

词条 郭得平



先后主持和参加国家自然科学基金、农业部及浙江省科委等科研项目8项。已在国内、外专业刊物上发表研究论文40多篇,合著3部。1997年获农业部科技进步三等奖一项(<<水生蔬菜新品种选育及配套栽培技术>>)和浙江省教委科技进步奖一项(<<榨菜的生物学及雄性不育特性的研究>>), 2005年获浙江省科技进步奖一项(<<水生蔬菜新品种引选及其优质高效栽培技术研究与开发>>)。期间, 2000年10月赴韩国安东大学进行葱蒜类蔬菜作物分子生物学方面的合作研究。2001年10月受国家留学基金委公派,赴荷兰Wageningen大学国际植物研究所(Plant Research International)合作研究,主要从事蔬菜植物分子生物学方面的研究工作。


蔬菜作物生理(蔬菜高产优质栽培的生理基础及相应的技术, 植物发育的生态生理因子,生物胁迫对植物生长及生理过程的影响及其生物化学基础; 水生蔬菜茭白、莲藕的新品种选育及栽培技术);器官发育生理(如对薯芋类蔬菜块茎形影响成的生态生理因子, 内源激素的调节作用有较系统的研究);植物激素对园艺(蔬菜)植物生长发育的调节(包括外源和内源激素对生长,有机物代谢等生理过程的调节);植物抗病基因及代谢关键基因的克隆、功能分析及对园艺(蔬菜)植物的遗传转化(TuMV病毒外壳基因的克隆,芸薹属蔬菜的遗传转化进行了较为系统的研究).


1. Guo Yanping, Peng yan, Guo Deping, Hu Meijun, et al. Different pathways are involved in the enhancement of photosynthetic rate by sodium bisulfite and benzyladenine,a case study with strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch) plants. Plant Growth Regulation, 2005,45:( in press )

2. Wang QM, Yuan GF, Sun HY, ZhaoPQ, Liu Yang, Guo DP. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of spermidine synthasegene during sex reversal induced by Ethrel in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Plant Science 2005, 169: 768–775

3. Guo Deping, Zhu Zhujun, Hu Xiaoxiang,et al,Effect of cytokinins on shoot regeneration from cotyledon and leaf segment of stem mustard Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2005, 83 :123-127

4. GUO Yanping,Guo Deping, Peng Yan,et al,Photosynthetic responses of radish plants to infection by turnip mosaic virus Photosynthetica, 2005, 43:457-462

5. Zhou Yaohong, Guo Deping, Zhu Zhujun, Qian Qiongqiu,Effects of in vitro rooting environments and irradiance on growth and photosynthesis of strawberry plantlets during acclimatization. Plant Cell,Tissue and Organ Culture, 2005, 81 :105-108

6. Guo Deping, Guo Yanping,Zhao Jianping,et al,Photosynthetic rate and chrophyll fluorescence in leaves of stem mustard after turnip mosaic virus infection Plant Science , 2005, 168:57-63

7. Guo Deping, Shah GA, et al,The interaction of plant growth regulators and vernalization on the growth and flowering of cauliflower Plant Growth Regulation,2004,43:163-171

8. Guo Deping, SUN Yunzi , Involvement of polyamines in cytoplamic male sterility in stem mustard Plant Growth Regulation, 2003, 41 :33-40

9. Guo Deping, Sun Yunzi ,Estimation of leaf area of stem lettuce from linear measurements Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2001, 71:483-486

10. Al-aghabary Khalid, Guo Deping, Zhu Zhujin,Effect of growth regulators on plantlet regeneration and bulbing in onion in vitro Pakistan Journal of biological sciences , 2001, 4 :374-377

11. Guo Deping, Jiang Youtiao, Zeng Guangwen, Shah GA,Stem swelling of stem mustard, as affected by temperature and growth regulators Scientia Horticulturae, 1994, 60: 153-160

12. ShahGA, Guo Deping, Zeng Guangwen,Curd formation and flowering of plantlets regenerated from cauliflower curd explants HortScience, 1993, 28 : 677





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