词条 | 鬼马小精灵 |
释义 | 鬼马小精灵是一部以鬼怪幽灵为题材的儿童卡通电影,它以独特的视角、幽默诙谐的表现手法将长时期以来人类隐晦的话题展现在小朋友面前,充满童真童趣,是迪斯尼的一部经典之作。 中文名:鬼马小精灵 外文名:Casper 其它译名:卡斯珀,鬼马小巫师 出品公司:Argentina Video Home (AVH) 制片地区:美国 类型:奇幻,家庭,喜剧 片长:100分钟 上映时间:1995年5月26日 上映日期国家或地区 上映日期 美国 1995年05月26日 1995 澳大利亚1995年06月15日 1995 西班牙1995年07月04日 1995 阿根廷1995年07月06日 1995 秘鲁1995年07月13日 1995 荷兰 1995年07月14日 1995 德国 1995年07月20日 1995 葡萄牙 1995年07月21日 1995 丹麦 1995年07月28日 1995 英国1995年07月28日 1995 爱沙尼亚1995年08月04日 1995 芬兰 1995年08月04日 1995 瑞典 1995年08月25日 1995 波兰 1995年09月01日 1995 法国 1995年10月04日 1995 参与机构制作公司 Universal Pictures [us] Amblin Entertainment [us] The Harvey Entertainment Company 发行公司 Universal Pictures [us] CIC-Taft Home Video [au] CIC Vídeo [br] Argentina Video Home (AVH) [ar] United International Pictures (UIP) [ar] United International Pictures y Cía. S.R.C. [es] 特技公司 Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) [us] 其他公司 Skywalker Sound [us] 演职人员幕后团队导演: 布拉德·塞伯宁Brad Silberling 主演: 克里斯蒂娜·里奇Christina Ricci 比尔·普尔曼Bill Pullman 编剧Deanna Oliver (written by) Sherri Stoner (written by) & 制片人史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格 executive producer Paul Deason associate producer 杰夫·富兰克林 co-producer 吉罗·莫林 executive producer Jeffrey A. Montgomery executive producer Steve Waterman co-producer Colin Wilson producer 原创音乐James Horner Ray Colcord (additional music) (uncredited) 改编音乐Erich Wolfgang Korngold (from "Sea Hawk, The (1940)") (sword-fight cue) Richard Wagner (from "Die Walküre") 摄像师Dean Cundey 电影剪辑Michael Kahn 协调剧组人员Nancy Nayor 造型设计Leslie Dilley 艺术指导Daniel Maltese Ed Verreaux 布景师Rosemary Brandenburg 服装设计Rosanna Norton 化妆师Judith A. Cory key hair stylist Christina Smith makeup artist 制片主管Paul Deason unit production manager Steven R. Molen production supervisor 助理导演Steve E. Andrews first assistant director Pamela Cederquist second second assistant director Maura McKeown dga trainee Michele Panelli-Venetis second assistant director 美术Ken Abraham assistant property master (uncredited) Yarek Alfer head sculptor Lori Ashcraft art department coordinator Carlo Basail greens crafts service 拉塞尔·鲍伯特 property master Daren Dochterman property illustrator (uncredited) Tom Ivanjack painter Frank McEldowney greens supervisor James P. Meehan set dresser Robert Misetich set paint foreman Greg Papalia assistant art director Jacques Rey illustrator Terry Sheffield drapery foreman Brett C. Smith leadman William H. Phen Jr. propmaker gangboss Kent Jones paint foreman 音效Gary Rydstrom sound re-recording mixer Shawn Murphy sound re-recording mixer Sandina Bailo-Lape foley editor Tom Barwick foley artist Sara Bolder dialogue editor Christopher Boyes assistant sound designer Lindakay Brown assistant adr editor Lisa Chino assistant dialogue editor Dean Drabin adr mixer Tony Eckert foley recordist Teresa Eckton sound effects editor Dan Engstrom assistant sound effects editor Frank E. Eulner sound editor Andre Fenley apprentice sound editor Ray Gillon dubbing supervisor (foreign versions) (uncredited) J.R. Grubbs assistant sound effects editor Ruth Hasty assistant supervising sound editor Richard Hymns supervising sound editor Susan Popovic assistant foley editor Ronald G. Roumas sound re-recordist (uncredited) Christopher Scarabosio assistant dialogue editor Michael Silvers dialogue editor Gary Summers sound re-recording mixer Dennie Thorpe foley artist Hugh Waddell adr supervisor Charles M. Wilborn sound mixer 特技师Randy Cabral special effects Kim Derry special effects technician Raul Essig technical assistant Michael Lantieri special effects supervisor 瑞克·拉兹利尼 ghost replicas Matt McDonnell special effects technician Tom Pahk special effects foreman Brian Tipton special effects: first unit (owner and operator of Casper's childhood train) Harish Mandyam special effects (uncredited) 视觉特效师Ronn Brown CG technical assistant (uncredited) TyRuben Ellingson effects art director Roger Guyett senior technical director Philip Edward Alexy CG animator Mike Amron digital effects artist Michael Bauer digital effects artist: ILM John Andrew Berton