J, Cleary MP, Grande JP, Lü J. Enhancement of mammary carcinogenesis in two rodent models by silymarin dietary supplements. Carcinogenesis. 2006;27(9):1739-47. (SCI,IF 4.93)

19. Jiang C, Lee HJ, Li GX, Guo J, Malewicz B, Zhao Y, Lee EO, Lee HJ, Lee JH, Kim MS, Kim SH, Lu J. Potent antiandrogen and androgen receptor activities of an Angelica gigas-containing herbal formulation: identification of decursin as a novel and active compound with implications for prevention and treatment of prostate cancer. Cancer Res. 2006 Jan 1;66(1):453-63. (SCI,IF 7.514)

20. Guo JM*, Kang GZ, Xiao BX, Liu DH, Zhang S. Effect of daidzein on cell growth, cell cycle, and telomerase activity of human cervical cancer in vitro. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2004;14(5):882-8. (SCI IF 1.932)




1. 郭俊明、肖丙秀、刘东海、楼燕茹、赖依峰、张顺、刘琼、汪东辉、詹丽、严春红. 浙江省科学技术奖.用现代分子生物学技术阐明常见营养成分的抗癌机制.2008年度.三等奖.

2. 郭俊明、肖丙秀、张新军、陈健、楼燕茹、徐长风. 浙江省科技奖.外周血中微量消化系统恶性肿瘤细胞的分析及其临床应用.2006年度.三等奖.

3. 郭俊明、肖丙秀、张新军、陈健、楼燕茹、徐长风. 浙江省医药卫生科技创新奖.外周血中微量消化系统恶性肿瘤细胞的分析.2006年度.一等奖.

4. 郭俊明、肖丙秀、刘东海、赖依峰、张顺、刘琼. 浙江省高校科研成果奖.大豆苷原防治常见恶性肿瘤的研究.2007年度.一等奖.

5. 肖丙秀 郭俊明 楼燕茹 刘东海 汪东辉 詹丽 严春红. 宁波市科技进步奖.全反式维甲酸诱导分化实体瘤分子机制的系列研究.2008年度.三等奖.







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