Jr. supervising digital effects artist Bruce D. Buckley CGI modeler Megan I. Carlson visual effects production assistant Marc Cooper digital effects artist: ILM Lou Dellarosa digital character animator Vicki L. Engel visual effects coordinator 斯蒂芬·范米尔 digital character co-supervisor Scott Farrar visual effects plate supervisor Miguel A. Fuertes supervising character animator Gerald Gutschmidt digital effects artist Michael J. Halsted visual effects coordinator Janet Healy visual effects producer Sandy Houston digital roto and paint supervisor George Hull storyboard artist Daniel Jeannette character animator Marshall Richard Krasser digital rotoscoper: ILM Henry LaBounta senior CG supervisor Peter Lepeniotis animator Joe Letteri CG supervisor John Lewis software Robert Marinic digital effects artist Stuart T. Maschwitz digital artist Dennis Muren digital character supervision Ken Nielsen visual effects Kevin Rafferty supervising digital effects artist Erik Chr. Schmidt digital character animator Ben Snow technical director Jeffrey James Varab digital character animator Kevin Willmering digital rotoscope and paint: ILM Heidi Zabit digital artist Ken Satchel King character animator 特技演员Georgia Durante stunt double: Cathy Moriarty Anita Hart stunts Gary Hymes stunt coordinator Larry Nicholas stunts Pat Romano stunt rigger Birgit K. Schier stunts Myke Schwartz stunts Gunter Simon stunts 其他职员Michael Fallavollita assistant editor Kristen Anacker costumer Eric Armstrong animation director Jeffrey Benedict technical assistant Toby Blue assistant to director Clyde E. Bryan first assistant camera: "a" camera Denny Caira transportation coordinator Vincent Contarino dimmer board operator Don Davis orchestrator Sandy DeCrescent orchestra contractor Debbie DeRango casting associate Rory Enke location scout 安妮·弗莱彻 dancer Dori Greenberg set production assistant Paul Griffin animator 阿内特·霍华德-卡特 script supervisor Chris Johnson film loader Ian Kelly video engineer J.M. Kenny assistant production coordinator Chris Lowden casting assistant Greig McRitchie orchestrator Todd Morris production assistant Phil Nibbelink animation director Michael Orefice gaffer Joseph Oriolo characters: based on book "Casper the Friendly Ghost" Oskar Urretabizkaia animator Jim Passon color timer Ana Maria Quintana script supervisor Christopher Raimo production assistant Matt Rebenkoff set production assistant Seymour Reit character creator: based on book "Casper the Friendly Ghost" Mikael Romano production assistant Stephen Sfetku second assistant camera 亚当·山克曼 choreographer Anne Marie Stein unit publicist Raymond Stella director of photography: second unit Robert West assistant to producer Kenneth D. Zunder additional photographer 演员列表丹·阿克罗伊德 Dr. Raymond Stantz (uncredited) 克林特·伊斯特伍德 Himself (uncredited) 梅尔·吉布森 Himself (uncredited) 埃米·布伦尼曼 Amelia Harvey 罗德尼·丹泽菲尔德 Himself 埃里克·艾多尔 Paul 'Dibbs' Plutzker 凯西·莫拉蒂 Carrigan Crittenden 戴文·萨瓦 Casper on Screen 布拉德·加瑞特 Fatso (voice) 乔·阿尔斯基 Stinkie (voice) J.J. Anderson Student #2 Doug Bruckner Reporter (voice) Michael Dubrow Student #1 Jess Harnell Arnold (voice) Garette Ratliff Henson Vic DePhillippi John Kassir The Crypt Keeper (voice) Chauncey Leopardi Nicky Michael McCarty Drunk in Bar Ernestine Mercer Harvey Patient Being Interviewed Terry Murphy Herself ('Hard Copy') Joe Nipote Stretch (voice) Don Novello Father Guido Sarducci Malachi Pearson Casper (McFadden) (voice) Fred Rogers Mr. Rogers Mike Simmrin Phantom Ben Stein Mr. Rugg Wesley Thompson Mr. Curtis Spencer Vrooman Andreas Jessica Wesson Amber Whitmire Micah Winkelspecht Student 剧情介绍英文剧情Furious that her late father only willed her his gloomy-looking mansion rather than his millions, Carrigan Crittenden (Moriarty) is ready to burn the place to the ground when she discovers a map to a treasure hidden in the house. But when she enters the rickety mansion to seek her claim, she is frightened away by a wicked wave of ghosts. Determined to get her hands on this hidden fortune, she hires afterlife therapist Dr. James Harvey (Pullman) to exorcise the ghosts from the mansion. Harvey and his daugh- ter Kat (Ricci) move in, and soon Kat meets Casper, the ghost of a young boy who's "the friendliest ghost you know." But not so friendly are Casper's uncles--Stretch, Fatso and Stinkie--who are determined to drive all "fleshies" away. Ultimately, it is up to Harvey and Kat to help the ghosts cross over to the other side. 中文剧情在缅因州的古旧庄园——威普斯塔夫里居住着胖子、瘦子、斯特里奇三个幽灵和他们善良的侄子——小精灵卡斯伯。这座庄园的继承人卡里根贪得无厌,为了消灭这几个幽灵,请来了著名的鬼魂研究家哈维博士,而哈维博士的女儿凯特却与小卡斯伯建立了极好的友谊。一次偶然的机会,他们发现了一种有生命的机器,卡里根在跟踪下也发现了这个秘密。卡里根将自己变成幽灵,想获得宝贝,但他最终失败了。最后这部卡斯伯父亲的复生机器被卡斯伯用来去拯救哈维博士。本片是一部真人与动画人物合演的电影,有很多滑稽的情节。全片特技出色,把男女小主人公之间的关系,用极为图像化的特技表现出来,很可爱。 精彩对白Casper: Come with me if you want to live. Casper: There's a girl, in my bed, YES. Dibs: If there's one thing that I've learned from you, it's "always kick 'em when they're down". And baby, you're six feet under. Oh, what a shame. Kat: In two years I have been to nine different schools, eaten in nine cafeterias. I can't even remember anyone's name. Dr. Harvey: Honey, I think it's time that we sat down and had a little talk. Kat: It's a little late for that, Dad. Dr. Harvey: How late? Kat: Oh, don't worry, not that late. Casper: God, I'd kill for a pinky. Three ghosts: It's my party and I'll die if I want do, die if I want to. You will die too, when it happens to you. Casper: I told you I was a good dancer. Can I keep you? Kat: Casper? Dr. Raymond Stantz: Who you gonna call?... Someone else. Kat: Drop dead. Stretch: Too Late. [Casper sitting on his old sled, takes his baseball cap off] Casper: I begged and begged my dad to give me this sled, but, be acted like I couldn't even have it, because I didn't know how to ride. But then one morning, I came down for breakfast and there it was! Just for me, for no reason at all. I took it out... went sledding all day... my dad said "That's enough" but I couldn't stop I was having so much fun... it got late... got dark... got cold... and I got sick... my dad got sad... Kat: What's it like to die? Casper: Like... being born, only backwards... I remember, I didn't go where I was supposed to go... I just stayed behind, so my dad wouldn't be lonely Kat: Sometimes I worry that I'm starting to forget. Casper: Forget what? Kat: My mom. Just certain things. The sound of her making breakfast downstairs. The way she'd put on her lipstick, so carefully. I do remember... she always used Ivory soap, and when she'd hug me, I'd breathe her in, so deep. And I remember before I'd go to sleep she'd whisper in my ear, "Stars in the eyes, rosy cheeks, and a happy girl in the morning."... Casper? Casper: Hmm? Kat: If my mom's a ghost, did she forget about me? Casper: No. She'd never forget you. Amelia: For what you've done, I'm giving you your dream in return. But it's only for tonight. Sort of a Cinderella deal. Casper: So I have until midnight? Amelia: Ten. Casper: Hey, Cinderella had until midnight. Amelia: Cinderella wasn't twelve years old. Casper: All I want's a friend. Kat: You guys are disgusting, obnoxious creeps. Stretch, Fatso, Stinkie: Thank you. [After seeing a ghost] Kat: Dad, I'm sorry. Dr. Harvey: For what? Kat: For not believing you, for thinking you were a total loser. Dr. Harvey: Aww honey... apologize later! Amelia: James, I know you have been searching for me, but there's something you must understand. You and Kat loved me so well when I was alive that I have no unfinished business, please don't let me be yours. [Dr Harvey has died and come back as a ghost] Dr. Harvey: Look at me! I've never felt so great in my life, I can fly! [He crashes into the floor] Fatso: Rookie! Kat: I can see right through you. Casper: Yeah, kind of happens when you haven't got any skin. Three Ghosts: [brandishing swords] All for one and one for all! Stretch: Catch your pants before they fall! Casper: Kat? if I were alive, would you go to the Halloween dance with me? Kat: Mm hmm. Casper: Kat? [whispers] Casper: Can I keep you? |
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